Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 11, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Tuesday, March n, igig
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Who Benefits By
High, Prices?
You feel that retail
meat prices are too high.
Your retailer says he
has to pay higher prices
to the packers.
. Swift & Company prove
that out of every dollar
the retailer pays to the
packers for meat, 2 cents
is for packers' profit, 13
cents is for operating
expenses, and 85 cents
goes to the stock raiser;
and that the prices of live
stock and meat move up
and down together.
The live-stock raiser points
to rising costs of raising live stock.
Labor reminds us that higher
wages must go hand in hand
with the new cost of living.
No one, apparently, is
responsible. No one, apparently,
is benefited by higher prices and
higher income.
We are all living on a high
priced scale. One trouble is,
that the number of dollars has
multiplied faster than the quan
tity of goods, so that each dollar
buys less than formerly.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
IRELAND is the oldest European
nation. The. llu flail, or stone of
fnte, was believed to be Identical
with the stone on which Jacob laid
his head. The Tuatha de Danann
brought It to Ireland by way of Nor
way. They were called the Tribe of
God and were looked upon as super
human because of their great attain
ments in artistic and scientlficgnur
suits. "All who are skilled in the use
of musical instruments ; those who are
gifted In the arts of divination and
enchantment such are the sons of the
descendants of the Tuatha de Danauu.'
About 300 or 400 years later another
tribe from the same stock and called
Gaels came from Esypt by way of
Spain to Ireland. Their queen was
jSi neppner Stock Yards
PtdiMMl . tf f I I r km IV f (I'll'1 m, i I i
1:00 O'clock, P. M. uutJvaju i lav-
A'l. ,..v
flu. A T ti
Old Monastic Ruin.
named Scotia and when she separated
from the king her followers were
called Scots. At first they gave the
name of Scotland to Ireland and It
was so described for many centuries.
They, and the I'icts colonized north
Britain and gave the name Scotland to
it. The I'icts came to Ireland shortly
after the landing of the Gaels. These
Gaels had lost a great many men in
a stormy voyage from Spain and the
widows were married to the I'icts, who
had no women with them.
Turn's Halls continued to be the scut
of government down t 5 II the Christian
era, when It fell into disuse because
of n curse that was placed upon It by
St. ISrediin,
Read The Herald, $2 Per Year
S will sell two carloads of horses and
moles suitable for all purposes. These
animals were government stock and are
Also 1 00 sets harness
Terms imdc known on day oi sale
vLsa si ta a
B Jf.
P. A McMenamin, Auctioneer
f . R. Brown, Clerk
florae ' Products for Home People!
White Star flour, Whole Wheat,
Graham, Cream Middlings,
Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds
Cod bless Ireland I
We love her for her sins and hr
virtues. Her sins trt the blunders of
a zeal for freedom, and her virtues
are the i wee 1st flowers that ever
grew in human heart
We love Ireland r$r the quaint
beauty or her speech; the fertile
th&rm of her fancy; the heedless fir
of her blood
Wt leve the romance and magic
cf her; the daring and courage of
her; the uncompromising idealism
that invites martyrdom.
May she never tose faith h Cod
and the Eairiei Hay her harp never
be stilled, nor her voice silenced
May the nrotper in field and inkfem.
May she nave the courage of right'
eousnccs and the patience of Wisdom.
Gcd bless li eland'
X - t
(Received Too Late For t,nnt Week)
Ton( Nlchuls has a new nutomo
bile. ;
Miss Merle Cariiilchiiel visited n
few days In Walla Wnlla. i
Silas Reach of Portland Is vi i-
lng at the lieaeh home here.
Addle Afhlnh'.irst and Mr. Pliinn
are among the latest who have the ,
Johnny McMillan Is having a cesss
pool dug and Daddy Wright has the
Billy Corson Is back In Lexington
again and on the Job at Burgoyne'f
A young man who Just recently ar
rived from Portland to work on the
Pointer ranch was taken suddenly 111
last week and the services of Dr.
Walker of lone were required in
Mre. Margie McCormlck Is here
from Tortland vlsltlnz her daughter.
Mrs. Pete Ileymers. The Ileymen
have been wrestling with an attack
Of Iniluenza. They ar Improving
Wesxiii Av
Tke Gree:
8. A. Sklrvlngl of th Tum-A-I.um
Rneral office aff at Walla Walla.
