Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper "Entered at tile Heppner One Year Three Months Oregon, I'ostoli'iee as seeonu-ela.ss Matter TKK.MS OK SI HSCIUITIOX -...$2.00 Six M',nths $1.00 BRAIN LEAKS By LYXX I'l'KMX .$ .50 TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1919 A GOOD BILL TO KILL SHNATK HI IX, No. 3F, introduced by Senator Orton, of Multnomah county, is a pretty good one for the kt islature to choose for early slaughter. The bill proposes to create a Department of State Police consisting of a super intendent at a salary of $3,000 per annum; a deputy super intendent at a salary of $2,400 per annum and twelve offi cers at a salary of $1,500 each, per annum. The superin tendent shall also he provided with "suitable offices" at Portland. The sum of $60,000 is appropriated to pay the salaries and foot the bills of this department or an average of around $4,300 for each of the fourteen men. This is considerably more money than the average eastern Oregon sheriff draws for performing, faithfully and well, the re sponsible duties of his office which includes not only the duties of chief peace officer of his county but also that of collector of taxes. The sheriff of a county is elected by the people who know him and who are acquainted with his qualifications and character, lie is the choice of a majority of the peo ple and, if found recreant to his trust, he is amenable tothe people and subject to their recall at any time. Under the provisions of this act the members of the State Police Department are to be clothed with "the same power with respect to criminal matters" as is the sheriff within his particular jurisdiction but by the same token, they are responsible only to their superintendent. The people of any county in which the state police might op erate will have no word tosay. Whether right or wrong in their actions the state policeman will be in a position to snap their fingers at the people as long as they have the backing and support of the superintendent of the Depart ment who appointed them. Oregon had some experience last year with an organ ization known as the Oregon Military Police and that ex perience should not buy Senate Bill, No. 31, many votes in the legislature nor anywhere else. That organization was widely heralded during the spring and early summer as the only salvation for Oregon against spies, slackers and all other varieties of law breakers. They were sent out with a great hurrah to guard the shipyards and wheat fields. Only for their valor Oregon could not be expected to build a ship or save a bushel of grain. But before the summer was over, according to published newspaper reports, the managers of the shipyards requested the governor to with draw his military policemen as the ship builders preferred . lo supply they- own guards at their own, expense. Morrow county had a bunch of these military polic ... 1 1 .. 1 1 .1 fm.iiiiuinv.il ,is m i mum ucu guests uuring me summer and. , , I I, .... ,. K.I. ...1 , .. 1 . 1 , - r . 1 , 11 1 in. .11 1 in u mi. mi iu ;ui Y use 11 1 11 1 1 ) Lr 111 i' 1 o ni' sn :inc ihey drew, we lad to remember it. At a lime when harvest hands were at a premium these big, brawny youth most of whom would have made ideal ' ho downs ' 011 a threshing outfit, slacked their raging thir.sl in tile ice cream parlors (moonshine being at a pre mium) tried to pose as soldiers in their cotton khaki and kidded themselves with he belief that they were "mashers." If Multnomah county and Portland are so lawless that their siierill's otlice and police department cannot cope with the situation but feel that the public weal demands