Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 04, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Tuesday, March 4, 19 iq
t :
926 Chamber of Commerce Building
Phone Main 5226.
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
' Heppner, Oregon
Office in Roberts' Building
Heppner Oregon
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Heppner . Oregon
- t
Heppner Oregon
Heppner Oregon
Watch paper for dates
Portland Oregon
Regular monthly visits to Heppner
and lone.
Heppner Oregon
Licensed Graduate
Phone 722 (Day or Night)
E. Hall is back and living on
J. C. Ballinger was in Heppner on
business February 25.
Mrs. C. C. Dillabaugh was very ill
a few days last weeTc.
Mrs. Claude White is not improv
ing very much of late.
John McHugh has returned home
from his pleasure trip. ,
The Boardman Lumber Company
are putting up a new lumber shed.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cummins are
some more new Boardman people.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mac!: of Her
miston are living in Boardman once
R. C. Mitchell finished the well Tie
was digging for Mr. Cahoone Febru
ary 18 th.
Mrs. Pat Siseel of Hermiston was
the guest of Mrs. J. C. Ballinger Feb
ruary 25.
An overall and ging'ham dance was
given at the hall Friday evening Feb-
uary 28 th.
F. L. Brown and Eugene Cummins
made a business trip to Hermiston
February 27th.
Mrs. Philips sister, Mrs. Weber
has been visiting on the project for
the last few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Doering ppent a few
days in Portland last week, shopping
and recuperating.
Mr. and Mrs. Erne Brown are the
proud paieni.3 of a baiy daughter,
born February 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Payne are
building an addition on to their bus
iness establishment In town
account of unforseen complications
could not meet at the home of Mrs.
Ayers but met at the 'home of Mrs.
F. H. Edmonds. All enjoyed a good
time. The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. F. L. Brown.
Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
Office Phone Main 643
Residence Phone Main 665
Heppner Oregon
House wiring a specialty.
Heppner Oregon
Phone 633.
Bowers Shoe Hospital
C. W. BOWERS, Prop.
I use modern machinery methods
Commenting on a recent article in
the Walla Walla Bulletin regarding
the development of transportation on
the Columbia river, a writer in the
Portland Telegram says:
"The subject matter is the great
er commercial use of the Columbia
river. It is suggested to obtain this
greater use by co-operation of Port
land with up-river people in the es
tablishment and maintenance of in
creased river-boat service.
To put this suggestion into prac
tical effect would be good so far as
it would go. So far as such increas
ed service can be established and can
be made to accommodate river com
merce there should be earnest and
energetic endeavor to bring about
the co-operation necessary to its
But this movement, however suc
cessful would be tentative, it would
be but a step toward the ultimate re-
suits for which we shouldandmust
strive. , There can be no doubt that
the suggestions advanced can be so
adopted and acted upon that in a lim
ited measure and in a comparatively
short time there can and will be a
far greater, actual, commercial use
of the Columbia river than there now
is. Such achievement will afford
only a partial solution.
Looking to the increase of river
commerce we must recognize at once
that to secure that there must be the
Tea and Club Rooms Opened for
American Women.
Miss Charlotte Nlven, Director of Ital
ian Work, Prepares for Influx of
American Woman Students.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Leanne Ma
tilda Phillips, deceased, by the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for
Multnomah County, and has duly
qualified as such, and all persons
whomsoever having any claims
against said estate are hereby rv-
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Wash
ington. The United States National Bank
of Portland, Oregon, a corporation.
Fred A. Kribs, sometimes known
as F. A. Kribs, sometimes known as
creation of river port facilities, there
l ne government contractors, For- must De river wharves and ware-
ter & Conley, from Portland have
pitched their tents near Boardman.
H. C. Harrison of Astoria, is ex
pecting to stay here during the
spring months and work on his land.
R. W. Allen, county agricultural
agent called a meeting at Boardman
houses and elevators at points suit
able from approach from the interior
where the supply of river tonnage is
to be gathered. In addition to these
requirements, precedent to the full
use of the river in the commercial
sense, there must be construction of
Wednesday evening, February 26, to good roads from these -points into
take up the matter of drainage with the territiry of interior supply.
the farmers on the western part of
the project.
