Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 24, 1918, Image 4

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    f li I I I ip11 f3 '
Old Crusty's
(Copyright, 1818, Western Newspaper Union.)
. ISTKU, Mislpr! rionw
hold mo .up so I cun
i 7 i ir "" uu- "i's ut u
Wft'SR of four, blue witli cold
tjfl'w Hrut (leslru to see tne
wonderful display of
moving toys In the
show window of a large
This strange request
in the childish treble
caused an old man
whose face was lined
tnd seamed with hard and unlove
ly wrinkles to stop and look
down. He was about to push
the child away, but the little hands
were raised with such utter confidence
that In spite of himself he actually
did lift her In his arms and gradually
edge his way nearer the window
through the dense crowd. The child
looked and looked with staring eyes,
as If she could not take in enough of
the wonderful procession as It went
around Its allotted space. The cold
bands clutched tightly at the old
man's collar, and
the blue Hps were
purted In an ec
static smile which
showed the tiny
white teeth. The
golden hnlr blew
across the old
man's face, and
somehow he did
not resent It, but
when he had held
her until the pro
cession had gone
twice around ho
began to feel
tired, for he was
not young.
As ho turned to make his way
back through the crowd the little
chest heaved with a great sigh, but
ulie did not cry. The old man smiled
a cracked and grudging smile as the
child said:
"Funk you you Is good."
"1 good? fh, I don't know."
He started along thinking It time
that the child should be put In charge
of her parents, but her tiny lingers
clung to bis hand.
"Where Is your mother?" he asked,
"Muvver's di'inl. See?" And shu
lked up a fold of her black dress
to show.
"Ah!" said be, suddenly choking
Anil yet be bud gained the mime of
Old Crusty In llic ih'IkIiImiiIiimmI where
he lived alone, ami be wim also con
sldered In be a stony-hearted miser,
"Ami my favver, too," continued the
clilhl, Mill dinging to his b.md
Curious bow surroundings Inllu-
elice one," thought be, "and bow (lie
I'litiiusliisui or a
crowd i - o ti nl
c:ilis It
ueiiilcr w hi't Kind
( lui mas
b:l. wit
fFM n
I j istpS Ash rg-
Hi 1
tie cheeks. The
young lady at the
counter was tired
(lend tired, but
the Christmas
spirit was in her
heart arid she
handed two dolls,
one dark haired,
the other blonde,
and each with
white teeth show
ing between the
lips. The child
chose the dark
lml rud one. "Looks
like niuvver," Khe
said. Her happi
ness was as complete as that of the
young mother who clasps her first
born to her heart. The old man lost
some more wrinkles as he watched j
her Ineffable delight. The young lady
said gently:
"Perhaps you would like to get i
your little girl some ah shoes and !
warmer things?" I
"Thank you, miss, she? shall have j
them, for as you say she evidently !
needs them, ltut she Is not mine."
When a big bundle of nice warm
garments and a woudertul pair of red
shoes had been
made up the man
thought she might
possibly be hun
gry. So they made
a queer little
group at one ot
the cozy tables.
The baby, for she
was scarcely more,
I likes you.
Will you tuke me
home, and my dol
"Yes; if you
will tell mo where
it is," his face
softening In spite of himself. Tint he
soon found that the child had no idea
of where she lived, but by degrees he
learned that "Muver wus tooked away
In a big box," and she had remained
with Mrs. VUklns. This lady appeared
to have several children of her own,
and she had "told Mlsser VUklns that
she couldn't bo bovvered wlv' Mary,
so she tooked ine out and I got
As tho innocent little Hps formed
these words Old Crusty said to him
self: "Heartless creature namo Mary
deliberately lost this lovely child.
Tender little thing! I must take her
home for tonight anyhow, and look
for her people tomorrow."
l!y the time he had made this reso
lution the wunnth, the good bread and
milk and excitement had been too
much for little Mary and she lay
asleep In the cab which the "miser"
had called.
No one claimed n lost girl, mill Old
Crusty wild dally :
"1 really must seek her relatives."
but he never found them, and It was
not long before the little girl called
Ii I tn grandpa, but before that she bad
kissed away all his ugly wrinkles.
And they are very happy.
mil iFtrst G!l?ri0t8ujflg
$0. And there were in
i n i
I' ,)V ;.--.' cat. s It-clf. I
i - ' i
1 " ' , will I . , ., ne-
&i V;
h U !,.:' :'.,!"
" r'Vri f ' 1 " 1 1 '
V J :T T V""M 1 M;"' 11
V.'. V, P. -..I'."
' ' "Ulv.l! eliecf
' m!litin to II. r dolb.
ml m
jfe abiding in the field, keep- $
ing watch over their flock
by night. .
m And, lo, the angrel of the v
i Lord came uoon them, nnrl Vi-
the glory of the Lord shone
W round about them ; and
Kii tV,o ,or. , c : ,1
r. y w.it ouLt aixdju.
1$ And the angel said unto H
tAiiil, itai liUL., iUl, UCilUlU,
m I bring you good tidings of
o j great joy, wnicli shall be to y
; fi all people. M
ML Jt or unto you is born this x!V
jtS day in the city of David a SjJ
Saviour, which is Christ
V the Lord. M
aj t.: i 11 i IV
j nuu imo &lldu uc a sign viyl
jfcunto you. Ye -shall findffl
xnc oaDe wrapped in swaa-
uniig Humes, lying in a
ffc manger.
