Tuesday, February, n, igig THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN MM 12 4 .1 MW. $7ff' Jiff PERSONNEL OP STAXDAKD CM I1S UOAKIMA SCHOOfi RESERVE BANK GOVERNOR SEES ERA OF PLENTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF SHKRIEVS SA1,K I" Says Prosperity Dawns Governor James K. Lynch, of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran cisco, has addressed the following open letter to the people of the Pa cific Coast and the other states com- FINISH THE JOB 'ft takes quality to y imake a real bargain, savs ixeuv If CJ the banker jSil "This small chew of Real Gravely gives more real tobacco satisfaction than a big chew of ordinary plug. It tastes better and lasts longer." Good taste, smaller chew.longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug Canning; Gladys Paine, Mayme Hango, Del la Olson, Belle Packard, Loacint'.i '. White, Ida Mefford, Wahnona Rpnds Kathleen Marshall. . ' Sewing I : Mayme Hango, Dorothy Boardnian, . Delia Olson, Belle Packard, Bertha . lit t Burns, Ida Met ford, wahnona Rands Lynch Urges Westerners to Audrey Leathers, Verrel Woodard. Make Victory Loan Success. Loacinth White. : Figs Lauren Cummins, Vaughnan Key- ' es, Arthur Mefford, Deibert John son, Robert Partlow, Kathleen Mar shall, Howard Packard, ' Homer Mitchell; Paul Hatch. Poultry Fred- Rindfleisch, Frances Blay den, Howard Packard, Paul Hatch, Julia Mefford, Bowdeen Rands, Rob ert Partlow,- Loacinth White, Edgar Doering. :..sJj4u (JardeniiiR The gardening and potato clubs meet at the same time. , Norman Rindfleisch; , Earl Olson, Robert Haskins, Elden Paine, Alton Klitz. ' Potato Weldon Ayers,Robert Marshall, Lauren Cummins, William Rind fleisch, Vaughnan Keyes. Corn "Lauren Cummins, Vaughnan Key es, Carl Ayers, Elden Paine, Robert Marshall, Noel Klitz. Cooking Gladys Paine. Slieep Raising William Rindfleisch. Homo Bequtificution Adraiii Bechdolt. ' Hoard man Industrial Class President Belle Packard. . Vice President Bertha Burns. Secretary Gladys Paine. Program Committee Bertha Burns, Arthur Mefford, Vaughnan Keyes. Motto: "100 for Boardman -in Club Work this year. Club Day Last Friday of each school month. ft v J ar H Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Leanne -Ma tilda Phillips, deceased, by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for IViultnomah County, and has duly qualified as such, and all persons whomsoever having any claims against said estate are hereby ro quested to present the same duly itemized and verified unto the un dersigned either at Boardman, Ore gon, or at 601 Journal building, Portland, Oregon; and that said; claims must be presented on or be fore six months from and after the dale of the first publication of this notice. SSI FANNIE BERGER, " Administratrix. Boardman, Oregon. HENRY S. WESTBROOK, 601 Journal Building, Portland, Oregon, Attorney for said estate. Date of first publication, Feb. 4, 1919. Date of last publication March 4, 1919. " ., NO TICE TO CREDITORS A SNAP FOR SOME RUSTLE II Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch ' THE HEPPNER HERALD $2.00 PER YEAR A party owning a good paying 1'usiness, unable because of physical disability to handle it, offers his equipment, field and good will for $1050. The owner is able to show any prospective purchaser that this business will pay any live man bet tor than $1.50 per hour. For furth er information inquire at the Herald Of lice. - 37tf Printing that pleases. The Herald. JAMES K. LYNCH Governor, 12th Federal Reserve District prised within the Twelfth Federal Re servo District: "To the Citizens of the