t -- X PROFESSIONAL CARDS GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. Vll. K. J. YAUGHAN i j DENTIST How About that Contemplated Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofl'ice as second-class mattei TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months 50 ? TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1919 Permanently located in Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon GAZETTE-TIMES EDITORIAL ENDORSED Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper .II t ; It gives the Herald great pleasure to republish and en dorse the following paragraph clipped from an editorial in the Gazette-Times of last week: "That Heppner did not get some of the leading places among the officers of the organization (State Chamber of Commerce) should be no cause of complaint. Heppner is not entitled to the chief asse ts. She has a commercial organization at the present in name only; it is do ing no active work and has done none for months past, and the State Chamber of Commerce is so constituted and organized as to give proper recog nition to the live ones. When Heppner gets a move on and organizes a real, honest to goodness commercial club, with a live, wideawake member sh;p, she will take her place among the other cities of the state that are going out and getting the things they want." Our neighbor has exactly the right idea about the lack of and the need for a live, active commercial organization in Heppner. Without such an organization Heppner and Morrow county will certainly lag behind other towns and counties in the state in the coming period of reconstruction and development. The 1 lerald is strong for any 'move ment that promises development and progress and growth and prosperity for Heppner and Morrow county and this means every part of Morrow county from the Columbia riv. er to the most remote mountain ranch towards our sou'h ern boundary. To oiganize and keep alive an active commercial club in Heppner, however, will mean the hearty and honest co operation of every wide awake, progressive citizen and in stitution in the city and in this work the newspapers of the town can render a good service. If our neighbor really wants a live commercial club and will go ahead and lead the way in this matter the 1 lerald gives assurance of its hearty co-operation in the movement. The Herald knows that it can never succeed in helping to advance the material devel opment and prosperity of Morrow county by opposing any worthy project simply because it was first mentioned by a competitor. That sort of spirit never built up any com munity. Neither will the idea that Heppner can' afford to rest on her oars and depend on the State Chamber of Com merce putting through the John Hay project and handing it over as a reward ol merit for us having a lie commercial club or for only needing one, gel us any where. '1 ho 1 ler ald still niainl.i.ins that when it comes to getting big things that this MTiiou of the stale really needs," Kastcrn Oregon Must Stand .luc," regardless ol C. C. Chapman's gener al:! ies .so copiously (pioted by our neighbor last week. As to I he "tears ' lo which our nc'ghbor refers the Herald man does not claim to have established much of a reputation as a "sob sister" during his residence in llepp .ki'. Smiles, he has lound, are more comiortable and sat islaclorv under all circumstances and as to them be'iit: Yroco.ide tears cannot our neighbor give us credit for be ing as sincere in this matter as he was in the Tuttle affair in 1 lu- alleged election law infringement? The Government has reduced the ban on building. Or rath er raised the price. Instead of a $1,000 limit on new buildings, you can go ahead now if it don't cost in excess of $10,000. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon Co DR. A. D. AJcMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSOX & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Heppner Ore SAM E. VAX V ACTOR, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. Heppner Oregon LEXINGTON and I ONE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, administrator of the e.:ta!e or John Sheridan, deceas ed. All persons having claims against the estate must present them properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Woodson & Sweep, Attorney at Law, Henpncr, Oregou. within six months from the date of fi: -t publication of this notice. l'iist published this Y'h day of January, I'M'.). W. P. ..MA1IONKV, 