Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION yn Independent Newspaper rROriSSIONAL CARDS" Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Post.office as second-class matter. One Year TERM .3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. $2.00 Six Months Three .Months 50 ....$1.00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1918 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Northwestern National Insurance Company's, of Milwaukee, Wiscon sin, lire insurance policies numbered 107 to 3 25. inclusive, and grain in surance policies numbereed 5001 to 5050, inclusive, have been reported I burned in the conflagration fire at! Heppner, Oregon, which occurred on or r-.nout July 4, lais. i This is to notify any person or persons, wno may be holding the above policies that same are void and of no effect. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. N. E. L. Crow, Agent. 32-34 JUSTICE FOR IRELAND POULTRY WANTED date of first publication of this no tice. First publication this 3d day of December, 1918. LEE SLOCUM, 31d35 Administrator. BUDGET OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER $1,800.00 Marshal 1,200.00 Recorder 420.00 City Attorney 300.00 City Treasureer 100.00 Incidentals 2,000.00 Bridges aud Streets.:.. 4,000.00 I want Poultry of all kinds, alive The great questions of permanent peace and interna- or dressed; also Veal and Pork, win tinriQl Jiictir-o wViiVVi nrn conn n i-nmn nr frvr rnn ci A nra t i nn Pa7 the highest Cash market pricefor J L I nmn nnn talra nil vnii h it vex or anv i ....jit . i .... ii . . i i 1. -n ..ii i j aim seLtiemeiu ai uie peace tauie, arounu wmin win gauiui time. HENRY SCHWARZ, representatives of all the great nations of the earth, consti- Phone 636. Heppner, ore. lute some of the weightiest problefms the peoples of the vi ti mi v v-i v uuvvi l v.uii.iiuv.1 ujiu iJK i v v . i 111 mv. iiu "Ulna iii.ui.1. MVt, nid n n-w ILUCLluliailts NntlfP i howhv rlvpn that th. nn. of the junker class not all of whom belong in Germany, and dersigned has been appointed by the' all thinking men atrree that the on v permanent neace lhat County Court of the state of Oregon 7 J,"l' Juunl; 'i-u uii Miiuiw, aim unci nauun- tne estate of Mary E Morgan, de ai justice on tllC principles OX ine UOklen KUIC as cnutlCl- ceased. Persons having claims ited Ijv the man of (.allilee. the Prince of reace: "What- as;unst said estate must present ufw.vm- v,n 1,1 I W i L.rc Ar ..,. 1 , cnem propeny vermea to tne untier- , w " - ' "uv-" lllCm. I Simple, attorneys at law. in TTpnnnpr For the past four yearslhc world has stood aerast at Oregon, within six months from the ........ I Hi.tn fit'Ctt Tn hllinlinn P 1, J the atrocities ol which the people of Belgium, and l'rance and Serbia and Armenia have been the helpless victims. vciy civiH.c-u neaii-imou nas sent to tnese suiierers a wave of sympathy and succor. Many millions in moncv liave been contributed to relieve their necessities and to make more bearable their pitiful plight. J lie program for permanent peace which has been out lined bv President Wil son. and whirli line 1iorn tnoi.hr on ,lr,,-c-,r L, ii ir i . v... The following is the budget of the uuiscu uy ine auieu governments, contains as one of its cardinal principles the idea of a real democracy for the adopted by the Common Council for woiki a democracy based on mstice to all nations nreat