PROFESSIONAL CARDS GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 92G Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher How About that Contemplated An Independent Newspaper Ml. IS. J. V.UGHAN Ent' at the Hoh.i.c:-, Oregon, Poi'tol'flce as second-class matter. DEMIST Heppner Herald TERMS OF S'JLCUIITION. One Year $2.00 Six Months 'i'liiee .Months 50 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1918 Permanently located in Oddfellow's Buuiding Heppner, Oregon .$1.00 CHRISTMAS NEVER before tsince that eventful morning when the wise men from the east were guided by a gleaming star to theGalilean stable in whose manger reposed in cradled obscurity the new-born Babe of Bethlehem, h s equal cause existed for all the people of Christendom to celebrate the anniversary of that wonderful day in the true spirit of the teachings of Him who first gave to the world the docrine of "Peace on earth, good will to men." Eor nearly twenty centuries the world has profssed to accept the teachings of Jesus and to be guided by his pre cepts while in practice it has too often been governed by the doctrine of hate. Through all these centuries the his tory of mankind lias been written in blood, the face of trie earth has been disfigured with the awful spectacle of war. With each succeeding Christmas the world has preached of peace, and love and gentleness and then gone forth the next day or the next month or year to main, to kill and to destroy. The present, however, gives prom ise of the coming of a new era. .Following the horrors of four years of a war-mad wrold tomorrow's Christmas morn will dawn on a world already laying plans by which it is hoped that permanent peace will be established. 1 lie world is sick of war; the ti'mes are npe for peace and there is much reason to expect that when the coming peace conference shall have finished its work the superstructure of a world peace will have been started the foundation of which will trace back to the teachings of the Bethlehem Babe, the Man of Galilee, the 1'rince of Peace. EASTERN OREGON MUST STAND ALONE That Eastern Oregon must stand alone in the work of development of her. latent resources has long been patent to all close students of the situation. .That the John Day project, if constructed, (and it will be constructed) vvil stand as a monument to the brains and energy and pro gressiveness of the men and women of the big Oregon country which lies east of the Cascade ranjre is made more and more apparent every time an effort is made to co-ope-erate in any state development work with our neighbors to the west ol that range. I Mat the people ol Portland and western Ore-jon have ....i ....i i i t , , .i i .... nwiMi ihiii ,uiie in i to i no siuminc ncigmli tnal should enable them to cast their vision over the snou-i-.-m The Government has reduced the ban on building. Or rath er raised the price. of a $1,000 gs, you 9t now of $10,000. Instead limit on new can go ahead cost in excess S. E. XOTSOX ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon OK. X. E. WIXXARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon Tum-A-Lu m Lu ruber Ml. A. D. McMb'KDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon wconsox & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Heppner Orep."' Co LEXINGTON and lONE SAM E. VAX VACTOR ATTOI 1 X E Y-AT-LAW . Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates Ml. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION led peaks ol he promised land that lies io Laseailes inti l)e)oii(l, is as plain as the nose on a homely man's I'aoo. These observations are in.spired by reading the meagre aoootints which appeared in the Portland newspapers rela tive to the recent convention in the Rose City at which the ( )rotft.n Chamber ol' Commerce was broiifjlit into being. I'hat convention was heralded all over the state as the time and place when the live wires of all Oregon would join in a mighty, concerted movement to put old Oregon on the map. No distinction was to hi made between I lie thifcront sections. 