i To Everybody: A happy and prosperous 1919 & oisbee V: y I I 1 1 I 1 $ BOAKDMAX ITEMS t t F. R. Brown, agricultural agent of Morrow county, is trying to get the farmers interested in starting a eanir palgn to destroy the rabbits in Mor row county and vicinity. A meet ing was hel d at Boardman Jan uary 2, where a committee was ap pointed to cooperate with a like com mittee at Willow creek, Irrigon and the Sand Springs district. The plan is to establish pens 20 feet square, using a 26-inch rabbit wire raised from 6 to 8 inches above ground with two barbed wires on top as a safety guard to keep all range stock from getting inside the enclosure. Tim formula used will be alfalfa hay, f'( I These Cold The following people spent the da at the John Nash place Wednesday: Mrs. Peter Nash, Sr., Mr. ind Mrs. A. E. Nash, Leon Logan, and family, i It Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan, and family ' f and J. H. Pepper. I f j J. W. Osborn, accompanied by J. ' H. Pepper, were in lone Monday i " Mr. Csborn had during the past week run a sliver from a fork handle into the palm of hi3 right hand which was giving him a lot of pain and it was necessary for him to have it mod ica'ly attended to by Dr. C. C. C'lic'v. it Unfinished Business lOXE ITEMS t It u I y g I I) v i i I I 1 1 y ornin gs Whet our appetites for a hearty breakfast. How does a Menu similar to this appeal to you Pretty good eh! Mush-Hot Cakes--Coffee I P n U Mush and Cereals Wheat or Oat Flakes Wheat Hearts or Pearls of Wheat Whole Grain Wheat or Cream Barley Shrcded Wheat, Corn Flakes, Grape Nuts Hot Cakes ('.olden Rod or Aunt Jemina Kastern Buckwheat Self Rising I'uckwliat or Flap Jack SYRUPS A lv varieties now otainable COFl'KF All the leading brands and onlv slightly advanced in price. I I 1 1 u I y 1 y n I ft 3 P E PS chopped, and sprinkled with a solu tion ot strychnine. The idea is to place a small amount in each pen every day. The chairman appoints men to visit all pens twice a day to re move the dead rabbits and renlenibli the poison if necessary. All parties in the abovii district:! are taking a keen interest in this campaign to exterminate the deslruct ive jack rabbit. All parties having stock running on the range will be duly notified when this campaign begins through the columns of the county papers. the bunny has become a notea pest and his work of devastation has been the source of great loss of sale able vegetation. Likewise lie does not overlook the baby trees that are being planted for orchards and shade But when snow is on the ground he chews off the bark just as far as he can leach and the tree eventuallv dies. . ' s - He is too much of a traitor to be allowed to run unmplested. While we cannot work on our homesteads we can and must exterminate as many of his kind as-possible and next year we will realize, from our fields a greater yield of vegetables and haj as the result. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cummins went to Nolin Oregon to spend Xm?s with their daughters, Mrs. B. Van Dong and Mrs. R. E. Jones, and their neice, Mrs. Joe Fisher. .They retnsr ed Sunday. C. Harrison was in Boardman ,(ai uary 2, looking over his property. The "flu" is over for a while at ast and school started Mondav 1 GROCERY Co it w I i Market Day Auction Sale Fourth Saturday of each month at the Morrow County Fair Grounds, Heppner The FARMKUS FXCHAN'GF of the In land Umpire has had so many rcipiests for the date of our next Sale that we have decided to make it a regular event at Heppner. If you have somcthr.g to sell remember noth ing too small nothing too large list early and get the advantage of advertising. Fourth Saturday of each Month See our li.t of Stock ranches, Wheat farm and Summer range i'or j-alc and trade. We have two bargain', in regi tered Stallion. llae ott investigated mir plan for making Income 'IV; return1 It will pay you. co.Mi; and si:i: us FARMERS' EXCHANGE of the INLAND EMPIRE It U. A Ri,b, rt I'-uil McMcnamin. ! :ig. Heppner. Auctioneer F. 1 ( r-goti :. Hrown M: r. i:i ii, iti:ms Miss Annie Hynd visited Miss L'Ua Darner Wednesday. T. W. May, of the Lone Star rincii was b Cecil caller Monday. Kills Minor of lone was doing bus iness In Cecil Wednesday. Everett Logan having sold hi hay is now-very busy baling the same. The Misses Logan, Hynd and Lowe spent Sunday at the Franklin place. Miss Carrie Nash Is spending a few days with her grandmother in Cscll. Lnwls Montague of Arlington wi; visiting at It.. S. Wilson's en Sunduy Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe were tie guests of Mr. J. W. Osboin Wednes day. Miss Ada Nash has been spending the past few days at the Leon Lotfun place. Miss Haztl Winter was the guest of Miss Annie C. Lowe Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. McKaddeii of KlghtmllH were doing business In C ell Thursday. I. W. Oshorn, Clarence Inter and II. Pepper were Heppner visit. itn Wednesday. .Mr. and .Mrs. J-.d. Karnsworth of Kh-a siding wi re doing business m Cecil Monday. Hob Montague of Toppcnlah, Wash spout Thursday iih his sinter. Mi It. S. Wilson. uaviq iiynq or Mind Hollow cum. in Wednesday to visit tils brother Jack, for a few days. A li"Tii!i IrkM O returned to hi ranch Wednesday after ep ril, few days in Heppner. 