And suddenly there was
with the angel a multitude
$ of heavenly host praising
uoa, ana saying,
Glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace.
i? ETOOd will toward men
And it came to pass, as y
the angels were gone awav 5&
S from them into heaven, the
f shepherds said one to an
other: Let us now go even
unto Bethlehem, and see
ffi pass, which the Lord hath tf
inauc Kiiuwn unto us.
r na tney came with
pjj naste, and found Mary, and
Si Joseph, and the babe lying
W. in a manger.
Anrl when tnv hA omh
it. thevmarlt
the saying which was told 15
jIj. iuuu wiiicinnig xiie cnua. (t
ftj And all they that heard vhj
it wondered at those things
J which were told them by Sfl
the shepherds. Sr
But Marv keDt all these
jft things, and pondered them
in her heart. tff
And the shepherds re
turned, glorifying and
praising uoa tor all the SA
things that they had heard
ana seen, as it was told
$ unto them.
tit. Luke ii R.yn
Ilets,. bnVl.M'
111 the w 1 1 ; 1.
"I dllloiii, I licv cr 1 : 1 !je,l ,,ne."
"I. el'- Ill-Id. . ' slid-1. nlv the
dd mmi, ..an,. ,,f id,. uuloM'ly wrlih
kbs il:sii.,riiriiig. Tbey went Into
the iToudcd lore.
'Let Hon little (Irl have iinytlilng
he wants, luiss," mid old Crusty.
The blue ! sloa e like (.tar, ami
K delicate pink bl.xxncd in the lit-
1 , . '
V . ... ,i. 1
j ;
A Good Business Man.
A commercial traveler bad taken a
large order In Scotland for a consign
ment of hardware and endeavored to
press upon the canny Scottish, man
aicr who bad given him the order n
I'brlstmas gift of n box of Ilavanu ci
gars. "New," he replied. "Pon't try to
bribe a man. I cmliia tak them mul
I am a memlxT of the kirk."
"I'.ut will you n..t accept them as n
Christmas present?"
"I ciidna," said the Scot.
"Well, then." said (be traveler, "sup
pose I sell yni ibe iiv:i's fr mendy
llo'idnal snni say, :ip. nce?"
"Wecl. Ill !i;,t e:.s-,.."
Seel, "sill.,, yon press ICC, ami,
lll.lng to r. ra-e an o:v,-r wed
I think I'll be lal ni,' two how
St. Nicholas , I
In Camp
'Twas the eight before Christmas
and all through the camp
Xot a sound could be heard but the
sentry's tramp, tramp.
The bovs were all sleeping quite
snug in their bunks
With occasional snoring in good
solid chunks.
Some were a-drcaming of homes far
And mothers preparing for the
world's holiday :
Others of sweethearts and what they
might send
To brighten the
day and hap
piness lend
When all of a
sudden there
rose such a
All sprang up to
see what the
world was the
' matter;
They rushed to
ward the
trenches ex
"pecting the
'Aching to give
them some rather rough punches
When what to their wondering eyes
should appear
But a convoy deep loaded with
Christmasticle cheer
Parcels, and boxes and everything
While high on the pile old St. Nich
olas stood,
A-bowing, and smiling, and beck'
ning to all
And easily looking as though he
might fall.
His face was familiar to all within
lie was given no challenge, so great
was delight.
With a wink of his eye and a twist
of his head
lie gave all to know they had noth
ing to dread,
For pausing a moment, he went
s t r a i g h t to
And selecting a
package h e
gave it a jerk
And sent it a
flying while
ca 1 li n g a
As the boy it
was sent to
was answ'ring
ine same;
Then to one and
i another a par
: eel he guvp.
j Till each hut was still as a newly
made grave
As the boys, filled with joy nt tho
' gifts they received,
Hugged them and kissed them, us
thotigh they believed
Those gifts were 'most human. And
Santa b oked on
Tight ".ripping his- vlnvl and toot
ing his l...rn,
Slill I- w;::' and (..irling; h, n
tutfe d to the right
And c.-'l "Merry rhr;! and
"t a'l a e.,l niris."
Cash for Xmas
This is just what a Savings Account here at
the Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank
an be made to represent to youj- wife and.
Any amount will open a Christmas Savings
Account and we'll give you a passbook con
, aining that "Holiday Cheer" spelled in dollars
and cents. '
We pay four percent on time and savings
accounts. Remember the third payment of
20 percent on your Fourth Liberty Loan sub
scription is due December 19th.
Farmers (EX. StocKgrowers
National BanK
.Mti Z$&Z Zibt.
Heppner Meat MarKet
H. C. ASHBAUGH, Proprietor .
A Chrlstmai Wlh.
TlintiKh He ii.i'ut- v.-ry celd
lii-r a wiirm v, rv el, I,
M.iv -eiif ( lnlMm.ui d.iy l o im rrf
Vi-ry-V ry-Vcry.
.l.,s- ,.
A Ntcf ty.
will inneni; m, n N n rlrai
nei-cssy of reitseinible II vinij." .Vrt
obl l'-enm-tt.
Some say that ever gainst
that reason comes
Wherein cur Saviour's birth
was celebrated
C The bird of dawning singeth
all night long.
So hallow'd and so gracious
is the time.
r 1 1
. anaKespcare. L
Now open for business in our New Shop on
East Side Lower Main Street,
with a complete stock of the finest quality of
ij Beef, PorK, Mutton and Veal
Call and give us a trial order.
We will treat you right.
G reelings
We wish to extend the compliments of the
season to all our friends and customers as
well as t6 express our appreciation for their pat
ronage during the past year.
W e are prepared to cater to all of your holi
day wants in our line and assure you that your
orders for holiday supplies entrusted to us will
have our very best attention.
Heppner BaKery
Home Products for Heme People !
White Star Flour, Whole Wheat,
Graham, Cream Middlfngs,
Roil Barley and aS! Mill feeds
Tpo all my friends and patrons I
wish to extend the compliments
of the season a very Merry Christ
mar and glad and Happy New Year.