1 here. was to bo no eastern Or egon, no southern Oregon, no western Oregon and no Poitland known at the love feast. The Oregon Cham ber ol Commerce was to bo as big as all of Oregon and the men comprising it were to bo as big as the movement it sell as well as truly representative of every imK.rtant in dustry or meritorious project. 'I ho result of I his much heralded convention was as no expec el. Western Oregon grabbed the Oregon I 1 1 i ii I ,... l I i . - r' V." v'. Mimuoico. uy mo nape ol the nock, draggoi " "no ms cave ami proceeded to Mick its cuticle as full f western Oregon oihcials ami committeemen as hades is re puted l.i be Idled with tiddlers. Morrow county sent down a delegation loaded to the Kii nds uuh lacts and li-uros concerning irrigation :u.d "cula. lv the Join, l., project and... s far as wo are :,7' '" J:"1 by the Portland nou;,,,,,' U p,Ms the ,., pom, K"i ai.out as much altvnioii from tl,.,t C(, lion as :i inil i,... 1.11..,. .. ....i i .... ' " "oimi icccixe in the netlm regions One ,rl(11, , Ulu.,. o,.,,,, u tIu,y . Uu.s b,,dcd U ,lu' l,.'-i''-'fcanat!tl.e Miimnn o, lu-iaM-adeiange. Another Double js that tlu are so v Mo...,.tmg ,,,, i.lIh M,mS m lh,lllM;Uc uu ; - mu, bo, ,n a ,,ral and ,,. uo son.-, and f I i i ! 'I'k'iess and the rot of (ho world d ;. iiii'ir henelit tli.u t nine io -sj ii. i tu Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grando.Oregon, October 21, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Zettc Ilrosnan, whose post-office addrest In Lena, Oregon, did, on the 3d day or June, 1918. (lie 1 this office sworn statement and application, No. 01 1 04, to purchase the KM NEVi. SWViNKVj, nnd SKVi NW',i. Sec Z') East, Willamette Meridian, and III" timber thereon, under the pro- . !: na of the net of ..line IS, IS . 3. ml rt ;;ric:idatovy, hnown ;ts the Tlulier and S! i-.i Law," at such :iin m i u-h 1 he ti"("l hy appraise ment, and that, ruisiiant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $4-10.00 the timber estimated at 300. 000 board feet at 1 1 .00 per M. and tho !:'nd $140.00; that Bald ap plicant will offer final proof In sup port of Ills i.pp'.irttton and sworn statement on the 21st day of Janu ary. 1919, before C. C. Patterson, "n!'d States Commissioner, at Hop-ncr, Oregon. A-v person Is at liberty Io protest tl " trrhase before entry, or Initi ate i contest at any time before pat nt Issues, by flllnR a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging fprts which would defeat the entry. P. S. PVXN. ItPElster. NOTICE FOR PCBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, November 8th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Vern P. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 25th, 1914, made homestead en try, No. 013371, for SW SW,Sec 22, NV, NVa NE V . and SW NEVI, Section 27, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make 'hroe-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Cora-ml-sioner, at his olfice, at Heppner, Oreton, on the Stli day of January 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: as witnesses: Noah O. Pettyjohn, of Heppner, Orepon; GeorRe A. Cunimings, Levi L. Hiatt, and Chas. A. Hlnton, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat ional Bank of Heppner will be held on January 14th, 1919, for the pur poset of electing directors for the en suing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legally come before It. Dated this 