anything akin to the Oregon Military Police of 191S. let ihem git a special dispensation for state aid but for Clod's sake don't allow them to saddle such a travesty on law-en-i.Mceiiieiil (n the rest ot tne tatc. About as near as some fellows got to France was to wear a wrist watch. A hair mattress factory ought to do well in Russia. When the. "League of Nation.;" is finally formed we'll bet there .ire lots of people it will not satisfy. ' . Famous Horses Dark. . Saw ' Canned. Pistol. On you. The watch on the Rhine might bo an Ingersoll. When the time comes to vote those water bonds Heppner will go over the top just li'ke she did with the Liberty Bonds. Marshall Curran says at times hn felt just like the German general staff. He carried around so many white flags. "The fools are not all dead yet." quoth Dr. MeMurdo as' ho ran his big Franklin car into a mud hole where it remained. We are at a loss to know whether the doctor referred to himself for not buying a Ford or to the street commissioner who was re sponsible for the m.ud hole. Mairy had a little lamb Its fleece was heavy, too. It followed her to town one day And then became a mutton stew. The former German crown prince says the Allies will never get him alive. Why don't they start after him and huirry up the suicide. The human races will be better with him gone. There was a young man from. lone Who had a job in the submarine zone. He was chasing the Hun With a six pound gun And said I can lick the -vhole bunch alone. A recent news dispatch says the ex-Kaiser is bordering on Insanity. Nothing doing! Any man who tries to pull off the stuff he did Is Just a plain damn fool. Place your order for flowers early. Old John Barleycorn will need them on January first, nent. How ybout that Contemplated BUILDING? WANTK.O Married man vants steady job on a ranch. Is ej p ir ienced. Address Mcnroe Turhcr, Heppner, Oregon. , 38-:9 A SXAI .NO I it i; 10 ovm.UTo:: ('mill. mill 11 i.KO l.v:i 1: 111 1, i s o kii.i: at tiii: iilualu oirit v. i! 1 V ! !:.;.: v ''' lie rcn Iwl lute ill hwny I'ul.ill:!.-' iii.il m.i ir it on !;: .it r,m,ii 1 ;; 1 rii 1 u l.lir.K, ,,l'.n t'.im1, l ;e i 1 I 1 ( . 1 ,'. in., 1 11 llie Oh ; I'Vlu n.i 1 v. 1 ' I ' . for griuliiii; I'. ml 1 : , v .1 i 1 " the 't 1 11 111 h in Kiti i ill'1' . .11 Mi' l..w I 'oil nl). .l bill Will lie l - lllili'l I il 111. ir .' .i'.i.iiu'iI I.) cell, tnilite: I.ivi.l .. r.'i Ulieil 1 link (m i.n i'l i ni'M '.'...ll In II e ( ) HT -. lit ul I ,H' ti'l 1! . 1 . mitt In I. . 'ill 'ii ille "ll.l !l lliillil MlL l r - 1 1 : . I !m li e !.r.;ltnil pei fn m.i n. nl I he 1 Hill I .lit 111 .1 Mil I, I I 14111,! In rne ! .1 1 1 ill till' lllllll II III I M I III. I I'i ulo .il lil.inkH 11111I full Inln'ii.i tl'ill 'l't liliiiirlH li .11 V lie nlit lllllll ,it (lie iltee 01 the State llikliw.il .n I uli 11 . 1' iwinl IIiiiIiIiiik. Si.l.'iii, II. it,. i" YiniMtliui mill form ( li 'lli.ll't IIUIV III' lll-pi-llril ul II.'' kiiiii1 i l l r tn.iy he i'1'l. 111111I iiiiii il" I'umI .'l 15 tMi fur r.'i li net of i!rtii mill 1 1" i iiii'iilii'im I'l.iiiH aiul hiui i I.i iill.H -i me hImi i ll file ut l:.i"lil 'OK KOMK KISTLLK A party owning a guod paying business, unable because of physical disability to handle if, offers his equipment, field and good will for 10!0. The owner Is able to show any prospective puich;u.t-r that tltis busin-ss will pay any live man bet ter than $1.50 per hour. For lurtn- rr Information Inquire ut the Humid Oi'iice. 3 7tf MITll'H TO (T.KIXTOKS TliroiiK'i the couiti-sy of Hon. C. i:. Wonilxon copies of bills llilio-liic-ed 111 the legislature nt Salem are being lent to thi Herald inul will be kept on III,, hen where anyone In li ri'Hleil may look 1 Iiimii over. The !'