16-40 Aministrator THE POWER OF MIND NOTICIO FOR PUBLICATION T Ill', fact p.s stated by Surgeon C.cneral Ireland that "more than jixk American soldiers in l'rance suffer ing from shell shock were cured by the news of the sign ing l" the armistice" is an interesting contribution to the pathology of nervous diseases. These war hospital pa tients were not .suffering from an imaginary ailment ; the physical manifestations of their affliction were apparent; amounting in some cases to bodily disfigurement. Yet the cure seems to In- entirely due to the influence of the imagination, being instantly a fleeted by their realialioii that lhe would nut again be subjected to the same csp'T ience. I his ci i.K nee oi i he mind's power ner the body will ail. iid pi.,; v.ti i-i.u i i.,:i i,i .ei,eer , in tin el'ticac .' menl.il or .uiit:.il mcih,..i, , healing. What li.iu ;b. uiatciialislN to sav ..bom it ; i, dii.u.M s will allege 'tt c.,p.uil ot their an to n,,v di-ea-o ol thU uali'.ie and ac cording to a M.iienu ni tiom the surgeon general-, of:',. v. "iniptoe.l methods of combating the at'llution" in arm hospitals h.ic in, itcri, illy reduced it. Net the fait icmaiiis ol nature's dramatic and inune dialc cure by the simple uteaiis of icm.ning apprehension. Medical pi act in- has still some wa to go before equaling this denioiistiation of the girat' possibilities in mental healing - New York W.mI.I Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 4th, 191 S. Notice U hereby given that Waldo L. Vincent, of Lena Oregon, who, on August 3rd, 1915, made Homestead Entry. No. 014467. for NE4, T.V, NW14. find E4 SE, Section 26, i'o'vnshlp 1 South, Range 28 East, WU'aniettc Meridian, has filed notice f ;ntentlon to make three-year I'to f. to establish claim to the land aboi" described, before C. C. Patter son, United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 6th day of Febuary, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur P. Hughes. Mlcheal Cur ran, Harve G. Cown, and Mack T. Gentry, all of Lena Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande.Oregon, October 21, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Zetta Brosnan, whose post-office address is Lena, Oregon, did, on the 3d day of June, 1918, file in this office sworn statement and application, No. 019114. to purchase the E NE V , SWV, NEVt. and SE4 NV, Sec-1 211 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fired by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tlmbei thereon have been appraised at $440.00 the timber estimated at 300.000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and tho bnd $140.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof in sup port of his tpp'.lei.tlon and sworn statement on the 21st day of Janu ary, 1919, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, neglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, November 8th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Vern F.. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 25th, 1914, made homestead en try, No. 013371, for SW SW,Sec 22, NW, N NE Vi , and SW14 NEVi, Section 27, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the Sth day of January 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Claimant names as witnesses: Noah G. Pettyjohn, of Heppner, Oregon; George A. Cummings, Levi L. Hiatt, and Chas. A. Hinton, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EVE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUXSTEU VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. McMfENAMIX LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 66 5 I f - Mil I I ,.,J-N , . ' . J i i r . .,: , . ... ii I i ( -W ';:'.') ' I 1 V Hi ; :! NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a meeting of the stock holders of The First National Dank of Heppner, Oregon, on the second Tuesday in January, 1919, (January 14th, 1919), between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. of said date for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come before said meeting. W. P. MAHONEY. Cashier Dated this 3d dav of December,1918. . I s The Kvrick McAtre & Aiken. Proprietors ICi: CUI'AM AM) i:Hl) I'MMotK CARD "i Win t-.i runt .i.i- on an IV'i,vi. t-t , ! j ,,., f, , 1 K kctiny, ll.pi'tifr, C 1 ; ;.. P,n,. iti;: Hum for c..,k dct,(id tiw j; ft . , "COW'JV'O "- ' ' ! lJ'-.t : I " I l ..li.'i.w sM"tsri e:, ti,,,3 : f- itLPii u ' I . ", 1 (i '..'.' 1 4jauai w.