-i PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February 18, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An independent Newspaper BRAIN LEAKS By LYXX I'lIUUX Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, loctoffice as .second-class Matter TKIi.MS OI- Sl ltS( KIITJOX One Year $2.00 Six .Mr.nths $1.00 Three .Months $ .50 MODERN MEMORIALS FOR WAR HEROES urns of money in build1 t About the onh' thing that will yet the kaiser's name on the front pages of the newspapers again will be to ha.ni; him. Irvin S. Cobb, of Saturday Even ing Port fame, says the war was dis lippointinic. It surely was to the luu.stir. . known as the air bullett. This pro jectile, after the Huns had made 27 air raids on England, brought down the first Zepplln destroyed on between British munition works and j the battle front. j The gas masks followed quickly j after the first use of gas shells. PKOFESSIOXAL CARDS t -- t British soil. This bullet butirg j When Italy was struggling against I GLENN Y WELLS near the huge air ships would cause ; the Austrian invasion she appe .led . " . . o !, ai. .i I ... . . . ATTO RNE Y-AT-LA an immediate outbreak of fire. Within a short time, Zj..p!ins were found to be impracticable ;n attacks on the British. The "hush ship" in spite of fie to the British government for 20 000.000 masks, and got the lot in eight weeks. In the great battle on the Piavp m June last, Italy, according to of censor came to be "known in faint, jicial reports, lost but two killed by rum.), s that spread through rnu- i gas. ami as soirf new invention that wii- i The fir it-. .. . ... . I - u ':lullJ Ubfm, inoiii.M l0 don was- nrtopt1 ln.-inc tlo . oc men o, spending va,t .sums of money in build- 0 at no i?"" SJL T thP ' tw" nets Upended bs '" iii'muuiems oi nia.SSlVC arcllCS in memory fmo!i tb'n" any more r ' " ,h ' oaiioons. Above the nets, night fl-v- oi.oidier heroes or other illu,triou, citizens is pacing ami u j TZZt'Z 'IZ e more modern ulea o, erect, nK some permanent imild- ZeulTT T ,tbV a great attack d.a "Uw" 22 Gmt 1Ilg 'b'MglU'd not Olllv US a llicniona to ihe ,, 10 ,.W.J JIT ' - B(',lm had bpen Placed with I airmen had come tn the ronr.lsinn ,1 ' l '-fins tro-n vessels at sea. that London ootilrl no longer be suc- Another -eneral strike or two -nd i . T ,, , "eV!?e' tne plane isfully attacKfcd. It was amitl- , -ina;pro!,"llpd lrvn the ""way to the 'cant that Parte w.nB 3th,rt-Prt r,-n,., ?ht be- ' thP nil 1fi timp after vaifle nr, T,. man from Hood i , RCf bSt krpt secrets- am' 1 T'.te tanks', the "mystery ships, the man nom Hood one of the most r-t'i'enivn r . ... : Vancouver World says Lon- Permanently located in Oddfellow's I.,.,-,,........-.! I ..... I ... I . .! ' ' . '. i i iiwiiuii lie i) em , u i lie m ;ng is taking- its place. hi .1 in tli,.i-(. 1 ! ii 'i i 'a .!., 1 .,.,... . ,-. . 1. . j - ' -. i iiiHU'iiai iiiintiiuni oil tool iiaV;n,T t , i "ileum umvu ine runway t '"". " -'-'t-m of memorial, to the solders and : ;l.haVe!of the guns w!-'e its Ml : il I' ITYf'.' II li' , il' ii- 11. 