r , , I PROFESSIONAL CARDS , 1 ' t ' i I Heppner Herald S. A, PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper THE WATER QUESTION t BRAIN LEAKS By LYNN PITRDIN Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Pot-toi nee as second-class Aiuuer TWI!1 111.1 KI'llKf 'lillTUtV One Year ...$2.00 Six Months $1.00 tial question Three Months $ .50 TUESDAY,, FEBRUARY 4, 1919 A WRITER for the Herald in passing a crowd on the ; street the other dav overheard this remark: "Are we! t losing sight of the water proposition?" And the Herald' a department of -Air" is to bo answers the question-WE ARE NOT. ' ' HnV kILT at WM In lact iieppner must never lose signt 01 tnis au-essen-1 luestion. Temnorarilv. at least, it is resting while the ; 1 j. i m 1 1 1. i-ne enure issue 01 r litn jjiDerty ljoau lh uuuvii ct v. lciiiii-iv uiitiujxuii tx j i .juiL j x gonds is entirely relusal of Air. Gates to accept the offer of Sis.ooo for'tion. his interest in the municipal plant.' In the meantime the people of Iieppner should talk water and think water and The report that I am to assume E without founda- Arrangement of detail for punish- GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. THE MORROW COUNTY FAIR t mpnt. nf thf or-k aicpr in nnw unilor i Ponnnor never give ine proposition a moment s opportunity to grow way. a crowd of oregonians could ' VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Bunlding Oregon cold. Everyone realizes that it is the one thing necessary tn tin. ornwrrVl Qrtrl flltllrp ri7ir orlvTnnrpmptit r( flip tnum LL progressive citizens of Morrow County will be re- and th should t behind the coundl wkh thdr mora, jo.ced to-knovv that the Morrow County Pair is not to t while these gentlemen are wrestling with the pre- be abandoned but rather that it is to be extended and im- liminary phases of the question. proved. The recent action of the county court in pur- i The council has been selected, through your vote, to chasing adjacent property indicates a desire on the part of han.Je thls pr0position. And it is you who should lend en- that body to make the annual exhibition of the county s C0Uragement that they mav feel that the people are be- products permanent and m this laudable ambition the hjnd them lts a vexing problem and they will encounter court should have the whole-earted encouragement and ma a rebuff and set.back before succes finall crowns active support of every resident oi the county. In fact it their efforts is essential to its complete success that the fair have such, Give the council t people of Heppner. encouragement and support. Vv itholt the hearty co-oper- Show them that heart isVith n the waterues. ation of al the pcop e, men women and children, the fair tion and don-t let 0 for a moment think we ar los can never become what it should be. It may be a pretty nfr cj,,-ht nf it 1 r K..4- ...:,t ,u.. 4-.. 11 r i . j. & S1sul- oi n. yuuu iau ijiil wiiiiuui. tut; ilui supi(ji l ui me people u wfll never become the BEST FAIR POSSIBLE IN MOR ROW COUNTY and that is the only kind of fair we should be satisfied with WHY WE LACK COMMUNITY SPIRIT I 'Tp HE following article was not written as being applica--t ble to Heppner. It is clipped from an eastern ex- do the job just as thoroughly and the only detail necessary would be a piece of rope and one of those fa mous electric light poles which Mr. Gerard spoke of. Mary had a little Iamb Of which she was so fond, ' She sold it to the butcher man And bought a Liberty Bond. S.E.NOTSON v ATTORNEY-AT-LAW j Office in Roberts' Building Heppner - ' Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SVKGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Switzerland is going to ask the . Heppner Oregon peace conference to give her a sea- rT1nT port. Wants a place to keep that WUUUiUlN X awaiift. famous navy, I suppose. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW i Heppner. Oregon A young Finn has been arrested f at Portland for distributing Bolshe- C AM T? VAN VAPTOR As a matter of fact the fair has not had such sunnort in the past. The business men of Iieppner have not giv-i change and reproduced here because it seems to fit local en it the support they mieht have done; neither have the i conditions pretty well: farmers nor the stockmen. The best support in the wav "e that provideth not for his own has denied the of gathering exhibits of agricultural and horticultural aith an is worse than an infidel," according to the Holy products the last two years has come from Irrigon and Scripture. Wonder if that text does not apply to commu- Jioardman and they can, no doubt, be relied upon to do njt-es as well as individuals? The people oi this commu- their part in the future. Other sections of .the county nity are very liberal when it comes to giving to outside ' must get in line if they want to see the fair what it should objects, but not so liberal when it comes to helping home be. causes. Is it not time that the leaders of the community, n , , -i 11 . t , r. . clerical and lay, stopped continually appealing for help foi lhcre has been considerable criticism of the fair in objects outside, and make appeals for some of the things, the pas under the management of Mr bmead. It nas the lack of which are a shame to every man, vman and been called a one-man proposition It has been said child in the community, such as a hotel, a good restaurant, rll tl n mi . TT TufTtthe ? and hat he a Y- M- C" A- or a community house? We think so. These ran th.ngs with a high hand. Ihe Herald us not here to things may be means of grace to people, especially to say whether or not these criticisms have been justifiable. 1 y0Ung men away from home. People says there is no in .au inc iK.aiu uoes not Know. ine point is that : community snirit here Woll whv chn.ilH t h. . this attitude of many people towards the management has worked against the lull success of the fair. Ihis condi tion, however, has been removed by the acceptance of Mr, ivnead s resignation by the county court and the appoint ment in his place of Mr. F. R. Brown. The thing- to do now is for every one to get behind the Fair and go to i., i : (:.... ii.. .. i i community spirit here. Well, why should it be exoected when the leaders make no effort to create and foster it? There's where it is. vik literature. If he keeps on he will ' be able to see his "Finnish." "Man wants but little here below" and that's about all he does get, too. ' "Come home, Woodrow, the ani mals are restless," editorially advises the Portland Oregonian. And the Oregonian is surely doing its share to keep the animals stirred up. Some Morrow county men think that being shrewd consists of poking their nose in other people's business. . There was a young man from Cecil. Who belonged to the common people. He was caught In the draft And given an" air-craft, Which made him, feel quite gleeful. Famous Toms Peeping. Cat. Thumb. And Jerry. Some Heppner people hav mod' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . , Heppner Oregon Hill SALI Registered Jersey Bull, four years boosting. (Jive the new man a chance by co-operating "SSKt with him in a united elTort to make the Morrow Count v description you should see this one. hair the best ever. Don't lay down and allow the new sec"- M"BJ be old.,n rde.r ft0 &kle a,n , ,, , ii ,i i 1 ii ,. estate. For further Information ad- Hiaiy to Dear all the burden and do all the rustling and dress the undersigned or call on him lioostinir or it is likely to become a partial failure .ind :i t0 s(,e the animal. 