PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February n, 1919 n n rinnrvT L ; mm THERE IS A FORTUNE IN IT FOR THE MAN WHO TODAY HAS THE FORESIGHT TO INVEST IN MORROW COUNTY LAND. WE HAVE NU MEROUS EXAMPLES OF IT IN EVERY DAY LIFE IN HEPPNER AND TODAY THE OPPORTUNI TIES ARE GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. ? THE GREAT TASk OF FEEDING THE WORLD HAS FALLEN UPON THE SHOULDERS OF THE AMERICAN FARMER THROWING OPEN A WORLD OF WONDERFUL CHANCES TO THE MAN WHO HAS THE MONEY AND THE INCLIN ATION TO INVEST. I HAVE A MOST COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF FARM PROPERTIES FOR SALE ALL OVER MOR ROW COUNTY AND CAN PLACE A BUYER ON ANY KIND OF FARM THAT FIE DESIRES. IF YOU ARE A PROSPECTIVE BUYER LET ME SHOW SOME OF THESE TO YOU. THE POSSI BILITIES THEY OFFER WILL APPEAL TO YOU. snafc A R r V NSURANC (J!. If ! ft Heppner 101 . WIITEIS New Irrigated District of Boardman is Prosperous (Continued from Pago One) heard some, of these good folk of lloardman tulk about their countiy niul, having hinl some knowledge ' tliu possibilities of Irrigation tinder proper conditions. In the past, he was enough f gambler to take a hance on making a trip over there to we for himself what the new town ami roiniiiunlly lookaHke. Leaving Heppner one rather Mor iny Saturday inornluK at 8:30 tne writer landed at lloariliiinn via. lue Heppner Itraneh ami the O. V. U. 4 N at aliout 2:0" p m. to. step rrom the train Into a flood of glorious sunshine. At present an towns go. Hoard nan Is not much to look at In the w.iy of building, which at present is the most pretentious In the town, stands on high ground overlooking the Col umbia river and has a moat sightly location. The building Is lu the Cil Uiirnla mission style, built of con pretemnd Is two stories hig'li. At prenent only the centre or main part f the building has' been erected the Intention being to add the wings as provided for In the plans as the need for additional room arises. Prof. K. K. Irurns, principal, with t'hree efficient teachers has charge of the hcUooI woi"k. Th'e school has fid pupils enrolled this term and He curriculum embraces t'lio full twelve grades of the grammar and h;i i school courses. A feature of the lloardman sch nil of which the community has re-ison ..... i, it.. .iiin.l ti.-mitv. For the mom lart It Is something of a Jumtil.' or I to lie parnruiariy .m rough lumber "shacks" with nearly library. This Institution has nine Hal roots and covered with tar pa- than 4001. volumes of tntl.kd per few good homes huv,. aliei.dv wo.ks embr.i.lng the very best llter- ;.i.ili ud a large number of res- nture . history, travel, fiction, and I -r vfv- a , - K ' ' - - ,. V' V. ): I J .-- y ... k" , - - ': t. ....... , i ii. v -nlet I ,; " ' " ' " 1 IV V A;.' v't:.'"S''.' ll.uln:' Sri'o.- In Hie 1s ; ti.n'.