1 , v orld ar in the iorrn oi col i i.'ii ii ii iy hoii.ses. ., 'i lie coimiiuniiy house is a inrniern itlca. It is a house' ' tin; community, uponed ,y the community and! used by t lie commiinily l'or coiiiinuniLv j;urposes a sort of social renter lor all oi the people; a place where the people1 may meet as citizens, neighbors and friends unlrair.ine'ted ' by rehious belief, political proclivities or lodge ideas. Aio.,t siiiaii towns are cursed by social cliques, iravedl ") ' no. i ii.u i at nous or i em in' i'emnons There was a vount jf.iver, Who said in a voice all a'quiver "I'll grt to rorlin. II' I have to sviin, Or ride in, a one lun:.; fliver." . t ;.'o, Miibol, Ihey don't all come to Heppnr and get on the police force. ,JIUS lwls lne cnannel bridge. It ranee findimr. lor snoitinr the r.n.i. if88 aKS'eantic ferry, each of whose tions of hidden puns, f01. listening , --uge boats carried 54 loaded cars at j for -rubmarines. for destroying mines ia time. The cars were run from I tho v. . " . , . .. Uael,. utectiy on board one of the j of the airplane and the perfecting of hree great boats and could in j the diver, are but a few of the many i"1 UU"--Kiy trom creations of this latent and moat ,- A lev.- stop in New York j the borfs to the railroad tracks, ai trio rif.hVo I'nfiA . p 1: . , , I,,. I ,., f . I -,i ..v- luiMvmy wi uic toil mu iv oi m' is ii iritio- iiwu, ,. : ' men. uy umbrella in a storm i-; :t rule often applied by most Iieppn?r "Peoplo welcome soldiers with j longs," says a daily paper. Bftter i 1 I ,111.1 !,, . .,, .t . , " -I -,i..v, v.umni,.,, yi ou uu, to give iieigli ooi's an oppoi tumly to get acquainted with each other; to bring about a better understanding of cfiiutiiuniu- n, -,..). ..f. i, . i me! hods ol meeting them. I olrome incm w'u' I A bid has been lnroduted in the legislature at Sah-m by which the county court of each count v is empowered to spend a sum, not to exceed $5,000, with which "to erect or assist its citizens in erecting a nroner and suii.-i;.l,. nrch of fording a Quick and direct pass; vft.Jo strut; Journal. ;le at arms. Portland permanent material to the memory oi tli e monument of soldiers and snilors nf r,,,,,,! w !.. 1 :.. .u . i. . i iivj .ui 1111 in i.ne la.ie world war. ' The biil provides that such memorial shad be creel ed under the supervision oi the cotmly court and thai it shall be located at the county seat. Ihe wording of this bill would seem to indicate that st.- autiior had in mind only Ihe old-fashioned impo-Mur pile 01 masonry or concrete which can serve no purpose e:.c pt as. a iiei j.etual reminder io all posterity that a iitmi--r ' hiiman hemgs have sulleied a.ld died on the field oi hanle. 'I he idea of buikling a memorial that will be oi 11 tne living, that will sen e as a reminder that miliums "1 .ne b..ys came home seems to be hickiii-r. Whether or ; The Seattle strike ended in dismal ! failure--like everything else of Bolshevik origin. ill : Mary had a littfe lamb, It really was contrary. It grew to be a husky ram Which was a joko on alary. Seattle people had a taste of Rus sian life recently and its safe to say they are fully satisfied with the "taste" and will not require a full meal. E. E. Clark A. E. Patterson Patterson & Clark Barbers m t n sol 'is eoiisi i ueiio, ijK. j,j U! ! ....It ma; hers ! 1 . i! Hi tlie eivii t" v 1 1 aaa :ak M-hhers' on. iimn (I sad.-rs w h i are who remained at ! moei ae'. vov, rotin! 1 i , to a eo.eii.iMii a 1 1 i - : . ; 1 i 1 . . in 1 ne 1 i ei in I,- i IS con i. et ail ' mi 1 iriic: d t er an c i.l orl is be: u g mad. ' as to i.pcciiicalh penim. ! u Inch viii be oi use io no '. .--.miug home as we! IO;l e to do our I Jll ioi j.e u o n e a y lioit.-c and llie ion 01 ! 1 u Ci leoii , v : 1 ne v rs m emo: 1 I lie CoUUlji , i ! ciii.cns gei:tr;d ii a buii.liiiL'- wlb, .1 iiieniorv lor I ne em i -:, urge id ne.do city coiuuii has no pi 01 saie-guait. ire in w Inch lo bor:-e !b." 11 1: . be re-v s!ablishel, tnere is tioi laiue liu-ei "V'tll ! OF IXTKKKST TO MOTOH Bl'CS General JTiles was much intcrestcu in the e-irly development of motor cars and advocated their adoption 'In the lni,ted States Army. i The yountcrnt person to drive an . automobile in Chicago was a 1-jai old ij'iliir Piithu;!iast in 1!I00, wi o applied for ami received vn r.utrnu, Iiile license. 