Tuesday, February 1 8, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN ARMY MOTORIST IN FRANCE; Perils and Pitfaljs Are Described by Colonel Tyndall in Letter to Carl G. Fisher. "There will be a couple of miUlon real 'Road-Boosters' back In the Suit ed States when the war Is over, as I k all of the men over here appre- how good roads can be made In- uable. In my mind there is no doubt that the good roads of France saved her m two instances." Col. Eobert H. Tyndall of the One Hundred and Fiftieth field artillery thus writes from "over there" to Chairman Carl G. Fisher of the A. A. A. touring board. It will be remem bered that these two were closely as sociated several years ago in the trans continental tour from Indianapolis to San Francisco, at which time much of the route of the Lincoln highway was decided upon. Colonel Tyndall Is an Inveterate road driver and has covered thousands of miles of good, bad, and Indifferent American high ways. In his letter "home," he goes on to say: "I have seen movements of troops made in the dark which would have boon impossible in any other country than France. Here the roadmakers have scientilically planted trees that absorb drainage on tb,e side and at the same time shelter the highways so as to keep them just moist enough. In 6ome instances you will find a tall poplar standing higher than the rest of the trees bordering the road, at every kilometer, so that you can read ily measure distances with the eye. "One of the great things they do here is to repair a road and even make an entirely new surface without in terfering with the stream of traffic. In one campaign we were,, in, over a thousand trucks passed my regiment, each carrying 22 soldiers. This was for re-enforcement on the flank and was done without the slightest con fusion. One does not find here the little holes, that cause so much trou- ' , ... . tv SHE KNEW THE GREAT STORY XOTICE TO CREDITORS C5 ft!.' 1. V mi it a saysmilce, ontractor 3 Troops Being Transported in France. Tile remaining in a road. The potted places are immediately filled and drained, right up to the front line al most. "As far as being able to orient one's self, I think from now on I can drive blindfolded any place in the United States, as most of my driving on the front has been at night, and the ronds wind around considerably over here. I don't have lights and neither do the trucks and other vehicles coming in opposite directions. We are not al lowed to use the horn, ns this is the method employed for a gas alarm. Sometimes I really wonder how we get through with it all, but it shows how a' person can become accustomed to most any thing, and we train our selves to see in the dark." GOOD ROADS IN' NEW JERSEY Girl Lacked Gift of Narrative, but Was Able to Tell All About Chateau Thierry. As we crawled up a railroad track In the vicinity of Chateau Thierry (this was in October) n railroad track which seemed the only new and complete object in si slit the Y. M. C. A. girl, who had been sitting In the corner of the compartment resisting all ndvances at conversation, volun teered a remark. " "Our division took it," she said. It turned out that she had gone In with her canteen just behind the divi sion, during that fight wherein Amer ica made good. She lacked the narra tive talent, that girl, but she came out at intervals with flashes like this: "When our boys came up the strag glers said to them : 'You can't stay In there!' And our boys said: 'We'll not only stay there, but we're going forward' When the stragglers saw that, they formed, too, and went back with them." Or this, as we drew Into sight of a rond bordered by blackened ruins: "There's' where our divisions came Into sight, singing, 'The Yanks Are Com ing.' "Will Irwin in the Saturday Evening Post. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Leanne Ma tilda Phillips, deceased, by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, and has duly , qualified as such, and all persona.; whomsoever having any claims 1 against said estate are hereby re quested to present the same duly itemized and verified unto the un dersigned either at lioardman, Ore gon, or at 601 Journal building, Portland, Oregon; and that said claims must be presented on or be fore six months from and after the date of the first publication of this notice. , j FANNIE BERGER, Administratrix. Boardman, Oregon. HENRY S. WESTBROOK, 601 Journal Building, Portland, Oregon, Attorney for said estate. Date of first publication, Feb. 4, 1919. Date of last publication March 4, 1919. XOTICE OK HAXKHIPT SALfi "You'd think any body but