N tmmmn n 1 i 2E This lime The highest hour of VICTORY and TRIUMPH the world ever knew in some way should be made one we all may long remember. Our complete stock of Xmas Goods may help you solve the difficult problem. For Ladies and Misses Diamond ItinRS Diamond La Valliers Diamond Brooches Diamond Ear Screws Solid Gold' Brooches Gold. Filled Cameo Brooches Solid Gold Beauty Pins Solid Gold La Valliers Solid Gold Hat Pins Solid Gold Emblem Pins Solid Gold Thimbles Solid Gold Bracelets Solid Gold Set Rings Solid Gold Signet Kings Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Watches Solid Gold Ear Screws $10 00 to $250 00 14 00 to 48 00 10 00 to 40 00 10 00 to 50 00 2 50 to 10 00 5 00 to 20 00 1 50 to 3 00 3 50 to 14 00 2 00 1 00 to 6 00 4 50 to 5 00 10 00 to 23 00 2 50 to 24 00 1 50 to 13 00 3 50 to 11 50 29 00 to 37 00, 4 50 to 5 50 For Ladies and Misses For Gentlemen For Children Gold Filled Priceless Ear Drops Gold Filled Bracelets Gold Filled Thimbles Gold Filled Lockets Gold Filled Beauty Pins Gold Filled Rosaries ' Gold Filled Bar Pins Gold Filled Brooches Gold Filled Fobs Gold Filled Bracelet Watches Gold Filled Umbrellas Gold Filled Silk Fobs Gold Filled La Valliers Gold Filled Hair Barettes Gold Filled Lingerie Pins Fountain Pens Styiographlc Pens 0 1 25 to 3 00 2 00 to 7 25c to 2 75 2 50 to 3 50 50c to 1 50 1 00 to 2 75 65c to 3 00 1 00 to 3 00 3 75 to 6 50 10 00 to 37 00 3 75 to 11 00 2 00 to 4 50 2 00 to 10 00 1 25 to 1 50 50c 2 50 to 10 00 1 75 Diamond Tie Pinn S Solid Gold Tie Pins Solid Gold Tie Clasps Solid Gold Cuff Links. 3 Solid Gold Emblem Pins & Buttons Solid Gold Emblem Rings E Solid Gold Signet Rings 10 Solid Gold Vest Chains 12 Gold Filled Tie Pins Gold Filled Cuff Links Gold Filled Tie Clasps Gold Filled Fobs Gold Filled Waldemar Chains Vest Chains' Belt Buckles Watches Fountain Pens 16 2 oo to 3 r. 2 50 to 7 2 00 to '2 00 to 14 1 00 to 6 1 00 to 18 00 to 13 ; 00 to 25 50c to 2 80c to 4 75c to 2 5 00 to 6 3 00 to 5 2 00 to 6 2 75 to 3 00 to 60 50 to 10 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 00 25 00 00 75 00 75 75 00 00 Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Set Rings Solid Gold Pendant Neck Chains Gold Filled Bracelets Gold Filled Ring Chains Gold Filled Pin Sets Silver Sets Bib Holders Silver Thimbles 7oc to 1 00 to 1 00 to 2 00 to 2 00 to 1 50 to 2 50 to Silver Novelties Fancy Scissors, Hand Bags, Match Boxes, Elk Card Cases, Napkin Rings, Sugar Tongs, Individual Salts and Peppers, Souvenir Spoons, Etc. Some useful pieces and attractive patterns in Cut Giass and Hollow Silverware Ivory Py-ra-lin Toilet Ware De Luxe and a line of the late thing in Oregon Myrtle Wood Ware Yours for a Merry Xmas And a Happy