rioSiclay eshons The advantage of early Christmas emphasized by the made from my com er you propose giv piece of Jewelry, a mond, mounted La Ring, you will find reasonable prices. Everyone realizes the popularity and practicalness of the Wrist Watch. We are agents for the celebrated shopping are daily many selections plete stock. Wheth ing an inexpensive Watch or a Dia vallier, Bar Pin or them here at most "GUN" MICH Complete Stocks of Silverware, Cut Glass, Fountain Pens, Nut Bowk, Casserols, Umbrellas. SHOP EARLY. OSCAR BORG JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST CHRISTMAS GIFTS Christmas gifts for the whole family, includ ing Pyralin Ivory, Books, Vases, Pictures, Perfume in gift boxes, Stationery, Games, Cameras, and Dolls in which we have a large line ranging in price from 25c to $5.00 Also Articles in Khaki for the Soldiers If you can think of nothing that just seems to suit, why not subscribe for a magazine for a year. We will take your subscriptions at special prices when a club is ordered. Humph reysBru IONE ITEMS Received to late for last week Miss Alice Christofferson went! over to Mikalo on Tuesdays train. j C. W. McN'amer spent acouple of days the past week in Portland. , J. J. Head arrived in lone on Sun- j day otMnst week from Adams Oregon. ! Mrs. J. H. Henkle returned to Portland Tuesday morning. ! J. H. Blake was a Heppner caller on Monday". I T. M. Bendict and Gus Walker were county -seat visitors Tuesday. Matt Halverson returned Thurs day from a few days business in Port land. Seymour Wilson returned from a business trip in Portland Sunday evening. Mrs. W. J. Blake returned from Grass Valley on Sunday afternoon's train. : Mrs. J. T. Knapnenberg left for Portland on Thursday morning's train. Miss. Gwendolen Jones of Lexing ton spent Saturday and Sunday in lone. Mrs. Roy T. Cochran, came down from Keppner Saturday for. a few days visit. F. H. Robinson returned Wednes day from a few days trip to Port land, i . jia; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Low and Air. and Mrs. Chas. Howe were visitors in Heppner for a few hours Wednes day. Miss liable McElligot who has beeu here ou a furlough to take care of her mother who has been seriously ill returned to her post Tuesday, Jesse Agee who has been in the service at Camp Lewis the past few months has been released and re turned to lone on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox return ed to lone Friday evening from a months visit in valley points. They report a very enjoyable vacation. Miss Nellie Hart teacher of a school near Dry Fork, returned on Sunday of last week from a two week vacation spent in Hood River. Howard Brown caiv.e up from Port land for a visit with his sisters, Mrs. M. B. Haines and Miss Elsie Brown, Saturday evening. m Jesse Jjooyns wno na ueeu a, I member of the S. A. T. C. at Eugene II this fall returned to lone Friday Bievenlne having been released from duty there. . A deal was made in lone during the week whereby Archie B. Cochran is nmde proprietor or the lone meat market. Mr. Cochran took posses sion of his new business on Monday morning. Mrs. Mary Milliorn came over from Pendleton on Tursday for a visit with her mother. Her viait was cut short by the news that her husband was ill. which caused her to return Saturday. The lone and Lexington High School football, teams met for a battle on Lexington grounds Satur day. The teams seemed well match ed as the resulting score was a tie 6 to 6. Mrs. J. P. Wells, who has been visiting in the eaut for the past two months arrived in lone Friday even ing Mrs. Wells plans were inter fered with to some extent by the "flu" epidemic. Hnving intonded to return by Louisiana she thot It best under present conditions to re turn by the shorter route. A very tragic accident occured on ; the H. II. Smith ranch south of lone Saturday afternoon when Francis Fenwick the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. i-. renwicK, or mis city rell into a large grain bin from which his fath er was taking wheat, and could not be gotten out before he hud suffo rated. The boy was playing around the bin and evidently lost his balance and fell In and the suction, caused by the grain running out of the bin seemed to pull him down under the wheat. Doctor Chick was Immed iately railed but was unubblu to Htart renplratln after sm h a long time. The people of lone extend sin cere Hytiiputhy to the parent In their Borrow. Miss Ruby Martin, teacher of the Fairview school, left Saturday to spend her vacation at her home In Newberg, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller and daughter, Neva, left for Portland Saturday 10 spend the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Hennig. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Loveereen took Sunday's train to Portland where they will spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Higgs left lone Tuesday for Portland where they will spend a few days with their brother and sister- Dr. and Mrs. Higgs before going east where they intend to make their future home. C. N. Hardy was an outgoing pas senger on Sunday's train, after a few days visit in lone. A. R. Finley is again In lone after doing his bit in the Portland ship yards this fall. Miss Bertha Emmerick left for her home In Eugene Saturday. She will spend the holidays there. CECIL ITEMS George Wilson returned from Hep pner Monday. Miss Ettie Barnes was the guest of Miss Annie Hynd Friday J. H. Franklin of Rhea Siding spent Saturday in Arlington. Art Minor was a Cecil caller on his way from Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Bennet of the Last Camp spent Sunday and Monday in Arling ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick of lone are visiting with the Winter's family of Shady Dell. S. M. Morgan of Rhea Siding was in Heppner during the past week do ing business. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nash and J. H. Pepper were doing business in Ar lington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom were In Cecil and took in Mr. Duggers lec ture Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Marion VanScoiack and Bon of Arlington were visiting in and around Cecil Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. Ed Farnsworth were visiting with Mrs. Hynd Thursday afternoon. Charley Smith who has been work ing for Jack Hynd on Butterby Flats left on the local for Portland Fri day. Miss Matilda Bjork- who has been for sometime on the Hendriksen ranch left Sunday to spend a few weks with her friends at Yoncala. Leonard Barr who has been herd ing for Messrs. Minor and Thompson of Cecil, was suddenly called to the death bed of his brother in Seattle, Saturday W. G. Hynd of Sand Hollow took a trip over to Cecil Saturday, accom panied by his neice, Miss Annie C. Lowe, returning Sunday accompan ied by his nephew Herbert Hynd. Miss Georgia Summers was award ed a certificate of Honor, Friday, for first honors in the Junior 4 minute mens speaking contest, and has been selected as Junior minute speaker Call 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan and famiy o the Willows also Mrs. Falconer and Mrs. Dempsey were seen among the crowd in Cecil hall Wednesday evening ta'king in Mi-. Dugger's inaugural lecture. Mr. Dugger, of Stanberry Mo. and Mr. Snider of Chalis Wash, who ar rived Tuesday and are the guests of J. W. Osborn, are giving a series of religious lectures in the Cecil hall. Mr. Dugger has already found many listners to his Interesting and in structive addresses. ' 100 PER CENT KKI) CKOSS Dr. R. J. Vaughn, campaign man ager for the Red Cross Christmas membership drive for Morrow county reports that while all sections of the county have not yet reported offic ially on account of the influenza, bad roads etc., close estimates made Monday evening assure between 1500 and 1600 members signed up for the county. This is up to the expectations of those in charge and is Baid to practically make the adult population ot trie county 100 per cent Red Cross. Wranted First-class woman cook for country home. Kitchen end liv ing room for cook detached from house. Permanent situation, for right party. Address or call John Kilkenny, Heppner, Oregon. Phone 27-F4. 25tf CHAS. M. HOWE THE AUCTIONEER who will treat you right. Iwant your sales whether large or small. Call or write me at IONE, OREGON n I n u Lines That Lead Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vu(can Gang Plows Universal and Perninsular Ranges FOR SALE BY Peoples lidw. Co. jrick The McAtee & Aiken. Proprietors ICI- CKF.AM AND CAKI) PARLOUS Frank K. lle, implant mi jut-ii.t'-nd-nt of public lnru'tlon, wan a ll'it'i)"r vliinr durlriK thn we..c hri. on hi y to and from Hard man b.-r l.n wnt In th lntrKt of hvin th high r,o.l at that town mnlari''d. Mr. VI!. la l'vin l,i. po.iticn in ih tat iui- rinti ndont i office th flmt of th reat to niac In bunlniaa In Port land th roprpiM ntatirf. of on of till bl antr.rn a-hoo nupply howc-a. Viuu lint. !' ii i' I ii .en n iu tiiinii. f rii I n Monmouth for the Chi l.'tiua viiitlon. Hoy I!lak returned Monday from KilKi he where he ban been a 'neni- li.-r of the 8. A. T. C. Ui' pant few montlm. The lum-rul of Kram la Ketiwhli w:ih held Monday afternoon lit 2 p. In. lief. Kiniiierli'k eondiHteil the nT vr..( The (mil bearer em kx of It I h M'liooliiiatin. nienn and fiuil ll'iftington, Wehlry MrNuhli, Kloyd Admim and Carlton Swanaon. Kalph Heed of !. I n t n na an Ion- tlsitor t-utiday of lat wnk. Mix lliillli'k Pinny aiel h r two c..i,,'li' i took Hit t ii rd.i 1 1 ;nn lor Kal iiini Waili. heie Mi" v ill vi it tt'i fri' lida and n !. t is h. Mi Miible V. Will n rairi" III fro ii (orvallin inhere liai lie n 1 an- ti'lmK O. A. (' , t i rel tli" hoi . iy with her parenln Mi. ami Mri. ' V.V A. W il oi Mn SinnlIrei O '-n ariive.l Hut i unUy fur a Uit with her moth" and !,.! r Mm. fiten and Mm MnrKan-t i i nn. Mix. lien Juday and nmull ti r m f Wenton h'Hirid I'cu ns' t" on riin lay', train whei lin y will iit u;. Mm. Juday'a parm'a Mr A KrlemuM l f t lonn Tim -day for a few week tay In I'otllaml V -J Holiday Greetings J 1 TAKE this method of extending my heartiest Holiday Greeting to nil my ticrt'i and patroni and to with for each and every one of you a most Mer ry Chriatmat and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Trusting; that the New Year will bring much good to Heppner and to all of her people. Respectfully, CW.RnWERSThfiShnpMpn'J w . ' 'via n n i 8 i i