Volume 5 HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1918 Number 35 EVENTS OF YEAR ifv TOLDJN BRIEF COMPLETE DEFEAT OF CENTRAL. POWERS IN WORLD WAR MARKS AN EPOCH IN HISTORY. DATES OF TEUTON DOWNFALL seiTKT 1,000.000 ions "of "Dutch shipping. March 21 Germans opened heavy at tack on British lines north of St. Quentin. March 22 Great battle In France con tinued. Germans failing to break British line; both sides sustained heavy losses. British in Palestine crossed the Jordan. Mach 28 British fell back from five to ten miles, their lines still unbroken; esti- mated casualties. German ono : British. I WS boin.1. brought up to support British. Paris shelled by new German gun from distance of 76 miles. Mnreb 25 Germans took Bapamne. Nesle and Guisoard. March 2H British destroyed entire Turk army near Hit, Mesopotamia. March 27 Germans took Albert and Twelve-Month Ends With Leaders of Victorious Nations Gathered to Set tle Peace Terms Other Foreign and Domestic Occurrences. COMPILED BY E. W. PICKARD. . : s THE WORLD WAR Jan. 1 Italians drove Teutons across Fiave river from Zenson loop. ,' .'m. 4 President Wilson presented his t-y control program to congress. I h hospital ship Rewa torpedoed by ii.ns. i y. & Premier Lloyd George Btated Britain's war aims. Jan. 7 TJ. S. government began moblli , latlon of S.OOO.OW) workers. U. 8. Supreme court upheld draft law. Submarine crews mutinied at Kiel, kill ing 38 officers. Jan. 8 President Wilson stated Amer ica a War aims and nMa r1ur,.nn,1n . Jan. 9 Russia and Bulgaria signed sep arate peace. Jan. 10 Central powers withdrew offer of general peace and offered Russia sep arate peac. Russia and Germany renewed armis tice for month. Jan. 14 British airmen made big suc cessful daylight raid on Karlsruhe. Germans bombarded Yarmouth from the sea. Jan. 15-Daniel Wlllard resigned aa Head of U. &. war Industries board. Jan. 20 In naval action at entrance to Dardanelles the British sank Turkish cruiser Breslau and forced the Goeben ashore. Jan. 21 British boarding ship Louvaln sunk; 224 lost. Jan. 24 Germany and Austria replied to peace proposals of Wilson and Lloyd George, rejecting the concrete Bugges- Jan. 26-Twelve killed by explosion In Newport naval torpedo station. Odessa captured by the bolshevikl. Jan. 27 Russian government broke rela tions with Rou mania. Italians began offensive between Asiago and the Brenta. Roumanians look Kishinev. Jan. 28 German 'air raiders killed 47 In London. Ukrainians defeated bolshevik troops In three day battle and took Lutsk. Italians broke through Austrian line, taking 1.500 prisoners. Jan. 30 German air raid on Paris; 49 killed. Jan. 81 Bolshevik! took Orenburg. Feb. S Allied supreme war council de clared War must be carried on to vic tory. Feb. 4 TJ. 8. government took over control of oil. Feb. 6 Fran von Blntelen and six others convicted of conspiracy in New Tork. Feb. 6 United States transport Tus cania sunk by torpedo off Irish coast; 2t4 Americans lopt. Feb. 9 Peace treatv between Ukraine and the central powers signed. I Feb. 10 Russia declared the war at an end so far as she wan concerned and ordered complete demobilization; but re fused to sit,'n pt-uce trcaly. Feb. H Itnlo I'asha convicted of trea son In France and sentenced tn denth. Feb. 15 President Wilson put all for einn trade of U. 8. under license. Ktght British submarine chasers sunk by German destroyers In Dover straits. Feb Kr German aviators attacked Lon don, killing 21. Feb. is Germans resumed war on Rus sia, cross! iik the I )vlna. Feb. W Germans took Dvlnsk anl Lutsk Bolshevikl offered to k'n peace treaty. Bolshevik Pon Cosnck republic organ ized at Teherknsk, Gen. Kaledines hav Imr committed suicide. Vh. 2 Germai.s Invested Reval and Innded troops In Finland. ' Feb. 21 Germans took Minsk and Rovno. Jericho anptured hy the British. Feb. 22 Senate passed Wilson bill to rule railroads. Feb. C President Issued proHnmatlon stipulating government guaranteed price for wheat t principal primary markets, prices varying from t- at Bpokano to l-.-H ,v New York. Vb. "jr. Gnrm ins captured Revsl. ,t cb V1 Americans repulsed strong at tack in Cheinin ttes Imuhi sector with henVV li'SfCw to at (s 'ker. M.ircit 1 McAdixi announced third Lib erty loan t' open Aptll I. 8 t roc ps r- pulsed rnld In Ton, sec tor. suffciinir muny casualties; German verv heavy H-nuH cruiser Calgririan torpedoH; 4 11V. i 1.sf. y lt,.n Gerinnns hHed invasion of Ttum; flnvs mnd teh treaty glvtntt TttfUev hlif tt ef trrntnrv. M-'irch 4-French deliver- d s irpris Mnw near Veruuu, peneiralliuf (Jermun hh. . Tit I Hah, French and Ttnllnn ambss;4. AVr k"d Japnn to take nci i --v steps to ifKurd allied Interests In 8'berta. BtMnh adamrd on lk-mlle front In Pni' nice Mar h R- Americana In T-nrrslne ra-pul-ed ierniRV ii t. k and to-ik f i nner lrilrnt ritn refused aaent to Jp anese (ntervetitt'in In Ium. B rnard M lurw h nnmrd chairman of the war Industries board W ir. ii fr-lt.Min.anln s tfned trellfntnnry fume trentv giving up lobrudja and con March 7 rman and Finland signed 4 t treaty Ur-h a-Tfmsity rainei mm mn-nn '-ief of It'iSilSw J rtt-.sh advanced thro mil on U-mlle 4 ffot,( tn lHieHne British repulsed attack on Tpre T'li r,'i te Una wih h-a to enemy. y r rn altld. 