Mack & Cummins are building a
first class garage here. They expect
to take out agencies for several diff
erent make of cars. Anybody con
templating buying a car should give
them a call.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford re
turned from their trip to Kansas
February 25th. When they arrived
here they were very much pleased to
find their daughter, Mrs. DeWeese
from Condon, Oregon, and Mrs. Mef-
ford's mother, Mrs. Knowlton from
Getchell Washington, had come to
give them a nice visit.
With the exception of Arlington,
Umatilla, Pasco Kennewick and Lew,
iston, there are no permanent land
ings on the river worthy of name.
Arlington has a small wharf, Uma
tilla has a wharf and warehouse
which accommodates boats at all
stages of water. Pasco nad Kenc-
wick each have a wharf, and Lewis-
ton has a public warehouse. There
are some warehouses on the Snake
river, but except at the points named
there is lack of passable roads, and
as the usable river points in most of
the counties along the river the right
of way to available landings Is block
ed by the railroad.
I Reduce Expenses
gj By buying now. Look at these prices; good only
I while stock lasts.
U Glass Tumblers, set $ .25
I Flour Sifters 20
U Fruit Press 20
A Dishes less than cost. Fnamelware belovncr-
mal price. 12 foot Linoleum less than wholesale
A Few of Our Many Specials.
ii Case Furniture Company
Tn the broader fiense. In the sense
The West End Friendship Club on ln wh)ch u mu8t ultimateiy be dealt
with, the problem of the full com
mercial use of the Columbia river Is
one of conjoined road building and
port development. The first of these
factors is recognized as a legitimate
state function to be undertaken with
co-operation of ttie counties inter
ested, and the second is more essen
tially of the same character. It will
be by the backing of the credit and
prestige of the state that any com
prehensive plan for the fullest com
mercial use of the river can be car-
For the services of a first class mechanic every
time you take your auto to a garage for repair
work. Under these circumstances why vjt
avail yourself of the best there is to be had in
that line in Heppner?
Bring your car to us and know that you are
availing yourself of the very best repair service in
Morrow County your first visit will convince
yu and will add you to our rapidly growing list
of satisfied patrons.
Welch & Liningcr
Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co.
Iried out.
And commercial use of the river
is only half of the big and ultimate
problem. On the Snake river and at
Umatilla rapids there is more than
1,000,000 horsepower of undevelop
ed ed hydro-electric energy. There Is
300,000 horsor.ower at the Cascades,
I almost 2,000,000horsepower at Cell
lo and a little more than 600,000
horsepower on the Deschutes.
It Is InconceivHblo thnt we. should
never develop the human foresight
I enterprise and energy to put that
power at worTc. We will do that and
the time to begin 'o consider that
very tiling Is now. The determin
ation to do that should be incorpor
ated in the stale policy of recon
Italy is now Included ln the war
work of the American T. W. C. A.
Miss Mabel Warner of Snllna, Kan.,
and Chicago left Paris a few days ago
for Rome, where she will lie ln charge
of a Hostess House for American girls
employed there by the American lied
Cross, the Embassy and the new Tu
berculosis Commission. Miss Warner
has been director of the Y. W. C. A.
Hostess House at Brest, France.
Miss Warner will open a tea room
and club rooms where the American
women can gather for social limes.
Home is harboring a refuge population
of about 40,000 and accommodations
are difficult to find.
The work In Home was started as a
direct result of the appeal of Miss
Charlotte Nlven, one of the National
1T. W. C. A. secretaries In Italy, who is
spending a few months In France as
advisor In the French work.
Miss Nlven's dreams of Y. W. C. A.
work in Italy include the maintenance
of a residence for non-Italian women,
who, she feels, will come to Italy in
great numbers after the war to study
music and art.
"I believe at this time such n project
is particularly Important because wo,
men from other countries should be
encouraged to come to Italy to replace
the great numbers of German women
who flooded Italy tn the pnst, many of
them paid agents of (heir govern
ment," Miss Nlven said ln discussing
her plans.