Was here for a day or two last week
also ralllni at Lexington to confei
with Minaret Holmes oa bis way
Jtlut a little niluh uf color.
Hur It lirluhtrn up tli duy!
I)rb th world would Im, and duller.
llut tor (ood Bt. I'ntrk k'i day I
Who Is b who would b icornln'
Whn the hamrfx k ifnlloo at him,
With this Knd ht. I'atrlch'a mnrnln
Full ot kln'tnniia to tho biimT
stating their svrvlco since April G,
1917, tho dat0 of last, discharge and
their present address to which tfiey
desire their bonus check to.be sent
and enclosing with tho letter their
discharge certlflcatet or military or
der for discharge and both, If boUi
wero Issued.
Upon the receipt by the Zone Fi
nance Officer, Washington, D. C, of
this Information and t'he subtler'
discharge certificate, this officer wIlF
cause checks to bn drawn and mailed
to tho claimants In tho order in
which their claims wero received by
him. The discharge certificate wilt
bo roturned to the soldier with tint
j It is estimated Uiat at least on.i
! million and a quarter persons haxi
been discharged from the service
who are entitled to the benefits' of
this act and while payments will be
' made, as expeditiously as practicable
. It will manifestly take considerable
time to wrlto and mall this many
noMH of too ron soldiers takm iu uk.u h vniti: rom .
To Everybody: A happy
and prosperous 1919
Sf cuTttss tUcmfi nus
Section H06 of the Revenue Act
approved February 34, 1919, author
ises Ihe payment of a bonus of $()
to officers, Soldiers, field clerks and
DUis Of the army upon honoial.l"
separation from active service oy
dlscTiarge, rnlgnatlon or otherwise.
Thle bonus Is not payable to lb
heirs or representatives of any d
reused soldier.
'I hose who sro discharged hereaf
ter will receive this bonus on
Mime roll or voucher upon
they are paid their final pay.
Those who hav been dt.,Hrr. 1
and have reVed their final pay
without the $f.O bonus, should writ
u I..H.T to the Z'.ni. rinn. w
,emon building,
Representatives of the federal de
purtment of agrlciilluie, sp-clullnts
from the state ugrirultuml rolleg. ,
and farmets of the roiinty, find a
common meeting place In the county
farm bun-ail. The fan s adopt a
prorram of cooper.iHve work , wd'
of the major fanning lnli-n-sts of thn
counly, and mny nn each line
IhioiiKb local b ul'i iicting with
the county a.'ent. In Ihlt wv
very bet aprlctiltural liif'rmsmii
and practices are brnusht no thr
'district ?ieie liiiit reeded and Sp
, plied In thn most effretivo manner
at bast co l an I gr.t.t benefit to
Washing ton I). CI.,
l If i'
., Ml,.
l. l.:ir
ful. iH'l
rur II
I." e d"
WAIKINS& OviaU, IVopru lors
c Vk-LiurMl- ti.il ir y"'i '"
II find n pr- pat"! '''
t . .i
Jiiiiy ii, eats HD'i ir
alieady In our i.' "
,n it, Mill In tl '
w iirt tr.i 1" )"'l
,r.ti in H e wf f ' h'l".
'.ell fl.h H."'i W wie
All the fifty Winn n keepini' I
,, ,11 amiin- In ro' l" -''"'i ' '
h)n d- iili.tl'tli,'!"!! r :! I C
ru-i.rn: do- n ,' -! '; ' 11 ""'l
iv.lv. k r i I' - ''il.n
,! r, i "K ' -pliir a tx.i! ! -I
aroeir.t baa i 1 1 Ihe same i Sf. s
i. i-vh -h t- t'. r '
l.,t h It I "
t Nirt
,1 b- -,.t, pl ted by snd by. In the tr-.en
I W. H'lf ii't' '"in'snt. I
I a"l"lr,tt l'h lh nih of Iti'nme l
bimln In th law ortir or i . a.
M, ..,min this wek. Mr. McNfn
.,in xunrta a herr bo :ns in
. 1 that I ri fr'fii rll'-nt" In tf I and
i eia ott,.r tet n t)t son coon
ris tla
. t .
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