1 I A Chicago vonian in JJ100 took tin' examination for aiitei'iohlb. op. ' nerator anil 11 nn 011 11 ced her inteniiin (if earning her l:vin; l-y teaciiinu o'.lii'i's of her sex iiow in uianae the new machines. We have just opened our new shop in the Bort cher Building where we will be glad to meet our tormer friends and customers and all others who appreciate first class service 'in our line amid modern surroundings. HOT AND COLD BATHS IN CONNECTION Our new shop is strictly sanitary, our equipment modern, our workmen courteous, our service the. best of which we are capable. CALL' AND SEE US MAIN STREET HEPPNER, OREGON A TTO UKRY- A T-T. A W 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. VAUGHAN & BUTLER EXT1ST Bunldinc Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOIIX EIT-AT-LA W Office in Roberts' Building Heppner - Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN ii SltlOEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner' Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATXOll.VKi'S-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOilN EV-AT-LAW . Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregoy Regular monthly visits to Heppnei .v and lone. DR. GUNSTER VliTEIUXAIUAs Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) ' F. A. McMENAMIN ' LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WHITEIS l.N'SL'KANCU ItEAL ESTATE, LOANS, Heppner Oregon E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN House wiring a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 6 "3. Sowers Shoe Hospital C. W. ROWERS, Prop. I ere .modern machinery methods. HKl'PNER, OREGON rpo e t th -el A bill was introduced in the .Mas- il cilllsel I s h..' i il: 1 11 ,, ,.f., !,, -1 .. our M'rliting men and ;yoar of iiido rcniin ;.ll motor "- Ci nil nili 111 I , 1 hides operated in tnc vJty of Ho:1 toil : to (. 1 i-. n, !,.!. stiCll .1 I.Li, dli'-i-. " ' ' . . . p. ace m which io need . : 1 . . 1 , . , c.iy rccrTHs. ! ner -:-! t ..' 1 o 111,. 1 110 suitable ;ld di ill' place lo; In 1900 the ror'r.e ttv j,, I t:;;-nre parks decided to 1 liinils of a;:inmobiles to 1 ' t provided the drivers first 1 (., 1 tiflcates of competence chic Clubs aild Oth i t'tni?ral Ruyerintendent. it of Unt il din it a,' lie ifarksr. cure cer rciiii the Hi 1 1 "e a 1 n n- . 1 . 1 i.t 1 lie ii 111 11 ! Ik The idea of numbered 1 plates for automobiles had birth llti 1 'i e.ecenl nti b .c n ,r,. :'. .-.-t t,i;,--, ...... . k , 1 . ...... ,. ....... 11, it, n 11,111 Ull iri I e IOUI 1 i'l"i 1 1 11 1 ri -1 ( 1 -1 , , 1 .. .1 . .1 ii li.m ll, ..i. . ,. , , ,i , , ,iim jn'opie i'"' 1 luiiiiiiisBiuner or mil- ii"T.iumliiig country who come here to ll,l,1'lli t Fairm-mi..: r-trk 10 I hanks and llewsi.an,, . .:. Vt.". i . J '","rv,,1,il'1,'R ini? on th.-ir 1. ' w '""-i uiei'i.c a oiacK UMiinrr tag on whiih J ' v "im mi 1 ices 1 mil 11 oner 11 ci "V Hi .' .S , , ; . 0Kli , , 111., ..,,.1 I. . . . I. I I 1 I ' .- Ill Hi , I'm. lers were lettered In white . n ... I la's wcro Hupplifd by tho rom- II! All camfoid, ' 'l-e 1 I 1 IP 1, vi ,, 1,, . 1 . i 111 rmei itevicw. . 1 d a ''"' 'n v.iMi Ins iace or lake a oaili i !'.. ,1 Cleveland, Ohio, to New .'...en l t uii jiioii usage arc barred irom I hem Vo';; rit' ' 'i hours was the rr itiese community needs and many others r,n(l I 1 '" '''-'d made t,y ., motorcar 11,11.1,1, I,,,,,.,, 1 1 ' , 1 1 nif pTronmince ccllpFod "I'-'.IU II Mist. I.C.Mdes llirili.