Miss Nlven has asked the American
T. W. C. A. to aid the Italian Associa
tion in establishing a center, perhaps
at Genon, with two American secre
taries, with physical and recreational
training, to act ns a training school for
Itnlinn women. In connection with it
her plan would Include a Hostess House
for girls passing through the city or
employed there. Such a center would
become eventually the center for all
Y. W. C. A. work ln Italy, both Italian
and foreign.
In her formal appeal for help for the
Unlone ChrlpMann Delle Glovanl (the
Italian nnme for Young Women's
Chrlstlnn Association) Miss Nlven has
emphasized two facts, the poverty of
the Itnlinn Association on the one hand
and the need and opportunity on the
other for an American program In
Italy t the present time.
Hiss Nlven's favorite way of Illus
trating the friendliness of the Italian
woman to America Is by telling the
story of the Italian mother who said
she hud taken down the picture of the
Madonna which had hung for many
yean over her bed and was putting In
Its place one of President Wilson.
"In our work In the Union we have
larked trained leadership as well as
the material resources to give such
training. We have had no means to
buy modern equipment. Consequently
we have not the visible results or
American and British work.
Feeble as nur work may he, It Is
not useless. Many girls In all pnrts of
Italy have told us how much the
Unions meant ln their lives. Italian
girls are touchlngly grateful for the
smallest efforts. They respond eager
ly tn friendliness.
"There Is no other agency doing In
Italy what the Association Is trying to
Miss Nlven hps spent the past seven
years In work with the Italian wo-
quested 10 present; tne same amy Frederick A. Kribs, and Anna M.
itemized and verified unto the un- I Kribs, wife of Fred A. Kribs, Defen
dersigned either at Boardman, Ore- i dants.
gon, or at 601 Journal building, By virtue of an execution, judg
Portland, Oregon; and that said I ment order, decree and order of sale
claims must be presented on or be- j issued out of the above entitled
fore six months from and after the , COurt in the above entitled cause, to
date of the first publication of this me directed, r.nd dxttd 'he 28th dny
notice t . J of January, 1919, upon a judgment
FANNIE BERGER, rendered and entered in said court
Administratrix, on the 3rd dav of Januarv. 1919. in
Boardman, Oregon.
601 Journal Building,
Portland, Oregon,
Attorney for said estate.
Date of first publication, Feb. 4,
Date of last publication March 4,
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Morrow
County, Oregon, will hold a special
examination of applicants for one
year State Certificates at the court
house as follows:
" Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 26,
1919, at 9:00 o'clock, a. m., and con
tinuing until Friday, Feb. 28, 1919,
at 4:00 p. m.
AVednesdny Forenoon
United States History, Writing,
Wednesdny Afternoon
rhyslology, Reading.
Thrusday Forenoon
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Civil Government.
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
School Superintendent of Morrow
County. 41-43
To Patrons of the Heppner Lipht
h Wad r Company:
Tin Public Service Com mission f
lOii-gun has by order effective l' h
il, 1919. revised the IlKht and pow
er rates of ubove company. I"'r
iurther information cull at of i lei n!
the company. I1-4S
FlnKt Job printing in Morrow
I county executed at the Herald offic
ii I OK hAI.K Oakland Roadator
i run 400 miles; will take 7G0. ISii
M cash, rest Liberty Bonds, cattle o
M anything I ran use. Hoi sot, Hepp-
er, Oregon.
McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors
Nolle Is hereby given that the un
derslgned, Sara C. While, has b
duly appointed administratrix of i.v
K.wiate of J. M. While, deceased, bj
the County Court of Morrow Coun"
Oregon. All persons having rlvn
against the wild etate are notl'lc
to prewnt the same, properly vm
fled, to nm at the office of Woodso
k ti'k. my attorneys at Heppne
Oregon, within sl nmnfhs from t!
dale of first publication of this n
Iitd and fimt published lbs
1Mb day of February. 1'Tt
."Ail A " W If ITK,
A'!t"inl!rsMi of the r.n.ii of J M
Vl.i, pereaaM). 4 J-17
Department of the Interior, 17, S.
