LOCAL ITEMS H. lj. McAlister, of Lexington, was a business visitor here Monday. For the baggageman call Main SS24. 33-tf John Kilkenny returned Sunday evening from a business trip at Port land. Walter Matteson came in from Camp Kearney, California, Monday evening. Many serious cases of influenza are reported from the Butter 3.-eek country. Mrs. S. V. Spencer went to Pendl fon Saturday to visit friends until after Christmas. Mrs. Henry Swarz and children, who have been very ill with flu are about well again. Ed Doherty of Lena, and W. B. Tucker, of Heppner, had their names enrolled on the Herald list this morn ing. George Bolin of Lena, died yester day of influenza. As we go to press arrangements for the funeral are not obtainable. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes, of Lena was reported very ill with influenza yesterday. City Recorder Williams who has been very seriously ill for several days, is reported much improved this morning. John Sheriden came in from Portland Sunday suffering from an uttack of influenza. He Is reported better Monday morning. Dell Claybough, who has been tak ing a course at the Polytecnic school at Portland with a view to entering the army or nay Is at home again. Waldo Vincent of Lena la very dangerously ill with pneumonia which followed an atack of flu, the first of the week but was a reported better Monday. W. P. Maboney returned from Portland Sunday where he attended a meeting at which the organization of the Oregon Chamber of Com merce was effected. Tom Sheriden came in from up per Rhea creek where he Is spending the winter at the Paul Webb ranch He remained over to attend the big Irish rally in the evening. Mrs. Arthur McAteo received a let ter from her husband Sunday saying that he had received a dlscharge from the army and will be home in a few days. The letter was written from Camp Lee, Virginia. Loren Mikesell, a well known Hep pner boy who has been taking the preliminary officers training course at tho Oregon University at Eugene returned to Heppner Thursday even lng after having been discharged from further training because of the ending of hostilities In Europe City Marshall Clark was relieved from duty December 1st and Eire Chief Cumin has taken over the duties of the imirshallshlp. Chief ' Cumin Bays that stray dogs are get ting too numerous around town and that a form of canine influenza is apt to develop If the dogs are not tak en care of by their owners. Kiiv Rogers one of HenpnerN fav orlte sons, returned from army train lng at Cainn Pike, Arkansas, a few days ago and his appearance hull oat'S that army Hie agreed with him very line. Way Is glad to he at home again lint plenty Mire that h didn't gel over to take a band in th big show before the film run out. Lynn Punlin arrived firm M.irsh field Tuesday evening to take the position of loreiiian In I lie II aid office. Mr. l'urdiii Is an pert Job and newspaper printer of many years experience in first class establishments and hla connection with the Herald places this office in a position to execute any printing commisions entrusted to it in . a strictly first-class manner. Minor & Co. are having a display case for hats built in their store which will add very much to the con venience of the salesmen who sell lids. In fact Pat Crow, who sells mens lids and other furnishings, and who is the designer and builder of this case says that hats displayed in the new case will sell themselves. The case will display 36 different style,! of men's head gear with storage-room for a full box of every style. A large number of the residents of the Sand Hollow district were in, town Thursday in attendance at the coroner's inquest over the body of their neighbor, Altered Schal'er who v.