-v. Ijn. -' H' i.l...n ,,,- ,.1 ... r.'l , t ' " ' . ' i u. ,irjn -ij e.wi ii.i t'f'w wa, nut to ; k .. . .".;) ; l j,.jpani ,. t. . : i.t - j .,1,1 i'l '. .' O .1 I 'i 4 AC H4 .,. ,.j ., .;.vi.u:a ' u m ii . .. . i. . , ,.j tit ! NOTICE FOR ITIILICATION Di'Imi tmenl uf the Interior, I', s' Land Ollice ut La Grande, (;e:;. n October 21. 191S. ' Nui.ro i.i hereby wlv.n that Wll Its. m C. Ctili.k, ttliese jiost-dll lie lid ilieh:'. is Heppner Oteion. did. en jthe 2::h dry of June, lull, file In thts o.O.'i' s'vorn stnu'tnent r.nd plica'!' n. No. 011.2"., to piuvhaxe the K, SEt and SW4 V.U. ctl. n II, Toinshlp 4 tfmith.ltani'c 23 i:.u1. Willamette Met l.l'an. and the li'ilier therecn, under the pru- ons of the act of June 3, 17. .. ucts amendatory, known as the iber and Stone Law," at such n tiiluht he (lc. by apprals m ind t!i..(, patsii.nt to such nj plie itlnn, the land and tl:i.l,.'t thete.'ti h ue be. n up; iiiiei nt f 1 7 7 ri. the Ir.'bcr tieu.te.t at 3"iVo''n le.ud f.et at II .'0 p.r M .ill I! 1. nd fi:ono; that said up- plii'.,! t will enrr f. ti.it !'.'' f In np- p.ut r n; pIcMnn a-nt rw.tr it.it. " . n I' e I.'th ! v ' J hi in.'), lifl he.'orr i C lMt!rr.l. t'r.:(. ,1 St-ile C.iriti i !.,t.-r at Itrpen.r, Or.-tr.'n A-v ...n l at 1" t.. j r.-t.' t t' '-!;i- ''re entry, rr !n!'l t. . '.'( ,.t fy t!'t b.-f r.' .it."'l l .'.,.. I.v f. nit a coir..?' r-j i'i-, !t!l -t it In tii -fri. a t ! b ! rut ) 'i.ts whbh W HiM df..it the rntty C. 3. DUNN. M-cMer. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING N. tlre he:.', y given th.'t 'he '.nn:.l meeting of the stockholders f'e l':.;n etr. & Stoch'-rowers Nat iml ltirk of Heppner will -e held en January 14th. IH19. for the pur port of ilectii i directors for the en ..tinc year, and tp transaction f mvp other ti-siueni. us may legally come before It. Dated tills 16th day of December. 191. 3. W. SPENCER. Cashier 33-37 HOY V. WIJITEIS IVSVP.AXCE REAL ESTATE, LOANS, Heppner Oregon E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN House wiring a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 633. BOWER'S SHOE HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS, Prop. I use modern machinery methods. HEPPNER, OREGON DEMAND FOR TELEGRAPH OPERATORS Young men and women - trained In few months under the superv:slon of a successful Dispatcher. Iniloy ,, ed by Railroads. Opportunities t " earn e: senses. Write for Bulletin. Telegraph Dept., 218 Railway Ex change Bldg., Portland. Ore. 31.136 RANK EltS' MOItTGAG ECO R POR ATION If you want to borrow money on 1 your Livestock, Wool or Liberty Bonds, talk with your local bank j about our terms and service, or I write to us direct. J The w: r I over and we want to i h. lp you do your part li taking care of the reconstruction, which Is our next great duty. i PORTLAND 31(143 OREGON NOTICE TO St nClttUEl'S TOTHE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Following is a schedule showing j POULTRY WANTED the Installment dates for all bonds wt Poultry of all kinds, alive n.,i nai.i n till st the t me or tne . ' - -i...i . . n . subscription. (OK.'ther with the per centages of the subscription due on the ilat.n specified: November 21. 1?H... W, December 19. 19H..2nr Jan-iary 21. I'M? 21"'. J.muarv 3.. l?n 30', K'ndlr pr.-ere this schedule for f unite r. fi r.-nro, We uige all subsi rib.'ts buiinc h. t ! ..n the lit.illi'ient plan who hme n. . t-iken ntc of t!n-ir Nov. -n-l. r 'Jl't fi.n.it t do i". t n. . riu'i pt p.iVT.e'it Is fe'iiutr.l by t' I'.ri. lllli . -Sit . hd It Strati)' f.u ill !:.. ..nr Wotk III I stl'll r.K tV.e sub- It , lour p, tn.'t c duty to ti,'t ..,r j ,i; 'nrtits m 'n-n It "pw. t f r; ly . Ul't Nti,.n.l l!.u.k gf Heppner. Kobett S-t..n. wt-.rt ! aitefi'l'tit! srhool Rl Kaleni this yer, . ti t ' i- itinrf Ms p.itcn.. 1 1 pay the highest cash market prlc;.for same and take all you have at time. HENRY SCHWARZ. Phone 636. Heppner. Ore, $500 REWARD $500 N..t;,e t fv rrtiy rii.'ti that I vill pay a tewatd of Five Hundred dol-t-rs 1 1 'i) I'ir tt." tm-.t and . 'mi.-tion .,!o : ny p.-in n ot p. r on 'e..lill ativ . f V I I or r at 'roin r.y p,.t if or fn.in the i , StiM-k l.r.T...d as ft.ltows: Hor . JK r-'titi' t.d en tight ho:Mer. Vetr! ri al l 2 . ar-old. bar . v.r I ! rot. !!... (. 1 (.n tlr'-t r;'.tl!..-r. 'V!'. JK ri.l.n... t.. I i tl 1. :t hip and side Ye.itli:ii and 3-Mt-i Id . b ir m.-r JK . ..noe. i,.J on l-lt hip .ind side. JOHN KILKr.NNY. H.ppner. Ore. Dated at H. ptner. Orvguo, May li.