4 tnjure m sir raid on lr-h t-Mna ps-ins kllli-d In alt v lf,.n n.auty ilT'trn bombed Ft.en-.v Mn' -rm attasd Ns(a. vn kt l.rt In iopttal .... .1 a m a nt l'n"l a-.t to fr IIiim Vr-b i;-in 'r-"e frn relied t" hfn fnoenwnt to can X i, fi m"iti Mif'h id H-iush avui..rs dmped ton of t spins tvea .n ro'-ie-v I V ,r-h U .. .n .r. a,' ted -rm r, .,t td ir-- 'n I-"neii; a-'M"f ftom whlrh ihev drv tt. en-mr. first rtT.r-rt sdnr br Afnrtrns WAf-h i&-f-rniins r-p'td ttn bavy V. n :rd r tri''' A!l e.f gtmtm f Ro-rtetS at M" eo tfind l-rn-an r' trtT- Mr, h IV-Allied S iprm r IWinelJ eAr-t.ir red fifir.ft 'mtmnt f tlus an and rVumafUins nd rfrd t rhrt.-lrs the wa trestipa. Mir.h iS-Afr-.ran 4tr-,T-r .JM Wt'h Mrttt.h WSf Ve S'U.d Iritish recaptured Morlancourt and Chip illy. March "3 French retook three towns and Germans advanced toward Amiens' but ere t tuppLd with heavy losses. Karcii 2:i Gen. Focii put in command ot' allied armies in France, and Gen. Per bhin ollered to him ail his troupa and resources. liell from German long range gun killed 75 in a Paris church. Caucasus, at'vjr proclaiming its hide- pendenue, made separate peace with Tur key. April 4 Germans resumed drive toward Amiens, gaining Utile at heavy cost. Armenians recaptured Erzerum from Turks. April 5 Allies held their lines against heavy attacks. Berlin announced the capture of Ekat erinoslav, Russia. Japan and Great Bitain landed small force at Vladivostok to prelect life and property. April 6 Third Liberty loan campaign opened in United States. Provost Marshal General Crowder call ed 150,000 draft men to colors. April 9 Germans hit British front be tween La Basse and Armentieres, gain ing 3 miles. April 10 Germans drove British back north and south of ArmentiereB. American troops on tiring line in great battle. April 11 British evacuated Armentieres but recaptured other positions. April 12 Tremendous fighting continued in t landers, Germans advancing to Aier ville. Americans won all day fight on Toul front. April la Turks took Batum. Zeppelin and airplane factory at Man zel, Germany, burned with great loss. April 14 Count Czernln, Austrian for eign minister, resigned. American navy collier Cyclops, s3 on board, reported missing. April 15 Berlin announced the occupa tion of Helsingfors by German troops. British warships, sweeping the Katte gat, sank 10 German trawlers. Allies took ten villages from Bulgarians on Macedonian front. April 16 Germans took Bailleul, Vytschaete and most of Messlnes ridge. C. M. Schwab made director general of U. S. shipbuilding. April 17 Viscount MUner made British war secretary. Baron Burlan made . Austrian foreign minister. Bolo Pasha executed for treason against France. April 20 Germans made stronsr attack on Americans in Toul sector and took Seicheprey village, but were driven back with heavy loss. April 22 British and French naval forces raided German U-boat bases at Ostend and ZeebrugKe and sank concrete laden vessels at channel mouths. ' April 26 British drove back Germans east of Amiens. Germans took Mount Kemmel and ad- ; vanced to northwest, threatening Ypres. 1 April 2ft Germans captured Dranoutre 1 and &t. Eloi. FirsT American frobps lancTecTTn Italy. June 29 Packers and others attacked as profiteers in report of federal trade commission. Congress voted $21,000,000,000 for war purposes. July 1 Americans captured Vaux vil lage and with French took other impor tant positions. American transport uovmgton, home- torpedoed; t lost. Julv 4 Australians and Americans can- tured Hamel. Eighty-two ships launched In American shipyards. July G Count von Mirbach, German am bassador to Russia, assassinated in Mos cow. Population of Murman coast,' Russia, joined the entente. It a) inns A nd French opened an offen sive in Albania. July 9 Von Kuehlmann's resignation as fore.tfr. secretary accepted by the kaiser. Von f iintzc succeeded him. July 11 Austrian army in Albania re t rent to the SkumH river. F. s. army transport Westover torpe doed; ten men losi. .Tulv 12 Fren'ht msde a mile advance on l'Mcardy front sont I'rr.t of Amiens. July 1H P re.