PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March i8,'ic)IQ hi I ome racronaee rvieans nome rrosoencv - a Encourage The Industries That Make Up The Commercial Life Of Your Town n IS 1 1 i H. C. ASHBAUGH Wagon Making, Blacksmith and Machine Shop j& j& We wish to particularly call your attention to our Wagon Making Department. In our 18 years of business life in Heppner we have stud ied the conditions that confront the farmers and grain growers of Morrow County and have de veloped a wagon that will stand up under the most exacting requirements. Let us talk over your wagon needs and we feel sure that we can give you exactly what you want. Look over your Harvesting Machinery NOW and bring it in for repairing. Don't wait till Harvest Time. Labor and material are scarce but we can guarantee you a much more satis factory job if given the proper time in which to do it. . i WE MAINTAIN A FIRST CLASS REPAIR SERVICE Main Street Heppner, Oregon Heppner Shoe Hospital To the people of Heppner and vicinity we offer a shoe repairing shop of the very latest model equipped with machinery which will insure the very best results in SHOE REPAIRING The material we use in our work is of the highest quality another safeguard for your interests and your shoes. ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY C. W. BOWERS, Proprietor Main Street Heppner, Oregon A home Institution Is entitled to the loyal support of everyone in a ctjnununity so long as that institution produces an article that equals or surpasses those of a for eign company. We make that claim for our Homc-Madc Candies And invite your trial of them. You will find only the purest and best of raw materials are us ed and our work rooms are always clean and san itary. Wc have everything that is found at an Up-To-Date Soda Fountain. The Fountain of Sweets J. E. MAXWELL, Proprietor Rivers & Ackley ONLY BATTERY SUPPLY STATION IN MORROW COUNTY You thus save the time that it takes to send your Batteries away and at the same time you keep the money here in Heppner. Auto Repairing Acetylene Welding WE REPAIR ANYTHING ';j J jit, j BUY A HOME INDUSTRY THAT USES ONLY MORROW COUNTY GRAIN AND TURNS OUT THE HIGHEST GRADE PRODUCTS Encourage the growth of Morrow County by using her products The Heppner Farmers' Elevator Company MERCHANT MUST BO HIS PART In a trade-at-home movement the merchant must of necessity be the one who must take the first start. It is up to the local merchant to give ! the people of till community a g"od i servloet. Ona that will cause the people of the community to thim twice before going away from home home to trade. If such a service is maintained there will be very little cause for the mail order houses to j thrive from the business of that lo cality. I It Is not meant by that that tho dealer( must always meet the lower price of Che mail order houses. In many Instances this Is Impossible. The larger buying power of the mall order houses cannot be duplicated ,by a merchant In a small town whu "has only the people of a smnll com munity to draw from. But he can give a good service be Just and courteous and show by various ways that he appreciates the trade of lit a home people. His store can be keiit clean and sanitary and attractive and made one that the people will enjoy coming Into and patronizing and Tie can keep his stock clean by closing out his odds and ends nt th close of each season thus Insuring his customers that they are not get ting a lot of Junk that was put on the shelves of the store on its open ing day. These are but a few of the man things that can be done by the local dealer in the way of stopping Che patronising of the mall order hounes. Of course there are people who will continue to patronise the out side man la spite of everything the local people could do. Out these people should be left to their own salvation. They have no publ.' spirit no community pride. The trade-at-home movement is becoming nation wide In Its scope and people are beginning to realise that co-operation Is the salvation of all. And we Should begin to apply It to ourselves. What kind of a town would Hepp ner be if everybody sent away for everything they have to buy regard less of whether or not it can bp bought at'home? How long could any of us continue in business under such conditions? The grocer's stock would become mighty stale if the, butcher, the baker, the blacksmith and the printer all sent to Portland for eheir groceries and the same li true of every member of every other craft, trade or profession if all his neighbors refused to patronize him he would soon go into bankruptcy. 1 There Is only one way to make a i good town and that Is for the people to stand by each other In a business t way. Every business man, every professional man, every working man, every property owner in the community pays taxes to help sup port the community he lives In to ( help make his town a better town. i The millloniare owners of the bi-- ; department stores pay Dot one farth ing for the support of Heppner in stitutions. As loyal cltliens or Hepp- j ner who should we spend our money 'with? On this and other pages of tV Herald will be found the advertise ments of Heppner' leading buBlnesi people In many varied lines. If ytu are a loyal Heppnerlte, If yov wast to see Heppner prosper and become a better town than It has ever been patronise these people. They will live you a square deal and should adversity come Oiejr will help yon over the hard places by eitendlng credit as has been done In countless case by Heppner merchants In the past Will Rears A Sawbuck do os much? No matter how things are going with you it requires cash In ad vance to do buslneis with them. Scrivner's Machine and Blacksmith Shop A blacksmith and Machine Shop equipped with the very best of machinery for General Repair Work. We have the best Oxy-Acetelyne Welding Plant in Morrow County and can execute any kind of work in this line. A HOME INDUSTRY WORTHY OF YOUR PATRONAGE Scrivner & Son, Proprietors Main Street Heppner, Oregon Thos Brennan PRACTICAL HORSE-SHOER SECOND DOOK NOKTH OK POST OFFICE Concerning Our Pastries In tin making of pastries we take the same pride and care that characterizes our bread. Kvcry ingredient that goes into our pastries is of the highest quality and every care is taken to insure the perfect cleanliness o fthe product. Kspccial lv we want to call vour attention to the Fresh Heppner Eggs twd in thi department. Froh eggs arcdclivcr ! to ix tw'ic a week by (iciie Noble thus in juring thewrv highest quality and the very ti. of this important ingredient in our pa-.-trios. TRY OUR PASTRIES YOU'LL LIKE EM The Heppner Bakery f Main Street, Heppner, Oregon Save the Worry of Wash Day at Home 0y Rough Dry Department will take care of Ihis unpleasant feature of housekeeping for you at a cheaper price than you can buy the coal and soap and at the same time save you the labor and worry of having such work to do. 8c Per Pound We maintain a delivery service and get the work back to you early in the week. Let our auto calL Heppner Steam Laundry TELEPHONE MAIN 543 Heppner. Oregon SWANSOIM THE TAILOR Why send away for your suit when you have .an Expert Tailor right at home. We specialize in N'obby Clothes for Gentlemen and respectfully invite you to coanc in and look at our line of Sample Woolens. SWANSON, THE TAILOR ODD FELLOWS BUILDING HEPPNER i 1 u I 1 I ft y I I t I it