Twelfth Fed eral Reserve District: "The Fifth 'Victory' Liberty Loan Is In si;;ht. Let us thank God that it in not Just the Fifth Loan. Victory means the end of the War, the end of Loans, the dawn of Peace and Pros perity. It means that the market price of Government bonds will soon stab ilize at par or batter. It also means that commercial, agricultural, and In dustrial affairs will stabilise, and that the Hun-Inspired clamor will cease, Tie wero advised that the war vonld last through 1919, probably through 1920, so wo were prepared for that; to have done less would have meant suicide.- We prepared to crush tho Hun on his own ground, and he , prudently quit. It cost us some money bat It saved the lives of half a mil- lion of onr men. ' Was money ever Better spent? "Now we have bills to pay, promises Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Foster Collins, has been duly appointed administrator of tin? estate of John C. Smith, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow Coji ty. Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre sent the same to me at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactov, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated r.nd first published Janu ary, 21, 1919. ' FOSTER COLLINS. Administrator of the estate of John C. Smith deceased. 38-42 NOTICE FOR Pl'BMCATIOX Department of the Interior, 17. S. Land 'Office, at LaGrande, Oregon, February 6th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Albert. C. Allison, of Echo, Oregon, who, on Oct. 27, 1915, made Homestead En try, No. 015344, for E NE, SW V4 NE . SE Sec. 14 and NW NE , Sec. 23, Township 1 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention tomake three-year proof, to establish claim to'the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court of Morrow County, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the7th day of April, 1919. . . Claimant names as witnesses: Leltoy D. Nelll, Charles H. Barthol omew, William W. Howard and Jas. T. Ayers, all of Echo, .Oregon. ' C. S.'DUNN, Register yT To) AT THE JONES RANCH, ONE MILE SOUTH SCHOOL HOUSE IN SAND HOLLOW. n Bii m ml OF THE ALPINE Thursday, feb'y 13th ii it to THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION BEGINNING AT n, A. M. SHARP: WIN $3 A WORD BY WRITING A VICTORY SLOGAN Good Victory LIborty Loan slogans are Wanted by the general publicity cnnmlttno of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District with head quarters in San FrancUco. The committee will pay ai nigh as 13 a word. First prlre will b $30, second prize 20; and third prize, $10. Slogans should be limited to 10 or 12 words. Send all slogans to SLOGAN EDITOR. Room 3Ul, 430 Califoruia Street, Han Francisco, California. The con tun t close Saluiday, March 22. lu'cs I Ci! l j II i broke tfwork 4 to 7 years 1 1 :k l ow vi.a:'s i 1. . 2- tv.r-oiil Stci-r. loUein I'.ull. kui. 1 1 j hc:'l nf Stuck. (:!'-( 'Ill (1 I lories lirokc tf work 4 to 7 yrs. I i-yc;ir -old 1 IciiVr.' Yearling Calws. holes. 1 in inii'" ; - hi .i 1 10. v nor. 'nuyy harm s. 1 1 ,s: S Tur 2 ( Co (1 i cl ulu-e! Truck 'iL(on I ai i :i al'.i Y coder. I Voottoni 14-inch Canton Clij-i't ' Vlow. 1 Ford car. Lumber and barn I5'ood .secondhand sacks, small tools., chains, etc. too numerous all .('VS. i;.r. 1 ii ;s i ir;'l . I I , oils, ne, it eoi ia ("ii ain t '( loot .'-bottom irness. Iv new. hrill. arrow. If. in. J. I). t! in'ikn rooiI, onr men to brvz horn'! 