-i dent AVils-m authorized to take over control of tolcrnph ind tele phone lines of country, July 14 British forces occupied Kern, yn White sea. July 15 Germans re-nirned off-nsivt. pi tacking a!nn? the M. rne an-! on hot h sides of Reims A merit -.v i'ove ;.hn- three sides of Ypres salient and on Bel gian line, but were repulsed, losing heav ily, rrencn reiooK ijocre. i Benate passed Overman co-ordination bill. May 4 Campaign for Third Liberty loan closed with loan heavily over-subscribed. May ft President Wilson ordered inves tigation of alleged graft In aircraft work. May 7 Nicaragua declared war on Ger many and her allies. Kounianfa signed peace treaty with cen tral powers. May 10 Ostend U-boat bise bottled up by the sinking of old cruiser by British. May 11 Italians took tho Col del Orso and Monte Corno by storm. May 14-lloutfS piLSSed the Overman bill. May IT German plot In Ireland ex pose! and Kinn Fein leaders arreted. May hv Entente powers, Japan and China, agreed on plan fur preservation of the peace In the far east. May !! Australian troops captured VIII sur A ncr. German air raiders kilkd 44 persons In Londnn and lt live plane?. May y.- V. tf. look over currier busi ness of Pullman to m pa n y . HrtUhii fi.-hnt troop' transport Mol davia totpdued: Sfi Americana killfd cfT f Uepui,itc of ntl ituMla pro- sta Rla declared war on the cen tral powers. May 27 Germans attacked tn the Alsne front, takirtg the Cheniln ciea Uames. and bet wet n Voormeieele und Iicre In Klanders, where they were repulsed. Italian broke through enemy lines at Capo Bile, on lower l'lave. May in Center of crown prin es srmv rn-Hc'l the V' dr at Fistnes hut sili-n che' ked iiiivnn- on Imtiks back across the river and French with stood all assaults further east. Hayti declared war against Germany. July 1G Americans smashed Germun attacks east of Chateau Thierry. Ex-Czar of Russia executed. July is French and Americans began big drive, pushing eastward on -iuiie front irom Beileau to the Aisne and tutt ing many towns and prisoners. JulV 11 l' ran.-o-Amt-rir'ii n ivnons ma.de further advances on Boissons-Chateau ' Thierry front. British took town of Meteren. U. &. armored cruiser san Diego de stroyed near New York by suuniraiu. July 20 Franco-American ortensive con tinued, more towns and great numbers of guns and prisoners being taken. Germans retreated from south bank of Marne. Big transport Justlcia torpedoed aft Ireland; ten of crew lost. July 21 Chateau Thierry captured by allies. German U-boat sank three barges and damaged a tug close to Cape Cod. JulV 26 Hprw flirhHiifr imrtli nf the Mame, French retaking Reuil. July 27 Germans retreated along the whole front north of the Marne. July 2S Franco-Americans crossed the Ourcq on wide front. July 2tf Allies took Fere-en-Tardenois, Grand Rozoy, Cugny and other towns, despite fierce resistance, and gained con trol of the Donnans-Kelms road. Americans 'in desnerata Htrht tonic Re- rlnges, bergy and Roncheres. July 31 Control of telegraph and tele phone lines taken over by U. S. govern ment. Aug. 1 Americans cleared tho Bois de Meuniere of Huns. Aug. 2 Allies advanced their entire line, taking So'.ssons and Viile-en-Tar-denols; Germans retreated precipitately toward the Vesle. Germans In Albert region retreated east of the Ancre. Allied forces occupied Archangel. Two British dustruyers sunk by mines; 97 lost. .Aug. 8-Allies pushed their line to the Vesle. Government announced America and japan would send troops to Vladivostok iu occupy city ana protect rear of Czecho slovak force. British ambulance transport Warllda ' torpedoed; 1L'3 lost. I Aug. ft American and French units ' forced crossings of the Vesle on botli I sides of Flames. I Aug. 8-Brltlsh and French started of-I fenslve on the Amiens front, taking many I towns and lO.foo prisoners. I Aug. Further progress made by the allies in I'lcarJy, 7,000 more prisoners taken. I Auk. 10 AMI'S took Montdldier and i hn nines; Americans with British won severe tight north of th Homme. Americans captured Fismette, across the VeHe from Flames. , Aug. 11 German l'-hoat sank nine fish-, ing boats olT Mns.-ielnisetf s coawt. ' Organization of First Ani'Tinm field army, under TN rubing, completed. , Aug. U. -Geiiimits wiihdii.vv Hum iibu- , terne salient north of AlU rt. 1 HiitiMi Hoops occupied Baku, center of Caspian sea oil region. American regiment landed at Vladivos- ; Aug. 17 One hundred I. W. W. mem bers convicted lu Chicago of disloyally, j Aug, iJ Germans were fureed back in 1 the Lys set lur, hetwei-a the .iatx and tlie ; Oi.-e and northwest of Holssons. j Aug. 21 i-rettrh toon luiH&igny and ad-1 vntutd in titiier sectors. 