'mie man" concern and that is just what a lot of people A(lmlnlstl.a r ohKS'of Beth' 111 the County (loll t seem to WHllt. ll;mu:i ilemucd, Hoai'diuan, Oregon. , 40-42 io matter what Mr. mead's critics think of his mar- agoiiient of the Fair all must admit hat during the past. M)l'l( K T 1 ltKIITOIS live years he lias gotten together some mighty line exhibits NllUcc , hereby gVon-that the un- l Morrow coinlv products and has, with them, heralded dpi-signed has been appointed admir- Morrow county's "resources at outside exhibitions. At the '1,;n,l'!?,r' u,e1ps,nte 1of1L?v,nn Mn" . , ... - - . tilda I'hilllpH, deceased, by the Coun- ( Jregon .state 1 air he has taken live cash awards: One ty Court of the state of Oregon, for lust money, two second one third and one fourth. At the M"1'"0"1 County, and has duly 1 oil land I. and .Show he took the (.rand .Sweepstakes pri'C whomsoever having any claims over 22 other counties exhibiting and at the Seattle Land aKalnst said estate are hereby rr- .Shaw, in competition with Oregon, Washington, Idaho TeT '".T,"", d"ly ... ' i i i b . Itemised and Verified unto the un- aild Montana he took third money. He also took third demigned either at Iloardman, Ore- inonev at the Portland Land Show in i 1 7. Such a record rmi. or at 601 journal building, . . 1 1.:'. 1 . c i , ii i'"rlnd, Oregon: and that said as tins is a pretty good asset for Morrow county. It 'id- .all:li ,miBt be pr;,,(.ntea on or b e:tises the fact that we have here the soil, water and sun- fre six month from and after the i'iIiw to ki-m.Iii,-!. :i 1r.1r.fl lntT n .rr.. ...il ( t. ...,rili "r" publication of this and such information sent broadcast over the country is bound to help every resident of the county directly or in direct! v. Watch paper for Bates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland . Oregon, Regular monthly visits to Hep and lone. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner .., Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WHITEIS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, LOANS. Heppner Oregon ernized the Golden Rule as follows: ' E. J. STARKEY Do othres like the last fellow did you. The Herald holds no brief for Mr. Smead and these words are written neither in eulogy nor condemnation ft him. The point is that if Mr. Smead, without the full sup pott and co-operation of the people was able to take these prizes at outside shows with exhibits collected at the Mor low County Lair how much beter cxhibis miht be collect ed and how much belter success uiiht be achieved at t'le li outside shows if we will all get behind the fair associ ation, the county court and the new secretary and help put this thing over riejit. Jinlge Campbell the other day called attention to a la .t that should be mentioned here: In 101,;, when the I '.ui was started, Morrow county's credit was at a low ebb. The impression had gone abroad that the county was no g .d ami that credit extended tt business turns here ;s a U i.tlher risky proposition. Many merchants and business 1 nun weie nblingcd to sail close to the wind not because of doubts of their personal integrity hut because Portland wboles.ihis and jobbers had no faith in the county as a pio.hher of agricultural wealth. All that has changed and today the credit of this county in the commercial world is seuiid to none other on the coast. While there h ive l"vu o!:er Uctois in bringing about this change the fact tp.it in ;oi Mmiow county began to send out prize win iv'ul its to the Sate ratr and Laud Shows mt a . no I lie. FANNIE BERGER, AdmlnlHtratrlx. Iloardman, Orrpcnn. II EN It Y S. WKSTRROOK. 