16th day of December, 1918. S. W. SPENCEU, Cashier 33-37 Ml. GIXSTEK VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. McMEXAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WHITKIS ! IXSIRAXCK REAL EST AT K, LOANS, Heppner Oregon NOTH'K KOIt 1THUCATION Iepai intent of Hie Interior. I". S ;,:uid Onlee at l.a Oi.indi'.Otesun Oi Inner 21, 11S. Xntiee In hi'i'.iy uiven that Wll- I1 i i!. ruin-!,, v -e inat-nttlie ad i'i ' l H I'l-in-r it; ,s i-n. did. "H NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Doc. 4th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Waldo L. Vincent, of Lena Oregon, who, on August 3rd, 1915. made Homestead Kntry, No. 014467. for NEV4. EH NVVV4.andEVi SEV4. Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has died notice of Intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above deicrlbcd. before C. C. Patter son, United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 6Mi day ot Kebuary. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Art'i'T P. Iluiiben. Mliheal Cur ran. Hune (J. Cn!":i. pnd Mack T. Gentry, nil of Le:ia On run. C. S. Dunn, Uei:l:-ter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Northwestern National Insurance Company's, of Milwaukee, V iscon sin, lire insurance policies numbered 107 to 125. Inclusive, and grain in surance policies numberecd 5001 to 5050, Inclusive, have been reported burned In the conflagration nre at Heppner, Oregon, which occurred on or about July 4, 1918. Thin, is to notify any person or persons, who may be holding the above policies that same are void and of no effect. NOI1TH WESTERN NATIONAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. N. E. L. Crow, Agent. S2-34 E. .1. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN House wiling a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 633. BANKERS' MORTGAGE CORPORATION llll ucv never Keoraphv of their ou n'si o.- '.i in o ii . t i . ,. , . . i . , i. - . I , " i.i'ill 1 II V .1 .lt I ll-l III. ... I I "' '"II H" Ii.l rnli.t. ... ,1, ... ... I .I. . I I " I 1 I . U 1 1 tlsSs'e-t loel.tnuiiii ti and io i! it es i f tt lit i . 1 1 ms!-,, hi,, ..nitioii W ho vv i nl .!. ,n ii i !.. . ... , . i Ills, Ol,,,,, , I , . , , ,. Pat I icu!. it w , i ,i ,i i . i . ' . ' I I hc were , titith.l .v H lile in i ,u i. ."!;,. n-vurn - t iii iii'-Mt i.p- II ell- i pi,, ., i s,,, i 1 c . . t'i put litin- iii r.'j m:', .i:t,i sw'i si-:',. ; : i -ii 1 1, Tim I.: :.ip I .s.-utli.L mi ' : i r i-i. Will.i- , tl. Mt-ldlali. Hint ' I -nil i tin-.i-i n. i nder the pr en of Hie a. nf ve 3. ITH. . nrt nm.nil.itnt y. known as the iber atiil Stone Law," at such t as tnltlil l-e flxi-d by apprala " .in it tint. n!u;nt In sui ;.; i l.r.ii'nn, l'ie 1 t-d and Umber I' l iei-ti I- n !!!i;-i slued at r :; . is., t.-1 . ... -,.. ,i i i .-.. i .,. ,. i I-' K-l .11 . f.-r !'! oe.s h.d )Tio: to ru kiutok Nn l a '. In iehy i.ien t!nt tb- un- iler.!i in .1 has ! t ptipn'nt. d by tlu'i If you want to borrow money on your Livestock. Wool or Liberty nonds, talk with your local bank about our terms and service, or write to us direct. Tho war Is over and we want to help you do your part In taking rare of the reoiinntrurtlon, which Is our next rreat duty. PORTLAND OREGON r.idn ('.'IT' I' f!ie St;tte of Oregon ad it .1 1 i .11 r ibe . ! i;i , s mi ii it in i ii.ii t oiiv i-n' means in t, ,i, t :i. ' '..III t I l IO' I! t too .m uii.iti.-ii. .ii,! ;,,v -lt;. A p!,u e t n tlu :. I ... .1.... .. I . i. . . 1 1 ., tiimiiu it t on ii it in "t i si i ' . .Mm in. ii s loit iaini wo-toin (u.u imtv titno. , .lllil IH MWII H'K II I 1 t U M l' Oi l II VU'U-i V iiii nt: h i n ti l III fi w ii... iiib li"'!" ..; .'i. i -.. .1 1 1, i i. ' Iti l -i -.-.1 .t i: ,-l . ,.. .'s i-.