New Yeas HEPPNER pi? flit!! WWfc PM rf 'i r" " mkm S 8 Ml ll l.l MIIDKMAN HAS I'.UMTI IM'JST Art I- W. Ti. Holmes, big mogul of the Tuni-a-Luinl company t Lexington, was' In ll"pp'ier Saturday wilh his u I'm In a sling and a willingness to tell his friends just how- It happened. Mr. Holmes, it appears,, owns a cur of (he nimit.ilig variety which ans wers In Hie nai.oe ni' I'nril and v'llcli he IiimI been led to believe by Hie agent who sold It to him was in dec Me, Hi pncill: I temperament. He knows heller now. The cutter. Mr Holmes says, hail n habit of steppim: freipieiMly and II was someiiines nec 'ssaty lor him to do consideialde "or.iiililm-" at It to induce it to pro ceed. The nllier day Kuril tool; a Kpell of lliin kind anil Mr. Holmes Htepped aniiim! In front of the imi iiial.inil liie'Ung him sternly in the lamp In-run his little line of "crank Inir." I'nnl was in an inly miioil that d.i, hneet. and with a t-tiott lie made a villous pass al his mas ter Willi Ills middle front lor. i-itnflit Holm, on Hie luteal m and Irai'lnr e.l I he I , ,. I.., i,,. M ,- lloln . U in- e! in-,! to , ... i ,- Y.,'i ii -h I. I II Hie I Mil. -I I: .-I II e :, olMl - lie 1- ol l i II 1 1 . !'! ' i ' t lili'l I i ;.. . I.e. 1 1 ,.,! ll.-' l 1 '1 I V If,- i 1 ' I i ' , I : ; , ';e WHAT BOYS SAY ABOUT RED CROSS Slncp the Fiildlerg overseas luive been Informed by their idllcers thai the American lied Cross will ilny San ta Chins this Christmas for nil the Imys in Idinkl who have no relatives In the I'nlted Slates. Kill Cross Ilotiil Hiiiirlers tit Washington has been re celvliiK hundreds of appeals. n,.. deiilally Ihe men at the front have taken this time to express their np preciatlim for the work done by the lteil Cross "( Ivor There." Kollowln are n few evorpts taken lit minium from letlers lllclosllitf Christ inns Package Coupons: "liir Mr. MIkh or Mm ltcl -'n.ii. 1 wmilil HHiriM-tiiti. H tr. niin.l.,nl- if j m.nil.l m-int int. u in.ia ,io Ion:.. hull lin r.-liitin-.. iirnl it Hit!,. n..m,.thinit from K I old '. S A. won:.! In- lit in, , - U'.l hl.yiill.l Wnr.lN. Till. IU-.1 Clo hill. ilon.' mi nun It fur ovi-r li.-n. .i ..... lil'l'li-, mil- II NO FIXED QUOTAS FOR 1919. ilon I kiii.,v ii .1 linw tieynml .'letyHilltl.' i.:, All llnliiili lliu ti ill k :i' i al : "Til In -iii II M K.-l vl, . ,, I-1 ,- . In n on Wiit :n, I i .i i.l i ' i - - 1",. , i 1 1 i I, .1 -1 i i, i . v e hi 1 1 w :i , in- -'. - ii I i I ' i-,l . n n -i : I 'i it V v 1 .' o U on M-, ii. , .l,- '..- l.i, e I., I, Ii ' M N - i ! II II. , ! o ;,1 ;i .- , t ll'l I I , I I i , at S ,1. ,n no I I'oi : l.iinl j W. II i i oi k . w lio i not a i i , nil . loil Ii, i i tin of: hi. tit nan, hi r oil Hie Ttlto .1 l.llln lllMtle--N Jit lone w ,o, a tut i n, i Mil ,.