r PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March 25, iqiQ HIS SWADDLING CLOTHES Tc".-- mini 1 nTTTTTO iTja .- v ! studying It and are paid good salaries j fo. teaching the principles of It to the men who are going to run the nation tomorrow. Finance Is net the ViB'nesi of the wiseacre who serevs i'-rn te cor ners of his mouth and says, "Let the banks do It." Rette- take the advice of scientists who krew. THE STATE CHAMBER ' .i... I,.,, ,, BRITISH EXPERT PROFESSOBS OF ANALYZES WAR FINANCE WARN SAVINGS WORK NO BANK LOAN A rolling stone gathers no moss, but Victory Liberty Bond will serve your self and America. Civilization was rests upon thrift. Large Number of Investors Gives Greater Stability to Financial Situation. Of the benefit 1o ti nation of popu lar Investment in government securi ties of Kinall denominations, a Ktu dent of tho British Wnr Savimrs movement writes: "As the nation's power to save and iicciimulalo capital depends upon an excess of income over neeen.sary ex pendltuiG and as this power to save In obviously greater amongst, the well-to-do, It is imperative that future propagandist work Bhoulcl be con ducted amongst the upper and middle classes no loss than amongst the wage earners. "Tho work must also be continued amongst tho wage earners, fo- ob vious reasons. We all realize tho advantages to be derived by the stuto from tho more even distribution of wealth which an increase In the number or small Investors Implies. We all realize the greater stability which a largo number of small In vestors nniBt give to the financial situation. It Is certain also that wise spending and saving amongst the manses of the people tends to In crease their efficiency and develop their self-respect. It must also result in the growth of a more efficient race of producors In the next generation. In this direction wise spending may ultimately have no loss benotlclal -ffoets than saving although not so Immediately adding to tho material wealth of tho nation." There Is food for tfcoti'.'.ht In thU for tho people of tho nation with our War ifuvlniia Stumps so a-eisnlblo. leav.es legs in fRAKC?; DANCES FGXiilGT HERE U. of C. and Stanford Experts Point the Way to Sound Reconstruct-on Finance The banks of the United States must ho left free to finance the reconstruc tion of productive enterprise arr must I noi be cluttered up with the Victory I Liberty Loan. That is the composite, j thought-out cpkilcn of two of the I '-Void's mojit nototl professors of ! finance, Carl C. Flehn, profp:-;sor of I finance In the University of California, I and Murray L. AViUiman, head of the department of economics and finance of Stanford University. Both agree that tho money needed to finish paying Cor the war should not come out of working capital, but should bo raised out of individual savings of humble and wealthy. "If the peoplo take the Loan, as they must," Professor flehn says, "the banks will be left free to lend to the manufacturer, tho farmer, tho grocer, the batcher, and tho baiter, no that they can get busy again on a peace time basis. Then production and busi ness will grow and. by the formula, prices will come to normal. If we 'leave It to the banks,' they will have m funds left for business, big or lit tle. We. ourselves, will not profit and the clay of our redemption will only be postponed." Professor Wllclman, whose ability caused him to ho called from Stan ford to Washington for war flnnnco service. tmnos with the California economlbt. uddln; "Jt would btt a crave mistake to paddle the banks of the country with the Victory Ixian at this tlmo." When two professor acsree. It's time to sit up and take notice. When two professors not only agree with each other, but agree with the Oover.i ment, that settles It. Finance Is their business particularly Government finance. They have spent their lives. Leper Colony Reaches C62 Psr Capita w. s. s. Hawaii's War Saving Stcnris reports for the year ending -e-"T cr 31, 1918, show total salas of J2,020,C)0 worth of War Savings Stamps coM. which Is $20,000 over their qucta. Two thousand dollars of this amount was sold to thirty-two lepers at tho Penlkese Island Lener Colony, which amounts to $62 per capita, or three times more than the per capita quota for the United States, namely: $20. "Every man is the architect 'of his own fortune." f-allust. 'Thrift is one of tho cornerstones nn which manhood must be constructed." -Henry Ford. founded and still Save for the sake of yourself and our country. POWER OF MUSIC Make a large place in your life for music, and it will bring you a priceless reward. All the desires of your heart will come closer as you become attuned to the rhythm and harmony of life. In the hours of rest music will up lift your spirit anil give refreshment to every' faculty of your being. In the hour of work you will rejoice In the strength anil energy which mu sic has given you. In the hour of jubilee music will bring you thrills of delight that cum t"nsnte for all that is dull and com monplace. In the hour of prayer music will quicken the aspirations of your soul and, perfume your life with the breath of heaven. In tho hour of fellowship music will blend your spirit with others lu unity and understanding. In the hour of love music will en rich your heart with feelings that magnify the meaning of existence. In the hour of memory music will nnsenl tho treasure of the past and bring a sacred glory to the present. The state-wide campaign for mem bers for the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce is on full blast. The state has been thoroughly organized and before the end of next weelc it Is expected there will be several thousand new members enrolled. Although the actual campaign for members does not begin until next Monday, the workers in some sec tions report their quota already fill ed and that the actual drive in those sections will produce additional