a kid would know that genuine Gravely is bound to give more real tobacco satisfaction than o r d i n a r y Good taste, smaller chew,longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Vvite fo: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Pei REAL CHEWING Plug packed in pouch- I I 1 State Has Standardized Upon Con crete Construction Will Build Nothing Else in Future. W. D. -Thompson, acting highway en gineer of New Jersey, snys the macadam-surfaced Lincoln highway in New Jersey has been seen to rapidly disintegrate and fall nway under the terrific strain imposed upon the road by the heavy motortrucks now travel ing it day and night. New Jersey has standardized upon concrete construction and hereafter will build nothing else on its main routes of travel. Future building will be of concrete of a minimum width of 18 feet with a foot penetration shoul der on each side and laid upon nothing less than a 30-foot right of wny. Two miles of such construction are now being completed upon the Lincoln highway in New Jersey, near Iselln, the cost of which will be $110,000, In dicating in no small measure the ideas of the New Jersey commissioners that a heavy initial expense is, in fact, econ omy in the long run. XOTICE TO CREDITORS I V7 I Reduce Expenses By buying now. Iook at these prices; good only while stock'lasts. Glass Tumblers, set $ .25 Flour Sifters 20 Fruit Press 20 Dishes less than cost. Enamelware below nor mal price. 12 foot Linoleum less than wholesale A Few of Our Many Specials. Case Furniture Company Poultry Essential. Frmh air is one of the prime essen- lamkumtoummumt JJ:!:lsgaeBj;3Bac ln rmuUr' hnus- Ventilation for Pigs. , See that the pigs get ventilation, and In the ordinnry gable roof house openings should be made ln the peak and under the eaves. Hogs Most Preferred, The food administration seems to prefer hogs weighing around 210 for shipping abroad. Hogs of about that size will probably command a premium. ln the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Alfred E. Rivers, Involuntary Bankrupt. "'ICE OF BANKRUPT SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a certain order of sale duly made and entered in the above entitled court and cause on the 4i'h day of February, 1910, I, C E. Carlson, Trustee, will on and af ter Saturday, the 22nd day of Feb ruary, 1919, at' what is known as the Rivers Auto Company's Garage, in lone, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at private sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to a certain mortgage indebtedness in the sum of $11,300.00, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from April 1, 1917, the following de scribed real and personal properly, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast cor ner of Block Fourteen (14), in Will's Addition to the City of lone, Oregon; thence running West fifty (50) feet, thence North to tfhe right-of-way of O. W. R. & N. Co., thence running East fifty (50) feet along sai l right-of-way to the corner of said Block Fourteen (14). thence running South to the place ofbeglnnlng, containing in all two lots twenty-five (25) feet wide, each. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Foster Collins, has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of John C. Smith, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow Coji ty, Oregon. All persons having claim3 against said estate are notified to pre sent the same to me at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, within six months from the' date of the first publication of this notice. Dated r.nd nret published Janu ary, 21, 1919. FOSTER COLLINS. Administrator of the' estate of John C. Smith deceased. 38-42 XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, 17. S. Land Office, at LaGrande, Oregon, February 6th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Albert C. Allison, of Echo, Oregon, who, on Oct. 27, 1915, made Homestead En try, No. 015344, for 13 NE, SW V NE U- SE M, Sec. 14 and NW NE V4, Sec. 23, Township 1 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention tomake three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court of Morrow County, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the7th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: LeRoy D. Neill, Charles II. Barthol omew, William W. Howard and'jaH. T. Ayers, all of Echo, .Oregon. C. S. DUNN, ReglBter 2) iWiSwmwiw H l3i!K "Ul h it ' 1 lulll 1 1 111"1 ,ti sii'1'1 IP If One 20-lnoh Champion Drill Press; one 15x8 South Bend Lathe; one 20-ton Arbor Press; One Presto-Lite Tank; one Champion 2-ton