( THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February25, 319. PARR STX I Progress and Prosperity Go Hand in' Hand! I " I ! I Heppner Planing - a& rSI JTITTinfvin , & chop Moi sj m s 1 rt-'M :i;ii-fiM fl .'.&. no 4 RtaiNcPoBciill fe41 3 'ii'Sisif ,;a'r:y:;'.l . -wii Floor Pun SscororiooaOuui &i&;ifl I III ', - Martin Reid Proprietor Phone Main 564 We can supply you with every scrap of materia i needed in the erection of your new building. LUMBER, HARDWARE, LIME, CEMENT, SAND, PAINT, PAPER AND GLASS Special orders in mill work given prompt atten tion. Reliable cost estimates furnished prospec tive builders. HEPPNER, OREGON 11 Construction Engineer DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL TYPES OF BUILDINGS DONE UNDER CONTRACT HEPPNER OREGON PI CONCRETE WORK, FLUE BUILDING, asterin All Work Guaranteed YOURS FOR A BIGGER AND BETTER HEPPNER E. L. Bucknum West May Street Heppner, Oregon il '-. . .. : : C'-.v;.r i..-- t s--. rt. ,:, civic cri it win, mi;i:t wki- ' XKSDAY A!Ti:il(M)S At a mooting of the civic club hrkt in the council chamber last Wednes day evening a goodly number of members were present in spite of tfhe storm. A number of matins pertainiiv: to the perfection of the organization were discussed and the matter of having an old ordinance enforced which forbids stock being allowed to run at large in the city was taken up. It is said that in one section of the city a cow often disturbs the early morning slumbers of law abid ing citizens by Invading back yards and lifting up-her voice in discot-i-ant notes probably in protest at the grass being too short to make good grazing. It was decided to hold the regular meetings of the club on Wednesday afternoons In the future. TH 10 HKl'I'NKR MBRAKY Have you given a book to the li brary association yet? If not why not? That is the question the library ladies are asking everybody In Hepp ner these days. ?.lrs. Sam E. Van'Vactor. president of the association, reports that ev erything is going along fine the.ie rtnys and already about ltU b" ::.i have been donated. It may not be possible to open the library on March first as was the original intention for the reason that the new books ordered may not nr rive by that time but the opening will be at the earliest possible da For the present the lobby of the Masonic building will be used for library purposes. THE PIONEERS GILLIAM h B1SBE1 For Over Thirty Years HePpner's Leading Dealers in the Best Lines f r.UII.DKKS' HARDWARE. SUPPLIES. MATERIALS AND TOOLS Wc take especial pride in our deparnv.cnt of PLUMBING - HEATING hoth as leards mau-iial and installation iii itm:!! to iiavi: hand It .was plmost two years ago that the Herald first called attention to the fact that Heppner needs a bnivl and frequently since that time this paper ban urged the need of such an organization. It seems that tl.e (1 renin Is about to be tultilleu su the civic club has taken hold of the matter. At the solicitation of the c'ul. Itoy Cochran has undertaken 10 or ganize n band and the Herald l as been requested to make nnnouncr ment that nil persons Interested In becoming members of bucIi an or ganization rfhould confer with Mr. Cochran nt once. Also nny one hav ing a bind Instrument In good condi tion which they wish to dispose of should report same to Mr. Cochran Thin In one of the first attacks to be made by the civic club on the spir it of lethergy which hud crept over old Heppner but It will not be the on ly progressive step the club will take The lndlin nre out to make Hepp.ier a strictly tip-to-the-mlnute town. I'AltMKIlS' l!OAI) Itli.l, SKXATH lsi;s Architect and Contractor Announces his readiness to serve the people of Heppner during the coming season of building ' activity. . . Will furnish estimates, prepare plans and specifications take contracts or undertake to superintend your work. Office and work shop one door north of Postoffice Heppner, Oregon. &SON Contractors and Builders OUR REFERENCES Every job we have ex ecuted in Heppner during the past 45 years. II. K. Lock, painter