PROFESSIONAL CARDS Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class matter TERMS OU SUBSCRIPTION. One Year $2.00 Six Months ...$1.00' Three Months " TUKSDAY, JANUARY 14. 1919 NORWAY WOULD PROTECT SLACKERS 'Tp HE government of Norway lias filed a protest with the State Department over a bill introduced by Sena tor Jones of Washington, which provides for the deporta tion of all aliens who cancelled their naturalization papers in order to escape military duty. In this western country thousands of ioreigners sought the protection of the ship yards and lumber camps in order to evade the draft and many of them even went so far as to cancel their applica tions for citizenship and then openly boasted that the government could not get them. Norway, at best with her pro-German record has little room to protest any action of this government in its efforts to clean up the citizenship of the country and when she tries to protect these slackers her protest should go un heeded. Draft boards from all parts of the-country have asked for the passage of this law. It is the only punish ment possible for this style of slacker and the law should be passed in order to rid the country of them. Men who regard so lightly their oaths of citizenship are not worthy of the protection of this government. They have been allowed to remain here during the war work ing for wages that are unheard of in their own country vvhile our boys have been inducted into the army. Now that the war is over these fellows should be shipped back to the country they came from and their places filled with discharged soldiers. America wants nothing of them and if Norway feels that she must protect them let her have them. Their presence here is obnoxious and insulting to decent Americanism. PEACE THE ONE BEST BET X7' K start the New Year right; the kings have ceased to fight; and some are bannned, and some are can-1 ned; they've said a last "good night!" We've seen what war can do; its worse than was the flu; and rows that make nations quake are bad for people, too. All fights are bad and vile; no quarrel, s worth your while; so if some chap demands a scrap, just answer with a smile. You're bad as Kiaser Bill, if you display the will to break Ihe peace and give release to wrath already still. Why throw sarcastic flings at captains and at kings, if you're the 'hap that hunts a scrap, and stirs up grief, lv brigs? Ue .ev ear . t ait vi t Willi ) I .1 1 III. 1 ue lie; l.eep 1 . W;S( il V V. liM le i'i cord 1 mis ; Iri am! :;i v our 1 V .! ii u I s ;i 1 (Mil' art: u-re is no scrap 111 sight; no ear, or pull my nose or bite. (lodge l iu' ioon ou, nor 1 aw amum '. I10 lume and -peace is ;lie vl!!"S v 1 arts- lit.- s : 1 and livl THE RAILROAD QUESTION How About that Contemplated GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. BUILDING? The Government has reduced the ban on building. Or rath er raised the price. Instead of a $1,000 limit on new buildings, you can go ahead now if it don't cost in excess of $10,000. VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Buulding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store ; Heppner Oregon i WOODSON & SWEEK i ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW ! Heppner Oregon SAM E, VAN V ACTOR ! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Heppner Oregon o A I ber um-A-Lumium Company LEXINGTON and IONE Watch paper for dates DR. J. G: TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARY Heppner Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) Oregon 'jP he question whether the novernmiit shall retain the railroads for a period of live Years which is the rec ommendation of Mr. McAiloo and manage them in order lo put government ownership and management to' a thoro lest is now ln-forc Congress and the country. The railroad managers urge that the roads he turned hack to their for mer owners at once, hut whether they urge this because they believe it would be lo the advantage of the people or of the owners of the railroads they do not state, but the majority of the people will guess that it is the latter they have in mind. The real question is which would be the better for the people? None will sa that the owners claim should have hrs; consideration, and if they prefer not to sell they should in l lie forced. Hut we think that we can show that this is a mistaken iew ; that the interests of the pub lic should have first consideration. Here is the illustra tion: The bridges out the riu-rs at Pittsburgh were erected by private corporations and managed by them