-t in ! . . I . r.un i. r-.-i--. V-.t '.. It-iC t'it oi n t' ''n I . I V!. , t i; h 1, i-t ; K.iiU t he i peit li'll i, i. 1111c . !' r'1 v I t-r 7 , : I H,.,,;.!.-ll .It II .'.'1 per M I' -1 ni'd J I : n fur I i n nil iwi-'n ,! -, of J.ip r JVittrmnn -;i..iTi-r rt 1'iiiitit fur V-.rtow ("iitint the t t; !" ft Mrrv K. M-Ultan. t- coast I I' tiavinis l.nm a rn It t f.tld' tiiut j.t'-ent them properly verified to the under signed at the cifTli-e of Womlsun Swell. attKineys at law, In Heppner. Or.-r n. within six r.:.ntli from the date of Dtt publication df this no tice. Flrt piil.lli'a'li n t')' d il-y nf p. c. it ,.er, l'.'tl. l.i":: -:.!n m. ;idir, .Vil' ilnr ir. notice to Ri'n-:ri;iM!:n.s totiik FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN F'llov.lng I' a i!its'ule rhowln the Ittpt.t!! ne'tt BOWER'S SHOE HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS, Prop. I use modern machinery methods. HEPPNER, OREGON $500 REWARD $500 Notice Is hereby given that I will pay a reward of Five Hundred dol lars ($500.00) for the arrest and conviction ofo any person or pet stealing any of my horses or ' from my pastures or from the ran;;o. Slock branded as follows: Hor ses, JK connected on rluht shoulder. Yearlings and 2-itai-old?, bar over JK connected on right shoulder. Cuttle, JK connetlfd on Kit hip J side. Vtui lings and 3-yeut -olds, Oar over JK cunnccti- i m leit hip ! and side. JtJlIN KILKENNY. Ili-iptifr, Oie. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, May 10, I When Christmas Comes I..tes fur nil Innds nlflrnli.r of , ni ril,(, )n f t ,,, time nf t'.e j MlWrlpt li.n, leite'h.-r With the pet- cenl.Kes '. the suliKC! Iptli n due oo the tlate specified: November 21. 1 9 1 S....:or' ! piH-ettiher 19. 191H....2nr'r I When chrwtmu comn, I nvor mln- ' January 21. 1919 10' ' I Ilk' tu aat up prompt an' (a to t" 1 . January 30. 1919 30'1 ' An' do my mns. Kindly preserve this schedule for 1 An' cian th . 'thout waltln" to be - i ..I 1 '.. Ox Io pr. .! ' ' ' i'it'1 . t-r I it'll : I U ; ti-f.. f r ' v i ,i i-,.i r..t'.r I.t in f if .1., !! nt . t V, i "i'-t ' it the mtt Ut !,: n jtji'i: or r ' k tt. mii:tim; .i.t'i: future reference. We ut nil subscriber butinc h.ind on i:-.ta!lt".-nt plan who late not taken ta'e '( their Novell.. 1 er '.'lt r '-. t-nt t" do o nt once, ,. .-tit l t"jiiti. by tii" C-.tef-iieti! ml It Kt.-:i''y ticlli -i i-ur In h.inli'tis ti." 'i!- I It l h..i.:. ..r It Tti. 1 tut. to a i lie t f..t t iuir p.itr:"''.' duty Io tt- r !i. n ilue. Ij.-.p... :f uiiy. Ni'TLT. H HI.KKUY CIVU.N thit , t.. 11 l. a n .' t' k . . . . . v .....I ti .v '.' t-A : t.i-r.'e h--i due ii. i i-i in i . - ; im r. I '- . . n. mi ser.-Hii v in'i ttv. Tin. (.l.tntt.irT ii 1 1 , I t-. II He I. "f nt. ) I i "'. .' d d 't f." i . . . (,f . t.-, i-.e i'.it. i. i ,-r. f .,, . n f ! h "' tier , t : r .-.: lliy C.l'i.r tteft.f .'l-tlf W f M lloKY. ".t '.' t i.-l t' i M I -f t'-s " r lJ. .-t UiTt N.i t ' I'.mk of Hpt.nt r. tvrt ti:y 'v:.Ti:i' f. tiU-v i.f all k nil. t.!ivi n: ,;i. .... and folk. Wilt p.v the I, tin.! iah maiket ptic-.for r. t.iXe a i ii ha, at any i t..- lii:MIY .ai'HWARZ. IT. re : llrpjner. Ore TrH'Htt I l!Vs ltd-l!n' bttt-r, u a rule. Or buii.t n' for' Hut nuUttn' ain't tt bud, VVIkii Chruitios come. Wl-.rn Ohrlttra cr.n.f. I'd Jut a II f (iva ha.l Mr t..ltr to lit Kaliy, an' Uk car At-n-it tl. 1 run L. I ( l.t mt if llttl ffllow la -leti. An' I d'-n't irtrtd tit ii;tn' tr'f)rtt N-r. It ran i hip bm' littla 1 m Dot m .& V t.ti Olirtstttia cm-. Whn Chrnims romra, I don't forget t (tv My .! a wip, an' iwrub my ars l"t T il my hJ h'w.. An' r . i.iat boy's too or4 ta lit'" Hut I n r.nt 'frald cf 'in', 'raua tB not No ii fTrit from lar-nly (14 W lla ChF'.'mn mm' Aiil Wiiiisrr. fur'en.