'Jonttiatulatloiis u Mr. i.nd it 0'r l.undell upon the arivul of liii'i mu e Tuesday tiiornltiK Oi .il ll-ridt If k n h'i lum lc i p-rid hi; hi ( hrUtn ai fiiip.ni; I'll bin pureMs r turned Jifi i,,, t"U ,Sjy Vtd on H!lfii!l. OwiiiK to tl, ront.nu'i'14 Un ili' j, I,,, n i,n Willow tit., y (,.,,,. m, t't l.ruiK it.eir lu. , ()., i, i r k on to , , f, ,., Tl,- ti e: , o, tr nr I'rrol nirm nlmn. (in, . tliii.iy, Jan iaiy fourth. Henry J fir.eier . ,,, nir lM'ie,t,y im, ltn r i, i land traitor Friday, l,o in Jai rid IM M ri 1 mlmt h roi.ld haul " nol a rii!iin Mr. and Irs. M. B. Haines were Portland passengers on Sunday's lo cal. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer were passengers to Portland on Sunday's train. Harold Dobyns returned to the training camp at Seattle Suniav morning. Orea Grabill returned to Camp Lewis Wednesday after a week's visit with his parents and friends in Iono. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Friewald re turned Saturday from a visit to Poi t land where thety spent the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. Chick moved to ricp- ner the latter pert of the week where Dr. CTiick will take over the practice of Dr. Winnard. Wayne Miller of Portland return ed to his home the first part of last week after a visit of several days at the home of W. J.. Blake. Merle Blalce was an out. going pas senger on the Wednesday train. He goes to Eugene where he will com plete his college work for the year Mr and Mrs. Frank Hopkins were passengers on Sunday s train, Mr, Hopkins going to Portland and Mrs Hopkins to Arlington where she will visit her mother before returning to school. I. E. Cronan came up from Port land on Saturday evening. He brings word that his son, Frank, expect3 to be discharged from Camp Lewis in the near future and will return to lone to take his old position in the bank. J. A. Hughes one of the oldest res idents of this section passed away at his home in lone Sunday morning. Mr. Hughes had not ' been well for some time and his death was the re sult of an attack of "flu" which was followed by a stroke of paralysis. The "flu" situation seems so;ne- what better in regards to Mie nun.bi r ! of cases, very few having developed i In the past few days. However, the ' cases cf Mrs. Uicketts and Mrs. ri. S. Liljeblad and Mrs. II. V. Smonse seem quite serious, having developed , into pneumonia. Oscar Donovan and Miss Ur-t:i Misnor, not li well Knovvnyoun;; peo- i pie of lone went up to ti e coiii ly! seat Saturday and were married, j Thy left Sunday for a short honey-' moon to be spent at Eugene when. ! they will visit with Mr. Donovan's parents, and at other valley points. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan expect to make lone their home. NOW is never too late to do the thngs left undone. Perhaps you have planned to open an account here at the Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank but just couldn't find the time. Start the new year right then by coming in and letting us place your name at the head of "new business for 1919." We Wish YOU the Best the New Year Can Bring. Farmers CSL StocKgrowers National BanK y fi, n i 1 y I i I I 1 n New G Year s reering Mrs. L. G. Herren desires to express her appreciation of the liberal patronage accorded her during the troublous' times of the past year as well as to extend heartiest greetings to her friends and customers with the wish that -'each and every one may enjoy a most happy and pros perous New Year. Mrs. L G. Herren Milliner IDAHO DKCLAItKS W.K O.N DKXTS no Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. The farm bureaus of 15 counties in Idaho In cooperaUon with the Biolo gical Survey of the United Stales De partment of Agriculture, this year treated 266,068 acres of land with poisoned bait to kill ground squlr-els. According to the estimates of the farmers benefitted. $1,168,074 worth of crops were saved, at a coHt of $30,- 930. In near Lake County, following j the squirrel eradleation rampulKn thej (oral bounty office recorded th re ceipt of 136,500 squirrel tallH. l,i IlltiKhaiii county one member of the farm bureau reported he had rerelv ed$40.74 bounty on the presentation of 2.4R7 squirrel tullit. These V ere killed by the lice of only $1.70 wiitu of strychnine and saccharine. II saved his crops besides. In llluli.e county the funnel m report a tmvliu of $20 lor every dollar expended, uml the iminty coipimlhloneis have In creased their appropriation tor this work of polsonlna squirrels fiom $:i"0 for 151 to $3. MM! for ltn. IO IMVII'Y hlN"M n Mrr.'.i S CHAS. M. HOWE THE AUCTIONEER who will treat you right. Iwant your sales whether larg'e or small. Call or write me at IONE, OREGON !r. C. K. Chl'k. and family, ot ine, have relieved to lleppni' aid iif i.iriipvlnu lli KlriMin.n rnitiiic n tlie eMt Mde In , ' I l V I h t, I - n nti r the n,i ili ill ptBi iiie uf It, V.-iMiatd and l aliemly wikii,4 'v eiti i.e lii l,ll,f lii '"k t.i ep mlr of InMiiiti.i I" t'lin'lt ' tr; U spoken .f by ! I '" (ii- .i a sin ! ill 1 1 i.'ti '' a i.ve rilii n lil.dMie Inn, .1)' III pr. ,e i Ironn d til . 1 1 f i rli The sup. CI, at I' re !y r orti' ! ' i fn lt,t'p ll,,r t I 4 ' i I, ' i ' ( t S'M I k M.. In' l Si Aitbur Cait.l.bill lu tit :nii! t( the I'tilvemity of ifei-i.n a'1' pnd-n th" Imliday. ih !' I'' tftfs and other Heppner f rl-rid I Lines That Lead 1 Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and Perninsular Ranges FOR SALE liY Peoples Hdw. Co.