Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 10, 1918, Image 4

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    Heppner Herald
S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher
- - An Independent Newspaper - -
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoifice as second-class matter.
One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00
Three Months 50
5SSXvvv Slippers .huwjyK :
Pet's p.vjfuV AvcejLo ja3aTvi4
Hjut vjcut tvllOKYislm.as's
Ubs surllao 900c! to last!-
That Heppner is getting in line to take her place
mong the most progressive cities of Oregon is evidenced
by the fact that a delegation of live wires and leading cit
izens are to leave for Portland this evening to take part in
the organization of a state wide Chamber of Commerce.
That th CSC men are fully alive tO the paramount need There Are None Whose Light Has Ever
ot this section ot eastern Urcgon is shown by tne iact mat : shone so Far as the Light
in outlining a development program for Oregon, the ad
option of which they will urge at the Portland meeting,
they have given irrigation first place, with the John Day
project, no doubt, uppermost in their minds.
I hat thy gentlemen composing Heppner s delegation
of Christmas.
Of all the radiant days of the year
there are none whose light has ever
shone so far as the light of Christ
mas. For nearly two thousand years
it has shone wilh n lk'ht flint ennld
are alive to the truth of the old proverb, "In Union there never be quenched, and it shines today,
is strength," is made clear by their announced intention ser('ne and flilr Q(1 steadfast, even
CO-operatlon With the delegates of Lmatllla and Ull- ening clouds of man-made human con-
iam counties in outlining and carrying forward develop- diet, says an exchange.
ment work in which the three counties have a common in- ! For tt thousand years before the
. ,.,,. I Christian era the Hebrews were look-
Am i, 1 , , , tt Ing forward to the light of Christmas.
I his Sort of Spirit IS all that IS needed to make Hep- They saw the golden age before1 them
pner one of the very best little cities in the northwest be- when the Christ should come, and their
cause f the spirit of progrss is present in; a community it S 5 T?tZ
is bound to find expression and realization in action and he came; and since then the whole
results. world has been looking both backward
Ten mini, ili-oovin nllnc o ,-o A nmlnl o A Kir tl, ' ' I i 0nd f OrWttfd tO the light Of Christmas.
i.i . . ,) i-iii i a ri Other days we have that are dear
uuiu mijiih, as uehcnueo uy j. vuney, a l)lOimneni to the human heart, but Christmas is
business man of that city the other day when in a public a 1111,0 irer than ail other days to
address lie nointed out a few of Port and s eve s iortcf.ni- U1(! ",im 01 Bwn-Ui n women,
' and Intinllely dearer to the hearts of
l"h- . the children. The light of Christmas
While, oJ course, Heppner is not in Portlands class shines for them ail the year round.
in Hip mailer of kicking about lliimru we dionM rrm.vlv Th,,y lmrk hiiok t0 tne Jvs of the
t . . . , . , , , , t , , . . ' . Christmas that Is past, and they are
ourselves it is an open secret that a little more of the beat- ulwiiys ,()()klng forward t0 the light
lie or Pendleton spirit wouldn't hurt us a bit, and a few of the Christmas that is to come.
of Mr. Currcy's observations are worth reprinting for the Christmas is the day of days to ail
consideration of all Heppner citizens. Here they are: " "that
J Ins city is always yelling that Seattle gets every- Christ took a little child and set him
thing. The reason Seattle does get things is because she ln tl,e ml(lst of llls disciples, saying:
is always on the job. Wc could get things also it we ,, ,.,; , " hZr - ' J
would only go after thein in the right way., Protests has- rich in faith and hope and expecta
ed on the grounds that the government is favoring some tion8 At,(1 ims of this faith and
other locality are given little consideration in Washington.
"The city that goes after things is the city that gets
llk'in.but we cannot expect our congressmen and senator;,
to go after all these things; but they can help and will help.
They have soinel liitig else to do than to run around to the
different departments ever)' time some civic body passes
resolutions. The best and most recent illustration of how
you (.;.n get things in Washington if you know how is the
way approval was given to the Warm Springs project. ''i"tf had the heart of u liuie child
It would never have been approved had the usual flood of
protests from Oregon gone in, but the people who were
liandlingit were wise to the methods, they knew thejr sub
ject, knew what they wanted and where to get it, knew the
benefit it would be, and they just loaded Congressman Sin
nott to the neck with facts ami then backed lifin up when
he appeared before the capital issues committee. .lr. Sin
not t was so well emiiped that he won the committee, and
I want to say right here that while 1 have never met Mr. I
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Morrow
bounty Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for State
Certificates at the court house, as
Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 18,
1918, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. and con
tinuing until Saturday, Dec. 21,1918,
at 4:00 p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon.