.'. -h Ht.lm: ;it the Herald orrii'" Ir, iil)s out. I I ' i mi llmliliiii:, I'm .land ' .!-' .'i,i ..i n! In ir., p. n tv. v.m - ! r-w i i.'l 1. 1 Wl-lk hlu.lllil lie in It ' w.ni Mi M. ii ll.un.ti lni.i t.n in;-1 r. I'i i.-i.i I1-11 I I lie I ,j til t i en'i veil I 1 r") 1 - nil) . I ill I I -.. Im nr lii lli'i'i-pt ti nil- I l - il liniiii'.l h.-t f,ir the St !! .f Oll'ti.'!!. I s 1 n: i i : : i i a y i-ommh-'.i n S Helium, fimh 111,111 W. I.. TliiMnpinin. l'uii.iuiniiiit.ir II ,J llnntti, roiuiiiirtiil.itH'r Attert: HKIIUKUT M'NN. Slat llmlin) Fnitlnier. Sali-iii, On-Kiin Jjiiiiiiiy ::!. ;i is Notice Is hereby given that th un dersigned, Foster Collins, ban been duly appointed rdmlnislrutor of the estate of John C. Smith, deceased, by Ibo County Court of Morrow Coi- ly. Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre- . "i: the sam0 to me at the office r.'.y 1-ttorney, Sam E. Van Vai'tor, ' '..it., n six mon'hs from the date of the 'Irst publication of thin notice. D d-d r nil first published Janu ir. , . !, KOSTEn COI MNS. Ailnilndtralor of Ihp estutp of John . Smith deoa-ied. 31-42 The Government has reduced the ban on building. Or rath er raised the price. Instead of a $1,000 limit on new buildings, you can go ahead now if it don't cost in excess of $10,000. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company LEXINGTON and IONE NOTICE TO CKEMTOKS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of 0reo n, for Morrow County, administrator of the estate or John Sheridan, deceas ed. All persons having claims against the estate must present them properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Woodson & Sweek, Attorneys at Law, Heppner, Oiegoi.. within Bix months from the date of fir -it publication of this notice. First published this 7th day of January, 1919. v W. P. .MAHONEY, 36-40 Aminlstrator NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TOTHE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN LOST, STKAYKI) OK STOLfi From my ranch or the ndjoia'iig range, tl.e following described ani mals: One roan mare, coming three-yoar old; one sorrel mare coming th-ee-year-olds, both branded cross quar ter circle on left stifle. Two blue geldings, coming threc yearolds, both branded cross quar ter circle on left stifle, small cror quarter circle on left shoulder. . They are all good sized work, ani mals and I will pay a liberal reward j for their return to me or for Infor niHtlon leading to their recovery. I, WALT Fit ROOD, Heppner, Oregon. 3 8 tf Following is a schedule showing the Installment dates for all bonds not paid in full at the time of the subscription, together with the per centages of the subscription due on the dates specified: November 21, 1918. ...20 December 19, 1918....20 January 21, 1919 20 January 30, 1919 307c Kindly preserve this schedule for future reference. We urge all subscribers buying bonds on the installment plan who have not taken care of their Novem ber 21st payment to do so at once. Prompt payment is required by the Government and It greatly facili tates our work in handling the sub scriptions. It Is your patriotic duty to meet your payments when due. Respectfully, First National Bank of Heppner. t PROFESSIONAL CARDS GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located In Oddfellow's Bunldiug Heppner, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION There m$ z Cmtnrl in yT-J'J W V v x- WIW OH ,1 EL the Store 3 and they were (ryiS to josh lie Tobacco Man "Have a chew on so long it costs noth me, says he. break off