-as shot to death Wed nesday by C. A. Morey. Among the visitors from that section were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Finley, Ralph and Arthur Finley, and thetir wives Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mike SepanoK, and C. D. Morey. in,-. Hw. K.' a vvs-mfl: SemMeQpsfmasVresenff J GRANT COUNTY BOY LOSES ARM IMCOUNTRTS CHOSE A. J. Silva, whose home is on the John Day river, in Grant county, ar rived in Heppner one day last weeK ronit a San Francisco hospital, where he has been for the past tux month as the result of injuries re ceived in an accident on board the old battleship, Oregon. A cable parted and the ragged ends struck young Silva on the left arm and shoulder inflicting very serious in juries. He is home for a visit with his, people but expects to return to the hospital at the end" of a month for further treatment. The arm is still useless and the hand paralyzed and it is doubtful if he ever regains full use of the member Silva enlisted in the navy about 18 months ago and was assigned to duty on the Oregon and it was while re turning from a cruise to the Philip pine Islands that the accident occur red. AV. . V Eli DOT HEARD FROM W. G. Verdot, who was in the sec ond hand business here before the fire, and who later traded his lot, all the fire left him, to Mr. Sham- hart,, for a fifty-acre farm near Lit tie Rock, Ar'k., writes the Herald that himself and wire had made the long trip safely and that they are much pleased with their new loca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Verdot left here almost three months ago in their Ford car and drove the entire dis tance. They were 42 days on the road and enjoyed the trip. They ex pected to get Into their own home In January and are looking forwa,.d to the time when they will again be permanently located with considera ble pleasure. The Herald for fine Job printing. CECIL ITEMS Jim Kiernan returned from having a few days lay off In Portland Satur day. Galen Falconer an old Cevilite, who Is now woi'kiiu: on the Van Winkle place near Kock creek got i fl' liie local train Saturday to take In the basket social. On leaving Galm was heard remark. "No'V lie sure and let me know v. hen there is t ibi; . nun ; I h tin . m i' tu: Li .n; i titn i .11 , 1 1 .i .n. ai'ii i - :hu t . iiu; M t . 1 1 n j ii; m i n t mm utti 1 1 1 km u:u l'.i in Li; i-1 i u : in ' t 1 1 ;ti 1 1 ntiii n; ii: i :?: irfft' All we have to say: "Don't forget to join the Red Cross this weel F. First National Bank of Heppner lUOURCt.S A MILLION AND A HALF ,u i 111 'i i; in- :n 3 M 1 t i ii The jjnck McAtcc & Aiken, Proprietor ICi: CKHAM AM) CAR!) PARLORS 1 mm Yoy will find Suitable and Useful Presents for every member of the family, as well as do!!s and toys for the Children, in our stocks. We are going to help you make this a Christinas long to be remembered by your friends and our friends on account of the prices we make in Our Big Pre-Christmas Apparel Ladies P lush Loat Next best to real fur are these of Selts' Seal Plush warm as toast Latest Models They are Beauties Values $30 to $60. s SALE PRICE $23.35 to $48.75 ij Cloth Coats You will find style as well as quality in these popular coats. They come in Wool Vel ours, Meltons and Mixtures. Values $20 to $45. SALE PRICE $16.85 to $35.75 isses' and Children's Coats Every favorite style in all the popular cloths for the little folks Some very handsome Velvet Coats also. Values $5 to $20. SALE PRICE $3.95 to $16.45 These arc only a few of the good things in this sale Look for the mark of the Blue Pencil -..Ml will (M wwii Ail I M Jit mint! I... I , ll OV. lll'l I' j'lUill Fprllt t: lulu In t li lt nil .I-..; n: " l 1 It.