U. S. History, Writing (Penman
ship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon.
Physiology, Reading, Manual
Training, Composition, Domestic Sci
ence, Methods in Reading, Course of
Study for Drawing, Methods in Ar
Thursday Forenoon.
Arithmetic, History of Education,
Psychology, Methods in Geography,
Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
Course of Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon.
Grammar, Geography, Stenogra
phy, American Literature, Physics,
Typewriting, Methods in Language,
Thesis for Primary Certificate.
Friday Forenoon.
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling), Physical Geography, En-
lich Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon.
School Law, Geology, Algebra,
Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon.
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon.
General History, Bookkeeping.
Very truly yours,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
hope and expectulion the children are
always looking forward to Christmas,
sreliig Its light, and anticipating ita
Joys. And so, whatever else we do, let
us make the children happy on Christ-
inns. Lot us help them to understand
the iiii-aning anil the spirit oi' this day
of loving and giving, and ax far as In
li.i lies, let us nil bei'oiui' as lillie chll
diva nn ('luiiniaw day, remembering
that he who gave us Ihe Christmas,
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
October 8, 1918.
Not Coal Land
Notice is hereby given that Nor
man G. Florence, of Heppner, Ore
gon, who, on April 8, 1914, made
Homestead Entry No. 013099 for
NE14 SW14, NV4 SEi and SE
SE14, Section 3 5, Township 2 South,
Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian
has filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
C. C. Patterson, United States Com
missioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on
the 5th day of December, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John McCullough, David McCul
lough, B. B. Kelly, George Krebs, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
C. S". DUNN, Register
926 Chamber of Commerce Building
Phone Main 5226.
Permanently located in Oddfellow'8
Heppner, Oregon
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, administrator of
the estate of Mary E. Morgan, de
ceased. Persons having claims
against said estate must present
them properly verified to the under
signed at the office of Woodson &
Sweek, attorneys at law, in Heppner,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of first publication of this notice.
First publication , this 3d day of
December, 1918. 1
31d35 Administrator.
there will be a meeting of the stock
holders of The First National Bank
of Heppner, Oregon, on the second
Tuesday in January, 1919, (January
14th, 1919), between the hours of
10 a. m. and 4 p. m. of said date for
the purpose of electing directors and
for. the trans-action of such other
business as may legally come before
said meeting.
W. P. MAHONEY, Cashier
Dated this 3d (lav of Decembor.1918.
Department of the Interion, U. S.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon
October 8, 1918.
Not Coal Land.
Notice is hereby given that James
T. Morgan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on
May 22, 1914, made Homestead En
try, No. 013357, for NVi SE, S
NE, NW14 NE14, SEi4 NWVi
and NEi,i SW, Section ll.Town-"
ship 2 South, Range 28 East, Will
amette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to m,ake three-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before C. C. Patterson,
United States Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of
December, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses.
Gussie E. Ayers, Charles A. Hinton,
Floyd M. Duncan, Arthur P.
Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register
Office in Roberts' Building
Heppner Oregon
Heppner Oregon
DR. A. 1). McMURDO
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Heppner Oregon
tieppner Oregon
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at La Grande.Oregon,
October 21, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that Wil
liam G. Culick, whose post-office ad
dress is Heppner Oregon, did, on
the 24th day of June, 1918, file in
this office sworn statement and ap
plication, No. 019235, to purchase
the E SE and SW SEVt.
Section 11, Township 4 South, Range
29 East, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the pro
ons of the act of June 3, 1878
acts amendatory, known as the
iber and Stone Law," at such
v . as might be fixed by apprals
m and that, pursuant to Buch
at plication, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised at
$377.50, the timber estimated at
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TOTHE 305,000 board feet at $1.50 per M,
Watch paper for dates
Portland Oregon
Regular monthly visits to Heppner
and lone.
Heppner Oregon
, Licensed Graduate
Phone 722 (Day or Night)
Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
Office Phone Main 643
Residence Phone Main 665
Heppner Oregon
Rise, happy morn! Rise,
holy morn!
Draw forth the cheerful
day from night.
O Father, touch the east
and light
The light that shone when
hope was born!