lor many cat s. They paid, dividends to the stockholders and they resented the pi. m lor Allegheny county to buy llieiu and make tin tn nee to the people. Nevertheless, the movement to buy them tor the people prevailed and they were purchased ami made tree to the people; thus prov mg that m (lie opinion ot the courts the right? and de- sies ol the people were paramount. Now we understand very well that it the government were to purchase the railroads and run them in the inter est ol the people, as the postollice department is run. the service which they would render would be paid for as it is under piiv.ite ownership, the point that we aie now estab lishing is that the tact that the owners do not wish to sel the toads does nd settle the question ot government own el ship oi the i ait o.uU. 1 1 the people desire to purchase the roads thru its government they can rightly do so having them appraised and paving the prices fixed by th appi aisei s. ,vt pn sent I lie sentiment in congress appears to !c t. otable to 1 1 1 in n in the t.nlioads to ptivate ownetshn and this will pioh.ihU be done. However, this is ccit.un in that event to follow: The control ol the gouinimnt over Ihe I .tin o.oU w ol In- inm e complete than il U e The manage! s of the l oads m 1 1 u n tavor this, ;,!ul thos in Congress who stand i.r the lights oi the people vvi',1 (K nun. I it. One thing is ( be let.iined H the toads e. bat k to pi iv ate ow m i slop i, the unification of the load Never again will we have Mvmt) live to one hundred d:'i e ent railroad systems in this country but one system. There are no indications that this would ever have come, had it not been forced by the government. Yet when it comes to efficiency the managers of the railroads were claimed to be the last word. What is likely to happen is the turning back of the roads to their fomer owners, and later a successful move ment for their purchase by the government. The tendency of the world is in that direction; and when the day comes this country, on this one question will be abreast of the oiner ieaumir nations ot tne world, hut not in aim A.Mr, of it. That is something to bear in mind. There are a few individuals who claim hat the govern ment should do nothtntr that can be done bv ornate cor- : :. .i...:.i....t . ti.. . :.- 1j.uioh.s in jjiM.tie umi luuais. i nui was uie position oi the Democratic party in Andy Jacksons day; but there is no party that holds that position today, and the individuals who so hold will not be able to swing things in their direction. Canonsburg Daily Notes. F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER," ' Roberts' Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 ' Residence Phone Main 665 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Following la a schedule- showing the Installment dates for all bonds not paid in full at the time of the subscription, together with the per centages of the subscription due on the dates specified: November 21, 1918....20 December 19, 1918....20 January 21, 1919 20 January 30, 1919 30rr Kindly preserve this schedule for future reference. We urge all subscribers buying bonds im the instalment plan who have not taken care of their Novem ber 21st payment to do 30 at once. Prompt payment Is required by the Government and it greatly facili tates our work In handling the sub scriptions. It is your paUJotlc duty to meet your payments when due. Respectfully, First National Bank of Heppner. ROY V. WHITEIS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, LOANS, Heppner Oregon E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN House wiring a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 633. Bowers Shoe Hospital C. W. BOWERS, Prop. I use modern machinery methods. HEPPNER, OREGON NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that 'he annual meeting of the stockholders of tli e Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat ' r. ink of Heppner will be held on January 14th, 1919, for the pur vr.ot of elect i.'.g directors for the en :;.'lni; yea'', and the of -i'.ch oilier business as may legally come before It. Dated this 16th day of December, 1918. S. V. SPENCER, Cashier 33-37 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, L. S. .and On Ice at La Grande, Oregon, October 21, 1918. . oltce is hereby given that Wll aiu U. Cullck, 'w hose pont-olTUe ad Is Heppner Oregon, did, on the .4th day of June, 1918. Ole in this office s'vorn statement and ap plication, No. 019235, to purchase the EU sKVi and SVV i SEV. Section 11, Township 4 South. Range ! East. Willamette Meridian, and 10 timber thereon, under the pro iitiH of the act of June 3, 1878, acts amendatory, known ns th iber and Stone Law," at such as might be fixed by apprals- m and that, pumu.