U1 .dI iaiS- .,,1 ..nll ...u:..i ... mi-, Tr ? . L'Kht and water... u.... .ini.m uMvu i vviiiLii vai iui u nenmian. nine no nrin the Balkan states,, the Scandinavian countries and the smaller South American republics will be as secure in their national and international rights as are the greater nations which nave in the past posed as world powers, some of which at least, have conducted the linn 1W ".mVlvf m,L..c -:l,f " t T . V Total 9,820.00 "ul ucMiaimg, wnen tne By order of the Common Council wLiasiou ai ose, to oppress and mistreat their weaker neigh- J. P. Williams bors as a means of extending th fir own romiiifrrf nnrl AA I City Recorder, ing t otiieir national and indvidual wealth 1 f the ideals of democracy are to nrevail nnd if tor. rilll.oHl, fit II ... . . . . ..... ...ni.aui me vvuiiu war are not to nave ieen tono-ht in Nntic t hprPhv civPn that th tu: i t , , .. . . . r i - -- vain uiib nicoeviai uiea ot crushing the weak for the bene-1 Uoul y SuPeilnten1ent or Morrow fit of the Stronir must h :ib:.ii,l,,n,wl f,,- ll County Oregon, will hold the regular i . , . . . . alm L1"- examination of aDDlicants for State ii in ume it iii'iin i . . - i i i j ...v .,.,vr .m iiiniiii aim Linitiv in ine (leaiinfu r1 in inns ri.rtinnit nf tho n.,r hnu oa .-wl. ,.il,.. t i... e: i . i . . . " I..,. . ' ' v.iiii mini HiuM nf in 1 1 1 1 vt esianiisiied ionow: i in the readjustment of world affairs the Irish m- T' Wednesday, Dec. is, lion must have consideration. Km- nn-K- -7rv ,-,.no u,A I... ,.. V..." n, , . I'l J Vill J UK. I UIUIIIIS UI1UI DtllU I u.ty , JJfL', i. 1,1 .1 i a , vui (ii i iu- IIISI1 H'ODU' have heen in:inv I u. t- l,.-,l at 4:00 n, m. have been gievioiis. their hislnrv h:. lw,.., ;., I.I i Wednesday Forenoon Ih.'ir vniMrc J,, ........ I.' . , L. S. History. Writing (Penman . ' "".-'. i .uiiiinj aim iiesuiance have been their portion, cruelty and oppresion has been their wa 'e Since the year 1 1 7-1. when Kngland's ar'mv of invasion first landed on the shores of the Kmcrald isle, centuries have passed during which Hie Hun atrocities in Krance and Bel gium, now fresh in the memory of the world, alas, too oft en found a counterpart in the lot of the Irish race.' Their lands were conliiscacd, their homes destroyed, their in d.usines wiped out, their people were hunted and killed like beasts, their leaders imprisoned and hanged. Time and again they were beaten by superior numbers but tlnouKh all that wretched history they have never been con.uered. 1 1,0 same indomitable spirit of optimism, the ;.a:ue love nf hberty and hcedo,m and cnlightment and pro gress that made ancient Ireland in the early centuries of 'lie Uiiimi.u. era the center of education and culture and iel,-i,,n fur the world as well as the schoolmaster for the u.Huttured states of all Kurope is Mill a marked charac leiiMic ot the race. ... i '. . . . Vim .e..pie an.l , the approaching readjustment of ; . r.:iue ui.iM, ,ne approaching readjustment of the Will' lit ri I ni t ii..... .I.....I I i . t. ' "S' "e Kiven the oppuitumt v of i i., ' i iiiii own (lesiniv in their own land I III It OW ; v. I I . . I .' . . . . . . I in iiiucn in rel.iu TEACHERS EXAMINATION and 111 Ml. l'i I'-er.l day ju-i ice aiul l v 'th I'miiT tin ay hi. in a ii aMMV. ' ' !'' ing t hai debt . .... i ... . . - " IM p. ,.ll V' ill,- incurred in (he e.nlv i,., I'lliiTS ol i i 111 ,-:il i,.ii -i it. I ... in .in, .ii 'I iiil I,;. I. I. i . .. ' , ' " ",l " ' ""'iny oiis Willi m.ui in "''MiiK uie i.in-er .. uiikuoNvn . . . , i . . i . t . ... . ... i in- n. i II wilil Ho I ,!es o I .11-1.11! land ;,i,d '.Ill'ailC I.iiIiIn. i:iiii,-.l uroie north and MUiih. i . . u r wil.uigiie.ss to consider the i.i s e i esM-, ' l u v ion ;i i i 1 1- 1 1,- i .... i . .. j I . ; i -"-v ....v...,i,e. i! leuiaiils he V 'yj ll.'u.v anddemocraev from other con,, - ' !' esentcd time lo take 1U h s,,,s as illMlr, ' "' "Hl.m, out of ex.,,-. ,.,;. .. .... . UU. . ,,..... in .in iui , ills ;i j; , 1 -UtluiU'i.t lul.u.d .sh.,11 leeene l;er pcoph's. in j,, lull sh.ne. fliip). Mti:dc, Drawing. W ed n eHdii y Afternoon, l'liysiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Sci ence, Methods In Heading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Ar ithmetic. Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic, HlHtory of Education, Psychology, Method in Geography, Me.-hanlcal Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. I Thursday Afternoon. Crnmmar, Geography, Stenogra- liv. American Literature. Physics, "vi'.'wrltlng. Methods In Language, Tli-tls for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon. T ory and Practice. Orthography (sV"ing), Physical Geography, En-' llsh Literature, Chemistry. j Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, llotany. j Saturday Afternoon. GeniTiil History, llookki'i ping. Very truly ymiis. J. A. ciiriu iiu.L. Sup.-i inli nil. -nt nf P.ililU- In tructlon :i:-:i:i r. wki'.k.-" MorTi'.ACt: com'or,- ATo ' v . 'i w ..nt t ' i S iiiimv i.'n"V on .;r l.iv.-itoi-k. Won LUi.-ity ! "ii ! i, t.,!U w lih niir I...-. 1 bank ii " ill ur ti-niiM and , vh-e, or v. ' ! t i i . ilo t T'i war Is ovr nml want to In Ip you do our part In t;.!!n o:ire of t!n i .-.-.'n-iriu 'lon. whi. li !( our n At i:;r:t duty. I'OU I'l.AMi OltF.GOX 31.1(3 $500 REWARD $500 i" ''" niiv , v. n i i v ill The Farmer Receives More Than Five Thousand Dollars a Klinute From Swift & Company This amount is paid to the farmer for live stock, by Swift & Company alone, during the trading hours of every business day. All this money is paid to the farmer through the open market in competition with large and small packers, shippers, speculators and dealers. The farmer, feeder, or shipper receives every cent of this money ($300,000 an hour, nearly $2,000,000 a day, $11,500,000 a week) in cash, on the spot, as soon as the stock he has just sold is weighed up. Some of the money paid to the farmer dur ing a single day comes back to the company in a month from sale of products; much does not come back for sixty or ninety days or more. But the next day Swift & Company, to meet the demands made by its customers, must pay out another $2,000,000 or so, and at the present high price levels keeps over $250,000,000 continuously tied up in goods on the way to market and in bills owed to the company. This gives an -idea of the volume of the Swift & Company business and the requirements of financing it. Only by doing a large business can this company turn live stock into meat and by-products at the lowest possible cost, prevent waste, operate refrigerator cars, distribute to retailers in all parts of the country and be recompensed with a profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound a profit too small to have any noticeable effect on the price of meat or