601 Journal Building, Portland, Oregon. Attorney for iwld rotate. Date of flint publication, Feb. 4, 1919. Date of tart publication March 4, 19 lit. NOTICE FOR PIBIJCATION Re-Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at LaGrande, Oregon, Jan. 25th, 1919. Notice 13 hereby given that Zetta Brosnan, whose post office addons Is Lena, Oregon, did on the 3rd day of June, 1918,' file in this office sworn Statement and Application. No. 019194, to purchase the E "E Vi, SW Vi NEVi, and SK NW4, Section 11, Township 4 south, Hanr.o i cast, Willamette Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under the provis ions of the Act of Juue3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the"Tim bor ii.id Stone Low," at Tiuch value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such applica tion, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, 1440.00 the timber estimated at 300.000 board reet i.t 11.00 per M, and the land $140.00; that said applicant will of fer Unnl proof in suproet o his ap plication and sworn statement on the 12th day of April, 1919. before C. C. ! Patterson,, Vnlted State Commis sioner, at his office at Heppner, Ore gon. Any person Is at liberty to proteht this purchase before entry, or Ini tiate a conk-M at any time befor patent Issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit In this office, allegitig factx which would defeat entry. C. S. DUNN, RegLiter. PLEASANT BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ELECTRICIAN House wiring a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 633. A number of friends of Mrs. Eu- 1 Bowers Shoe Hospital gene Slocum gave that lady a pleab- c. w B0WERSi Prop. ant surprise last Wednesday evening . . . . 4V j the occasion being her birthday. The 1 UBe modern machinery Jthods. evening was happily passed with mu- HEPPNER, OREGON sic, social visiting and games, 'flinch' being the leading feature. Light refreshments provided by the visitors were served. Those present were: Mrs. L. Groshens and daurhters; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Freeman; Mr. aud Mrs. Leonard Gilliam, Mesdames Hoy V. WhiteiB and William Haylo"-; Miss Edith Thorley, Dorothy Pattison and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Slocum within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated r.nd first published Janu ary, 21, 1919. FOSTER COLLINS, Administrator of the estate of John C. Smith deceased. 38-42 BANKERS' LOST, .STRAYED OR STOLE V MORTGAGE ATION CORPOR- From my ranch or the adjola'iig range, tl.e following described animals: If you want to borrow money on your Livestock, Wool or Liberty Bonds, talk with your local bank about our terms and service, or write to us direct. , The war is over and we want to One roan mare, conilne three-vcar old; one sorrel mare coming th-ee- ,nelP yu 00 yur Part ,c taking care year-olds, both branded cross quar ter circle on left stifle. If yi. u want allUie county n 'W you runt the llepiier llrrutil. 2 a yea i-. Two blue geldings, coming threc yearolds, both branded cross quar ter circle on left Btifle, small crors quarter circle on left shoulder. They are all good sized work ani mals and I will pay a liberal reward for their return to me or for Infor mation leading to their recovery. WALTER ROOD. Heppner, Oregon. 38tf of the reconstruction, next great duty, i PORTLAND 31d43 which is our OREGON AH the 1 oc ill uewit, JJ th,) lleltild. I A 8XA1 FOR SOME 1U STI.KR I Will design and build Schools, 8m res Churches, Apartments, Garagop, Residences Anything. .Prices Reasonable E. FRAXCH WILLIAMS ARCHITECT Apprasial and valuation expert oil I uuauj 13UI1UUIH, iaiu E. 7761. Portland, OregouJ MTU iC FOR l'l lit ICATION ) I J f no mor ntctuarr Mjjltbii Smillpot. Aroir CirT. 6 Saf-ilwn-, of Aniiir&lstrfVacelfiMtao. H vrratra NOW tT ri pytfun, t and your I ju...y. Il u men viu. ;,.it huu;c tni'jranct. A.k r v.i pt y.u tin. dfut'l 't. i "fnl tot "Hi t"tt hKl lyih ur1 It-, in .1 "iTPt't-W VcclB, luiu l; .m use. rd4r ifitnlnh, iiruttfri. 