-rniiv !"i V 1 .1 1 II I t I i ! Hit a ; . .. IV. il. ! Vi -. Cm n.. ,11,1 Ada Nil ill' mm nl S.iiin.l.iy mill Suiuluy with 1 1:.- 1 m 1 n.liiH'ilur Mt--. IVtor Nm-h. .1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I.V.I II of I'lMir Mlll "POIll Snt'.l.iy tl'-ititu; fiirn.U ilnwn Willnw n-i k 1" V. V'.i'.rliiiMt who now ilnlm: 1 .11 p. iii- r Km k f..r Karl K u ns- UI 111 lil. -11 ' Mi. III!'! ' i (i'i I- llll. l.l lny. Mi Wl'l lit t . . .r ll'm i i-'Uimi; wi re . Ill l'i'lr Wfillnll.'.y. ii i'ii y nf tin' Slall.l.i'il Oil Co. ' . I). II el t'-i- l.'iii' iili-i ' V inti'i '.yv. ,ii4 II. m y Str, i-!. r ): CWvclmiil t: ii't H WiJnrs- tin). i kin lli'ad Prill, ilr. llt iuli -Iksi ii analn of fii-ialtil n uurtionccr with Mt I'Hiinl untlrlmr cffort. Twnity- liv.' t;;-.i.T...tn r ali.Ml I164.T.I). TI10 inriry crowd Inlulf-.l in dani'in-; un til ('.! I', i?ly lioiiKriif ir.oinlnc. 11' .I.ntu: il 1 v in lYvtl. lit' p i; I C 1 . 1 ' M '.Mi t f 1. 11 1 1 . '1.1 11 I it Sim.! II. t. 11 M ! ...! . .- il. :i : liinlm'Hn Sun- 1 Shinto t.uiili ' 11 from liitht . Iiiiiti'i' In piiiu r dl I l'ii .in! Mi: . Caiiipli.'U of II. Miner in Cecil ..ilni ..iy . nltiK urc fr the Clirlmiiiim roll enll. mi fl ll 1 r left with n I.;. n! of lor t'.H' lull.' ! llllllle Thin nl.iy. . jvter ..sh Lett TI1111-.I.1: to li.lt with her noti for a f w day. . II. nil: i V n nn. I Hon were di.ini: l.u--.i In A'liruton W. iln.-' l.iv. M , an, I Mi. Cl.n. n.'.' Wmt-r j .in-,1' . I', i.,. .1 l.y T'.i.li I", j.e an.! Vr f A 1' Vm'i .i.' il'iiiii; tn'.ti.'.-' Il . At lln .-tiui Krl.l iv. j Mike laughed at the Judge in 1 , ..!i Tlm'i ipon .Idea Til"day '. I hey nay l . ! ' ill Ce. IV' k ! 1 Mid ,: w. i ' H In I' ii. hni'i.i" '.i"i'i ' j.!. Ill ! i:. ' 't. " . I I In . it in ii ,n in f 'l I'll. I lt I. M loe.ll .Xllll.l-iV t' llil th. 'I f ilhet M o . .ill. M v Mr iiiul Mt Kul 1'mnnwoith iind f.'.n.ily.. and Mr Mti.l Mi. LJ Turin- 1 on wlm around li.it- Ce 1 1 U .! '!'. ' ;.. 11 1 Tl'. In. Ill le u'l ".' tr.v' WiN.m of Jtrl'-ihy H. t. ip to lleppm-T on Kri.l iy to ' few d 'til ton pan ni. ! iali.'t ocl.il nnd elilel lam-j t iMtim d t.y Mi Inet r.at..n j r of the Cecil iud. wan a I mo '. eteiyniie enjoying the i for clcvrir.z Crr.vch. The Judj came riht Lac!. lit M.ke villt a frier. J-!ychcw-;ust a ciur!: cf l.ttle s'jarcs ofl his of Real Gravrly. Miltf found that the chew stayed v. ;iS him for a Ion while, nd the more hs chewed th better it tatted. r" f..-.t si,i'-ti"n." ' i,,J ... . . 1 . .." , ',, ' in-r rx' a tc c! cf Flu- this c:ars Il ft' fir 'rr-lk '; '.j fm ram fl " fJ tint r.i cUu Ifkitn rtihl ittrt ml. HI. -ii.!.. I pretiani tihen t.y th. left on the ! M ticottiu Sum in. i wan pupil. Ktcally J.i lid Ctirittiia Mellon. t Mt Bppl.iii.l.d for the manner In wtil.h li icndeied thp Hons, Th ltitnjr Moon.. li" thf Star of th t'..tt. Much mniiKeiiicnt wg rued when the pchool (tvf the Ten Little I'uttip- PEYTON BRAND ' Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch 1 mm am 1 1 1 1 1 mm m i---. - -1 . 14