live stock. Swift & Company, U. S. A. GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 926 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 5226. Oil. K. J. VALGHAX DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. XOTSOX ATTOKX EY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon Dn. N. E. WIXXARD PHYSICLiX & SURGEON Heppner ' Oregon Ult. A. D. McMUKUO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSOX & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW ill hiii.iiiiiMiiminW VjiRJy "y Heppner SAM E. VAX VACTOH ATTOKX EY-AT-LAW . Heppner Oregon Oregon n VI V Watch paper for dates Oil. J. G. TUUXEU EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon tegular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUXSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WHITEIS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, LOAN'S, Heppner Oregon NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TOTHE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Following Is a schedule showing the installment dates for all bonds not paid In full at the time of the subscription, together with the per centages of the subscription due on the dates specified: November 21, 1918....20 December 19, 1918....20C?. .ian-:ary 21. 1919 20:'r January 30. 1919 SO1,! Kindly preserve thin schedule for future irf.-ieni'e. We iii'kc all nulnrrll" is buyinc bnnd:i on the Installment plan who have not t; k ''ii rate of their Ni.vem-tn-r lst payment to do rn nt oi.rc. Prompt payment !. i.-iiiri'd by tin'' C.ovi-rrtnrnt isnd it Kr-atly Medi tates our work In liandiiiu t':e sub-n-t ip':. on. It !: your p-' iotic duty to meet your ; iaeiiti when d;i-'. ltivp.-ct fully. K r-t National ll.mk ef Ileppm-r. port of bis application and cworn Etateiuea tha 20th day of Jan uary, 1919, bs.'ore C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before patent ' issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN. Register. E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN House wiring a specialty. Heppner Oregon Phone 633. BOWER'S SHOE HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS, Prop. I use modern machinery methods. HEPPNER, OREGON NOTICE roit PUBLICATION m:; rriii.it wins that :-oi. i. I . r Wll- L- B.1- In t'i'lll UiV v- ' 'I V. i , . . , . i ,,. V'"h ' 1' I' -1 ..! . , . . , ' '' II' r imI. I , , .1 I n re ..( 1 , .,, , s ' 1 ' I: nl' Sr.h'MMU.i ;;, Ml r l is.; ll.l-l... ! .i-..l, '.it a l. -tlal. I ol r.te II"'! .1 .oi- '.-. ! .1 ' .1! V ..f ! ., , ,., f,,;,. Sl,n.'i: h iii i;, i y civrv ,,,, t.-.- .. .,.. . ,., f. ,. . r n . ,n I... ., .. , r iia , ,.,,,.,, fii,. " ' 1 '"' I ! N.iti..n .1 n. k ... i ivi.-r I r t i "l !!' 'ti. I V. I .... I , ... ... i., ii. .... .... 'ir- t in i.. . . . ' i" r nrr ...tl )..... ,H.. v..,, ,,.r,. ,,., I'"'- I '!.. he, .,.... ,'..'lr"" T.f Jtx;" 1 NT. " ' iii"-- mi.l in, nv (I ..nil : " 1 1 -m i f ,, .!. I., '..r ' ' ' ,,S - ' ;t Ml' Wl.l n.. .inn 1. 1. I, ,,,,.), ,.,) iin.-e' ' '" i'"" t h.! .1: i... i... m, '''' I -'' -t- In -i-t!..n.t j i t.- ti .i.,ii. n ,.r .' a i.-n I-H..1..I ..'Mi., will lie Ii. I.I nt '"' '... i i , I. -,1 ,,.... i., i t .!.' t-i'M-. 't t.p ti.- t,l(i,.,,,- .1,1,, .Ii Tue. day morn-1 ' " 1 tin J.ms Kit k Y ImtUiid for mtermint. I '''d M 3.1 .1 it , f iv. ,. i,.,r , , , . ... . .,, 1 ' ' - " i" i i." i, nie r I i y i.i, I.- ... ;tni nt of Hi" liter-..