1 iu-itisn aitackfc i in wie lienuierne aec-i suhsrlhpd several towns. , Aug. V2-Biitish took Albert. ' Aug 24-Briit&h look id ay, Thlepval uti'l (iraiifh ourl ' h Tfta h cleared south banks of the Oise . und the Atlctf. j HoiiHtf pas.-t-d draft ae extension bill. ; Ih-it-iU'Vikl def- d(t4 by allies oa t'surl fn-nt. Au, 3 Hrltl'-n entered Itopaume FaTesf fhe. Sept. 22 Gen. Allenby reported advance of 60 miles in Palestine and capture of Nazareth. Sept. 23 French reached the Oise river south of St. Quentin. Allies continued their big advance in Macedonia, occupying Prilep. Sept. 24 Gen. Allenby reported capture of Acre and Haifa. Sept. Lf Serbs mptured Veles and Brit ish invaded Bulgaria. Sept, lit! Americans and French opened big drive between the Suippe and the Meuse, taking many towns and prisoners. .British caiuureit strumnitza, Bulgaria. V. S. warship Tampa torpedoed; US lost. Sept. 2 i Bulgaria asked allies for arm istice. Sept. 2S Hehzians and British made bi advaii'-e in YniV3 region, and allies gained on every from. Fourth Eiheriy loan campaign opened. Sept. Prills h and Americans smashed through 1 liinU ithurg line between Cam brai and St. tLient in. Belgians captuted li?imudc. Sept. Hulgaria signed armistice, suh initiing to allies' terms, Including demobil ization, evacuation of (3 recce and Serbia and surrender of all her lines of com munication. French cavalry entered l"s kub. Sept. 30 More victories won hy allies in Flanders and on the French fronts. American cargo boat Ticonderoga tor pedoed; 213 lot. Chancellor Von Hertllng, Vice Chancel lor Von Payer and Foreign Secretary Von Hlntze resigned. Oct. 1 Damascus captured by Allenby's forces. Germans evacuated Armentieres and Lens. Oct. 2 French occupied St. Quentin. Germans driven out of entire area be tween Aisne and Vesle rivers. American, British and Italian warships raided Durazzo, destroying the Austrian naval base there and all vessels in the harbor. Oct. 3 Austria announced withdrawal of her troops from Albania. Germans driven back everywhere except around Cambrai. Prince Maximilian of Baden made Ger man chancellor, Oct. 4 Vienna asked Holland to invito the belligerents to a peace conference. Americans made big advance west of the Meuse. J apanese liner Hirano torpedoed ; 290 lost. Oct. Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria abdi cated In favor of Prince Boris. Germany and Austria asked armistice French made big advance, taking Guise and Marie. Nov. 6 Great French victory on 100 mile front. American troops entered Sedan. Revolution spreading through Schleswlg and other parts of Germany. Nov. 7 Practically all of German fleet reported in revolt. German emissaries reached Marshal Foch to ask armistice terms. Germans evacuated Ghent. Socialist party demanded abdication of the kaiser. Nov, S Bavarian diet deposed King Ludwlg and tho Wittolsbaeh dynasty. Great advances maue by alii' s on entire west front. Nov. ;)- Kaiser Wilhclm abdicated. Social Democrats in control of govern ment in Germany; Khert mailt; chancel lor; republic proclaimed in h'erlin. Nov. 10 Kui.er tied to Holland. Nov. 11 G'rnia n y signed avmistieo terms, amounting to unconditional surren der, and the war came to a ch'e. Bolshevik i dci a ted by Americans and British on the Hvina. Nov. 12 Einp'-'ior Charles of Austria ab dicated. Nov. 13 Allied Meet arrived at Constan tinople. Nov. 14 American and French troops moved into Alsace. Former crown prince of Germany in terned in Holland. Nov. 15 New German government ap pealed to President Wilson to save Ger many from starvation and anarchy. Czecho-Slovak republic under Masaryk as president ratified by national assembly at Prague. Nov. 16 Belgian troops entered Ant werp. American troops began march to Rhine. Nov. 17 British troops started for the Rhine. Nov. 18 President Wilson announced he would attend opening of peace conference, Admiral Kolcliak put In control of all Russian government at Omsk. Nov. 20 Overthrow of Ukrainian govern ment by anti-bolshevlk forces announced. Nov. 21 German Heel was surrendered, Nov. 22 King Albert of Belgium entered Brussels. Nov. 23 American troops crossed the Prussian frontier. ( Poles captured Lemberg. Nov. 24 North German states proclaim ed a republic. French under Gen. Gourand entered Strassburg. Nov. 25 Soviets gained upper hand in Berlin, but were outvoted elsewhere In Germany. Nov. 2fi crown Bnnce Alexander of Ser- and peace negotiations based on Wilson's bla made regent of Jugo-Slav state. program. Oct. 6 German line north of Reims smashed. U. 6. transport Otranto sunk in colli sion; 450 Inst. Oct. 7 Americans in furious battle for north end of Argorme forest. Oct. President Wilson answered Ger man pence note by demanding the evac uation of all occupied territory and ask ing whether the chancellor meant Ger many accepted the Wilson terms, and whether he spoke only for the present authorities of the empire. Allies smashed Hindenburg defenses on 20-mile front between Cambrai and St. Quentin, and Franco-Americans started new drive east of the Meuse. Oct. ft British occupied Cambrai and pusnea iar oeyona. Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse elect ed king of Finland by landtag. Oct, 10 Irish mall boat Leinster torpe doed; 400 lost. Ie Cateau, railway center, taken by al lies. Oct. 11 Argonne wood cleared of Ger mans by Americans. Kaiser called rulers of all German fed erated states to conference, Oct. 12 German chancellor sent reply to Wilson, saying Germany accepted all his turns ahd agreed to evacuate all invaded territory. Entire German defense system In Cham pagne smashed. . Get. 13 La Fere and Laon taken by the French. Serbs captured Nlsh. Oct. 14 President Wilson rejected Ger many's peace and armistice proposals. Allies began big drive In Flanders, tak ing ftoulers and other towns. Italians captured Durazzo. Oct. IfiAllitw took M-nln, flnnked Oo I tend and threatened Bruges; 12,0u0 prls : oners taken. h t. Ke-Gcnn'aal retreat from northern i Belgium by Germans. Americans ca.itured Grand Pre, north of 1 thr- Argi.mie. , Allies pursued 'Auftrlans Into Montene i am. Oct. 17 Germans evaluated Ostend, Line and Doual. Oet. IK AIHps occupied Turcolng, Rou balx, Zeehruiue and Thb It. Iial.-pendenr ol t cho-Hovak nathm declared by Us provisional government. Kinpcror Charts decreed federalization of Aunt pi-HujiKarian ernpiie Oct. lit- President WilMm P-Jected Austria-Hungary's peac proposals. Allhd armies in Belgium reached the Inn. h frontier. Fourth Liberty loan closed, heavily over- Nov. 27 Bavaria broke relations with Berlin. Nov, 2K Wllholm definitely renounced all his rights to the throne. Nov. 2ft Hungary Interned Mackensen's army of 170.000. King Nicholas of Montenegro deposed by rational assembly. Nov. 30 Lithuania proclaimed a repub lic Secretary Lansing, Henry "White, Gen eral Bliss and Colonel House named U. S. peace delegates, Dec. 1 First of U, S. returning army reached New York. Dec. 2 Congress reconvened and heard President Wilson's mesHage and farewell. British fleet arrived at Diuau. Dec. 4 President Wilson and party sailed for France. 1 s HkormiAdfikl. hetman of the Ukraine, killed and that country under control of the Unionists. Dec. 6 Belgian troops occupied DuBsel dorf on he Rhine. Bloody lighting in Berlin between so cialist factions. Dec. 7 British occupied Cologne. Dec. 8 American troops rushed to Cob lens as last German forces crossed Rhine. . Dec. & Former kaiser attempted sui cide. . Dec. 10 French army occupied Mains. Dec, 12 British troups crossed the Rhine at Cologne. Dec. 13Amerlcnn troops crossed the Rhine at Cobletis. President Wilson landed at lirest Dec. 14 President Wilson received In tarian minister. the senate" aim toe Tiouse oT representa tives in general election. Nov. 2u Government assumed control of all cable linos. Nov. -Secretary of the Treasury Mc Adoo resigned. Dee. hv Carter Glass sworn in as sec retary of the treasury. NECROLOGY Jnn. 1 Dr. Frederick A. Noble, leiicllnfr Conresiiiumul clergyman, at Evtuistcm, 111. Jim. 5 Pr. John S. 1- uley. Catholic bish op of Detroit. ' Jan. Ki- U. S. Senator James H. Brady ol Idaho. , Jan. it Maj. A. P. Gardner, former congressman inun Ivlasaaenu.setls. Jan. M--I'niti'ii Stales Kenalor William Hughes oT New Jersey. l-'eli. 2 J'.hn riulllvan, former heavy weight ciuimiuoii, at West Abington, Alass. 1 eander Richardson, dramatic editor r.ti'l author. 1' eb. 4 Col. Frederick H. Smith, Repub lican leader In Illinois, at Peoria. Feb. 10 Abdul llumld, former sultan of Turkey. Feb. 14 Sir Cecil Sprinu-Rice, former British ambassador to America. Feb. 22 Terry Metlovern, former world's featherweight champion, at New York. Feb. 26 Dr. Samuel G. Nixon, commis sioner of health of Pennsylvania, at Phil adelphia. Archbishop Edmond Francis Prender gast at Philadelphia. March 6 John Redmond, Irish National ist leader, at London. March 7 Rear Admiral Thomas Perry, retired, at Southern Pines, N. C. Cardinal Seralini, prefect of the congre gation of the propimanda. at Rome. March 9 Geoi'Ke Von L. Meyer, former cabinet member fand diplomat, at Boston. Prof. J. M. Munyon of Philadelphia, at Palm Beach. f March 13 Mrs. James A. Garfield, wid ow of President Garfield, at Pasadena, Cal. Charles Page Bryan, diplomat, at