PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March 4, igigj rospericy Encourage The Industries That Make Up The Commercial Life Of Your Town H. C. AS BUY ivers c rforrte Patronage Home A t'l K l 1 I n I I 3 n Wagon Making, Blacksmith and Machine bhop j& We wish to particularly call your attention to our Wagon Making Department. In our 18 years of business life in Heppner we have stud ied the conditions that confront the farmers and grain growers of Morrow County and have de veloped a wagon that will stand up under the most exacting requirements. Let us talk over your wagon needs and we feel sure that we can give you exactly what you want. Look over your Harvesting Machinery NOW and bring it in for repairing. Don't wait till Harvest Time. Labor and material are scarce but we can guarantee you a much more satis factory job if given the proper time in which to do it, WE MAINTAIN A FIRST CLASS REPAIR SERVICE Main Street Heppner, Oregon Heppner Shoe Hos To the people of Heppner and vicinity we offer a shoe repairing shop of the very latest model equipped wilh machinery which will insure the very best results in SHOE REPAIRING The material we use in our work is of the highest quality another safeguard for your interests and your shoes. ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY C. W. BOWERS, Proprietor Main Street Heppner, Oregon Midi A Home Snsti Is entitled to the loyal support of everyone in a CMiumuiiity so long as that institution produces an article that equals or surpasses those of a for eign company. We make that claim for our Home-Made Candies And invite your trial of them. You will find only the purest and best of raw materials are us ed and our work rooms are always clean and san itary. We have everything that is found at an Up-To-Date Soda Fountain. The Fountain of Sweets J. E. MAXWELL, Proprietor ONLY BATTERY SUPPLY STATION IN MORROW COUNTY You thus save the time that it takes to send your Batteries away and at the same time you keep the money here in Heppner. Auto Repairing Acetylene Welding WH REPAIR ANYTHING A HOME INDUSTRY THAT USES ONLY MORROW COUNTY GRAIN AND TURNS OUT THE HIGHEST GRADE PRODUCTS Encourage the growth of Morrow County by using her products The Heppner Farmers' Elevator Company THE YAL TRADE Money Sent Away Is To Us Lost Forever "Patronize Your Homo Institu tions" is a slogan that could well be adopted by every small town in the country for therein lies the secret of financial success of all. It is the key with which we could all unlock the coffers of "Success" and gain af fluence in our Chosen fields. do our duty to the community in which we live. . , . No mail order house In Portland or Seattle or Chicago has ever contri buted, one dollar towards the welfare of Heppner yet we continually spend our money with them while the lo cal institutions have to get, in and I diff in order to pay Ha taxes. lu the lace of all these tilings j wouldn't it be a wise thing for us to stop and see where we are at? We ! have represented in a business way j in Heppner about all branches of j mercantile business. Were we to i give these local institutions our un it every man in every community j divided support aiding the owners stood loyally behind his neighbor j through our patronage in the build tber,. would be no Sears-Hoebucks or 1 ing up of strong institutions John Wamimakers in tills country j would we not get a service just as but instead town or community , satisfactory, and far more henei'i. ial, would have lis own strong, healthy ' t'.ian we could from some mail order institutions bearing their part of the house in Chicago whose solo interest burdens of munlclp. l and county In Heppner goes no farther than in governments and reflecting a pric'.;' ' counting the number of mail orders In a community we u!l :; to nmfce up lis commercial life. We are all dependent upon each other. Oi;y success makes the other man suc cessful or his failure Is our failure. Therefore we should work for the interest of every man in the community. crivner s Machine and Blacksmith Shop A blacksmith and Machine Shop equipped with the very best of machinery for General Repair Work. We have the best Oxy-Acetelyne Welding Plant in Morrow County and can execute any kind of work in this line. A HOME INDUSTRY WORTHY OF YOUR PATRONAGE Scrivner &. Son, Proprietors Main Street Heppner, Oregon in the face of each man In the community. each day brings. I Wouldn't you rather see your I hi'. re of that 15-story building put Int.! soven two-ttory buildings in Ilitnnnni' thnn In nnp '-v-Kr!ini. In - ...... .rv., iu Heppner Is no worse than hund reds of other towns in the Vnited States In this reuppct but neverthe less w m-p annually sending away Chicago? from here large sums nf inonuy that Then begin to reconstruct your could be spettt among our local in-1 business methods. Get behind your Ktltutlong and geHlntf no better per- local man. Give him your patron vice than we could right here ut I age and do your share in putting home. Hut We are enriching some j new life Into the business streets of outside community and some outside ; f',10 town. Give the looal man a man with inonew that Is lost tons for I chance. He will not mail you highly lithographed catalog of "factory seconds" but he will sell you a staple article at a fair margin ever. We are helping pay pnvlng as sessments and water bond interests In some outside town and waddling in mud and drinking aHuill water 1 of profit and In turn will spend at "homo. We go to a city and gazp admiringly at the 15-story home of wime mail order house that we help ed to build by starving his competi tor In Heppner. portion of that profit with you. Keniember these things and the I'exl lime you go to Bend a mall order IMVT. I Wo do all them things and then take a gambler1 chance on satlsf ic- IXST On the streets of Heppner, tory results when we coi Id go tj , Wednesday. February 19, a black our local man- buy 0e ame article j bill book. Suitable reward for return and be protected by hi reputation to Frank Gibson, or to this office, tor fairness and at the same timet 4 3-4 5 Save the Worry of Wash Day at Home Our Rough Dry Department will take care of this unpleasant feature of housekeeping for you at a cheaper price than you can buy the coal and soap and at the same time save you the labor and worry of having such work to do. 8c Per Pound We maintain a delivery service and get the work back to you early in the week. Let our auto call. Heppner Steam Laundry TELEPHONE MAIN 543 Heppner, Oregon Thos Brennan PRACTICAL HORSE-SHOER SECOND DOOR NOU Til OK POST OFFICE THE HEPPNER BAKERY We take pride in offering to our patrons a clean, wholesome product manufactured under the nn't sauitan condition.". Heppner Bread ll.i . 1 reputation of wbi.-h we are prom! and wlmb niMiik " it pain nage in this communil. GIVE IT A TRIAL W. C. BOWLING, Proprietor Main Street, Heppner, Oregon SWANS THE TAILOR Why buy a custom made Miit when you have an Kxpert Tailor right at" home. We specialize in Nobby Clothe." for Gentlemen Mid respectfully invite yu t come in and look at our line of Sample Woolens. SWANSON, THE TAILOR ODD FELLOWS BUILDING HEPPNER I n I I I 1 i 1 I 1 I I if t i t r, i i