-. I'. f Land H'llen nt La iraii.l.'.inenon, Orto! ,r 1 . 1 US. Nn; hi hereby r. I.iim i-..i; w'n -.r.-iH ! I'.;... r i' the T ! "i 'Y 'f J I u. : tl'H -. u-e n-'oii i ' t a". I ap- pl'e;i !i. No ''."'. to pur !i.iie in.. sr, i I !.-i ti -! 1 1 , T" I i !.!! t i..iil;.U.itil.i r . Will.ni.. t ' :. n. und I'll, t - 1 er tll.-le. n. i-n.'.er the p'o i it' nf the n. t of .'i re ?. 1?. I . m-. i-n I.itiirr, known " th ,-r an.l St.ne Law." r.t nich t :,. ; w -i ft i. "i. h f . 1 , :-, t vWr lhi re " h'lf I . . i ! p--.-i'-r. nt ITT '." !h ''"il.er "i. d nt ,1' O.iO t.-.-'.l fee! rt J! '1 prT M. Brd 'tl e 1. n! t7 th It !U ap- plirar.t elT.-r fnil proof !n nip- Department nf the Interior. U. S. Land Olllee nt La Orande, Oregon, November Sth, 1918. Notice U hereby plven that Vein 1". peamon, of Lena. Orrcon, who, on May ;5:h, 1911, made ho'r.eFtead en try. No. OUr.Tl. for PVi SW'i, Sec 12. NWi'i. X'J N K 1 i , and SW'i NK'i . ion 2", Town . hio 1 S..111I1, K.ini." 2'i Knrt. Wl'la-n. Me Mer'.'ii.n. has tiled notice of Intention to rial.e !hr.'-vrnr I'.onl', to ejitiilillnh claim t 1 the land aheie descrlbe-l. before ('. (' Patternoit, United Slate t'om I :!:'. lie-, at l:!.i o(T! . I't I!"pirier, Or. 1 n. on the th diy of Jantnry lli. ihaimint nnmes as wllnfuses: ('!::;. ant name a wlinepe-.-. Noah (I. Pettyjohn, of Heppner, Or.-rnn: Corse ,. Cn mm In sr. I.ivl I., lllatt. and Clia. A. Hinton. nil of I.rna. n.-.-.-on. C. S. DUNN. RcElntcr. 29 East Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts' amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fined by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, ' the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $440.00 the timber estimated at 300, COO board feet nt $1.00 per M, nml the !: nd $1 40.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof In sup port of lils 1 pp:ii.tion ail 1 sworn , it'ir.-nt on the 2l!'t day of .latiu- 10111. b.-fo-e C. C. P:'(le,sin, j''nlted Commissioner, at ; it, 1 r Or-.,n. A:".-.- f"'""n I" :.(. liberty to proent is l " le-fT" entry, or Initl ja' r ronie-'t nt anv time before f-at.-rt l-ii.., by fl'.lnir a corrobor ate,! r'fi liv t In this office. nllcRlnR .f:n-ts whlrli woiil.l r!..fvnt the ontry. I C S. DUNN. Regixter. NoTICi: KOU ITIJLICATION :H' l.-p.-tii'.nt ot the lnt-riot. U. S. I,. ' .! t')i. e at Li Cran i Ai Kon. 1 t r 21. IS IV No! I ! er. '.iv ; v n th.-t 7e" ' ..; , whoe t I'l il n' pil.iie" . . 1 . -, 1. Ot. i "n. ! .!. : the LI day . 1 J. V I'l-. in t'.' oft'.-' . i-t '.-- rt ( nd ri pll'-ntlon No. 1 I . . to f.ir.h.T..' th K's NK'. ffl-i.Nr,',, and SK' NWi. iSec-ti.-n 11, Townhlp 4 !outh. Runs NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Pepnr'mfnt of th Interior. V. S. i.iin.i n:;.rr f.l La firnnd.', On-con, fii-c 4th, 191V Notlm Is hereby clven that Waldo I.. Vincent, of I.i-m Oregon, who. on Aiilii.t "id, inn, ma.le ltom.rtead Knirv. No. Htn;, f,,r NE4, KH NV. and I'.', S,'i. Section 2. Tonn-ii p 1 South, tinnce 2 Ksst, iV;!l.im (.. M-r V.nn. h is filed notlr of Ititentl.n to make three-year Proof. 10 establish Halm to the land i''V eV'rrih.-.!. before C. C. Pntter .n. 1'nitel S'at.-s Cmoninloner, at his lfi e, at 11. Jpner, Or.-son, on !, r.ih day if Unt.u.iry. 1S19. "' i ,nt (1s5.Pi as witnesses; Arthur P Huch.-s, Mlrbeal Cur ran. Haf r. Cn.s-n. and Mark T. (entry, n' of l.en.i Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register