-.nt to such i'.on. the land and timber! thereon liav been appraised nt i 1377-f.O. the timber t'Htii:u.t,l nt ! l1 5,0(1(1 board feet at It f.rt p. r M. ni l the l..nd f 120.00; that sail np- ' leant will offer final proof In sup- fort of his application and iwnrn Intuition tht 20th day of Jan uary. 1919. be.ore O. C. Patterson. United States Commleatoner at Heppner, Oregon. Any pcnuin Is at liberty to protent this p'jrrhnse before entry, or Initi al a context at nny time before patent Issues, by Mln a corrobnr- ated sRUIatlt In this office. al!enl0f :aot which would defeat the entry. C. 8 DUNN. l!el-(er the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at auch value as might be fled by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $440.00 the timber estimated at 300,000 board feet at f 1.0 per 11, and the 1-nd $140.00; that laid ap plicant wilt offer final proof In sup port nf hla kpp'.lcktlon anl aworn statement on the 21st day of Janu ary, 1919, bofore C. C. Patterson, United State Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to proteHt this purchase bef- re entry, or Initi ate a o n test ut any time bfore poter.t Issues, by (llln-j a currobot ated .tMdavit In this office, atlczlnft facts which would defeat the eniry. C. S DUNN, RcElater. NOTK'K TO UUKDITOIW Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, administrator of the. estate -or. John Sheridan, deceas ed. All persons having ' claims against the estate must present tbem properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Woodson Sweek, Attorneys at Law, Heppner, Oregou. within six months from the date of fiMt publication of this notice.' First published this '!. day of Jur.uary, 1919. W. P. .MAHONEV. 86-40 Aiuinlst.-utnr BANKERS' MORTGAGE CORPOR ATION If you want to borrow money on your Livestock, Wool or Liberty Bonds, talk with your local bank about our terms and service, or write to us direct. The war Is over and we want to help you do your part 1c taking care of the reconstruction, which is our next great duty. PORTLAND OREGON 31d43 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thu there will be a meeting of the stock holders of The First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, on the second ; Tuesday in January, 1919, (January 14th, 1919), between the hours of 10 a., in. and 4 p. m. of said date for First-class woman cook ,!le P"ne of electing directors and Kitchen tnd llv- I "" "" u-n omer uurinepB as mny jenaiiy come onrore and! tupctlnff. house. l'crmanent situation roi Wanted- for country home. Ing room tor rook detached W. P. MAHONEY. Cashier right party. Address or call John Dated this 3d da of Decembers IS. Kilkenny, Heppner, Oregon. I'hone ' 27-F4. 2ftf The Herald for fins Job prlttt. f NOTICE FOR "PUBLICATION Deportment of the Interior, U. 8 Land Office ot La Grande, Oreson, Dee. 4th. 1918. L. Vincent, of Lena Oregon, who, on H A il mint 3rd. 1915, made Homestead I Entry. No 01 467. for NEVi, E4 . ' NVV.andE", 8KV., Section 2.,( Township 1 South. Ranee S Kat. Willamette Meridian, bas filed notice , of to make three-year J Proof, tii eataMuh claim to the land i) above described, before f. t. I'nMcr- i , sun. United States CnmnUlner, atli; hi iffiie. s Heppner, Orecon. on i c zxc : rxMT x : Heppner Meat MarKet II. C. ASHBAUGU, Proprietor 1 1 the th dy of FHu iry. 19l. risintsnt namen a wltne-fs; 1 P Ituche. Vicheal Cur-, 4 VOTIi'K ton PUIU.ICATION l'e. : tmetit of the Interior. U. F l.iiti.l Office at l.a Crande o rton "teber :i. 1 Ms 1 v ,, i . , ; rn. arte , i n- n. ami M.u k N il!,e Ik I er, by tU. n that 7.' It 1 ... ,, , , 1 tietiHV. all of Lena Olefin r.... run. !..... ,.,...,.(. '", C. S Dunn. Keci.t-r i I eru. Oi. t"n, .lid. en t! e : 1 f .'1'ie, 1 1 , tile In t'l . PtTic -in ent n. ;;!!. ,-.t(. B.N. '1 '1H. t.i piirrh.e the y l't, 'A'.NKi,. and SU' NVVV. I.f- IV ill, Ti" n.h.p t Unt, VV iH.imelte Siiith 'Siinte Merl,i.n, and I'd t Tl'.Y '." STi:i I ar,t Poulttr of nil kind, al.te ol dr. !. Veil and Potk. Witt pav the l iiihe.t iih i-mikit prlr-for aiiie aid take all you hue nt any time HKNUY schwai;?.. Phone Herrner, Ore Now open for business in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete .tock of the fine.-t quality of Beef, Porh, Mutton and Veal Call and give as a trial order. Wc will treat you right. HKITNKR .... it ORI-XCS o D P H i