fitl II fa n y y 7 i, I ft n a. Bring In That Money These Cold Mornings The owiit Dollar for 1018 k II Z96 acq I V Expenses jf o Q I TSt0CkRaiQr J The above diagram shows the distribu tion of the average Swift dollar received from sales of beef, pork and mutton, and their by-products, during 1918. 1919 Year Book of Interesting and instructive facts lent on request. Address Swift C& Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S.A. Whet our appetites for a hearty breakfasc. How does a Menu similar to this appeal to you Pretty good eh J Mush Hot Cakes - Coffee Mush and Cereals Wheat or Oat Flakes Wheat Hearts or Pearls of Wheat Whole Grain Wheat or Cream Barley Shreded Wheat, Corn P'lakes, Grape Nuts Hot Cakes Golden Rod or Aunt Jemina Eastern Buckwheat Self Rising Buckwhat or Flap Jack SYRUPS A few varieties now otainable COFFEE All the leading brands and only slightly advanced in price. O IH E L PS GROCERY Co 'I K u I y y n y If vou've a few dollars saved up why not stick them awav in the FARMERS & STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK? They'll be safe and accessible in either a Savings or Check ing Account. LIBERAL INTEREST ON SAVINGS Farmers (&L StocKgrowers National BanK I 1 I 1 y Heppner Meat MarKet I H. C. ASHBAUGH, Proprietor m. i - t CECIL ITEMS J Mr. Ed Reltman was doing busi ness in Cecil Sunday. Mrs. Jack Hynd was visiting with Mrs. Bennett TThursday. C. A. Minor left for Arlington Fri day afternoon enroute for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnes spnnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pettyjopti. Miss Helen Barrett and Miss Doris Mahoney left for their homes Sunday Mrs. Peter Nash is visiting wit'i the Leon Logan family of Four Milo. Miss Heaster Logan of Four Milo visited with Miss Georgia Summers Sunday. Mrs. Bon Barnes vas calling among frier.ds in and around Co til Tuesday. Miss Lake and Miss Winter were callers at the Last Camp Sunlay afternoon. Ml:s !nez F.aston Rpent Sunday t Butterby Flats with Mr. and Vrs. Jack Hynd. John Kelly of Sand Hollow wa down to Butterby Flats Saturday 1 I Now open for business in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality of 1 Beef, PorK, Mutton and Veal I I I HEPPNER Call and give us a trial order! We will treat you right. Your Income' Tax IMPORTANT Hon. Milton A. Miller, Collector of Internal Revenue, Portland, Oregon, under date of January 17, 1919, makes the following statement in regard to the new Income Tax Law: The basic principles of thet old law will probably apply to the provisions of the new law, so far as income tax is concerned, and it would be well for each individual, partnership and corporation, to prepare thier figures and ascertain the exact amount of their net income, so that the actual returns can be made with as little delay as possible. Save Time and Money It will save you time and money to have your Income Tax return correct 1 1 you don't pay a sufficient tax you will later be asscs.el the amount you vhoulil pay together with a fine and penalty. If you pay too mud) a urea amount of trouble and delay i often experienced in obtaining a refund of the tax erroneously paid. Expert Assistance at Your Disposal We will prepare your Income Tax Matemcnt for you and .n-i-t you in tlvterniinin ynir proper deduction -'H exemptions from your yros income. For Information, phone, call or write , The Farmers' Exchange of the Inland Empire HEPPNER. OREGON, F. R. DROWN, Manager buying hay. John is expected down with his sheep in a few days to Uea. Mr. Jack Fenwick of lone is spend ing a few days with the Winter Bros. at present. urai ana Ulinord. Henariksen re turned home with some cattle from Heppner Thursday. J. W. Osborn and Winter Bros, of Shady Dell were doing business in Heppner Wednesday. Miss Inez Eastern and Miss Gorfjla Sumers spent Saturday with Mr. a:.J Mrs. It. E. Duncan. J. H. Miller left Cecil with his wood saw to cut some wood for Leon Logari and T. D. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Wiggles worth of flut ter creek spent the week end w.lh Mr. nnd Mrs. I'etyjuhn at Cecil. A. II. Flnley of lone is now busy making some extensive Improvements on the Cecil store for T. H. Jyowe. C. A. Minor accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox came down from Heppner Wednesday making their return the day. Father Wand and Jesse Naylor of Condon were visiting friends Satur day In the Cecil neighborhood re turning to their home the same1 day. Ed Martin who has been herding for Jack Hynd left Saturday for th Hot Springs, Ed ha sbeen troubled with rheumfctlsm for tho last few weeks and thinks a few baths will soon put him alright. Mlas Bernlce Franklin spent Fri day at Dutterby Flats and returned home Saturday accompanied by Miss Violet Hynd who will spend the week end there with MX. and Mrs. J. II. Franklin. Hank Howell who has been for the Inst sir months working in Cortland returned to Cecil Thursday to work on the Cecil ranch for C. A. Minor Mr. and Mrs. John Nash vera visit ing at the Fairvlew ranch Wednes day. Mr. Henry Stemler returned home rutin I'orttand a'rotuanleil by Mr in Warten, who has jut-l n-elvil dhu'tiargn from tin- an.iy, Monilny 11 n I ver (iivui a niirp-lMi' party by a ! nil in lur of their friends the nan ! evenlns. OREGON Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. CHAS. M. HOWE THE AUCTIONEER who -will treat you right. Iwant your sales whether large or small. Call or write me at IONE. OREGON :ul A pneumatic hummer for tarnplng Imvlng stones has been Invented. During the reconstruction period want neither reaction nor revol ution, but a sunn, well-advised Mead IncM of bold rebuilding. Muvd (Jem ge. I A long as a mtn ha II or 13 I halts that he ran brush across the I top .f his dome he tblnVs that It Is j up to him to Unrh at other men who j are bald headed. No matter how rood looking , tnsti's wife rnsy lie, Hi Mftiim bWi iran klant nnd simieihlng morw t trftlve in a Mmnite woman who l n't a bl' good locking ! Lines That Lead Superior Grain Drills -Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows i Success Fan Mills jj Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and Pcrninsular Ranges An lrltiinan lad been terribly io.ti.. 1 t Mi front iti at th. turn tlt;,l Wlief ir.f ,at.t,w1 r t rn s !.! iieir vi.'tnr, after li-i.tunit III- .n.. fellnw ,ter hl.ere.f f., gl f i.1' nt Tl.nt a ten II, In (; (,! will fi viih linn" "fih." r.. 1 lb aMondent. "he's '!. h" t 'tik h" kno who don FOR SALll DY Peoples Hdw. Co. X Read The Herald, $2 Per Year !! la" I !,!- 2 ',!,