fill c T A In planning that X-Mas Dinner remember we have a complete stock to choose from. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables il Fancy Canned Fruits and Vegetables jj Plum and Fruit Puddings Mince Meat Preserves, Jams and Jellies Nuts, Popcorn, Candy Remember, Candy is to be secured in limited quantities only this year. Phelps Grocery Co. Mm mm You will find every and toys ere going ong to be friends on Suitable and Useful Presents for the family, as weS! as dolls idreo, in our stocks. We ip you make this a Christmas remembered by your friends and our account of the prices we make i x 1 . - :r4, mm Our tg Pre-Christmas Sale Appar el La les nus Coats Next best to real fur are these of Selts' Seal Plush warm as toast Latest Models They are Beauties Values $30 to $60. HOLIDAY NOTICE! I hereby announce that my headquarters In Heppnor will be found at "THE PALM" of which my truted lieutenant, Mr. J!oh Hurt, is the proprie tor and where will lb found everything in the wuy of Holiday (ioodx that the heart of any kiddie could desire. Toys, Can dies, Conjections, Peanuts, Popcorn, I tot Drinks Tor the klddle'H daddy or liiK brother you will aim) find as line a tine of Pipes, Touncos and Cigars I HH you could wIhIi to select a ('hrlMiiui (lilt Iron). ' " i h 1 1 1 1 1 nil a Merry Clu 1st ma and a Happy New Year, Yours truly. You will find style as well as quality in these popular coats. They come in Wool Vel ours, Meltons and Mixtures. Values $20 to $45. SALE PRICE $23.35 to $48.75 fi SALE PRICE $16.85 to $35.75 Co Misses' and Children's Coats Santa Claus m mi Kvery favorite style in all the popular cloths for the little folks Some very handsome Velvet Coats also. Values $5 to $20. SALE PRICE $3.95 to $16.45 These arc only a few of the good things in this sale Look for the mark of the Blue Pencil MINOR 1 .Vw HC . A mi 1 & Win he (fifficrr autt H'maro of pirrctura o( tl;r 3firot "atimuil U;mk, C.I v Ht-piuT, OVrciiut. tuiolt mm a jHfrry L'ljriatmao auo a roop t nut a Niui Jrar YOUR OPPORTUNITY i llavtnc derided to leave lleppner January lt, 1919, t hereby nlTer fur nale the following: My ni'vrn rmiiu renlilenre on Will mreet. My lioimelioU good. Including IMnno. I'll Typ.wrU. r, Smith llroii. T Kurd Cam, 1.U7 Model. lne Kati.ll Cow. Jrrm-y Mndel. lne Child' Tcl'V I'no 4 .n iM Mare, 'm- (".'it. Vne 'i .! w ef diy nii.l at Urn Mattemli't Kan. li. All l a'l.x n is.: ir will pl. ae mil ml etlli promptly. T 1 i A Good Christmas Gift--The Herald Youd hardly know Pete was chewing DR. N. E. WINNARD Job Printing At Herald Office Yet he ayi he ccti more lalitfactton out of hi imall chew o( Cravcly than he ever got out of a big chew of ordinary to- ( bacco. "Real Gravely hu a pure, rich tule," tay Pete. "It'i tweetencl jutt enough, and one imll chew holdi its good Jate ko long. I figure that tha cla of tobacco cot mo nolhina extra mayhrfeti than I'd have to pcnJ for ordtriiry plug." r" fnttkrrtluii't r t ! I iCw trukiut w mi PEYTON GRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch u.