'lliis will take from five to xl I 1 1 lion (l ilhirH. Iit us (lit nwly and niisi- ll. A Wk tti-l:. but I'ic Im.I. anil NOTICE TOR rt'BLTCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, February 6th, 1919. Notice Is hereby given thai Alonzo Reld. of Heppner, Oregon, who,- on Nov. 10th. 1914, nuidn Additional Homestead Entry, No. 0139:13, for NEV4, Station 17, Township 6 South Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the County Court of Morrow County, at Heppner Oregon, on the 8th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witness es: Clarence Held, Warner C. Ken nedy, Charles Oaten and William Mo Fun-on, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. The United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon, a corporation, Plaintiff, . vs Fred A. Kribs, sometimes known as F. A. lvribs, sometimes known as Frederick A. Kribs, and Anna M. Kribs, wife of Fred A. Kribs, Defen dants. By virtue of an execution, judg ment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the ' above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me directed, and dated the . day of January, 1919, upon a judgment ; rendered and entered in said court on the 3rd day of January, 1919, in , favor of the United States National Bank of Portland, (Oregon) a cor- ! poration, and against Fred A. Kribs i (sometimes known as F. A. Kribs and sometimes known as Frederick A. Kribs) for the sum of $19,405.20, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 20th day of October, 1917, and the further sum of $1100.00 attorney's fees, and for the further sum of $30.2 5 costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon said writ, commanding me to ' make sale of the following described real property,, situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The land described in that certain deed from Frederick A. Kribs and Anna M. Kribs to the Lumberman's ; National Bank, dated June 30th, 1914, and recorded on tlie 3rd day of July, 1914 in Book "X" at page 149 of the mortgage records of Mor row County, Oregon, and more par ticularly described as follows: North half of Section 36, Town ship 4 South, Range 28 East, East 'half of Section 16, Township 4 South Range 29 East, North half of Section 36, Township 4 South. Ranee 2!) East, North half of southwest quar ter of Section 36, Township 4 South. Range 29 East, Southeast quartor of southwest quarter of Section 3fi, Township ' 4 South, Range 29 East, Suotheast quarter of Section S6. Township 4 South, Range 29 EaRt. Excepting however, from all of the above described property an undivid ed one fourth of the coal rlghtB therein,, NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, de cree, and order of sale, and In com pliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the 17th day of March, 1919, at the. hour of ten o'clock, A. M., at the front door of the county court house In Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemp tion) to the highest bidiler for cash In hand all the right, title and In terest wrhch the within named de fendants and each and all of them had on the 30th day of June, IflH. the date of the mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date had l:i nn.1 to the above described real roperty or any part thereof,, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order arid de cree, Interest, costs and iiccniirg costs. E. M. SIHJTT, SherllT of Morrow'Cotinty, On ,!''. Dated February '7th. 1919. Date of first publication, February 11, 1919. Date or lant publication, March 11, 1919. HANKERS' MORTGAGE ATION corti-oit- If you want to borrow inuney on your Livestock, Wool or Liberty IIuiiiIh, talk with your local bank about our ti iinfi anil service, or wi ile to u direct. Tlie war Is ovr and we want to help yon ilu your pntt ! t:iHm; cure I'l 111- ! t: i (,: a. ! I i,'. !!: ire, Hi-.v. All together, HliouMcr j n. xl n :HT. nt.'l tlie Uiiin S-'-n-a er! , I'oliTI e Nl.'