- hoi o S il u i d u II ''. II, I '.e'l w, I) k 111 ', II VolinK t 1 1 on r of I he I -xi tin, mi do 1 1 id w , a toe 'it. ' 1-iiio- in ll.-ppner Satur day. Ml. Clllipli.il Hill keep pi)..te, on the Motion rntintr eveiiln iiililni; lite . mi t ti 4 i,n , ii.nhni; ttn Hoi- nil. M itt lliu Ii. . l!o, k fie. k slock I in who iiM.-ntlv p. ii. h, i e. M 't.Vet'rt 1,1.' 1. iln It III-,! , ll'l'l'li... In.. I ,1 h I I inlh ol et ft Ilork i I,-, I, l. it,, Ii KH.I .1 a id I. e I, M-, I, in ' 1 ih ; oti de lin, 't. t ,ttu ll ' t SI , I-!. . .(.(., He It. ! i,l it : I ,! , t i (.l , !-,,-! e, t . ! I, I . . V. I lie , .- I.I : ,. ,. ..it...i I,,- ...pi !.. ',-!, I , ti ,.l I .,. lot" 'l l' "-'ii HI - i I - . , ! , -Ui l-i , I1 ,. ! '.Ion i . , ,1 . l,e 11. ,M ,n ii'-- ell!'.- ' 1 in . i i ii ;1 piil I. , 'I i ' i . 'i i , ii I . n I . I H .. I me to ... 1 I . " let Ol,! I fot O l I . ) ! Pill ., n 1 i ' I ii ( i lit lot fOtll' ,lbl tit tri. nil. i ii I, Xhi I I a-lilr. sses Ii I h ChrUt r,.ii.-. r't I So grent Is the faith of the American Red Cross In the American people that no quoins have been nssli;ned to lied Cross Chapters for the enrollment of members In the I!ed Cross Christmas ltoll Call. I'ltlversal membership Is the jroal. Chapters are limited only hy the number of people In their Ju risdictions. The IIoll Call will be Mu lshed only when every available per son, without regard lo ime or sex, has been enrolled. Children nmy join only through Hie Junior lied Cross Auxilia ries, mid their Membership dues lire twenty-five cents u year. The chief film In eiirollliifj Is not to rtiNe money hut to Increase the membership. Spe cial empluisl i Is laid upon the regular membership at Sl.oo per year, but prlv llefe will he then to enroll as a Con trllttiiiiiK Mouther lit $.Yoo, Suslnlniii Memi.er at Jlii.tM, Life Member at $..ti) or Patron at $lini.on. if W I I ' : I lg 111, ,1,1 ,,., l.t- tll., II 11 1., I I. I ll , I ,. i, HP -II tl . I ' ll en o i, k u . I Mil H , ell in, .1 ,li. , . 't.,,1 il .l l I - -V I p.'... el! i.U, Tfc,. fie i.. I iiim I14V0 " I" n i my ,,, , n 1 1 ' K It I,. ,,,,. . i i - hi I ...mi if i "...I ii.,r.., mil. ti I 'll I. -1 i...mr. l,r I I il ll I Maul I,, I,,, lii.l i'ihh la (h b.al 7H.; CLIMAX TO VICTORY. liurliu; (he week before Clirlsttn.-is the entire American pie m III btiv.- the pihiie; f !lti,lei;t, ; (J,,. ;,., Cross Chr.sMiias Koli Cull, '11,,. re siotise ei, Id roar il-n. . -i. tit" Pm. M 1 1 ll II 1 1 n ; t -. 1 1 1 1 i ' I 1 1 -1 u i i I .,; ini,.' - -, to l'-e ll. I -i,.. t! ,. !,, ... . ,,f ,,. , ! II II P'll' of ',. , .ii l! ,, ! th, j foie l-e t!, ,-!,!, i, ,,f An,, . ,i I I i Imu imd i:i " i M .., I a lo-'l iii. i. ! -!. ;- . , ,,. o! , .: Il, Ihe i .