PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Progress and Prosperity Go Tuesday. February 18. ioiq Hand Hand !!! Hcppncr Planing & Chop Mill Martin Reid Proprietor Phone Main 564 We can supply you with every scrap of mater i.ii needed in the erection of your new building. LUMBER, HARDWARE, LIME, CEMENT, SAND, PAINT, PAPER AND GLASS Special orders in mill work given prompt atten tion. Reliable cost estimates furnished prospec tive builders. HEPPNER, OREGON C. S. wne Construction Engineer DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL TYPES OF BUILDINGS DONE UNDER CONTRACT HEPPNER OREGON CONCRETE WORK, FLUE BUILDING B1.IL All Work Guaranteed YOURS FOR A BIGGER AND BETTER HEPPNER E. L. Bucknum West May Street Heppner, Oregon M THE PIONEERS GILLIA & BI3BEE For Over Thirty Years lleppncr'.s Leading Healers in the l'-est Lines i liUII.DKRS HARDWAKi:. SUPI'LIKS MATKKlAl.t; AND TOOLS We take cspeual piide in our department of PLUMBING - HEATING both as retards material and installation II L 11 II I SifflNo Ktchcn 3un Porch liiillll toRn JH KlTCHCfJIl L 4 "'" uul T2lNNcRKjU, ' ' tP0Rcn T ;::::::::::::: Floor Plan vim. eT-.-VW'K ;"v mm, i yi? W'? PT? ; Iff MfS For a complete description of this modern Dutch Bungalow read Article on Page Three SUBSTANTIAL CITY RISE FROM HEPPNER'S ASHES That the coming summer will be marked with the greatest build'ng activity known since the first bo'ai i was sawed or nail driven in He.pp ner is the opinion cif even our most conservative citizens. On every hr.nd a spirit of optimism prevails. Nev.y every owner of unimproved prope i,y is planning substantial Improvement. Many with idle capital who own no property In the city are casting about for suitable locations to buy upon which to build ns an Investment. Many business people who were forc ed into unsuitable or Inadequa' quarters by the fh-e are clamoring for new quarters In modern, fire proof buildings. Heppner is going to ;row. It is going to grow substantially and per manently. The Herald today on this page presents the advertisements of Heppner's leading builders,, de-tip -era and dealers In building materials. It is one of present, practical inter est to every one who contemplates building. The firms and Individuals presented on this page are reliable home people. Their Interests are, In Heppner and Heppner people wb contemplate building will consult own Interests by patronizing them. The way to build up the best town In the world ts for every citizen to patronize home Institutions nr.d home people. H. E. Crawford, chief architect for the Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co., of Wi.1 la Walla, accompanied by his anslst rnt, David Cor.U, .was In Hetppner a few days during the week on bus iness connected with the affairs tf his company. While Tiere the gen tlemen submited prosprrtive plans for the new hotel to bo erected by the Heppner Improvement company, for the new Ollllam & Hlithfo build ing and for the new building to he erected at Lexln;,ton the coming summer for the Lexington Stit Hunk. Mav street, between Main and Cliase Hired, which was complexly cleaned by the biif fire, .s.e.eiiis to bi' In line fur many iilt;mtl;il im priivi'iiii'iitK before the Hummer In mer. In addition to the bin Cillnm & lllolivo I'lllMltlt! which Is ilf i'i'.il for the Main i'.'i cm m i- It i po'- .-i'l.l-.lly run: I that hi In:,-! n o o'n : m., t,'ii!i.. lnr in Inn!.! n. i 11' cm, !'ii'.,fi . the - I;'" 't'ho iio,ivs Coinitv l'n:iT,n, full I'd l ji flo'it pi. ! Ill !!(. I- hi oil M.iin li-,i. t, I 'ic H i,. ,,f I ' I ' i t" the II. i purr t HI - !in-t ' "I 1 1' Ml' . , I'll! , !,. m i II li't I I OH! i ' V t ' ; Mi ! : ! , ,,. ,) till' I',!! !'. I U.lli1., ii ,i t,T!i! u :t .it "' I I' " . ' , I n . si !i''i- ti'i-:.! r. .. y I '.! ',;: 11 I..' imo.I.-i !I : r , I,.. " . Ill I 1 . ! ' M a : .it ii-.i - on I !! 'm- .i:, 1 i i u : ,. "t' ' '" ! l- si !: I In M i. n !,.