Wash ington. March 15 Former Senator Isaae Steph enson of Wisconsin. Sir George Alexander, English actor. James Btillman, financier, at New York. March 21 Warner Miller, former XJ. 8. senator from New York. March 22 Maggie Mitchell, famous ac tress, In New York. March 26 Claude Achilla Debussy, com poser, In Paris. March 27 Martin J. Sheridan, famous athlete, In New York. April S Charley Mitchell, famous Eng lish pugilist. April 11 Rear Admiral S. P. Comly, U. S. N. retired. W. C. McDonald, first governor of New Mexico. April 12 U. 6. Senator R. F. Broussard of Louisiana. Former Mayor Rudolph Blankenburg of Philadelphia. April 18 Hempstead Washburne, form, er mayor of Chicago. , April 14 William Joel Stone, U. 8. sen. ator from Missouri. April 17 fcSenor Aldunate. Chilean am bnssndor to U. 8., at Washington. April 20-Col. George Pope, at Hart ! ford. Conn. i I April :u-rr. Carlos ds Tena, Uruguay-' : an minister, in Washington. Dr. K. Fletcher lngals, noted physician, ! In Chic ago. May 6 Mrs. Potter Palmsr of Chicago,, 1 at. Sarasota, Fla, ! May I Marcus Mayer, famous thsatrl-j ' cal manager, at Amltyville, 1 I, ; i May U Federal Judg C, C. Kohlsaau; I sit Chicago. May lo Pastor Charles Wagner, lai Paris. 1 Muy 14 James Gordon Bennett, pro- i prietor of New York Herald, lu France. May ..-ir. Minoi j. euvane, noteu uni-i Parts. Armlntlce extended to Jan. 17. Kiev occupied by troops of the 'direc tory." Dec. ir Gen. Mnnnerhelm elected re gent of Finland. Dec. K, -Cent nil congress of soldiers and workmen's delegates met In lierlln; Llnh knecht anil Spartacldes defeated. Dec 17 Polish general stull ordered mobilization of l.ficici.iKi men. Dee. President Wilson ate Christmas dinner with troops of American army uf occupation. DOMESTIC Am.-rl. una tn l',n;r,lv rMtiiurl rn. ! AJ. T- lentil toi-k iUit tend neigh May L"9 Ailirt vruitied HMvponn ni'd Gemitth fMh-d fcdvcni. tn l' rr n Tai -dMin. nix m'h-Ji nonli of itm M trn'. May t fJ.rnn-n nvintra h.tini-id Cana dian hfiRpital. kllliriK ninny. My .11- Grm.i:: .--ached Hi Marti ul ftl'i x of tl.nr njili'Ht 1. H. tranp..-i ,'rli!nt Lincoln sunk hy t'-tMuit. iiiivv rrcn lot. IfoiiM t HNPtd , ,i4) army atprii- Iit..'l'M ln .1 J-Aiiied rrvii stopped German Jiiiip Jt S Iparnr-d Grninn I Ihihip. fpvu'ln in Armm an Wattm, Itto mun. it -nniw mn' Mnv z: Jimp h- if rnutnn hlf! d mnin ttAt k ft ftni. with ho pinifM Two twrm v diio j tjtik bk riormin I ht In Amrr'tn wn'r. Jutip -A mrti n A fatM (irmni In Chateau T. Irry 'tor Jtiti lA-i. -rri.arit adviini "1 two ndl nr nf Montdldier, Ioh hk hravtly. b. dry ) hot 111 loM'tlH. A ilii H iT'iiu ilirot.Kh Illndcnimig line In fe' .if f nvi r rt;i"M. f!,:jti' paFfil dnift fjtlfi.slon bill. A 2 i(r: . i li advuii'-'-d hk( i :ts m . H' iuIh', Xa nK 1c an 1 i'i-..i .t, I r.ttx h Imiik Na iliin and S n and m:inv uihet li'Ht mid r-a n d tn ( .itc. 1 A . l i't-.. Vrt rt h lunk Wvoii All., ri'Ul.k lll-ll.tf il (;! ll.ial.B m.t Ju ! h- .i t ".(! bill m Uiing : ; ;, U f ti tll.t '. J.. tu i nuns IopI f'oifd-l'n und fdl I 'i k t"witfd ret'-;,,,,. In it l.a scclor 1 th- al utid'.ni-. 1 1 1 til Ai.K .:i - ram u-Ao.'Tl' iin fi.f. WOO ' I'lM I'H'tle fMMlll Uf H'MNfHjflft. , ltnttii icvtuU Muunl Kt-tmttl In ' I.v n i nt Hi-pt. 1 i -f it ruptured hnmw. ; h (,'t. 2rr"mh nod Anicruana Calntd full of n-'t-n of tic Rultnot (dtli-aii. Hritivh niMMh' d I T'auri-4ji. mil itnr, Htj.1. 4-icit!iii( M.lvHno.j fur iot)d th ) Canttl du Nor (I t witrd 1'iiriitiriil. huith of la t-.-O!.!,. Of A ni rlcii iia L li mrmA i it ritiin f mm tial, ItMhan tort-do hoftta raided Atiitnan i rr-ruli Uru drrmam nval ha rt-ar rlntatlan iilind amH. : M. ln oh tnttiRhir and dttrrinirtng another Juna Ji- Krenrh d'-rMtrl rtnn ntiti.eaat vt MonMMirr ani Amri ar won aa-utn n"ar t i.aiKi Thierry; (ir rnna r'hd lh nm at Ma' harnont Bud Ii'-thafi''iirt, Tor(d.inr nf Hrltlah tmneport Auonu Juna l-irn h rpu'n 4 hvy OTmin j ' H traro a''k t-tMn Cnur.lia nd U-rv a-ifl ' torj-lo, 1f k n -F a : t vsrul cuunir-atta k uuthwt ' H(.t. - r of Snvon Jun 1 -TurVa vt-A Tutirig. rrta u'l looti t An.vrl' an roniiUt arw h" p tal Jjr IA Au'riana teBn at t-fffmw-in frM ut rrit'" In hj, rf.nmtng th l'iat nt var., lri iuha K-!tt)Mri (,-ikd Aitrtan flrlv-, rtnfcir,f runny fK.i'i n A n-eru ar-a r- '-tiwl h av altarka in T"ii a-' tr d to a;s' i-,nm -Ai.ioa .it"a i-rt Autf1n n Umr Amrirnr w'nrm' fUrmn tfn h nn-l fwd t.n n ip f nrny J'in &-AuatrukMi xn ra'rat In Italy J ,rm -Au'f1n rrf twr?a1 ntn rit Jur -?aMan emrA hunk f th ! a nf Attr ria arid ftttrk4 h'avtly i niti'iii rate on inn T rtaiw.aj d'ft 4rinf hd It 1aM ' I anadtan h'-i i'l (h p I Ja4xarf Ca Jur S-lmcf,nt iv.m md Hr liftt. lah tt(tn Hiii'f k ari fthun Trraiia In Vel tor ratratd lo ward ih Ainna, purud by Am riint mnA Krnih, hPt fr Ktitira (itrman una ff-m reronn Imoat to rUlrna rtrttd for MvaraJ Dllira firman Chancellor Von li' rtli g ra- trnar"irt Mount Vernon hit by a 1 1 ir i ritrn ai'turd Ham and I hn jny t.to.rtriuro ul rrait li'i'cra In U. H aft !' 