-.l n tr.i;n..! I u ! tn;i n. Vm oontv V ' I It i luni to iipcn mail Is th" c.'lnii'llin' I, iiii: H '!" " ;":H i mini Si i "i Ikp. h in 'i. Ket,'- ki'i. mil!' .f. I.' I'.i. i .-I . .! i 'i i .i I- I 1 .,' n. . 'I I'll i 1.! Ui.' H W II , .. ll ll.llllH 11 . i ,.'t'.. i'mIiiiuI, ,i Uln-r'm i. I, m l 1..' t'llill I Mi urn lb"' new town thus .' i. . '! r.i.4 V ""'! " ii... . .. I .in- port V '! '" '' ' ,it. i . I ..I . ii. I I (' -t l l.i I".' i ' ' ,! i i l"n II".- . , ,.!.! t""h . H i. p Ik K ...m1 si b"'l mi'l '" slii'inl'tcd l,, motion of roin.iiunitr sboulil UM mill the I"!'-! ill In ...I in' .1 i lii.i l Tl.e hool i 1 I I f t..t 1' " ! 1 I. ' I' ( Hi' )'MI I lit. tl! i.'tl i I. 11 ii .1. n oi" it ti.p..- 11 !' k ii's l-i ! f. i:!v, Mi'l llnil In Il '1! of p lil' H ,''! I" IM I In- l""t in ' I ''I'lU "t H L' I 1 nil r I .1 i'f ii . i- :...n of -i.iii.i.i I i lull, in ili( . tmol l puti I i.-il ill .it. ' rl rt.lii.nn i'' t"t; p.. I" ' at H.e ' . i- ef 1 1. ui li'i I.' Nii't.htr i H'.l.'i ii Cf'iiuiiimi.i f i. ill,. t',.it h.n bull ad.'ptf-d m( tl.iai.t- ii. n t I! , . i i.. i i,. I m t' -i. : i 1.. . .. . i ., .i I.. ;.!'. n .! l!.. i i i i lii -l.i i. .Ml, J ..I i'.M " II 11 "I t " .111.1 llr i nil r. i; t p i-. i i. ui a p..-' i i:. (.. I ,:i,' I i I . l M r .i .ii ... . i ..... 1 1 -i... n . 1 1 . IM Hi 11 . .1 ' ' 1 .1.. (' I'.. I. 'I .-' nil. j: iil i.-t of the i-l.ur.'i. pi.'i I. (I'll II .. I 1 li. . . ' . I'M l. pi'. '11. . III I . ,., ,i,' m i: i ij. utiiiM ih' Ii.. .it. In. .in l.o lull. n.. i in. . . .' !'.. (.-. .! hum , r..i al ii .ii f ' lii l I l I' in- C i', !'iin. ii II i .--ri I (' ! - I M. 1. ' V. i '! '. II u.'.! ''ill li. ; r i I. . ! .,i i I.I ll.', I!l " ! Ill' I i tnril.iv ;.-.t..l.!e ! I ! , :n.1 i it i n..l.t spi-r.i iii tl- i i- r. M- - I n.l i y Mill ' i l I.. I I .mi,.! ll'v V It i ! . V. from the alfalfa they had planted In June getting enough from a fw ac res to winter thir team, milk cows an A a t ... .. I -" " "m yiss., i i . ,i Mr. and Mfg. LeBlle' Packard wenr to Boardman from Seattle In 1)7 without the slightest experience In farming. Mr. Packard was manng-r of a department In one of Seattle's Dig Dusiness Institutions with 85 pec- P'c worsing under him. He left a mahogany desk In a morble-flnb-.h. il and says he wouldn't go bad: on h net The Packards are living In a rough board sh.icck at present ami uieir cows and team and plg ar protected from the weather b a straw-covered shed but they ar happy and prosperous. They alreadv have 37 acres In alfalfa and they see in me near future a moiWn ,..... , a car, and about every other convc- I nlnnc, nnA 1. ......... .L... . l 'ui iiiey necu. Mike Marshall, who la well known all over Morrow county as an old time sheep man, has- been llvln,r in the "sand country" for several y a.? and be knew a good thing so !.!! whin be saw rt that when the w,., project was M.Hted himself, nd . mediate family swured omo ni acres. Ho now has large ,.,... .t... 