! LOCAL ITEMS x t D. J. Donhouser planted a small ad in the Herald last week announc ing he had a. buggy and harness lor sale. Mrs. Ada Woodward read the ad and bought the property pronto. Herald want ads get quick results. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Phelps received a letter from their son Marshall, last evening announcing that he expected to arrive in Heppner next Sunday. Marshall recently returned from France where he has been in the ah service. Glenn Jones, who has been Herr ing in the navy for more than a yiar has been discharged and is at home again. Glenn sp.vb that his app ; tite became such a tax on the food resources of the navy that they gave him an honorable discharge in the interests of economy. Avery Shoun, ,who went back to Heppner about the holidays, return ed to look after things here at the homestead last week. He thought hewould try baching again for awhile o he left Mrs. Shoun to look after the ranch over at Heppner. Spray Courier. Fixtures lor the bath rooms in Patterson & Clark's barbershop which will soon be moved into the room recently vacated by Phill Cohn arrived Thursday and as1 soon as the new fixtures are installed the shop will be moved from the temporary quarters in the McAtee & Aiken building. A line daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. IJeamer last Wednes day morning. Mother and child are reported as doing nicely and Jeff made his regular trips around '.own the next morning his usually beam ing countenance illuminated with a smile so big and broad that he says himself that he does not believe it ever will come off. Henry Swarz who formerly con ducted the Peoples Cash Market here has bought a cattle ranch in the Cottonwood district of Grant county and expects to move there in the spring and engage in the catle bus iness. Including some land Mr. Swarz leased he will control 1900 acres much of which is good grain hay land. He has a good start in catle and horses and will no doubt do well in his venture. Jimmy Wilson who divorced him self from the lobster palaces and white lights of Heppner several months ago and retired to the sylvan scenes of village life In the quaint and curious town of Pendleton, af ter spending a week here renewing acquaintances with his sisters and their chums departed Sunday morn ing for the village of his adoption for another period of rest and recupera tion. His Heppner friends should not despair, however, he will come back. W. O. Erwin, representing Park er & Banfield, designing engineers and constructors of Portland, was in Heppner a coUple of days during the week being attracted this way by the splendid outlook for building ac tivity during the coming spring and summer. Parker & Banfield are looking for business connections in Heppner and with that end In view Mr. Erwin has placed an advertise ment in the Herald. Roy V. Whiteia has been appointed local representa tive of the firm. T. S. Leatherman, who resides with his daughter Mrs. J. J. Wells a couple of miles below town, was a pleasant caller at the Herald offi;-; Saturday and was much interested in the operation of the Intertype and other machines. Mr. Leatherman is around 90 years young and he enjoys the exercise of walking from the Wells home to Heppner and bvcr. Neither does he think it at all re markable that he plants, cultivates and harvests a considerable patch of garden every summer all by himself. OKKGOX I'VKIi NEWS All coal prices and zone regula tions on coal and coke be sus pended February 1, by the Fuel Ad ministration according to advices received by Euel Administrator Fied J. Holmes, from Washington. An exception is made in the case of Pennsylvania anthracite which will remain subject to the present regu lations. The price regulations refer to the prices, margins of wholesalers, com missions of agents and retail mar gins and prices, over which the Fuel Administration has had control for the last year. The zoning system has been in ef fect, since March, 118, and has re sulted in the avoidance of much waste in transportation. Distribu tion has been prohibited beyond the limits of each zone,, except through special permit issued by the Fuel Administration. 1)1. "Women are dear creatures" bur bled the callow youth. "You bet they are," snapped the grizzled mar ried man. "My wife's shoes- alone cost me $87 last year." To Everybody: A happy and prosperous 1919 i P I i if Gilli am .Bisb n I IBP mm I'll imsMi J WW I ' 'XvXWy For more than thirty-fie years "SKU3ERT'"' it (I'i V'A em...-. V" has been clvin Fur Shippers ah honest and JJ J i'I iWmiiS. y'jryy liberal assortment paying: the highed market $J fell mi WHHJIMM i nm iii.ui . 'J 7; ing better service quicker. . M "SHUEERT"WQnls Oregon Fcrs-Wl Yea Can Ship 1 A "SHUBERT TAG ENVELOPE" on your shipment means "more money" (or your Furs "quicker" "the best and promptest SERVICE i.i the world." GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY IfntXTRMARGEl NUAWE I JM.MEDH'M I NHSKAIL I N?2 I N?3 itpni. tfi nm to vHt.f ri" i;vio' itin i.i av,B.v! mm to mukAt smi;ritmr - Ji, 23.CD!o21C0 20.00l 17.C9 13.00tol2.C0 lO.OOlo 8.C0 10.00lo 6.00 3.00to 2.00 IJIUIL OPtN and 22.03tol3.00 lCOOto 14.03 llCOto 10.00 S.GOto C.C3 8.00 to 4.00 2.00 to 1.50 MlAL'LLoj M U -WINTER 3.0r.to 2.50 123t 1.7S 1.60to U0 UOto .S3 l.OOto .73 iOto M FALL I30to 1.90 l.S0lo 1.C0 liOto 110 l.OOto SO .85lo .03 J5to IS I I III SMl" VOUW ruUS P'SEfT TO Sw.C 3HUBE XZY. ac. THE lAHOtST HOUbC M TH WORLD DEALING EXtLUS'VELV W VTV1 FIT?