members. The "flying squadron" of speakers Is hard at work, and the splendid cooperation of county and city managers will produce results of a most pleasing nature. George Quayle, the general secre tary, is highly optimistic. "The state chamber," he said, "is out to do big things and is not going to dis appoint thost loyal Oregonians who are putting their shoulder to the wheel. The state chamber is goin;? to make Oregon a bigger and better and a more prosperous state than it ever has been. It is not going to play any favorites and it is not going to be dhe tool of politicians and self seekers, it is going to co-operate in future legislative matters for th? good of the state, just as itdid in the session of the legislature just closed. The organization made a wonderful progress at Salem and as its aims and objects become better known to the people and to the members of future legislatures, still better re sults will be had." Portland Commerce. IS. The time will soon iVlr. here Owner MEDALS KOIt AVO.MEX WORKERS Treasury war loan organization has made two million medals out of captured German canon for Victory Loan Workers. Instruct all your county and city chairmen to s'end in their authorized lists of workers to you, then forward these lists to Fed eral Reserve Chairman of your dis trict. Federal Reserve Chairman will upon receipt of list and arrival of medal shipments from factories send county and city chairmen num ber certified. Advise that you in struct your local chairmen to se cure all possible pubicity concerning medal awards. Instruct them also that every worker must be listed hi order to secure a medal. $1000.00 Buys a 27x132 business lot ad- Joining the Palace hotel property See W. W. SHAMHART. 4 5tf When you will want your car in order to enjoy the nice spring and summer evenings. Road.5 are getting good and the going will soon be fine. Don't wait until the last moment before having , your repair work done. rine Your Car in And we will have it in ship-shape for you in a very short time. We will save you that long wait and at the same time we will not have to rush it through. Your car needs overhauling and we are the ones who should do it. . . Ask any man who is particu lar about his car. He gets his work done here. Hill & Johns' Garage . HEPPNER, OREGON 'nets .6 ! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE FDBWABDINB HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Read The Herald, $2 Per Year In the hour of death music will i spcuk to you of a life filled with on eternity of Joy and song. In the hour of vision music will give power and scope to your Imagination and bring luto rculltj- the things that were not. In thp hour of high purpose music will summon the potentialities of your oul ami urge them forwurd to greut ind glorlou achievement. Such Is the power of music; to thin power open the doors of your soul and here will enter Into your life a grest er fulness of all that makes for prog esK and Joy. 111! - 1 . t Unci 2 Sam Gives Soldier Boy New Lc:se on L;fe. Lllllard Kvitis Is a colored Mildler Imy who h.i.l both I, m blown of n ac tion, lie i vim for the piceul nt Let- cumin ( :,nil li.mpltui nt the pre Hl.llo In Sri ti rriincisin ran slid Iocs d un i' fox train uml cue Htee ll.)W? Why? (If com,,,. , ,.,, f,. tril, (,r n nmi !!', .1 fellow nii l.i h ive e ; K,Hlj li ;i Well, i:u-is hiM tin-in- nut hi oil I.-hm of tli ;,h n nd bone. , hi own willow Ii-.h illi JoliiN n iil reiythliiK. He Is itiilm; In I,. I.etli rui in pretty heuii nmi Kn lm k iii wu'k Bil l iniiKe hi" IIvIiik iiii.I prnlinHy n-t unirrl.-d ninl r iln children That's lli Imw. Tin. why of It s- (he komm iin,..nt f llui I'ulleil Huteit lui (juno In ff ,.g urn! arm tints n,- i , KinK , ,,,. illly built i or nrtn or huml or llr of Ii-ks or rm or lisiid? to every mil. Hit who lout his I. ks ,r uriim In thf war. At Ittiriiisn In piirtli-iilsr thev sre tnnktiirt hm stul arm and hsniln In their imti workshop They urn nmk In them Iwrtiw they have hit nimn a U-iler artlfli-UI llnih thim the private lii.iiiufiu-tiir. is a turiilnK out. lint e. 'i'illiK thn 'Liberty whlili the Kuveriiiiienl mippli,-, n moat rnaes This Is one phnw of the rii-unM ruc tion work flint l iirle Hum la quietly isrrvliiK on It U cue ..f Hie l,.n,f r. tinlv, tint II la cilln hnnilr.'iW ef thiiunta of i1,i!(ira lii-iiirtntM-r ihst when I'lu le K im come k.x kin nt mir iloor wi'h the Vl.t.rr Ltun I Mtlih if the money ,u nil la K'll'a lii roi-eiet ite l'i. in who Ke ef di.-ir ti.. h m f, their ciHiniir 8 if t i i WADCO COFFEE 'It's certainly good." l.i 2, 3 and 5 pound tins. Sam Hughes X Company Distributors, HEPPNER OREGON K T 'i K 1 1 K t Tiin vicitiiy pr:vr. M i NOTICE I li.r. c niowil In Arliiitun ami all potMiu w.tminit ;titbiii( in tlv IvawK-ih litif el pro 1 1 1 t - .it t C'l'.u'sU'il tn -c-ihl tln-ir citdi-t s tur tl n! t- tuo at tint I'lac -. FRANK L GIBSON. Th- Ranlci gh Man ,t litvtmi. r.ili .( ; j J t K Tftat Isni yew fey cu have Jjccii calling: that key you carry your kev! It isn't vours; It be IinKs to your landlord it is subject t o his call nt an'v time. If you should pass away tomorrow you couldn't Rive that key to vour family; still that is wn.u you would like .to do and that is what you should do. ' Yoii possess a desire to own a home: P.very man feels tins desire, for it r 'lie question is wliat are you goinjr to do fur yourself am i. ill 1 1 I , IS T earn the title to a home requires determination. ly making sysematie sacrifices. the kind that can save l'.arn the nKht to call that key your own. Don't fool vourself anv lonce--Cine in and we will help you plan it. You will be interested in the manv plans ol coxy homes and thehelp we h ave to offer builders. During the war it was patriotic not to build. Now we can best show our patriotism by building UNCLE WE'RE WITH YOU TP A i urn- A-Juum Lumber Co. HEPPNER LEXINGTON IONE u I I i i if v. Mike 1 1 1 1