-liMis !;.n, .-s. I M . ;, I , Ctoss w.i,! is :. m ..,.,., of I', e i Am. rti nit j o i .. i: , rt,, ,. lev . Illld a I- il t. l.l ll . i hnie Ihe lili.li. s s'.oii, !,, ,, in ,,. , j,., f S11r. fel'tie p. oj-l,. el. fill I, of,. I'll's.i. Ill V INnli liiols Ihe l.s oi .- nn, pn-. Bloln; 111.- lni s.ie, " muuti.oH you lo 111 Cotlilllil, slop." One "in I iVosa litif,,. w rli,. ; llf Klltp Hi ito-it f,i. k , ill ni l-i .', .in II,.- i.,iit.ii. t ut f I" l,p I ... a ni tt,v ftoni .rt i-a tll-il, tti.-n If la irf I H II, I u ... i an ,. Ii..ir ti, . 'Ii'i, I,, ll lot eur It- lei I 1 1. il lo p at -l . i.i ,V J lis.M Ullt iK.lfc ' ' -'I I'.. RED CROSS 8CH00L FOft B0Y3. -i, Tin' Alnerliiin Ilisl Cr. !,,-, eatnl. I llshed H liiiiiiiiul Im'tilti,- . i,, f,,r , llfltfiun Imi at ntilrii, s iirrr'.mnl. FEACE MAKES ' GREATER NEED t I'e .-. will e. t , - !-. .,.,1 of ;. I Co , a I.! .f ,,. : On " '."a''.', 'he I . of , !- ,i- ' - t , l j , ' ., ri- I i e f r n... I,, -I i v, . .. . j i ' in . . ' ' . :. tin ! . ! ' . ..it lo . 1 i I'.. ' I a . I lli I I ,' o 'a ,.. !. M,- in . i , i 't,... I ..To. ' He I-- . , let h m ; a ,- I, alioll' 1 io . . . i ! . : t!,,- i;.s i r,.. t ;,t a i A, ;, ,i fnii. Christmas Super tii!c?.s in Homes of (kr ,4.1 lies - OK the new world and the Modern customs i;ro al ways deeply li.ierosti'.l in any iiin-lul lo ii -m ,,r in;-V-T.a: t;!:int e, isn:s ol il.,.. -i',:i;''i,'s acr- o. he ... or.. J'oriicio..f!y ti.-iv,. it;,. !;;:l:iii rf . .-. laml i,i.-: ! ,, ... ... j i; . , .;, . 1,1. bee;, ti ,. ; . , ,,u? - . , ,., ,.;,,.-, t,:. lallil in -:;,.m' ot Hi,- a;.ia. ,,i ,;i k; dial ', I, -..,,;;, of l.;i,;;vel,o ,i,i, ,-,,ire I'cceiiiiv lieeiiiivy ol tl.iil ptr't 10 jrlorliiusly t.pholii toil. i.v I i F; -m-o's noble so, is. aiiiI this 1 1 . . ! 1 1 1 ; , y tln'e linils us iiilli oai ey.s tun. oil ihllhcr waril l-'i' a mor,. pointm n a ion for there aunt many homes who cannot chin, i a Iher, u him or a brniher "over there.' And u is well to know some of thp boincly, weet little HUperstltions Wl4ch prcvull among the peonlo of our miles. in Hii.himi ami m Scotland the sny mK ,';oes that It Is unlucky for unyhody but a Diunetle to liist cross the thresh old on Christmas niormtij,. To bake bread on Christmas day Is .p'';;lsow,rlhy, and loaves baked then will never srinv i.mldy. In these times of scarcity of flour, the poor loaves do not stand half a chance to mold! Woo to the housewife who on this day funs a i.mi;res.. It bodes III lucx tor the v. nolo year. A -it ii-i'siiiioii which loid Its o !u I', ' 'lire t. .,i..i us runt It Is 1 tit i ij aim ill !t;oU indeed not to llie i-..