and decorator, who recenty came to Heppner fr un Kernle, I'. C, iml purcluised two lots nt the foot of Main street ftoni the tlunn estate, mis let n contract to C. A. IiiiMlowne f.ir the erection of i' modem f room bumratow en the property. Work will begin linni di nt dy M. I,. Case ha let the contract to C. A. I.rnsilowne for (he erection o.' n ci'iicri te. fire-proof warehouse r! lh" rear of tin new Main sd t building. The pew stiu tii! will bo :iU7E foot. I'OK S l 1: O. A. C. nnd H.m noil stock White Leghorn roostem ANo a few of those fnntmi "Ore KOIlS Ore-on.' V. It. llltOWN. H.ppn-r. 39-40 run: vuit If you r in uo ny quantity of dut 1 tr.iii for filtlnif In or for lm l'i vnin: our lawn or riwdcn com in it k atxl t.ike It awnv In any q ii.i,- t.u. r:i 1; 1 011 Tin: 11 u i; flout 111 v lot on the corner of Main and M iv rtie. li. ThU offer Is for iiin k iii ti 'n. PKWM McNAMKI". 4 1 1 f To enable t'iie construction of strictly tanner roads, the senate has passed senate bill 2S3, which pro vides for a ta;i of 1 mill on nil the taxable property In Oregon, a trtal of nbout $1,000,000. There will be available $2,000,000 a year for the censtruction of elu- slvely farmers' roads, provldlns the house folows the example of the sen at'j and passes senate bill 2R3, tnd providing that the people to whom the measure Is referred, also favor it at the next election. This is the sort of measure that the Oregon state grange 'has been crying for and It .8 the combined product of Senator Tierce, Senator Patterson and for mer Senator I. N. Day. Assurances of ui equivocal support have b"rn Slven by grango representatives In the lobby. It 1b estimated by the tnx depart ment that the 1 mill will raise $1,000,000 a year. This tax. It must he distinctly underrtood. Is separate from the H-mi" tax for general ro.ol purptses. The 1 -nt lit tax will go Into a road lund to be used for matching money from Die counties. Any county which desires to g' t a sharp of this fund must put up dol lar for dollar. It Is exrrcslv pro vided that no county shall receive less than the amount of money It conti ibutes under the 1 mill. wiHi the exception of Multnomiih. In Multnomah about $.1f.0,000 will be raised, but ultnom.ih fount) can not have mor,. than $100 nun of the sum. The remaining $20,000 of Multnomah money goes Into the jack jot to aid the other counties. Another provision Is that the coun ty courts and not the stnte hlglivny commission will expend the money In building rends nltliough the highway . commlsvnn will lend Its englneerl'- force t'nVr the dltlti'.nn, nnv county, excepting Multnomah, will M-celNe fiopi one thild to one-half lucre than the money It lut In. To share In this however, conn- io r.u-t rale fund to match ;tn .iniount llnv w:int from tliH mhvi.'I ' f 'iiul A iM'l.uncI to 'he n-n 'f t.,. !i;l. Wln'll ciilllltl.w. r.i ot.. l llr il I l-o J'l.oipiMMiO rh for I'-uiii i i- mad-. e.n h li ar tint! s'lrh t.ine ,ii tin- l,i w ! f p. aliMl. Bus Id All the l"ol new. $2 the llrald. VGur home oo paper first THE RIGHT WAY THE TUM-A-LUM WAY IS TO PLAN YOUR WORK THEN WORK YOUR PLAN The building game is new to the average home builder. You cannot be expected to tell the car- it i i penter. or contractor an you nave in mma nor can you expect him to make a record of every thing you speak of everything you want. Meet your contractor half way by providing him .i . e ..il.. I ..I 1 wiui a set oi careiuuy picpiui-u jjhiis anu sih-vim-cations. These plans show all details and how much m everything. It is the only economical way to build. It " I do away with extras, disputes and misunder standings. Ordinarily these blue prints and specit'icatio: s cost frum Sl -U) to $ux)0 lor each house. We fur- ni Mi them free to our customers. If you are considering any kind of improvements your first step should be to see us. Wc can help ou to save money. umn-aium Lumber Co. "WE TREAT YOU RIGHT" Our Architectural Department is Always ct Your Service Heppner will (end all Eastern Oregon in building during 1919. Watch for results