just two or three squares. That's a man's slza chew of Real Gravely. It holds its cood taste Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Dec. 4th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Waldo L. Vincent, of Lena Oregon, who, on August 3rd, 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 014467. for NE. E NW4,andEH SKi, Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of iiitention make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patter son, United States Commissioner, at his office, at Hetipner, Oregon, on the th day ot Febuary, 1919. Cluimnnt names as witnesses: Arthur P. Hughes. Mlcheal Cur ran, Harve o. co'-en. and .muck i, (1 en try, all of Lena Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register NOTIU: I OK I'I IH.M'ATIOX ing extra to chev this class of tobac co." further Ikct't vhj yn can gtt t! i good taste ef this class ef toi cc eo wituout extra cast. PEOPLES CASH MARKET Our .' I'- C. 0. WAIklNS, ropri-lor t--.it !f PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch in '(en i olli ' n,i limit n.uili in th .ii tl'i I i,i 1 1 ' .i 1 1 '.i iiii-I l.i''l I l-.li .1. tin hi In i - - il . n i . I Mil n- Im, M ii,; 111 be till I- il.iH't I, -Hi t u iii"'i'i,i !-,it !f 1. 1. ,. .' Sin. I i'. i, 1-41 "-I to i -iii r !i.!i-". j ' i s . ii., ..!. an I fi . ; ! mil' ,. h , .,,1 s III en-- i,,- r fl. I' -I I'i .in. I l-v In i'i,. ., . .ni PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET i'i ; 1 il The -rick Department of the Interior. I". 'A I ard Office at The Dulles, Oregon J.iniiiiy 1. 191S. N'mlre Is hereby given that Hulll" Leathers, of Hard'nan. (iri-gun. v. '.in en Febiuary 2 4th 1914. miiile lloine- l.ad Kntry, No. 012571. for Ntt V yvv4, section 14, lownnhlp '. Sejth, Itange 2t. Fast. Wlllai.'eO Mi'ilitlRU, hn tiled notice to make ft.al threr year l'roof, to estubilsh iliiiiu to the land above desrribed l-'iou- f. 0. I'attermin. V. 8. Ctm t itMi-iner, at Hppnr, Oretton. on I' e I Hh day of rVbrunrjr 1919. I l.i.iii.int names an wltne-tsea' li' ;.h wn.li r. ef 1'arkeis Mill. (irn. KrmrU M. Milb-r. of ll.inliimn Oie Ile't t'.'.i'F.kni.in. nf llnril'iian Otn..n i:lt..i.i i,i un if HaMnn Ot nil II MASK WiMiIu'lvK. li'.IST u wi.Li:' Mor.Tf.AGi: ATION coitroK E. NOTSON ATTOKN KY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN SlIHiKON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKX E YS-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOKX KY-AT-LAW . Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates r nR T r. TTTPMT7T? w - J A W AXX 1 41 KYK SI'KCIALIST Puitlanil Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUNSTER VI-TKKINAIlIAt Heppner OieKon Licensed Graduate Thone 722 (Day or Night) F. A. McMENAMIN LAW VI- : K Roberts Illdg. Heppner, Ore. Office Thone Main (43 Residence Thone Main 665 ROY V. WHITEIS issikaxi: 4 ilkal khtatk i.oaxh. v Heppner Oregon E. J. STARKEY KLECTHICIAN Motive wiring pclaltjr. Heppner Oreton u:i: McAtce & Aiken, Proprietor t C!UvM NI) CARD PAHI.OKS If i-u wnr.t t.i tnrrow nif-n-y on M-iir Llvi itterk. Wi nl or Liberty nt. talk ith ymir torr.t bJr.k aliiitit i. in (.mis r.nd K-ttire. or Tl In l il ;riH-t Tie war Ii our an-l int to 'I' -l" ' 'ir J'-irt I" I ik'n rate .,; tl-e t-. uti.t! iirtii.n. !.,h iii our nil st' t il i!y rcKTI.VMi OKi:r,ON 31-UJ Bowers Shoe Hospital r w. row y. us. rrop. t n i- !i-n 'ti.u bitu ry mrtliojt, LLi rSKi:. (.iKKGON Wl.l -i-fhni- y. API-::. Ml I t i: : 1 r, I b'lllil -rhmi!. Sl-re !n v A' urttm nt, Car.u. ,-. ri. i-v -Arytl.in I'i i' i-. I:-- iina 1,- V.WI l MIH1 Mt lll IIITI IT l.l e, Y'i:H'in rij.itt lliiii'l-nK. Main i.iii 761. ruitland, ct