Crane; One 2 H. P. Electric Motor; One Earl Enwry Grinder; One Lip man Air Wagon; One Tokheim Gas Pump, with 500 gallon tank; One Paige Car; One Iron Safe. Also In addition thereto, all of that certain stock of automobiles supplies, extras, tools and equipment and merchandise, unincumbered, now belonging to said Bankrupt Es tate, and contained In said Garage, together with the business pertain lng thereto. Dated this 14th day of February, 1919. C. E. CARLSON, Trustee XOTICK TO ntKIHTOHS Notlre iii hereby given that thfl un dersigned, Sara C. White, has b'n iduly appointed administratrix of ine 1 Estate of J. M. White, deceased, by I the County Court of Morrow Coun'y, j Oregon. All persons having rlc'ins 'against the wild estate are notified 'to prewnt the smiie, properly vei 1 Ned, to me at the offlio of Woodson I Ar Sweek. ill v attorneys nt ll. pprii-i lOreirnn. wllhln six nmnfiiK from tl.i jdalf of Hist publication of this n -t !(. !ii"d iiinl fiixt p u 1 ! i 1-1 1 l tb'ft lSlli day of Kcbninry, '. S A It A C. WHITE. Adu it.iHtratrix nf t In- Iviale ul .?, M V, Iii.-. I)i iih' d, 4.' I" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S, Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, February 6th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Alonzo Reid, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on Nov. 10th, 1914, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 013933, for NE, Section 17, Township 5 South Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, hart filed notice of Intention to mako three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the County Court of Morrow County, at Heppner Oregon, on the 8th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witness es: Clarence Reld, Warner C. Ken nedy, Charles Osten and William Mc Farrcn, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. The United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon, a corporation, Flaintiff, vs Fred A. Kribs, sometimes known as F. A. Kribs, sometimes known as Frederick A. Kribs, and Anna M. Kribs, wife of Fred A. Kribs, Defen dants. By virtue of an execution, judg ment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me directed, and dated the . day of January, 1919, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 3rd day of January, 1919, in favor of the United States National Bank of Portland, (Oregon) a cor poration, and against Fred A. Kribs (sometimes known as F. A. Kribs and sometimes known as Frederick A. Kribs) for the sum of $19,405.20, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 20th day of October. 1917, and the further sum of $1100.00 attorney's fees, and for the further sum of $30.25 costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon said writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property,, situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The land described in that certain deed from Frederjck A. Kribs and Anna M. Kribo to the Lumberman's National Bank, dated June 30th, 1914, and recorded on the 3rd day of July, 1914 ln Book "X" at page 149 of the mortgage records of Mor row County, Oregon, and more par ticularly described as follows: North half or Section 36, Town ship 4 South, Range 28 East, East 'half of Section 16, Township 4 South Range 29 East, North half of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 2!) East, North half of southwest quar ter, of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 29 East, Southeast quartor of southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 29 East, Suotheast quarter of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 29 East, Excepting however, from all of the above described property an undivid ed one fourth of the coal rights therein,, NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, do cree, and order of sale, and ln com pliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the 17th day of March, 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M., at the front door of the county court house in Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemp tion) to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and In terest wfhch the within named de fendants and each and all of them had on the 30th day of June, 1914, the date of the mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date had la and to the above described real property or any part thereof,, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order and de cree, interest, costs and accruing costs. E. M. SHUTT, Sheriff of Morrow County, Ortf,ov, Dated February 7th, 1919. Date of first publication, February 11. 