-1 CAN RAW FUS KAhttHAtf&Z& 25 -27. W.Austin Ave. Dtpt, MS2 jChicafjo. USA. mm n i M 1. 1 51 INTERESTED IN YOUR WELFARE- Tlu- Hank's RUST interest is to promote the success of tin- people of Heppner andlhe laruurs in ibis o.mnr.nily ami that inchuK-s ou. Ve lake care of your money ith greater sal'ctv than "u can. tor ve hae the lacilities ;unl e.uijimnt. Vm: can have the' inotu-v 'when ..n wart it or iraiisler it easily ami without tiv'v with oiir personal cheek. On ill,, other ham! the !eN.,i:or of respoiiMhilit v know s that we m m,i ready to render temporary aid with l.nnaMe inn,!, to carry forwaid his pluw I In is a priMlee the Hank affords to those vxhos,. industry and integrity has been made known through their dealing with the Hank. First National BanK ATJNVOICE TIME A MERCHANT FINDS MANY SHORT LENGTHS MANY SHORT LINES AND SOME THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN PUT ASIDE AND OVERLOOKED WE ARE NO EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. THIS MERCHANDISE HAS BEEN PUT ON TABLES WHERE IT CAN BE INSPECTED AND EVERY ARTICLE IS MARKED AT BARGAIN PRICES. DRESS GINGHAMS, 3 to 10 yd. lengths, Special Price, the yard. 17 COLORED OUTING FLANNELS, Short Lengths, the yard 25 BRUSSELS NET and LACE CURTAINS, Values to $7.00, each $1.00 FLANNELETTE and IDELEAN FLANNELS, Special, per yard, ; 20c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Heavy fleeced, up from, each 10c. WOMEN'S CORSETS, Sizes 18,25,27,28, Special .75c WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' LACE SH OES, Sizes 2, 3, 3 and 4, . . . .$1.50 WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' BUTTON S HOES in Tan, Sizes 3 to 6, .... . .$2.50 CURTAIN SCRIM, Colored, 25c values, the yard 10c COME IN AND LOOK THIS MERC HANDISE OVER, YOU WILL FIND BARGAINS YOU CAN USE. NOR AND ItOAKDM AN ITKMS Mrs. Adams of Portland h.-.s been visiting her brother Mr. DillabaUK'i for the past week. Mr. John McHtiKh Is spending the winter In New York CUy visiting rel ntlvps and friends. The Red Cross society met In lioardnuin with Mrs. IJurns, Saturday al t ; noon at 2 o'clock. , Mrs. U. Hand is enjoying a visit Itoni her mother Mrs. Hiatt. Mr. Kand'h- lather is aluo with them at present. The Hard Times Social which was to be held at Hon nl man was post poned Indetlnately on account or the "flu" which so many of us have im.u aged to evade go far. The wind storm we had Wednes day night damaged a number, of buildings rl;.plng the shingles oil and blowing down the chimneys. The school house chimney was blown down and It was Inrposslble to have a Are all day Thursday. Mr. Cummins butchered eleven hogs Tuesdi y the 17th. Klght wei rais. d and fattened with feed that grew on his own place. Six of them he took to Portland selling them mi the market there. While there he vlfcited his son Archie, going from there to Oregon I'lty to visit h,s daughter Mrs. Tnwsle l.arklns and family. The society met at Mrs. II. M. Johnson's Thursday a.'temoon. n,i nineteen ladies were present In spite or the f.,i that It mined all fore noon. The hostess had almost given up expecting any one on account of the b.,,1 weat'.ier and the lateness of the day and Mas rrvtly surprised on seeing her company coming from every direction almost simultaneous ly, everybody there enjojvd a fine time mid refreshments ere served Just before the guests went boiuc. Society Includes every woman on tin west side of the district. The iteei Ings are to be held every ot er Thur sday. The next meeting lll be held t the noun, of Mts. K. II. Kdmoiids. We of the west end r In hopes that the ladles of the east end will form a like society and sometimes both so cieties will meet together (or a gen eral i;iKd time. Mr i A During The Year 919 ULHLR LEG tTCUTTCII HACKLII PUIS 1 v 4r..k . . f . I fit t V V- H 9 ri'c r at, 1 1 n H-M 94. Wit Pillt, 4 09 4 it , t til i 9 i .. u i t : ;t n We will continue to he Heppner Headquarters for the hest of every thing in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS The most up-to-date articles in FURNISHINGS AND NOTIONS and the most substantial lines in SHOES AND CLOTHING Keep these thngs in mind when making your af-ter-thc-holidays purchases. Sam Siughcs Company . Company j Farm Bargain Your chance to make a fine buy. I am in a position to offer for sale for i limited time the higgest bargain of the vear in Morrow County farm land. LISTEN'- loot) acres fine farm land, all tillable ex cept about eight acres, 240 acres in crop, consid erable acreage in summer fallow. New, strictly modern house with hot and cold water, all necessary out-buildings. Abun dance of water on place for all purposes. PRICE, IF TAKEN AT ONCE, $30.00 PER ACRE Call and see me and investigate this prop osition at once. ROY V. WH1TEIS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HEPPNER, OREGON i i i I 'i u f I y ? u I r 1 i M