PROFESSIONAL CARDS GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. 1)11. It. J. YAIGHAX S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher An Independent Newspaper How About that Contemplated Entered at the Hoppnur, Oregon, Fostol'fice as second-class matter DEMIST t:; of subscription. $2.00 Six Months Throe Months 50 Permanently located in Oddfellow's One Year .$1.00 Bunlding Heppner, Oregon Heppner Herald BUILDING? TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1918 NEW YEAR OPPORTUNITIES W evil? HAT has the coming year of 1919 in store for Hepp ner and Morrow county?. Will it bring us good or Shall we, as a community, have prosperity or adver Will the end of the year 1919 see Heppner a more pleasant town to live in, a better place to do business in, a town in which its people can take a bit more pride and its visitors a considerable greater degree of comfort? These questions, which are pertinent at this season, can only be answered by the people who live in Heppner those who have made their homes here, those who do bus iness here, who pay taxes here, who elect the public ollic ials and delegate to them authority to handle the affairs of the town which are of general communiy concern. A town can never be anyth'ng'other than what the peo ple who live there make it. A town is a collection of hous es and streets and alleys and other inanimate things vvhich must be constructed after the most modern plans, the most beautiful designs and of the most substantial and costly materials but without people in that town to occupy ; the houses, to make use of the streets and to enjoy the , beauy of he parks and other amusements and recreation places it would be a ghastly joke on the face of civilization. ! J"st what progress lleppner will make, then, during the coming year must depend entirely on we people who live here on what we collectively desire and collectively j determine to have. If we really want a new and modern hotel want it in the collective way, we will have a hotel. If we want a belter water supply we will have that too, or at least we will get things going in the direction of our collective desire and we will realize that desire at the earli est possible moment. J f we want an opera house or assem bly hall in which entertainments and public meetings can be comfortably held we can have that too for, mind you, the people of Heppner, once they line up in a collective way and go after most any proposition are no pikers. They represent a lot of br ain, a lot of money and a lot of energy and those three things collectively used, will accomplish much. Heppner has suffered some heavy heavy losses during the past year but as losses belong to the past there is no use wasting valuable time grieving abou them. It is more to the point to put in our time being thankful for all the 1 things the old year brought the town. We are not wading in mud like we were a year ago, thanks to the mac adam paving and we hac a new city charter which will pvi imt mure and greater improvements in the future. 'e have -liown fiie world that lleppner and Morrow county can go over the top in Liberty liond and Red Cross cam paigns with the best of them. Shouldn't we be thankful lor these things; A:; a direct result of the lire the old town is rid of a lot of old lire-trai. buddings that had pretlv well outlived their useluliiess arid there is mighty little debris left to be cleared away to make ready for new concrete buildings on winch (no insurance rate will not be prohibitive. f In lact there was never such an opportunity in Hepp ner s history fUI- her people to get together and. collectively u oiginings lor the town The Government has reduced the ban on building. Or rath er raised the price. Instead of a $1,000 limit on new buildings, you can go ahead now if it don't cost in excess of $10,000. S. E. XOTSOX ATTOUXEY-AT-LAW . "fer 1 Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon DR. X. E. WINXARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon f um-A-Liffn Lumber L0 mpany LEXINGTON and Dli. A. D. McMCliDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Heppner SAM K. VAX V ACTOR, ATTOHXEY-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon IONE Watch paper for dates Dli. J. G. TIHXEH EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUXSTEH VETERIXAUIArr Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) It s up to we peonle who an- now ln.r,. i,. Let s get busy. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE YEAR in. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande.Oregon, October 21, 1918. Notice is1 hereby given that Zetta Brosnan, whose post-office address la Lena, Oregon, did, on the 3d day of June, 1918, Me in this office sworn statement and application, No. 019194, to purchase the EH NE'4. SWUXE14. and 8B NW'U, Scc- I 29 East, Willamette Mertdlnn, and the timber thereon, under the pro ' visions of the act of June 3, 187S. ! iiml acts- amendatory, known as the "Timber and Slime Law," at such value as might be lived by appraise I mcnt, and that, pursuant to such i application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $440. no the timber estimated at 300,000 board feet at 11.00 per M. and the bnd $140.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof In sup port of his t.pp'.lri.tlon and sworn statement on the 21st day of Janu ary. 1919, before C. C. Pattorson, "n'ed States Commissioner, nt 1 lo ner, Oregon. A "v person Is at liberty to protest tl ' "'irrhnse before entry, or Initi ate f contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. . C. S. DUNN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, November 8th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Vern F. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 25th, 1914, made homestead en try, No. 013371, for SW SWU.Sec 22, NW14, N NE, and SW NEVi, Section 27, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make tli roe-year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before C. C. Tatterson, United States Com missioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th day of January 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Claimant names as witnesses: Noah G. Pettyjohn', of Heppner, Oregon; George A. Cummlniis, Levi L. Hiatt, and Chas. A. Hinton, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. Ill tod lav s is.Mi'e ot I no i... . i . s" iniKMe re sume III Mo Illlll'O llllllOI t.ltlt ll.lllll.Mlill.r.- ..l" ll I I ii s ' 1 1 1 1 i " i i 1 1 1 e r - .Mmo lnsot v li:is li.'.n m an in ;inv oIIkt .Mimbir i'ojmii ami w i; u- i In hi.l; IIio .im twelve mouth iliiriii"' t In' ii ui ' ' " ' 1 ' I M ! I 1 111 V IllslolA o World i v. iits is .,1 t..,- w.l K.yn n. I.. ,ol u , ,o found aeenraio and . oh.iblo adei .ot l!,o lb raUhould ., oo. s o 1 his i,siu. , ; , , 'MH'r "'my U'.oreiHv. The information ionl,iol I'-'"'", dl bo I,.,,,,,! , ni,lv;iM. in intoreM a, tune .;is,l..s. Till: STEADY SUlijiCRIUER U'.w .1. . to mv !;,,( ,!,e ,(,U. l.'bi,.,!,,,. l. i !!'. ,"i '"h'""v "' ' 'f Ui- .. .Mid rai aiouiul tl fine u halo of ,-hcer ' II- n.iei .,,. !,, . ,an t urr.M.I ll." uh 'N'"' 7'." ;m,,B """ l'"l' rl n.. than I lead " Hut Uu, ,.,. f ml lt. the family 1,1,,. In I.I.I .. all Mid i the thlfl,; thai e l.e.d " K'.w .elc.m,. Mt I. .,, ,.., I,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,, How It ni.ikel mir tt.r..). .' . We ,11, ,i....L ..... . .' . 7. ' ' "ur I iline NOTICE OP ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat ional Bank of Heppner will be held on January 14th, 1919, for the pur poset of electing directors for the en suing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legally come before it. Dated this 16th day of December, 1918. S. W. SPENCER, Cashier 33-37 1 T twmilh lUnk Mm. e lnr,lv M, ,in !" It. a.H :.f, nl,. r tin l Mluini.'. Tile t Im.t p,. pull,.!,;,, TheR 1! Tick McAtce & Aiken, Proprietors N CAUI) PAUI.ous ici: CUl-AM NOTICE FOR ITI1LICATION i I Department (f the Interior. F. S ' l.ati.l On lee at La G ramie. Oi egull, lii tuber 1, 1!' I S, I N. lice l henliy given that Wil li. I'lilu k, v.h,.,,,. .id, t-oifi, e ml- l H"!'1":T OO'tetl. did. on .' d.iv of .li.ii.', l'is. die In I'., i o'li.-e sMiin (l.U'iiietit and ap I''i' .t n. No. i'l:i::l."i, In pin liitse '-''i SI'.i, and SW, S 1 : 1 ; . 1 :'.-ciii-ii ll.Tnwii 4 s'.'iith.Kani;!' i F.iM. Willawette Meridian, and (tie limber llieienii. under lte pro- ins of the nit ..f June 3. 1S7S, art mm'tiil.itnt y, kuovtn as the iber and Stem- Law," nt surh a mUtit he Ted by nppral in and that, imrntii lit to mch ui plirutlen, tae liml and timber iheu-en h.ue 1 ( , ti npvralteil Ht 1177. .'.il. the thel rr eel im:.t.-.l nt rn'. iieil l.,t,ir, f, , t ;,t ) ',il p..r M i r. the I, n, f ;n e; t ,.( nt Ili'.u t will off, r fin it fi..f in up p.ttt ..r Mi hi r L:i! ,,n an.1 m.itn ':!. e;. n the ;th tl.vv f Jan " I'H. he'i'te C C r.,!t.',.on. I r.'e.l ', I li. !-r:i'". O-i i'. n NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 4th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Waldo L. Vincent, of Lena Oregon, who, on August 3rd, 1915, made Homestead Entry. No. 014467, for NEVi, EH NWVj.andEH SE, Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intentl.m to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patter son, 1'nlted States Commissioner, at his effice, nt Heppner, Oregon, on the 6th day of Fehnary, 1919. Claimant names rs witnesses: Art' ur P. Hunhes. Vlcheal Cur ran. Karve t'i. Cni'.n. am! Made T. GetiTy, all of Lena Oremtn. C. S. Dunn. IteKlstcr NOTICE FOR PF PLICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Northwestern National Insurance Company's, of Milwaukee, Wiscon sin, lire insurance policies numbered 107 to 125. Inclusive, and grain In surance policies numbereed 5001 to 5050, Inclusive, have been reported burned in the conflagration Ore at Heppner, Oregon, which occurred on or about July 4, 1918. This Is to notify any person or persons, who may be holding the above policies that same are void and of no effect. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. N. E. L. Crow, Agent. J 2-3 4 BANKERS' MORTGAGE CORPOR ATION If you want to borrow money on vour Livestock, Wool or Liberty Bonds, talk with your local bank about our terms and service, or vvrlto to us direct. The war Is over and we want to help you do your part In taklnc rare nf the reconstruction, which Is our next meat duty. PORTLAND OREGON 3M13 FRANCIS A. McMEXAMIX LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 HOY V. WHITEIS IXSritAXCE HEAL ESTATE, LOAN'S, Heppner Oregon K. J. NTAIIKKY ELECTRICIAN House wiring a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 633. BOWER'S SHOE HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS, Prop. , I use modern machinery methods. HEPPNER, OREGON $500 REWARD $500 Notice is hereby given that I will pay a reward of Five Hundred dot lars ($500.00) for the arrest and conviction ofo any person or perso stealing any of my horses or cattle" from my pastures or from the range. Stock branded as follows: Hor des, JK connected on right shoulder. Yearllncs and 2-year-olds, bar over JK connected on rlht shoulder. Cattle. JK connected on left hip . ml Mile. Veai llnga and 3-yeai-ol.i ,, our over JK ronileiteil ou e;i ,p NOTICE TO prnSCRIHKR TOTHI" land side, l Ol RTH LIBERTY LOAN j Fi'li'iwlni: la a schedule fhevtni nt'in, i-finner t I hi ii I ov In pi,.tr t ton, it :aitl- ..1. .. .. I t ., f,,;,,,, t it. t i u-. . ti 1 n it rir,.i,,.r. '''I T .1 s 1 1 In lh' eff'i-e n'.l.-rin '"' MiH 'il.l def-nt t', rr.try V ITII'V: TO CltEIIITOllS Notl'C !fl herehy clven that tli" un ileish nej has been appointed by the Cniinty Court of li e St ite of Orecon for M'irrnw Coiir-ty. iidinliiiM i at .r of the relate cf Maty E. Morcan. de rvasi'l. pet suns havlnii claims ai::vlii't said estate must pr" cnt them f topt-T-l y verified to the un.ler slcned nt (he offUe of Woodson tt Sweek, .mot ne at law. In lleppner, Otei;en, within six month from the iliite of tlit publication of this no lice, Flr-1 pii'.iIlcAtion this 3d day of December, 1 1 1 LEE Sl.OCt M. nid3." Admlnlftrator. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDER MEETING NOTICE H II KKKIIV GIVEN that there U be a mietini of the 'o. k bel ief of The Klrt National Patik of II ! ;nt.r. Orenon. on the second Tu !. in Jmii.iy. llil". (.fmusry llih. Uin. 1-ln tl oll! of in a i'i i d t r m "f 3l'l 'l-i' '"r tli p i ," i f rbs-'.nr dlir, tot nnd for the ttJIlKH 'l"tl of ',n ') Pthr bii"ii' n i.'.'iv legally come before r tiUtie.t rh nmiket prln-for , ,1,1 ,,,,. ,k. ' tnin ard UV" all yen hve at any W. I. M MIONEV. 0hl-r time HENRY SOHWAKZ. Paled this 3d dr of I.crmber.ll. ' I'unn :. Hepjnrr, Or. JollN KILKENNY, Heppner. Ore. 0,f I itiR room for cook detached frot i house. Permanent situation , right patty. Address or call John Kilkenny, lleppner, Oregon. Phone 2T-F4. :stf the liu t.ill'iienl dates for all bonds , natoj at ji,,ppnor, Oregon, May 10, nut paid In full at the time of the subscription, together lth the per- j "'" centnees of the subcrlpton due on Wanted Flrst-closa woman cok the date specified: , Ior couniry )iO,110. Kitchen ;.nd liv- Novelnber 21, 191....:0 December 19. 191S...20'-, January 21. 1919 20r'r " January 30. 1919 30'', Kindly preserv this schedule for ' futuie reference. j We uree all subscribers buylnij Ixiiids on the Inrlallmetit plan whu have not trk'-n care of their Novem ber Stt p.iinient to do so at once. I':" ii t pa) men) I reijulred br the Government nnd lt costly far'll tati our woik In handling the ub ir,, it. nt'. It I jour patriotic d'jtjr to meet i ir pajm nt vln n due. 1!' i ctftillv , Jitt National Tank of lleppner port thy v.v.NTro I want Poultry of nil kind, alive iii..el; aln Veil and I'ofk. Will DEMAND FOR TELEGRAPH OPEItATOItS Ye iiiij no n r.n I women trained in few month und'-r the superv.'on of a silriesf ul Dispatcher. In'lom "d by Railroad. Opportunities to er.rn ffi.n. Write for Bulletin. Tel. KMi-h Dipt.. ! ltBilway El chance . Portland. Ore. 31d3 Wil!anlli'tri n and Loy T uner have loi-n In the mountain for th pat v e k imppin? fur tie.-i nl al nil The f.rrarnt prlre n fur makes t'i-ptins loiiiie a hithly profitable on" lor fho.e to limit rutand tht se nd of the buiinet.