-.hl.l- a l.l.ice all nrevlous recr,l In ,, ',. a-i. . ... . . : "... 1 1' I I'1' : e'ni v 10 (HI i'o 1 . 1 1 '. in i.i 1 i !ej e i 1 in roiun, pet i, v. i r an, 1 an a re, niim i IM.iill, t ia:p. a ga mnasiuri, The dislanci S00 111 ilea. traveled, was nlinni.t .1.1 ..ci. a ilie 1 una. luilll'l' i!on ji; ho . ; I I O ! I.I I I d f . I ei i i v ' UiCH III .oninu I,, i . . i ee 1 ni iu'i:id ii. 1I1V, in in,: tiov,;ia!ii s. e. iiu ii 1 n 1 01 .- .e 1 .. 1 , 1 oi i 1 !.d .-in e ' 1 I ag.im-1 1 n eh I g..ud, ai e pi i I el able. i 1 a 1 m. I lie ere. 1 . n i ., .. I Vlil i,V i ( M ,I. I', I I. (i 1 .l I s, t 1. l 1 Wit I I'l-ON M,i I uii.l. ( A pill. 1 i- 1. ,!.. : ,,. H,i!il pi up, . 1 , I'. I'.lu illi. t.i li.e l,,l,. . l: s, I,.,., , 1.1. 1, d ..... 11 ,,, !:( I'l 1 i- 111. I ( il of 1., Uli. t, I., , ,,H ),, I. i.ii 1 T'iui . :.i nil,!, 1 11.,. ,,, I 1 .ie r.i; i .i i .' i . ! ,n , c M- ll.'ll.'l III' 44 I , , ,,,, .,,(, !!,., . t. n,i 1 . ii 1, ,.,( , , .,.,. tin- l 1 1 1;. ti n, J ; , ; .' , I"' 1 4 44 , ,1. ,..U. , . ,,,1 ,. t,n,, . ' is: v , i'"i ''" a "' "' '"'" ;' "i eiuiiu: Miuirrei I';1""' -n M.-a.ui SniiiiiLi, ,,,, '"' - uii hi. ,,.., . . .., : ' r" ' " ; "i .h 111 y ni cmnpi-li.nt I i i it i. I.,- I. l.il.-r I.,t I' ni ti it:. i I . -i II. .11 til 111)1 I) in't 11a 41 ill I pi a I't,.,. ( i:i s snows mo m ( u s'' I IN M Ml!! i; Of M Vsp!. l! A oi'-'i-ve fi Slit u, ,.,- , ! I-' d:,ily 11. -n-i .-j ri- ;:n, ivo i:tilic;.ln.ii oi of 1 1 , r i-!,is...i .1 uii Ti 'Z Ihe i-a 1 li I S u. ,.,,,v, n ,v t ie lis',; f.liiliM il 1,4 a :...ri.i,ii.l liiii -lnij- or A I H i HM 111 v, ,; j Tin' p. i t i-.u inai ki'd tl... ii .ti ll or ci'im.ili,!.itli.n ,,f papers mul tlie l.uiiii'hiii- uf 77,; n,.tt. (1i,.rpi,K e. Th-'l-.i are in pt,.( j',;; daily inw papii-H, a emu piled nh l.ii-t 41, ir. The luiiiiln r or win-kids Ii.ih nhrunk fioni 1 ii,r,l)'.t l,,t j-d,- i 1 -V 7 3 5 t bin yea r. 1 Mure Ihiin ntie thlril of ihe ta-i-; niim lanmiiiKe piiblli-niiiini lum din. appeal id duiln the past ).-ar. livi-ry n. w.ipupi-r pubtli.T know fie leaion for tlie dec Ham'. Hll.ll -nt uf Hiiin.- n nil Htlur iimi.i-i.! h.'lp, Incniife !1 ,.! FIREMAN'S BENEFIT B IT IT -ALL a .. al .'. all. I i , ' I Sat nti 1 1 lii- iii v al O O .11, al tlhl. Inn; iniiinii ii4 .t lii.if pi li III H'd tl'U. I'MIS s I,, N V! ,,,MNt, I..4. I in wiiiic find kiiUib , 1 1 1 1 -1 m -11 1 of n K puhlili.-ii, ai,. (.uii,,. ,,f the:,. it 1 1 a riiis h '' t - ti I! V..-I. I. I,. i ,i k II ..LI. ...iiv ;t,iii i, (ij , 1 m! au.t'lm I'; 11 "'i -e"t m 11 ri-4 c! .r I lt s l I 1 i ll, iiiu.t in a !; 1, tuil 4n mil.-.; 44i!l tike $T.i, l.l-ll, r -t (ttnllv laaiiK, cat I l.i I ll4l!,jIK J , , u,. (j,,, r,l,(ji ,,t,j,. In 1 . On 4 xit 4 1 . 4 J i.-l. il.-S... I . ! 1 'U sll 1: 7 room i,u,,. .,,,,) j. Wlj 'tl iiu iti lO.pp.n.r ,,!,!!, (lf ,, , 1 I'ti.niir.. ,.r H-'-. 0 n ,i -. !!; 1 ' . ! -. ,..,. 1 , . . I.i ' in- of ihe i.it ni- mat. ii-ii-i- t,.r uliin M t 44l.i,-h t;, w,,ili kn 44 n .i iss atxait : i4" il.- 1,1, ,), i, j.ri jic. In 0... li. luy ..( ...infi , , ,.,,'iitn-, 1 ii.iia!. i.(K.-. im p.. hi ..!. A N' ; .,ii.. r Iiu. i;t, , i i .... '' ! "ni I.' ni a 4. 1 Saturday, Feb. 22nd At The Morrow County Fair Pavilion The dance formerly announced has given away for the big affair Given to raise funds to equip and maintain Heppner's Vol unteer Fire Department GOOD MUSIC. TICKETS $Pi Organized to protect you. Do your bit. ! fi! ( ) VII I H1 11 l-.ll ), I.' . til ( i't. j !"' Il.r.