Land Office, at LaGramje, Oregon,
February 6th, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that Albert
C. Allison, of Echo, Oregon, who. on
Oct. 27, 1915, made Homestead En
try, No. 015344, for EV4 NE, SW
Vi NE SE U, Sec. 14 and NW
NE Vi, Sec. 23, Township 1 North,
Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention tomaktt
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court
of Morrow County, at his office at
Heppner, Oregon, on the7th day of
April, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
LeRoy D. Nelll, Charles H. Barthol
omew, William W. Howard and Jas.
T. Ayers, all of Echo, .Oregon.
C. 8. DUNN, Register
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at LaGrando, Oregon,
February 6th, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that Alonio
Reld, of Hepnner, Oregon, who, on
Nov. 10th, 1914, miide Additional
Homestead Entry, No. 013933, for
NE14, Section 17, Township 6 South
Range 27 East, Willamette Morldlun,
has filed notice of Intention to mako
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the hind above described, before
J. A. Waters, Clerk of the County
Court of Morrow County, at Heppner
Oregon, on the 8th day of April,
1919. Claimant names as witness-
favor of the United States National
Bank of Portland, (Oregon) a cor
poration, and against Fred A. Kribss
(sometimes known as F. A. Kribs
and sometimes known as Frederick:
A. Kribs) for the sum of $13,405.20,
with interest at the rate of eight pet-
cent per annum from the 20th day of
October, 1917, and the further sum
of $1100.00 attorney's fees, and for
the further sum of $30.25 costs and
disbursements and the costs of and
upon said writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property,, situated in Morrow
County, Oregon, to-wit:
The land described in that certaiA
deed from Frederick A. Kribs and
Anna M. Kribn to the Lumberman's
National Bank, dated June 30th,
1914, and recorded on the 3rd day
of July, 1914 In Book "X" at page
149 of the mortgage records of Mor
row County, Oregon, and more par
ticularly described as follows;
North half o Section 36, Town
ship 4 South, Range 28 East, East
'half of Section 16, Township 4 South
Range 29 East, North half of Section
36, Township 4 South, Range 29
East, North half of southwest quar
ter of Section 36, Township 4 South,
Range 29 East, Southeast quarter of
southwest' quarter of Section 36,
Township 4 South, Range 29 East,
Suotheast quarter of Section 3fi,
Township 4 South, Range 29 East,
Excepting however, from all of the
above described property an undivid
ed one fourt'h of the coal rights
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtuo of
said execution, judgment order, de
cree, and order of sale, and ln com
pliance with the commands of said
writ, I will, on Monday, the 17th
day of March, 1919, at the hour of
ten o'clock, A. M., at the front door
of the county court house In Hepp
ner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at
public auction (subject to redemp
tion) to the highest bidder for ca-,h
in hand all the right, title and In
terest wfhch the within named de
fendants and each and all of them
had on the 30th day of June, 1914.
the date of the mortgage herein fore
closed, or since that date had in and
to the above described real property
or any part thereof,, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order and de
cree, Interest, costs and accruing
Sheriff of Morrow County, Ortt,ov.
Dated February 7th, 1919.
Date of first publication, February
11, 1919.
Data of last publication, March 11.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office, at LnGrande, Oregon,
Jan. 25th, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that ZntU
llroxnan, whose post offlco address
Is Lena, Oregon, did on the 3rd day
of June, 1918, file In this office
Sworn Statement and Application,
No. (119194, lo purchase the E NE
4, 8W NEK. and SE NW'A,
Section 11. Townuliln 1 umth Italian
men. storting ns director of a hostel, or ( es: Clarence Held, Warner C. Ken- 29 oust, Willamette Meridian, and
boarding home, for Italian women stu- ; nedy, Charles Osten and William Mc- ' the tltniier thereon under Hie nrov'n-
rai it-ii, an 01 neppner, wrcgon.
C. S. DUNN, Register,
dents at Florence. She Is an Ameri
can from New York, where she was
0110 time bend of the Chrlstndora Set
tlement IIoiimp.
Printing that pleases. The Ileraid.
Garmantown Y. W. C. A. Trains Worn,
en for Reconstruction Work
Among 6oldiart,
Educational courses to prepare wom
en as allies In (be rehabilitation of
wounded soldiers have been opened at
the Onnniitown, I'a., Young Women's
Cbrtstlsn Association.
