CECIL ITEMS i i ft y 1 1 I n 1 I 1 I 1 I 7 1 y I 1 1 (fen I 8 1 7 I i I I S H n o K n 1 V i X I ,, i To Everybody: A happy and prosperous 1919 G wiam O isbee I n y I; y p I i Begin The New Year Right By covering your property with substan tial protection against loss by fire. You cannot tell what a year may bring forth. Investigate the companies I represent. They are as substantial as the rocks of Gibralter. Roy V. Whiteis IONE ITEMS I y 1 n PEOPLES CASH MARKET . CD. W ATKINS, Proprietor Having recently purchased this market I beg to submit the following price listwhtch will remain in force as long as the live stock market remains steady: All felrloin and T-Bone Steaks 30c per lb All Round and Shoulder SteaTts 25c per lb Humberser Steaks 2 5c per lb Prime Rib Roasts r..24c per 11) Short Rib Boils lfic per lb Brisket Boils 12VjC per lb Good Tot Roast, Beef 20c per lb Best Loin Pork Chops 3 5c per lb Pork Steaks , 30c per lb Pork Sausage 25c per lb Wlnne Wurst, good and solid 55c per lb Bologna, good and goiid 20c per lb Pure Kettle Rendered Lard ...30c per lb Best Conipound,50 kettle rendered tallow and 60 best Wesson Cooking Oil 25c per lb Come in and inspect our stock and prices and compare same with others. Our aim is to supply the highes quality of goods and the best service at right prices. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET HEPPNER, OREGON l! .8 m S. A. Pattisou of Heppner was an lone visitor Saturday. Tom Beymer of Lexington was in lone, for a few hours Thursday. Miss Sylvia Blackwell left for Waila Walla on Tuesdays train. ' J. F. Lentzy returned to lone Fri day from a few days trip to Portland. Miss Olive Wade of Walla Walla Washigton, is- visiting with her sis-1 ter, Mrs. E. J. Bristow. j Jesse Dobyns spent Xmas week with friends in Freewater, returning to lone Friday evening. j Mearl Blake returned Monday from Eugene where he has been a mem- ! ber of the S. A. T. C. ! Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Jones came dowu 'from Lexington Tuesday to spend Christmas with their daught ers. ! 31isha Sperry of the Seattle Naval ! Training Camp spent a Xmas fur- ! lough in lone with his relatives and ' friends. . I i Mrs. J. H. Turpin of Kelso Wash., I arrived in lone Friday evening to ! care for her son Dick Turpin who Is ill with the "flu." Elmer Cochran has been released from service in the navy and has re turned to lone from Seattle where he has been in training. Miss Wlnnifered Osten returned to Seattle Sunday after a ahort visit witi. friends In lone. Miss Osten la a teacher in the Seattle schooK n I Market Day Auction Sale Fourth Saturday of each month at the Morrow County Fair Grounds, Heppner The F.RMF.K KXCIIANCK of the iii t Into land Umpire lias had v many rfijiK-sts for date of our next Sale that we have decided make it a regular cunt at llejiner. If you have somethr.g to sell rcmemher noth ing too small nothing too large list early and get the advantage of advertising. Fourth Saturday of each Month See our li t of Stock ranches Wheat farms and Summer range i'or ale and trade. We have two bargains in regi tired Stallions. Have ou investigated our plan i'or making Income Tax return? It will i-av voir COM I'. AND SHK US FARMERS' EXCHANGE of the INLAND EMPIRE Roberts Huildhg, IIep ncr, Oregon F. A. Mc.Mcnamin. Auctioneer F. K. iirown Mgr. if f I t t I K 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilt motored over to Grass Valley Ttfesday to spem! Xmas with their daughter Mrs. I W. Hoy Blake. They returned to lone Thursday. M: Oren Crabill arrived in lone ! from Camp Lewis .Saturday morning, lie wil Sp"ni a few days furlough here visiting his parents, Mr. and .Mib. D. II. Crabill. . Floyd Barlow arrived in lone Frl- day evening after a short visit with friends and relatives in the valley, folowing his recent discharge from i military service at Camp Lewis. Mrs. Lee Howell went down on ' Sunday's train to meet her husband who Is returning to lone after sever al months In the service of Uncle Sam. When he received his dis charge he was stationed In Camp Lee Va. Victor Reltmao returned to lone Christinas day having been discharge d 'rom the army a week or so bko. Mr. Reitman has been stationed In various camps since leaving lone and was at a training camp In Virginia ready to go across whdji the armis tice was signed. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Blake returned to Ioue Sunday of last week from Eugene where Mr. Blake was enroll ed in the 8. A. T. C. On their way homo they stopped for a few days visit with Mrs. Illuke'g patents, .Mr. and. Mrs. A. W. Cook of Wanhougal Washington. H. E. Willis of Morgan was doing business in Ceci Friday. Clarence inter and family were Arlington visitors Monday. j Mrs. Peter Nash spent Monday and Tuesday at her son John's place. Mrs. and Misses Barnes visited with Mrs. Bennett Saturday at the Last Camp. j Bob Pope left Sunday to spend the i ' holidays with his: daughter in Buck- j " ley Washington. ! i Mr. and Mrs-. Jack Hynd spent sunaay witn Air. and Mrs. Franklin M at iinea Siaamg. Jeorge D. Andersen of Butterby Flats left Friday for Heppner on his way to Ukiah. Oral Hendriksen arrived home Tuesday to spend his holidays with his folks. Miss Violet Hynd is spending her holidays with Miss Bernice Franklin of Rhea Siding. George Simmons who has been working at the Butterby Flats, left for Stanfleld Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. T. M. May of the Lone Star ranch were doing business in Cecil Saturday. Emniett Cochan and Guy Boyer of Heppner were down Willow creek I buying hay Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Streeter and family spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hardesty. alter Pope returned home from California Thursday and glad he was, he taid to be back again in Cecil. The Misses Lucille ,and Elsie Huff, of Arlington, were the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Henriksen during the past week. Walter Pope tried out his old Ford as far as Arlington Friday accompanied by several ladies of Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dean of B'our Mile were in Cecil Saturday evening to hear Mr. Dugger give his farewell address. Leon Logan and family and also Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan spent Mon day in Arlington doing their Christ mas shopping. Mr. A. N. Dugger and Mr. Snider left on the local Friday for Portland, Mr. Dugger is on his way to Los Angles California. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Franklin and daughter and E. F. Fairhurst spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats. E. Ingleby of Edenvale WaBh. came to Cecil Sunday and was the guest 'of J. W . Osborn during his stay in this part of Oregon. I J. W. Osborn and Mrs. Conibest accompanied by Elder A. N. Dugger, of Stanberry Mo., also Mr. Snyder of Chehallis Wash., spent Christmas day at the Clarence Winter's homo. The Mhs'.es; Lucille and Vivian Logiiu, also .Miss M. 11. Lowe pupils ol the Franklin High School, Port land arrived in Cecil Sunday where I her will spend the next week visit ing friends. Unfinished Business NOW is never too late to do the thngs left undone. Perhaps you have planned to open an account here at the Farmers ec Stockgrowers National Bank but just couldn't find the time. Start the new year right then by coming in and letting us place your name at the head of "new business for 1919." We Wish YOU the Best the New Year Can Bring. ' Farmers OL StocKgrowers National BanK i i 1 t; s y I y I 1 ew Years Greeting Mrs. L. G. Ilerren desires to express her appreciation of the liberal patronage accorded her during the troublous times of the past year as well as to extend heartiest greetings to her friends and customers with the wish that each and every one may enjoy a most happy and pros perous New Year. Mrs. L G. Ilerren Milliner Kd Bristow and some of his pals from lone were down below Cecil Sunday hunting ducks as usual, sport must have been poor as their pocketH were not very bulkey, but Kd said in his good natured way, "Bet ter luc'K next time we come." Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Plour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all MillFeeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Harold Stiles, who has been In the coaht artillery for tne past year came In Saturday evening to visit hln wife who Is spending the winter here with her mother Mrs. Jones. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Turner went ; to Hot Lake Saturday where they i will renmln for a week or so while 1 Mr. Turner lakes the baths and treat- meuts for rheumalihm from which he Is a hufferer. 1 Prof. II. 11. Hoffman former super-' Intendent of the Heppner hi IiooIh, now holding a similar position at Kenui-wlck, Wahhlngton, was a visit or l- ie lor a few days during tin; we.'k. Hiiifiy Coi n wlm Ihk In i n In tin limit! d h' tvlnc in tin- nun) lur m r-1 .il Ili.mhx HIlHiil linlne l,h l lill.l.' inHii i e liuvil.g In i n dixi I ;i:i: il I mm I H-rm-i' fur (lie n.iM.ii tiit, lit. i many lit In ii. Im t f . rii-nln:; o' Hie Ut lllh lire, h" ;i!l Ollt III u Jillj. S. W. Spi-m-i-r went to l'i ii'lli tun TliiitMluy In Ilium Imiiii' Mi 8. hpi-infi who Iimh tie.-ti vUltuig fmriilN In the Hiurid-iip city (or a n-k or ho. Tin y leturned Kthlny and wit m i iiinpan-1 led by (ienrgn Ki ll kIhi i,ii,i. i.vit Id I .... .. mm,h aiier some imprnvi ini nt ln-mif CH AS. M. HOWE THE AUCTIONEER who will treat you right. Iwant your sales whether large or small. Call or write me at IONE, OREGON Waller liiinrun returned from ('iitt.iM' in; t'llilny whil" he went to look at noun- pmpi rty fur wli.' h li.- v.is I m-ii t lug on tnidlnc In Hi'll'lH'I h'lll.. AtttT liMlkillK 'HIT that tountry lor twenty-four 1.uiii., hottucr. Waller u not on the 1 1 Mil., and ready to take Hie next l;mn bac't to Heppner. He kuh ho would not trade his huime and lot for that whu'e dart ed count ly If he had In he ' " " " i"r in ri or i inn on lim thi-ntm i.ruii. ilv In H.ik hi ilie. Kvery thlim U rlosf-d .loui, : ntv. Lines That Lead Hint Htliky red iUv to a innn from (iod'ii there now and don't look RiMid i-iiiHilry, C-tlnty AK.-nt lliun liifritins uk tlui duet. ditrut hite lin n orimn-j lor tin' niton labblt polotiln ' imnpalKn and big reMiltn im ei,w. i ted when Hip flit iK,d niow run, ii. i nil Hi" rliiiaii.ni t iii.t unit,..! nr. tion on huiiny and bin huni h. Turn Sti,cn Lff (. m t'in yi kter day attendn to Important hulii. limttiM. Ilir,l.-tit to the Nr. Va. w.n not ll- l-n.t of , . timii'ii din iilicrlptiuii anuin.i nh Hi- llimlil pifc-r'-l up to ,i.ti. null W (Mill (,fiMti hiMiii'k i.ti furtii. for family, or widower, or lbut'hr. lm ll.el ti fii-n In ,.k Am widow with on iul of vti'Mil M' I.irii llkr Tr,L.,i Mr. and Km. A. II. l',..H k-r ol th. it)', .IMendeit (1,.. 'Lllurl, -i-.llil" . Hen In rortliirid Iji-n inhi r 17 hy the Kim i luh i, at i il Mr I nn r, It an opi il t, nt, nii a tn,e 'ink an.iinii' niiine ol it,i. i,i,t , i . on i .. iiiHul. ir. c.ti,i, ion, nil) i i onii in won a c .ui nn i ho nmne duy hy hnukiiiK 2'i iml of 1 'i i lay pl" mis. Ilinlii mild rny prnpiTty nl tlmul to im ll'i,iii-r I wUh to illinium o thai all aiuunU dun In. nvo lioin li ft h A. Iiii.m. at .o i.T,i of tho lli'ppn.r ll-rsl'l l.ero payrnetit rnoy ho madi sml ri'cipts t'oviI. lliti frw ruod ii. I.eairy Iom and I ti.nl on-ry rent ! I. n. to help r.-oalahlluli mytnlf in liunlnot. I'i. rail n1 live U.L lustier your onrly sttomion. t.:i.,y. w. vi.itioT. 1 f I 1 Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and Perninsular Ranges FOR SALE DY Peoples Hdw. Co. I 1 I 1 I i x n )'--, Hot 27. it ,