1IK tl TItt tAlloCAftlV. Mr.flCV. MU faobiB taccivti a. a. ixtaaa A party owning a good paying jl'usiness, unable because of physical I Cimbllity to handle it, oOeia his e(filpment, field and good will for j $1060. Thu owner Is able to shaw any irospHilve rurcluihr that this ! business will pay any live man b't ter than $1.50 per hour. For furth- D. pni tmetit of the Interior, V. H. I.nrd Office at The Dallis, Owon Januay 10, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Hollle Leathers, of Hnrdman, Oregon, who on February 24th 1914. made Home rt. ad Entry. No. 012571. for NV U Ntf '4, Section 14. Township 0, Soiilh, Hanue 26. East, Willai. etrtf Meridian, has filed notice to make rr Information Inquire at the Hrnld ifnal three yeur Proof, to estubiixh rs O.Tice. 37tf The ftyick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietor Id. CKl.AM AND CARD PARLORS i VOTIt K TO t iiEiuroiw" PEOPLES CASH MARKET mi !i;'iiti. l.e di,.w 1 i tuii'i fil . 1 1 1 : 1 l t in it iii t'i. I r t. 'I h, 1'air is a I ' t i ' : 1 1 t ' i tl M.f-t vifdit iih'H . r- Iroin M is,.ut i t !n- liac i .ilui tlii-ii' is im .I., ii!, t l.i'l thi'si l'lir' 1n' tt'tl s,tiiv in "show ni'4" I'citlan,! th alulil and mlilli-d to c.;u.d oiiii!i i a i iii Ii'- a am other o nuniiiiiiv in H i it OI I 1V. '11 11. n-' tl (. D. WAT KINS, IVopri.f.w O it t, jili.tn la 1 t lie ' l. Il ,-1 .'tl '. ' t"lt !f rti Will fi. l.m ih,, .- lut tfait" v ". . i. ua j-r- -.i-l li'ri' r Tn ..iir itita in Oi y '.' r!i r. I :. y v-,' ant fi. !-.li .il'd a'.iil f i !i i. Ilmuril w r an ,l . ., !y In n r I. v litll.l-v.l 0 il 11. I llMllM i. IM Im. .-I'll J ' t ! : . . ! , tl l ' . -tl 1 !. n't : 'trri it Notice Is heieby given that th .in dirlrnl has been appolnUd by the County Court of tho State e.f Ore., in, for Morrow County, admlnmtrato,' of the wtat or John Sheridan, deem ed. All peraons having claim aKulnat the eatate must prvoent them properly verllled. to th unilersii,'iied, t the office of Woixtaon A Sei'i:, Atinrnr)! at Low. Ilepnr. Oretnu. ,diln a x inntilha from the dnt uf flut puhllrallnn of this notice, F.i -t pnl, halted I his T'h day i'f Ja:iu.ny, 131!). W IV M lloNKV. if0 Ai'ilnlat..ii.r 0! NolH V. lo 111 I'llollS It Is Wo lib ' I lilt PEOPLIVS CASH r.tARKET ' tl I 1 ' ,.! , ia h.n! ) I..V. H Hint V , un i'..;i;n. I. Fi.ai. r l'i.;, n, lis 1 . a lull .fr i'lle.1 Cdf ,!t:a,latr ' tl ' . i .' J. hn r s t ii. .1. r. i. .1 l, ir ",m I',. ui. ..f lrt')w Cul-ly ": n A'.l ii in l.titiit i!si ia . t ai .l i .! ar not r.r l t,i rr-- claim to the land above described. b"'loie C. C. Patteraon. I'. a. Com i tlsnloner, at Heppner, Oregon, on t!.i 18th day of February IK 19. Claimant nnmci as wlinesaea: Jo-tcph Weialer, of Parkers Mill, O1". trincls M. Miller, of Itardman Oic .' llleakman. of llardnian Oreitun. William Lcwen of H.irtlim Ore,, en. H. FRANK WOODCOCK NOTICE FOll Pl IILICATION Depaitiiunt of the Inirlor. U. 8 Land Office at La Ciand. Oreron. Itw. 4th. 111. Notice is hereby ilven that Waldo L. Vincent. f Lens Ore-run, who, on Aucuat 3rd. 191S. made ltiniei.tr-Ad Kntry. No. 0M467. f..r NK4. F.1 NWi,,r,i F.'i SK',. Section :. Tonhlp South. lUnse : Wlllnniette Meridian, haa nl.-d riiitlrp f Intrtitl'in to iiink three-year rronf, t. p.t.ihliah rlaiiu to the land alii'le ili'f 'l Hu d. before C. ('. I'll!er- n. 1'nitet S'.it. (iiiiti.i.aainr.er, st hit (Tli.'. al Hf!i.t..r, Oi.r"tl, en lh i li l.iy of I", t.-iu ry. l:.i. CUiit .km rat: .1 na !ne.. : ArOitir I' llul.a. Mirhe Cr tan. Il.re i. i .. t. nd Mark T. a.U). Ail I'f 1.. H4 Otrt-i n. C. U iMinn. Itrla(er l- 1 I'llslt It .1 1. II U 'l'i" ri I ! 1.' tAiiia. til r e At t!te ofTr ., "' .: '. . r ' ". ..aHC .a t jr n ii'-nrj . .,tii I. 'a V lr. 4