Tuesday, March 11,1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE 4 n i I 1 I I 1 1 1 n i it n I 1 y I 1 The time will soon be here, Mr. Auto Owner When you will want your car in order to enjoy the nice spring and summer evenings. Roads are getting good and the going will soon be fine. Don't wait until the last moment before having your repair work done. Bring Your Car in Now And we will have it in ship-shape for you in a very short time. We will save you that long wait and at the same time we will not have to rush it through. Your car needs overhauling and we are the ones who should do it. . . Ask any man who is particu lar about his car. He gets his work done here. Hill & Johns' Garage HEPPNER, OREGON I n n I 1 rt I I h ft I When Erin's sons to . battle went Their King was grieved to find iinstrel and his Home Portraiture For the Month of March Pictures taken in your Home or Room 16, Barnard Rooming House MAKE AN APPOINTMENT C. S. REEVES Mi - . S?Z ine erav-nairear-rr J2as -I wereTirobehind. y(rocKy glen And ev j Still evenmikreairA Her - m&titlbU teUerUd Vbld As leadinUon ta viator' She plad VhA AarU of g61d. sv oastleAcam'e the Kins'. x 1 bit affair young queen, musician still arrayed I Sf3 Emerald a'reen. Bach, to He brougil The sweet In robes And if you youbtihe (ancient tale, In Erin'sgfberfo The minstrel maiden's cloaK of green, And harp of shining gold. Income Tax Statements Farmers' Exchange 1 F. R. BROWN, HEPPNER, OREGON 1 , WILL BOOST STATE CHAMBKK EsG3Msoae : i Lines That Lead j Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows jj Universal and Perninsular Ranges 0 n FOR SALE DY Peoples Hdw. Co. X 1 1 1 1 NOTICE 1 have moved to Arlington and all persons wanting anything in the Rawlcigh line of pro ducts arc requested to send their orders for th-f same to me at that place. FRANK L. GIBSON, The Rawleigh Man Arlington, Oregon 45-49 . - -- . ' ! ? KTO.E DlttT federal government, at least as much money as has been paid Into the fed eral government by the state of Ore gon under the Reclamation Act and which has been diverted from .this ( state to other states, the total of this fund now being $9,000,000. After adoption by the people of constitutional amendments authoriz ing bond issues, as Btated in para graph 1, the state chamber will hear tily cooperate in executing the exten sive - development, and colonization work authorised by these measures. Colonization The state chamber working with the Land Settlement Commission, created by the recent session of the legislature, and other proper state powers will prosecute vigorous colon ization work as follows: ' Cooperation for development by the and Settlement Commission of the Farm Home Unit plan which is intended to prove the maximum val ue for agriculture of various landH of the state. Get in touch, through publicity, with prospective settlers apd connect them with the authorities working under the Land Settlement Commls clon for location in the state of Ore gon. I Aid the state to mainUin the agrl cultural and industrial exhibit and Information bureau at Portland and organize therein a complete system for guidance of homeseekers, factory man or tourist. 1 Highway 1 Cooperate to finish one trunk high way line from north to south and an other from east to west In the state Organize tflie state to press for the maximum market system of filch ways using all available funds far this purpose when the specified trunk line work l finished. Take up a campaign for a feed sys tern of highways to the navigable rivers or trunk line railway lines. Livestock Support the state fair, district and county fairs, Pacific Internatlons Llvfstock Eriposltlon, dairy shows educational work. Trail npnHat Urn "An endeavor will be made to fur thtr tha Interests of Che different the matter of water and I some manner ships so that Oregon products may be available In the markets of the world. Agriculture, Horticulture, Ilryln At the advancement of Interest under these heads Is one of the pur y I sections of Origin In t I ' transportation both by f I rail snd to provide In 1 A tf you ea u any quantity of lirt eirher for filling In or for Im proving your Un or garden con quirk and Uke It awT 10 t.ty.lltrK Hn THK "-""V from my lot n the corner of Main 'nd May reels. This offer Is for lUlt k Sctlntt. , ... I KNNH McNAMEE 4 1 tf ip to employ th county road WM formed. It will use every effort grader for a few days while the u power to keep rlosely in lour ground Is still moist to grade up the wiih and assist In evry way pml street and put tbenj In better shape De, development along thee lines for navisstlon. Msyor Vaurhan and the council has wlwly decided that the proper time to do street work I NOV' and the proper way Is with modern road making machinery. To promote home Industries by en coursglng the buying of Ore' products. General Object P'lj.port the government In matters patriotic