1 ffhrl n :r.p4M I h 12-An. -r an hit arrr.y. ai ld hy f tr . h. attrt. hm in hth .d of Ht i M.. ml" fit, ltaki(.K Utg l'lvili art 1 , tat ;r k nn v oa I !-(t mi, iA lUw.fi f.iift and M- iVfp Ht ( ta't at a fti'r '.tiaay ia- t'rjr-. . U 4 I i(. if ludiiiit pt mvtomtt and I h..drn IAl-li-'.iima'aly 14. '"' Airwrkuti rK afi itndr nw druft law ( 1 Ari.-tHft'.a i r 4 nut ttia pt. Mit aativnt. l..ir(k n-aMy ', pfia. hit U -,mrmmf akad IWIglm to rimR h. f.r d Vfnh t'M.k tr-na' (ul art r pmi'tt .n ha'fttl front k. (t A-Hr h By af iliy attai k4 nortnwMt r.f g iantn and himh 4' mm 4 aouth af tt.at rMf Ayiaa waad tnir a4vaar m iaionliit frf-nt o a o-pth of mn avi Pftwan rf jd 'tftn a ms a" aWax lt-ai fa4 rtota Ml llolad toa . BriCa m4 Arma nmm4 thm Turn la tut retrfatinff Germans In- ti-rnd in Holland. O'-t. 2l(irin.iny mndf rcplv tn prpid nt WiiHon, full of evuhloim, duinala und fckitrHncfa. Allies in ffr-rhlA raachpd tho Iariub and bmlHtfd Tnrkev. Oi t. Hrlilah flilrred Piiburba of Val n it-nn'-fl and . -rnwM-d th H hf-ldt. (let. tl'ri-fi.i nl Wilnon lol irni;tn ffrruiii nt h- woviM k up with ailx'N the a(ih.f-t of an amitM!', hut that id. T. ' . if H miiHt dfiii wKti th- kai r and blft rr-w, d'-muriih . nut iu-Kl'iim- lion, but ftiirt' tidir. Hntiitb -nk ibfouirh German dffptifpa aoiitn of Valcri' icnrn", An'rri.attM iiiihk ndvanca In trilfl lii') t,i. in Moi v ) 1-v. s. i Hlo-n. i Htid t 'r'.ti;tna annouix ad ! fortiiittlon at miviif.Kn Hint-. i-t -I'nliaita bi-Kitn bia nfffinilvo on t!. i'ia lh t. .f. I'ltnch In big advanr in xrr fiifp rc(l".n I .ij''-f,!rirfT rrU'ti-d I ' laf a t idfi f itilptT)dinr r.f t(ft of mid-Hi- , niM. pr initlK!td In turn 1 1 Jt 11 I'l .m. iMna I TU upo Ab'PP'i t. ';-;-r runny f piifd to I'riidfht WiiH'-n, aHirn t rrrm t"T armtlit ti. Ttnan rrp hilar put tuiitroi of mill lar y in civil irnv rf,n, nt Antr rroviwd tt.a I'mvf in Hn'lnn driv tut. iVAuMtrt Hungary fc(l-d fT a p aratf armlPt.' -nd p m m on adl' trrirm tt :i-Auatrlfin lliit-a lrf-ond th fiav m;md by all If Tiifkay Draatitad aattarata tim r.rntw. lp ki Ift-Kntlra Turkuh army on tba TivrtM rapturd Austrian rommandr In Italy aakd Oan. 1'iaa for armiatn a i J.-Armiati. with Turkey want Into ff-M. AiliM fipanad nw driva on (it, ant Kl'irdom of rair H rt ta pro!alrnd r , Hftri prHriirt(t ) r-1 npi4iith,n of f.Mtia, Hiavtiia, and I'liiina i frurti li r rfr N-v l-ArTrban Mr-t artr.y amabed Orrr.an iifta nf tn-. M a rtruva firiana oit of 9 inwni tn i .urn Atnan afmy !) ing nri tr. Tawiia- B i m Ita i rfit T ir a, former llumrurn bramlar, aa"at t 'Timf,i ar. : lautnna fapturwg m b Nv I- King B -na f M iliaria aM' at d aid a aant r p b lc hi e.ti,t,hnd Iwrigwrv a nrt.pui pa,rat"n frm A ' rim A ard Aff.arl.nna rr ad graat a4vanr m adh BM - f.f Um Trnt takan by Italian im lrif i titHn t I rtuh N'.v Tn.t wnl( r hy I'atiafW. Armlatlr ih Awa'a aivnad No -ArnuatH tt ma tut finrmany f iH by aln MriHah (aptur4 m (iuMrf In gral nniva) tatwa tK Itaku ad lb W t i.H Nov Amaru ant ln aWroo ttat for tr'lrg of tt.m Mauaa I'rrcMant Hilcn mid ffrmnrtf to nan ftra iatlvo B-(vni. t wo. - Jan. f.t'lmrlcM 1 HendcTHon ui'polntcd .tm tor from N-vada. Jiin. K MiHMiMHippI Ii'K'lHlutur" ratillwl fimhiblt Inn ctiiiHtii ntlnnal Hmcinlnictit. Jan. Pk-i biuHu adopit-d nailonai woman lift i ukm ain uiiint'tu rtolulioii. Jan. 1 -Miitn'.ii and mlddlu wcHt paia-lyz4-d by t f ill.- hliziard. I- cti. li Monlaiiu hulMlut nr ratllb d f iif ral proiiiMO'in amcndint'iit. r b. Li - iH' onwIn aviiHte pahHiid ranu luttort, 'U to 7, di'iiounciiiK La. i-ulicttn. Mart h 1-llriji- U-n. ThoiiniM ''runf, 'ItiHrtt t rnaHti-r tt dcptirtnifiit. 11. H. A., t.umc-l in UnirH of coiihpuacy In fur tllfltttiK aifnv h' pplli-a. Man )i '6 Mihm Anna Martin of Itfno, Ntv , an in nt hi id bcr (unoldat y for Uto V H Mnalf. Mur h f.-- WlH'fftMln Hnwinbly d'-ioilot k d all lilKtit on joint Iff-luliuil di'linutic. iiiK Im i oibitM tin illHluyiil, Mai' h 4 V U- ui titi aM'nibly panhui Joint rnnl'itlon d rmum liu l a 1 oli tc. H t tm y I funn-ln Htuhiiali-d fi -111II4 "dry" .iioimd iiuvkI tfuihin atui- tinra. Mdumi nafftrd fditiutiiga bill, VI'J tn n Mfirt h ( - infi!r ajjrfcd on rtdmlnia trutixti rjtilti(d bill A btoititttiiiit bst'iitfrr nf i nintm'r n im- tnniic -d i nt id 2' p-r fit in pf "d u t n nt pi- "ir auii'iichilt - t,r tr il y ur. Mtti '-poiitiui rt lik'txinn fur Mir ) biib d from maila tor pui'ln atiu of r ti I ' "li Ai.