'n -Ifii .' is piepuniiK th- i. . " " ii'!' r- and will ,-,.on . u,.ir . ''ii" I., v than :;,..., ,., ,,,. ,.w .'' "' " M Ii ' ' " toil' l.i . ' ii.,.; . . 1 ' ' " ' "" -! U '. X" .M .... ; I t .1.1. .1 I.I. 'I. I w id' I I '. 1 ; t.. 1 ' t' v 'I !' ill :.i a ti- tt - I i ii i 1 1. The ) w .IS It tl. tl., I,.. I " i;itiy ! .. i. . ... 1!. 'il p. Ill il.m ' 1 1 .i tl 1 ! 111)-.-.!,. f .in, I..-. !i.l.l '.hi: t'.l 1 1 ,i : i.i due ; ii I in t ' . I 1 1 ' . I te'.-t !' " ' i H'l t 'I "' ii i i " .i'.i! tin :-v .'. t i'.i 1 Is iiiaili- lit t! tiiiimn nf t!..- eitiers nml many "i .i.'llll lint LI u.'e i . l mil l,i,.t t-r il-,. I in -' ( ': n." I'uV.iU n. vill kii"ti .I '. ti-. of !'--i ' i.m-1. r:.n,e t'l I'....,! ! 'ti ill 1 ! T (Hid Im.iibI'I h 4 ii p . r t .i. : "I i,h it I " 1 1, nr.-1 ".' i n .Hid " !"l it t'i nl'i'.'fi' .n.' I'.i't . I ' I I... i nt :'i i ii-ti nf : .r hV ili'lil ti e r,i l t' 111' Il 1" i. ' In .the t,ii l. nt ;o per tun. Mr en l M s Kdiiiun.U ram f"i.i HiiU- i- Id V .iil.iti.ton, in th p. ! of 1?1 ml bmieTit a tract. M- Imun.ln 1 1. mi'l wis! mm ;. .! i-. t It i. to .il'al'4 sli'iin Jim lt .Tl.-v tlin lJ to tit'ira t" J i .. . i.-.i,:. n ! of l.Mtiiiiin and th- 111.' t'-'li Id to tke rate of the br Venn i 't 1 nml !'.. pti.) all se-ir- "t on the r;m they still !) id t-i !- l"."l t' ti e rote and n.-iy t'u--e hro thry return"! t" n jn ittid wiotian a tuxnter f.-r lt. tiostdnuin slx-ut tb Ut nf Autii't thry cit pntijr fair tnp o; I " ' ' V M I !;! T. r I'll III., I t',.' V I , t' I I I ( ' ' 1 I i t: . II about. ' l y'!.; v i mi h .i r'.itit. N"t fu r.v ... . 'ii til!. nil) .l.i ; el., ! i ,ii i, .' v 1 .1 l.i p. ..t, I. i; m l I ! ,it - I" tlmt !l pi " ti' t.i'tl If !!' 1. r I -1 ! .- .1. I tia- t- .1 w tbi'tr a Ktn h or p. on miiii-t sii":ii; llii'iu that SatVil.iv b'- te tl.,..n I'e WrfU tint II" III ! tl-' tliki-l lie Tin) m iv I. lie pi' i ... . Ii iil and n-'l i,'f. T. n. oil tni anil n-'i "i r t bale b it i an l nil. mi m i .tl n ii -,ini . m lla- , lm ' ') of tbi lr rln'lce I'" " tl.- .vty - t!,Ui.., t : t . !. , r t. j One ,.i..!l -1 h I i I1 ti t 'i -i rm n v.', i'i j-itie ::ii,, i.,. i I ''ti. i ti e t' ,,,, . , (, j M :: i i.i!!.-v ran ..,..:. l.t, , An-." . r ti an n i..-i, u, ,rn .ir i ...t.,t.... ttown snmnr the un. I "- lirih which i , , ! 1 " " On ifl,.w w: l,r ; , ' d.trli I .t. wi t the will ani t; . '". w is pUnted "Jum in ,h l, I'- would do." Watermelon, . ,',., lUi.!,'- vi. te grown under the ,,n. rond.i ions. Th, We.t VniMilla r,w, ' ' .! . . arte. (,, ,!,.,, ftri, ,r '" ' 'f th's l. under pi.imt or win b, th. rot.uni: r-rte are , ter, tu!(u. Lt sterat, acreage of about 4S acre, to crh water, Th. Irsrt. rBr. "f the l.ol.iioe. bcin, 0 lrr I