I a I n I I i I 8 fc""" 7- ifc3is-rag -j - fc' " ' "fc dfc rfc""' ft To Everybody: A happy and prosperous 1919 IT! blll iam Bisbee l! 1 I I I i I 1 BLACK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by GUTTER'S GLACKLEQ PILLS Low-priced, freh. reliable i preferredby western Steele men. because protect where other vaco nes in I. Write forbooklet and testimonials. 10-dosa nke. B lack lie Pills. SI 50-doseDha.Blacklea Pills. $4.00 Vse any Injector, but Cutter" s simplest and strongest. The superiority ol Cutter products is due to over IS years oi specializing in VACCINES AND skrums ONLY. Insist oh CUTthh's. II unobtainable, .,1.-..-. Tin Cutter laboratory, BarteliCillltniliJJ John Brosnan was in town this morning from Buter creek. T. J. Mahoney is here from 'Port land for a few days on business. Heppner has had all kinds- of weather this week. Next in order is that big snow storm. R. D. Hughes of Shelly, Idaho, came to lone the first of the week in answer to the news of his father's death. His mother, Mrs. J. A. Hughes Is planning to return with him for a visit. County Assessor J. J. Wells has been aBsent from his office for sever al days on account of illness. Mr. Morrow, salesm an for the Pendleton Marble Works, was a Heppner visitor this morning. We should all appreciate the street improvements made last summer when the mud begins to thaw. The Herald isn't the biggest news paper on earth but it's the best local newspaper in Morrow county. Heppner women are feeling mighty fine the way their new mayor and couael'niMi are panning oat. How they chuckle. All this talk about a new hotel and gravity water system nert summer sounds good but it will look still bet ter when construction work begins. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wood of Hepp ner spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives in lone. Mlrs. H.V. Smouse who has been ill for some time with "flu" and pneu monia was taken to Heppner Sunday to undergo an operation for trouble brought on by her recent illness. Charter No. 3774 Reserve District No. 12 Reconstruction Days Assisiting our returning soldiers resume their places among us, helping business pass from war to peacetime basis, and developing our land and industries is the program, the FARMERS' & STOCKGROWERS' NATIONAL BANK recommends for reconstruction. Farmers dX StocKg'rowers National BanK f I o n i n k 1 1 Report of condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Heppner, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Decem ber 31, 1918. KKSOVUCE9 including I M These Cold ornings Whet our appetites for a hearty breakfast. How does a Menu similar to this appeal to you Pretty good eh ! . v Mush - Hot Cakes - Coffee Mush and Cereals Wheat or Oat Flakes Wheat Hearts or Pearls of Wheat Whole Grain Wheat or Cream Barley Shredcd Wheat, Corn Flakes, Grape Nuts Hot Cakes Golden Rod or Aunt Jemina Kastern Buckwheat Self Rising Buckwhat or Flap Jack SYRUPS A few varieties now otainable COFFKK All the leading brands and only slightly advanced in price. 1 i y PHELPS 1. a Loans and discounts; rediscounts, " Total loans , , Deduct: d Notes and bills rediscounted' (other than bank acceptances sold) (See item 57a) $117,893.30' 2. Overdrafts, unsecured, 252.01 5. U. S. Bonds (other than Liberty bonds, but including U. S. Certif icates of indebtedness) : a. u. s. lionos aepositea to etscure circulation (par value) b. U. S. Bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged to secure D. s. deposits (par value) c. U. S. Bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure postal savings deposits, (par val ue) .. Liberty Ixwui Boutin a. Liberty bonds, 3, 4, and 4 Vi percent, unpledged b. Liberty Loan Bonds, 3V4, 4, and 4 i per cent, pledged to secure U. S. deposits Uonds, securities, etc., (other than V. S. ) e. Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) own ed unpledged Total bonds, securities, etc.. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank, (50 percent of subscription) 10. a. Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered 11. Furniture and Fixtures 12. Real estate bwned other than banking house 13. Lnwful reserve with Federal Re serve l!:nk 15. Cusli in vault and net amounts due irom national bunks 16. Net amounts due from banks. bunkers, and trust companies oth er tl.un included in Items 13, 15 Total of items 14, 15, lg, 17 and 18 19. Chicks on banks located outsld'; of city or town of reporting banlc and other cash items 0. I.cdemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from V. S Treasurer . 