1919. Date of last publication, March 11, 1919. BANKERS' MORTGAGE ATION COHPOR- If you want to borrow money on your Livestock, Wool or Liberty Bonds, talk with your local hunk about our terms and service, or write to us direct. The war Is over and we wint to help you do your part In taking cure of the reconstruction, which Is our next great duty. PORTLAND OREGON 31(143 II .1 i (if))! i UV! TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a ioyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new I Get it straight that "what you've hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality I You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process i You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back ! Buy Pnnc Alhtrl vryMhn foWco It tnlJ. Tippy rmd kmgt. My tmd lint. kanJtomt pound anW halt pmmd tin humiJortunJ 4hal tUvr. practical pnand try, I at glatt humidor with tpongm moiitmntr top that Imp thm loWca in tuck pmrtmct conrfifiui. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winiton-Salem, N. C n:riii i:s- vih Notice Ih hereby I'lvi n that the Comity Superintendent 'if Mhii i' County, Oregon, will hold a tpf ii.t examination of n r.i.liratiM for oise year State Certlf b ate nt the oiutt hme as follows: Commencing Wednexday, Feb. 20, 191'i, at 9:00 o'clock, a. m. , slid con tinuing until Kilduy, Feb. 2t, 1IMJ, at 4: 'id p. in. Wi-ilnc-dii)' KoreitiKin I nlted States llitoiy, Wrltii.r, (rrtimaniihlp) Weln""liy Afternoon I'h nlology, Reading. Tliriiwliiy l'finnHn AnUlMletlr. UinrodA) Afternoon 'itniiiiimr. 'ieoKmpby I rblay I orenonn Tl.'-ory nd r net Ik-, f)Tt, V (."i-ell-nr) t-'rtdny AfterntMirt . !ioo Law, Civil ';. ertieit-rt 1 A. cut i; i!.I. s-ip. r ti'i nd-nt of piil.lir In ttii Mi ii 1.IA SM I. I. -Ill 1:1 II. i. hi,.. I u i;,o, "tit, ri.. lit of M.iit', Co.i-.ty . rubl t.tiW : ') n jer r-7V If ,.f Ii yvif f, t-t,' : " I ,., ti- ta w - '. ! n . " f Irr-,,, T t ! fling WEBSTER'S f;EW IHTMATIOKAL DICrrONAIlY U an 1 'll-know- ji g te nliiT, tt tiiivi-l.kl l Hn'l'ill mi. wi-r r, in wli) t met l y "ir li'-!::. It 11 i't l i; v uvi by hundred ol tllnu.i:nls of r--Ul it,, ik fti.'t . .:u 11 1." ',rul -vrr. 41m mm w.ir.l. 7m '-, lt Ire trullee. I I fi.fQ Hl-ritettti :il i n ,. j 1 t'K. c: ,i. ai.) I l.t.ll,. I ... .1,1- I.I, il .11 li.ll t r.4 r.-JUrU!! llltlm. V kiii i. -.i n i- r 1 1' h I-.- , 1 , 4 1. i.i ii . 1. G. AC. MCftRlAM CO -I . .'1 1 . 1 NOTICE 1'OK PrilLICATIO.V IUvPubllcntlon Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at LaCrando, Oregon, Jan. 25th, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Zntt Ilroxnun, whose post office addrexs Is Lena, Orciron, did on the 3rd day of June, 19 IS, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 0191(14, to purchase the V.Vt NE 4, KW NK, and SKV4 NW'U, Section 11, Township 4 south, Hanr.e 29 enHt, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provis ions or the Act of JuneS, 187H, and acts amendatory, known an tbo"Tlm- ber nnd Stone Law," lit such value as in IV lit be fixed by 11 Piita Im-mi nt, and that, puinuitnt to Kiich applica tion, I In bind and limber thereon have been iipiiriilm-d, $1411.00 the u.iImt ei.tiiii.itiil nt :;nn iimi 1,0. ml ft-ej nt $l.ntt per M, nnd the l.uul SH'i iMl; Unit, paid iippili-utit will of fer llnal proof In mip! net of bin np-I-1 l ii 1 nut nnd sworn fiateini nt on the mil ilny of A.ill, I'd 9, lierore C. C. I'.lttel .;iill., I'llileil Slliten CoioiiiIk- iner, lit bin olfice nt II' iiIht, Ore- K"n. Any pei noli In nt llheily to pniteht tins puitbace before entry, or Ini tiate a loiitett lit any time, tiefoi ) patent Shciii-h, by filltiit a rorinlion.t- td a ff ul 1 it In tii in office, alli'i-lnir facts which would defi-at entry. C. S. Fil NN, Id pbrt.-r. VttllCII I tilt I'l III K A lloV I'1 I Iiepiittiiicnt of the Interior, IT. H. I :ii'd ttrrice at Tli Imllen, Oregon Jaiinuy 10. 1111. Niitlce h li'nliy Klveii that llollle !. uitiers, of IIhm1ii!ii, (treron, who on I'eliiuuiy Utth 1JI4. iiimln llonin- i-hiI Unity. No. (il2'.7l. for NW VW'4, Hi.tloii 14. Township t. ltd. Ranis'i- L'li, I, ml, lllai.ietlo Meridian, h.ix tiled tioticn to make (nil tl ree i,ir Proof, In nlnbiUh I ..m to the bind above ib ribed, ' 1." C C I'.il'i t.nti, f A. Ci.in I M'hri, nt liiiHI, llii'iriin, on !' 1 ' ! Il il.iy ot I 1 In 11,11 y l'l I 'I Ci.liMIHIlt liariMH. IM AttleiH: ! . .h W'l ler. of 'rkei Mill. !. Vi in I M Milhr of 1 1 .1 1 il inn n Die, In it III- ,ik n.ati, of llanlinaii UnKon, ,'u. 1.1 l. !! o II it.,,l 11. 1. n li FIlASK UiH'li' iK K. It -: ; 1 j it