and non-political and develop patriotism for our state as well as the nation. Develop In our citizenship a just pride in the state and its institutions so that there may be an "Oregon Spirit" and that it be a real living, pulsating force for civic, industrial, agricultural and educational prog ress. Work with equal enthusiasm, en ergy and patience for the develop ment of the. resources of our state. regardless of what section is moet benefited thereby. Our Slogan Aim at the development of a senti ment so aptly expressed in our slo gan "Oregon for Every Community Every Community for Oregon" and encourage each community to adopt it In spirit and letter. s .fiSg s JUu I H jsa uS n U Q C What Is Your ark For 1919 How much money are you going to save this year? Why not set a mark for your ability as a money saver a definite sum which you think is a reasonable amount for you to save during 1919? Decide how much you can deposit reg ularly in a Savings Account. Open the ac count with the First National Bank and don't let any tiling: interfere with your plan. ACT ON THIS SUGGESTION TODAY First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON IBERNIAN SPORT PROGRAM FOR HONOIT, W. RCH 17 The Hibernians met In special ses- lon Sunday to perfect the plans for th fitting observance of St. Patrick Day.' With such a speaker as the Hon. Thomas Mannlx, of Portland, nd with George C. Hennessey as en tertainer, .the Hibernians feel assur ed of the success of their program on th evening of March 16th. Lo cal talent also will be requistloned for the event. A male chorus Is lus tily practicing the well known song: Old Ireland Shall Be Free." . On the morning of the 17th the mem bers of thfi A. O. H. will meet In the hall at 10 o'clock and proceed from there to St. Patrick's church for the 0:30 mass. The committee on sports for the 7th reported Sunday and their pro gram Is as follows: 2:30 D. 111. Klrst linlf of Oacllc footlmll game. Ile.tween halves the following events will be run off: Kat man's race (Open to Hibern ians only) 100 yard dash. (Open to Hlhern- ans over 21 years of age.) Hop, step and Jump. Three-legged race. (Open to Hi bernians only.) Second half of Gaelic football game. 100 yard dash. (Open to all com ers.) Jumping contest. (Open to all eomers.) Tug of war. (Open to Hibernians only.) The officials of the sports: Refnree and starter: Uev. P. J. O'Rourke. Judge; Michael Kenny and J. 0. Doherty. Linesmen: John Kilkenny and J. 9 Iherty, Patrick Connell and II. T. Imherty. Official announcer: John J. Kelly The committee on banquet report- en t.iat at 4:30 p. tn. on the 17th s feHt will ir.v... mhlrh will make all who imrtu It.ale wMi Hint -I I'strWk t'y wiiiM i.H n iine It Was ! drliei tht tlie rner 'hants nf lleppner mM In. ftokul 1 I to dectrnte In honor of the day. Giue the Youngsters a Start Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppncr get the habit of making frequent trips to the Saving Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowers National Hank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift habit once establish ed they will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers (L Stochgrowers National DanK WISE REMARKS Truth Is the eTet of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of moral author ity J It Is the highest summit of art sad of life. Journal. Life Is the apprHntlCMhip to progrt Its renunciation, to the steady dimin ution of our claims, of our hope, of ear powers, of our liberty. Journal, OUR ELEVATOR MAN SAYS: When men marrlee his troubles are all over. Tee, all over the place. One thing that l pretty bard to step on la a lady's skirt. I believe Herbert Hoover should really be called aerretsry of the In terior. The youiig lady who wants to catch an svintor for a huiUnd should try Bypspr. FLASHLIGHTS The last thing that a young fellow ought to be afraid nf la overwork. The trouble with might Is Hint It ta aluuys sure to bo outinimlierwl. When a mun linn friends evurythlng In the world Is beautiful; when Be le friendless nothing U. Misery inny love eompsny, but our experience has been that mighty few folks wsnt to associate with mleary all the time. Life la a greet vessel waiting for as to put something Into It and all tha time we are trying to get aotoettUag out of It, Instead. When. In lf, the csnnoa ti i tn Heligoland, tha aoand waa beard at I soever, a dlstaara at lflT mtlaa The rsnnonsdlng at rioreoe was heard at leghorn, M mllee away, end tbst at Oenoa ever 100 mllaav The greatest distance at wblcfe arrl- flHal sounds are known to havo bn heard was on Decemtier 4, 1M, when the rsnnon st Antwerp were hoard la Krxhlrge, 170 mllee dlntsr L ('slls'leti, by rterlmenta made at I.dke (ieneva, entlimili'l that a hell of coimiH.n nine, one that citild be heard s diii ci. i.f threw to five iiillea on liiti'l. ii'iilil if iilmierMl in the sea, be hmi uti r 'Ki ii.il.