-ii u a li...iiwt t" by nbaiii ll.i-d Manti e-Stimtn ordarad Utuuy ihlu pt i' i. nf f"od M ir b -Vl' lor H'-rgr, Mdw'ikf.; A'loiph flfrmr-r. J. l-o'ila Ktigdi.bl, W. I. Kr-iP.. Irwin Ht. John TukT, t'lil' ', lii ih tr. uti'ltT r-py a t Mur h II- hnuta unnlm"ii"ly au'liur !! pmI of tTiimrw.wnad prop, rty In Tnltad Htt-a tn Ainarban rltir.na. Mri h Vi Hnata 'UI tr ki dafl cb n y bill, carrying . ' t (ingrcaarnan H"tt t-rria of OkUbnrtua ala'txd rhtilrroMfi ut iiaiiwcatic enngra lfrHl romiiiiti'n, Wan b I t H'fntta i- w'i - oiifar -n ra prt on r'OlfMad nittf Mil Maryland bo. k "f 0b ifataa df"nld Woman a ftofTri'' hill. Wrtfth 14 Wi.rhla Iar gt rtnf.rl rnrx tfti ab'o. Ih iii-lti a' a Pn-ifl' 1 proti'Mit' "1 iin.piptM au a br rp' r ta y -fn.-r 1 l .u 4 dagh'.r f '.r-vr ('ts,o.f!'l. ff.mind lot , W. H It li'.n a' of ' oldottantn ttnr4. In lndon, M r h l ''"Kirrw p-"-d dnl ghl aa. ttd but to t- l-t Mfli 41 M.f n :a-l u b-Kuilatr raMflad proi I' it)' n arnandti.nt Apr I Ifvin- I. l'.rot. U'puhlban. P-Mm1 1' H nnt"f ffotii WH".n-Hi M""' toiM irift!t ir ratthad Oa tlorinl prid iMlt-ih an.-ndiii'Ht April r X I Wi.nby appilntl aana- May '- Air tiad rmitO ll1 lHaab r r'"n. I bdadati bla aad w I'f k op nd Ant 27-Wal'ar II Vnv; Amafban am-bw'.- J'r to 4lrol ltrian. raignd 1 wn Anirl'-an a.Mnra and a mm'tiaf f uil-ana kHUd in Imtila at Nmii t pl lUMitti ap)iiwM l r "Njafal nw ol.i g. i i ". kidd 4 and InJuiaU lw. aVpt , -Jobn la trt4 Aurba.a nji.b'kaaatWr rat hriiaio, 0i 1 Mnii -tal'-av wwuioJi guff rag .m -.iln.at.i tn i b nat 1 1 u t Inn jS'.v t't t.c at j gaiitad oftUol l Mav 23 .ln. John B. Cantluinan. fam-, I on Confederate noldlur, at LoiJiavllla. May Maltland Armatrong, Auiericuo ft) list, In New York. June a ltamon M. Valdoi, prcaldont oC 1 Panama. Jun 4 Cbarlca Warren Kalrbanka.. former vb-n prcrddent. at lndlanapolin. Jun fi-Hrli?. Hen. It. K. D. Micliie, U 8. A-, In 1' ianco. Juii it l)r. John Mcrrlttve Urlver, noted prcai-hcr and lintnrcr, at ChlcaK". Juno Ht (ifoiiio 11. llarriH, head ot Hur Ilnt;ton itnilway. I Arrhfo Hollo Italian coin pom r, Jurni ArclibiKlnip John J. Kcane of J)lMilI.M, lu, Jiin-- -J. A. Mitchell, fdllor of T.lf. July 2lttv, 1 r. WauhniKton tiladden,, ' at ('nlninbiiH, j. , Jnly 3 Moi;iinnid V, miUnn of Tmkey-Vis'i.-unl Uhondda., Jliltl.sh food cm troii.-r, Itwtjainln It. Tillman, U, 8, senator fromi houtb t Hrohna. July i:t John I). O'Ucar, Aniirhan mluw luti-r Ui Kohvia. July '47 - .'inlay Kobbt, American au thor and t fit I-. Auk. G-'niiKr-n.4rnan J a rues If. Dftvld- H'-tl of Ulik'nh, Wm, Atn? s M:is ItoHrnilial, farnnua artist, at J-ill;idd.hlu. Auk. it Jehu 1 Hhoop, atipcrlntnndcnt nf v I.hoIh of 1 hi' hko. Auk, ' Wlilbiin I. Kvlloittf, former gov ci imr of 1 ,1 u if 1:1 n a, In Wahldim'"". Aibk 1,-Anitn iitld. a'trtt"H. ul Nww York. Ami'. 17--Jm-nli H iulltfiKtT, U. 8. aena tnr rt tin Nw HMiiphlilfw. Aug. I It rm, ui i . ri hiK-lll-T, chief of poli f or t lii ;ii;o A'. ;h alii-- M. Jain.n. U. ri. MiiabiT fiotn K nln. ny, Aug. :io I'M.f H II. WllliHtnn, nott pnh i.ntoloi'lxt. at t'M iiK't. H pt. 7 I inn lu H t'butford. Cat hollo hih'p of liHliamtt'ollN. brpt t-itng i,. V. V. Kaiinon, in New V-rk Kept. Z Key. Jenltin I ,'V Jil?4, nolOdi pr- ! r und pio 1 in-1 of ( hl HK rntiH-r I H. hi natnr J. C . Iflakbum f hniin I v Anthuny V iHinork nf Nw Yorg. k. -pt 1, l ardtnxi .lohn M rarly, grrh bl"h"p nf Saw York MhJ n l.l"Vd Whrntnn, ). g. A., tm tlrtd In t bli go I Via-mint It idro Motonn, Japanoan ( gaiman. H t. John Ireland, Cat hallo nfrn taahop of m l'ul irt f Ma iin. C. O. loan. U. ft, I M C. t-Jtmat rV M-Crtarv, fornix 1 United 'aian awn a tor and govornor ot It nt nek v (Kt n John If. Ilnpklni, forrnar mayoa f Ch. ago. o, t pvfonn Mnog, mlnbrtar froina fUHl, at Waahlngnm. in t 17 -Oingiaaxnmn J"hn A. BtarllnC Of Hlinoip rt t ti Tt r K. Itrookg, Epiarnpal nuaon ft iHahfma I i iff S, bariwa I KYanrh com nrtar frt V rila riarg Tonng f'T'r n?int-"dnt of it i4i i.f rbbugo, fb'l f r-.g-n llivja b rtnar t'. ft. gtor from Main. tivt Nei. n N. lAfnKr1, wall knowa) ft I. ftg'f bnftWf NV.v 4 Mra f-ir-!! Haifa. Morton K. A'Ui. iwmik tr a4 yaht- If Andrew VM'a, ad .cat. as 4lplM mat N .v Hobrt J. Cuillar, adJtor 4UiJ pur ,bhr Kov. t-fUr, If r King, gotdlar Author, In Saw York ,.w la tn i H Van Hiaa, pralda of I nlvaralty t Wii(in. J''ph r. tfrnith, pivaidaat ol M ebui n .... Nov -U ortnwr Uvvomag W. l. f V tm "nain. Httr 8. N M Ka ifn.an. f ft Iron mara'a and im'al man oi Cbag tmn, lloataJid, gwi ftudl dran.atUt, in KaHa lw a I. W. I agi, Bad il O. I wng n4 of fog m, (Cootiouoti oa ri lour) if y li f