A reconstruction massage course,
lectures In anatomy, physiology, mus
cle work and remedial movement mas
sage, theory and practice, electrother
apy and hydrotherapy are given by
doctors and nurses, who also super
viae practical work at the Y. W. C. A.
nd at hospitals. Th courses art rec
egnlaed by the Hurgenn (ierieral.
Similar courses have also been open
d In the New York City Central
flranrh T. W. C. A., where a specialty
la made of brush making with view
to training women aa learners for re
construction hospitals.
The Cadanlan T. W. C. A. has re
ceived permission to place T. W. C
A. secretary on every ship leaving
England with 2"0 or more women and
children on the passenger .t,
Tbe aecretary fulfills the same func
tion for the women aa the r, M C. A.
aerretary das fur mrn on trarn,,re
Mie plana titertalnttn'ii's and re. rr
tln for women and children and Is a
friend lo hoto they may crnin If tl.rj
are In diaireaa.
se4t4t,Z ViVlL4i:
prmj.-:ii'i. r-'t rh'i.- tit
w '. Know ttw rtvwi.inif f (fiaVinc
f trtl.it. l lflei W ytrir rf,Kttcya
wtuil) result. in p swrr mn I tuttcn.
DICTIONARY ti an nil know-
log tr irher, ft llttiver m ipn-allon
aruwi-rvr, rutdi) t in" t your
neoM. It is in d.iiiv un by
hundreds of tlious.wnls i,l sue-
('t Dtftb fcJ.-i n'r 11 ti.a .ri'l ',.
4" as vv..i.. v I'M, a" 11-
luff atli. I J. en llM'HfhWHl I fi
tries. 44).MrtH.e.,arhtaaJ.'wliJti.
IIIVU rtirt, ll..rl A".r,l)
1 t.ii I 'iS i ;w.tit
'una sn iMturtna inn.
Vs el 1 1- I -. -n ! I I K
c. & c. w turn am co
bpTluaSeU, Mm., l. h. a.
Ions of the Act or JuncS, 187, and
nets amendatory, known as tho"Tlni
ber and Stone Law," at such value
ns might be fixed by Hpinnlheiiient.
and that, pursuant to such implica
tion, the land and timber thereon
have been appralKi-d, $1(0.00 the
timber ei-tlmated Ht :;oimmiii ho.ird
feet i t f 1 00 per M, Mid the land
IHo 1111; tliiit Huld iipplleant wilt ot
ter llnal proof la supi oet of his ap-phi-iitlon
mid sworn sinleiiient 011 the
12th day of April. IIH, before C. O.
I'nttwHon., I'tiltwl Stu!- Comiiils-
sloner, at his office at lh-ppnr, Ore-K'Hi.
Any person is at liberty to protect
this purchase before entry, or Ini
tiate a contest at any time bofori
patent ((.sues, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit in this off lie, alleging
fuels wlilrh would defeat entry.
C. 8. IlUNN, llegloter.
si I
,tffr-rS:" r.ti-r ".Hit..
VH K MMt I'Mll.lCATio
Department of the Interior, U. H.
IjwmI Off Ire at The Ilallea, Oregon
Janiiav 10, 1919
N'otue Is hereby given that Ilnllla
l.aiiihera, of llardinan, (ireron, w'.io
on February 24th 1114, mad llome-
t.ad r.ntry, No. 01IS71. for NWU
SVV'4. H'-rtlon H, Tnwnehtp ,
ith, Range 2(, Kast. Willamette
Meridian, baa filed notice to make)
fl.al three year Proof, lo establish
l .iin to the lend above describe,
I.' lure C. C 'attriHin, I. H. Com
r ilsiniir. at Heppner, Oregon, on
t'e IMh dy of l.btuaiy IS.
I.ilteent names aa wl'nnsaea :
Jo s-,h W-i-li r, of pursers Mill, Or,
r'rirxls M Miller, of HardtiiMn lite.
Iter! Miaaman, of llardman Oreg,,n(
Wltliiim l.oeen of HsMnn (Ite. i.o.
Herald only 12 00 a year.