( s pioil 1,,,1'ttini anil the comple ; laents of the scasoii. tin Christinas eve ttie h.ves ure decorated with springs of !,re mid a bit of red ribbon. Tin also Kaid that bees sine; all iiIkIu on Christians eve. r,ut bees tire rather perpetual singers, unyway. , The Binceful trudltions prevnll, In norlhi rn lOu-'laim und Wales, that the birds mid beiisis have some mystic coniiei .ion with the .Nativity. Hence, the farmers unil landowners) purchase Mi-avis of ems fi-nm jitti,, iii,yS wjlo .nam bad wish ! sell them ns our boys sell holly. These i bundles are placed In convenient hijjh j places in trees and femes, that the j birds may partake. The cattle, sl.eep ;.'oais and even the pip, are nil Kiven. j double the amount ot 'ceilings on Chrislmas momiiiK. In I. yi ii;--. rrame, nt tile Koiunllinif fns,itiil a vei'j mi iy ctistotu is to u'ele.ime Ihe fit .--1 h.iby thai arrives ''" ;'i'"i-' ! :;,,ii--i - -a ;,c nbhimw! ,- ii'lle, padded nasi et soft cliillinn;. soiu .nide o.o -i i,,,. .,lV;i ,,i -uts, anr ar. fin m ieit ii a I'nis ilono in ,.r li.atnm o! t!: u.i ,.-!..-oino .;iven lo a Vce Ciiilrl oj lietulcutu M ceal -.tries apt, anil iien.Kll'al tiniu.'ht It is. !'i -"mi provinces in France it Is eonsl'ii-i'ot! Pan n;ek to cross u siriiuga ihi'esholti on Chi'istmas (lay. A Chrlstmat Wlreleis. Jo you and yours a w ireless Aloiitf th,. Ooil-vl! ne It brines a ClirlHtmns Kri-etlnir Willi luie Iioni me uuj mine. CltlUMtM SKUNK BLACK SHORT NARROW BROAD Liberal iisortmint HEAVY mVATC fi.to.c5fB NEADLCSS WINTER FALL 12.00 to10.00 8.50 to 1.50 1.00 to 6.00 4.00 to 3.00 li-!tl'.l4- ( 9.00 io 8 00 LOOto 6.00 5,50.0 4.75 M5to 275 NJlfU0C 1.50 to 1.00 5,15 to Ml 4.50 to 4.00 2.00 to 1.80 JrJ- ki.i.iik. ,. .i.A .f I i . ....... 1 -ai L" " " -'" ' If" " ' I'.'M . ...... .. ..,..- , . . .. I a ; . .. """""V1 T rmnnrr 1 ll 8.50 to 6.0G 5.00 to 4.50 3.T5 to 3.25 I.EOto 1.40 h I i-iiL ! r i,,ier E8.00to23.00 20.00to18.00 16.00to14.00i12X0to10.00 j22.00to18Xo!l8.Cato14.CO!1j.CO tolO.00 MO'o us; i.io to lio 2.15(0 2:5 2i0to m I.EOto 1i3i1.50to UO 8X0 to 1X0 1.30 to 1.10 1X0 to i3 6.00 to 2.50 4.00 to 2.00 3X0 to 1.50 l25tot.T5 !2.C0:o 6.00 8,00 to 5.00 US to .S3 iSto iO 2X3 to m 1.50 to .15 1.00 to .60 .50 to i5 - i ft . 3X0 to 2.00 2X0 to 1.50 .50 to .40 JSto ?5 THESE EXTREMELY HIGH PRICES QUOTED FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT FLAT.HAIRY AS3 D1M4GE0 AT HIGHEST "JSHETViiUE Ss:T D.0t3 ISD HUTS TMiistST CATCH 'EM - SKIN 'EM - SHIP 'EM We Want All th Oregon Furs You Can Ship SKUNK. COYOTE, MUSKRAT and aM other Fur-bcarers collected In your ieciion In strong demand. A hipmont to "SHUBERT" will bring you "more money" "Quicker " CET A HtlPMLNT OFF - TODAY. - Youll b mlht clad you did. T 2 ft