22. War Saving Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned .... TOTAL $942,578.78 942,578.78 117,893.36 $ 25,000.00 58,000.00 1,000.00 824,685.42 1,252.01 GROCERY Co 24 X i I 4 Market Day Auction Sale Fourth Saturday of each month at the Morrow County Fair Grounds, Heppner The FARM ICRS KXCHANGK of the In land Kmpire has had m many requests for the date of our next Sale that we have decided to make it a regular event at Heppner. If you have somethtr.g to sell remember noth ing too small nothing too large list early and get the advantage of advertising. Fourth Saturday of each Month See our lit of Stock ranches, Wheat farms and Summer range lor sale ami trade. We have two bargains in rcgi tcred Stallions. Have you investigated our plan for making Income Tax returns? It will pay you. COM V. AND SKK US FARMERS' EXCHANGE of the INLAND EMPIRE Robert Building. Heppner, Oregon F. A. McMenamin, Auctioneer F. R. Brown Mgr. 1,450.00 16.400.00 19,8-42.93 other than U. S. 30,000.00 The IMirick ICE McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors CREAM AND CARD PARLORS 110,638.17 LIABILITIES 15.547.87 Capital Stock paid in, Surplus fund 26. . Undivided profits 34.848.47 b. Less current expenses,, interest and taxes paid 28. Amount reserved for taxes ac- . ; rtued 30. Circulating notes outstanding, 32,. Net amounts due to national bank . .. 33. Net amounts due to banks, bank ers, and trust companies (otVr than Included In items 3 lor 32;... Total of Items 32 and 33 IVniaml IiejNiMts (other than l.onl: iIiminM) NllhJiTt to Item-rye (do ni.fi m parable within 30 day) 34. Individual deposits subieel M cneck 35. Certificate of deposit due In lens than 30 days (other than for rnon y borowed) 37. Cashier's checks oiitrrlundiliK .... 41. Other demand depimiu lotnl of demand deposit1) (other than bank di-poKim subject to riserve. Ileum 34. 35. 3. 37. :ik. !. 4'J and 41 Tim Ih tHMlIt Mllilot In It. fr 'Piynble after 30 days, or subject to 3 0 dart or mor notice, and poaUI saving) : 42. Certificates of deposit folher than money borowedl 44. IVtsUl saving rlcposltn 45. Other time dcposlls Total of time dutniMI sublnrt t lUsorve. Items 42. 43. 44. find 4i 211,812.04 4. I nilrxl htnles ii-u (ot r Ih in postal ssvlm-n): n. War loan d'pimlt arrounl 24.6'j0 23 53. Cash letters of Credit and Trav elers' ('berks outatandlnx TOTAt I", a. I.labilitltes for rediscounts, In cluding Ihone ;ih Federal If- frrve bank, (!e l.m r ) Total r.iniiriKrnt liability (17 a, b. ftd r.) 84,000.00 17,850.00 19,842.93 4,500.00 30,000.00 6,300.00 9,455.00 90,160.31 56,719.11 53,919.06 1,078. ir. 1.23-V00 1.903. 50 11,202,916.13 100,000.00 60,000.00 34.V48.47 4.800.00 25,000.00 (,144.51. 0, 408. 28 674,073 3T, 50,000.00 1.: 4 8,943.110 PEOPLES CASH MARKET C. D. WATKINS, Proprietor Our location is still in the "buc Tcground" but if you will fol low the "saw-dust trail" you will find us prepared to cater to your wants in the way of te nder, juicy meats and fresh fish and shell fish as though w e were already in our uew building. Our new building will be com. pleted by and by. In the mean time don't forget us. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Peeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. CHAS. M. HOWE THE AUCTIONEER who -will treat you right. Iwant your sales whether latge or small. Call or write me at lONE, OREGON 734.263.58 187.870 41 4 5 25,935.11 14.108 23 14r. on 1.203,: ; 1 3 S Lines That Lead 1 17,1193 3 117. 392. 34 'it! the inial loan and dirmirt! hoii abov,, th amount en vblrh int.Tt and rllp-unt w rliar,' at ti In rn of ttumn pi-rtnlt' i b Is (,-ff, f I 7 ltf. Kiat ) N thm nunibor of uh Ilh'ih ft. S'lie ."TA1 V. )V tdtK'iON, Coiin'y of Moifow, : I. W l Mal. n-y. fs.,.-r .( h "'"n'M bank, do aoh n nly ir thai Id ilmw rtairrnr.1): i I n I t 1 1 l il ti'is rr 1 ti A and bnrn tn h.lfir. i , III-HIS , (VdlHI'iAI.I.. SoUr ,"b,,r- ly foinriili'n ri.iM- Aul lh 11:! Ih lo lli bt of my kiol W. V. MAIIMNKV. I Iik nth day of Jaouaty, lil , CO!. IU.CT- -Atif.tr T. i. MAMOVKV. Kit A N K 1. 1 I.I.I A M, J. K. KATT1.lt Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and Perninsular Ranges FOR SALE BY Peoples Hdw. Co. P y 1 I I V i) i Read The Herald, $2 Per Year