-,, in .Ml I i k i r ... l"",. . v k" ' t ' "!' in Ion:, I in I'lni ! t luMiiinr, ii,-, th. ' i . i i I'l 'in i. " snolilillit to .,. (I,,. Whether it is one, two or three hotels to be built this summer Hopp ner will be dee-lighted and evoi y body will turn out to the grand open ing in a happy frame of mind and his best togs. Fred Tasli and Shelly Baldwin have each purchased two fine resi dence lots on Court street, just 3UOth of the court house, from Andrew flood, sr., and It is understood they will later erect handsome residences thereon. The work of excavating for the n-nv apartment building on th0 Mc Niituee property at Main and May streets, has beei commenced nfld B understood will be rushed to comple tion. Clyde Wells has awarded the con tract for his residence to be r ict ed in east Heppner to C. S. Lans downe and it is underrtend work will bo started at an early date. Lansdowne's concrete mixer has been moved from the Case building to the Gilmnn building on Will' w street anil the walls of that strueturs will b" i'VPli"d to completion. T. O. Dcnlsseo wears that smile that don't come off when asked about the prospect for a busy sum mer In his line. "It's going to be great," lie says. Martin Reld reports busy days snd evenings around his offlc lately net ting things lined up for the busy sea son Just ahead. Rill Cronk was up from lone Sat urday and his car flew around the corner the chug chug of the engine sounded something like Xum-a-lum-tu m a-1 u m p-t u m -a-lum ber. Ed Ilurknum figures that be wl.i have to begin mixing plaster prvt'y early In flie spring If he hopei to keep ahead of the procession. Johnson & Sons pioneer carperteis and contractors have a busy season mapped out for the coming summer. I.. i:V UWCIlHt Nihil KIM- ri ktio Tli" new barber shop of ratteroi and Clark which is being fitted up in the Colin building Is Hearing compl' tioii and when In operation will be one cf Pie ii ot i-.ii:il '( and up to il il,, '"! li'lln'mii'iits i,f It km. I Ml e.iieci (ii, i on, l',,.,,r cb.'lrx wl!l I e ptmi.lrd fir in.. I the l., f t In coiiei-- ' !l I"- '..! i n imi ! co mp.. -. .lolui'o'i -.;,w, !! Kriuvii carp'i toi mid roi:t!iii'to!. ji'e do;n;: tl' i ti -i . I . nnishln-; wink. i i;i i iiiiir If oii ran line any quantity of diit ( I".;, r tor Mime iii or for lin fioMii our l,i wn or natilt'n come quick ii ii.l I. ike it nwnv In liny q uin- t i' . i i;i i: i in: i mi: h m mm; i i "in my l"t on Ho- rorncr of Main mid My me. t. Thin offer l for quo k ii' tion. MAMS MrNAMKi: 4Uf I UK it A ' iind H.m on ft"( k Wl.iie I.erlioin hkhIpm AIll II few of tliO f.lliuill- ' I'm'. ri'tm V. It HKOWA. II pf.ner. Oi -on " J-40 DENNISSE Architect and Cont Announces his readiness to serve the people of Heppner during the coming season of building activity. .-. Will furnish estimates, prepare plans and specifications take contracts or undertake to superintend your work. Office and work shop one Postoffice Heppner, Oregon. door north of J & SONS - Contractors and Builders OUR REFERENCES Every job we have ex ecuted in Heppner during the past 45 years. uild your home oh paper first THE RIGHT WAYTHE TUM-A-LUM WAY IS TO PLAN YOUR WORK THEN WORK YOUR PLAN The building game is new to the average honic bwilder. You cannot be expected to tell the car penter or contractor all you have in mind nor can you expect him to make a record of every thing you speak of everything you want. . Meet your contractor half way by providing him with a set of carefully prepared plans and specifi cations. These plans show all details and hov; much of everything. It is the only economical way to build. It l away with extras, disputes and misundcr standings. Ordinarily these blue prints and specil'icatio: ct ("nun 150 to Skkk) for each house. We fur nih them trer to our cuMoincrs. 1 1 you are considering anv kind of improvement: your first .step should be t"(, ML. Us. We c;in H.f yn to save ninni'v. 1 Tum-a-Luirm Lumber Co. "WE TREAT YOU RIGHT" Our Architectural Department is Always Your Service at Hcppncr will lead all Eastern Oregon in building during 1919. Watch for results