.ety.nrit' In the I'aritlc !)ivl ,l,in; n met':ln r their l.'l'tlt. Slid hMl'T U'TM'IVIM 1, i tu I'. j -;i:s k. t.VNci nf On- i i'i un;.i on Hun, :it duly. M Ulilt.1 wliii h Is inn OltEGON I . 1 ' dV, ) .'iir of leader bars. J double cmerv sloiic. Heating Mov to mention. bed, chairs. tabK TERMS: 510.00 and uwler ras on approved notes. h, balance S months with er cent interest Free Lynch At ' Noon SALES UNDER DIRECTION OF FARMERS' EXCHANGE mm Till HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. KcMENAMIN, Auctioneer V. R. BROWN, Manager and Clerk AMERICA'S DEBT SMALLER THAN OTHER POWERS' III ti e HkIiI if ti e foll'iAlmi r.f fi el'd f'.t'ircn, Ai'i'rieh't uhllitv to ca.!!y ulitorb Ilu- VMury l.ll.riy !liti rumiot tie ijise thn.e l; The critlre Inilftitrdin-'- l.f t'l ile.l HM,. tu!i In 1- 7 -;'y. . 1 1, J (i per rent (.f the n i'l' 'tiiil a kbnut IIT'i ( i r ''.i; rn fume Of tie !..,lft,il flti i f r-elit i . ' ill I i, fl".: nl.rl HiJ'l life. f; ' t I'lifcin I t ,t.' e Au.'-Vi . y n mir d tM t' uh'.w. fi,- tti iilniti 'h rm It. ! i.i.tf;. the 't 41 ' . . I! ' . I ' In r- .-e 1 . i ir ; Ii a h. :i!l' , J .; ..fl U I! n ),- ; !. - n i r jh t n j i 4 '. I tu ltd i than I'm I i. 1V-: IMTEJJHATIOMAL 1'i'f I i)V ItV H ni f !i 1 ri'i v- h. I. i ; n'r- ,1.0 ti. I l n. ! C & C. V.u'l' Co., NOTICE I'Olt I'l Itl.K'ATION lUt-l'iililliatUin Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Orflee, ut LatJiaiido, Oregon, Jan. 2r.th. 1919. Notice In hereby Riven that Zotta HlOHIinn, wlionn punt office iiililieKR Ih Lena, Oregon, dlil on tlie Ilrd day Of June, 1!il, Hie In thla . olilt i Sworn Statement and Atiplli'titloti, No. (tl!i'.4, to purctia'ie the K '-i K SV 14 NE'!, and Kl-V, N '4, Section II. Township . koiMIi, linli!;' I ?' 1 iiKt, Willjiiiicite Meriili.tn, am! the liinlier llieieon, 11111I1- the pruv.'H I I'M,:! "f the Act ii' .linn ::, I k7S, an;! ,:icl liini'lli;,li,n . I. n , v T ns' tlie Tim- h' r :n.r .-;(., r.. l.ii-.v." -it ,i, I, v."lnc 1 ' ' hi he lne. V ilj.piiil i I 'l tlr-t, 1. ii.-ut i,, sued ailic;i- Ml ., Me . ,,, In,, I, el therein! I h:ne le .11 ii.,r,ii, ,-,, $ . 11 mi i1(. ' 1 -I hi I I . Il'lllll. .1 ;, ilu!! 1,'HI I,,,., , 1 I'-' I i I I I Oil per M, niul , , I 1 ml f I I" "" I I hill Killl l,I.,:ic:ilit Will llf- , 'i'l' I111.il I'lieir III nupi net of hhi ap. 1 I l.f .1 ml h..i 11 H.itein. lit on the IJM, .1 v i,I ,pi,, pi pi, ,e," I . I'. ';,ir,. i'.n., I mi.., I si.iti"! Ciiii,,i,I. "loner, lit hl ol I ice ut Ile,,n,. , Ore i "ll. AhV pei on Ih ut lanrtv to itot,.ht Ohm n r . 1 1 .1 . heloie iiihy, or Inl ti.ile ii ioni. ut ,,,V in,,,. 1,,-ror imiiiil ;.-.in liy film-; 11 coi iohor.,1- 'I l.fll'l.lUI In li.li oll.i e. lil. -i, ll IB V, hllll K Oil If I lllfenl ., v. ' '-' I'l NV, ,(. i. filer. Tri " ro ri'i l.lturir Ii ii m.n l If )'! (l'f t..f ill'-tl 1 no morviiin yo-ir f it uro lor Vi'rt Il'ifi U Ttiofmanda f o if ml lr :.4 llofi fnortuarf"! their fijt iro. II ft. 1. IV, IM Mil II I. Hi I I I III II I o III ll I III' .1 . I'l. I. , I .ll 'I h. I 'l I '! he,. U, ll l ' I ' t h .'I 1 u.i 1 )' 2 I'h Ii 'ii.it.. I'l I I . " 1 : 1 1, i 1 I m.i, in.. . I. f , I o 11 V, 1 'A in. on liolf .. 1 i.'iii If .1111 'V. I, ilp f., 'I- ' "" to iiilil-f I lei ' If ,1 C 1 . in r i.ii w mil M II In. nil ' I' ll.-., M , .. Iter! i, ai, i,,:,n, i, Mnolllinn Oiex.in, ili um l.i. mill of Ifir.l ;i (iir n. II. IIIA.'-K OOI ill 11 K. l:i:iil.iira