Sinnolt and would not know him if 1 would meet him, I '
k.uJ Imd out in ashington that he was the man and the
.:. man whose ability pulled over the Warm Springs pro- ftaTlft Anfl Mavfco Nnt
j . l, the press agents ol other politicians to the contrary. Udu' llUidJfUC HOI
"Let me urge that if Washington doo something that Th. nmi
just doesn't suit u, don't go oil ami tile a protest, but
look at yoiii selt to learn the cause of your own disappoint
ment. Astoria has a line reputation in Washington de
partments. I.iltle Astoria is not yelling because she does
not gtl .shipping or coaling boats, but in W ashington she
is know 11 as ihe tow 11 that is doing things, i'or in v a -hii-g
li'ii it is known that Astoria has already comp'uud lis
grain elevators, is now going ahead unit a big dry di.ek.
.in 1 e.i--ing ils vvhariage ami a lot of other things. ',.e.
when Astoria does get sloping don't yell that site has been
lavoied. lor she ha in. I, lor the only favor she has is the
tavur she has done herself by going ahead.
"The Iact thai Seattle and the whole slate of W.t-I;
iugltii have taken up plans i,,r 1 ecoiist 1 net ion vvoik aie
known in Washington and hue we have started n ..il;:ng.
The laet that Seattle stalled out tight at he close of the
war and with l acking liom Tacoma and Spokane, has al
ready well under way the jd.ui to sell Sloo.ixvux m wot ih of
state bonds to put to use idle stale laud, build roads, estab
lish irrigation ptoj,. is and develop water p. .wet, lias siam
ped Seattle not onlv in Washington, but t hroiiehout the
was very fntr tn set.
east as
g" gc
t 'em kid', and that is the th
t:ia', l
the war business.
coaM leat tied it out t lie w ;,r
cattle Is takiui a.lv aul.u e . .t
cnies al.'Ug ..!, !
going to count in this ailet
" I he Lest les, .n 1 H. u , v
vv .is how to sell In. nds, and ;
thai lesson. Now if the gi.v 1
matches .catties S 1 1 . m k i.k h i f,.r ti coiistt uctii.n vvoik. do
n.-l vi 11 and m iid a pioie-t oif t. Washington, but m;
pinch yoiiiselt and tctuember that l'otli.ind and theg. n
have been lagging behind the ti ctist 1 net ton wotk wag. tt
Seattle may 1 1 t know what site is going to d v t;h the
Sl,m,mi..m., ami she has s,,;;u. u d, dteanis. but she is g,.
ing t have it, so when thete is somthing to do site will
be ready and you will Imd that I'tnlc S.iiumv will be with
Hut maid, and not lm lun-d 10 follv.
Blm simoiI lirhind I he cliruunaj tr
Ami uravrly hurm a wrrath of holly.
Ilmmi'lf c'"rJ lliri, by chanca, and
llrr all alone, and (tralnhtwar Iln
An.l ah, n ho hn.t bon trnmiull-pahnw!
nnaim at i.m m..i tMiitfr-!lnj(freU!
Thi mini li'ion huna- uvi-rlieinl,
it think I auUI tun In. ill tii fair?)
Hit !' .r lr;nnt, h.T lln via rJ.
Ah. I html., .mm KitKi.-ti.sl i,, h.-r h.nr.
Tin tr'- KIM hut;.-. 1!i- two .f hid
Ha tun. ril unit Lit l.'r.'-y,.
T! . m .l.l i very tM'i. h. ilrar.
Mm r.tn artny kiii, i!i-,ki .t :,.iiu;n'
'Twlxt an,-, r nn.l tl m,. ti i.f r ir,
Tim a "II ,.f tl l.n li r...i .,.iit.
si,.- I..! 1 ii.-r .1- in, .! ir;. ii.l. 1 in Imard,
.. p i.illlv. r nl l.oUv l.iinw H;
'th.' 1-,. ii.- wi.iti-.it i n .I.. I irrr.t
v .1. in-.tr, .nut niiii.l- tm iln. . -t to view
Ilitn. If Kan lltrrn, rr.il;'.'. til ;lo.im,
i.iil h.. M il ali K-ii'l t.i pitl
Tin lm' 1 1. -ton I! Kitx.'ii I'l.'ioii
t 11 i'..iui:.-. (or t!i..n in i. i. 1,1 ana;
An, I .! llinl i.i h i".a rill oh. I hid.
And a 01 m .t 10 tarry T-Vra.
- ltr.i(r. n tl.irry. In N.-w V"t., Tlnina.
Lt'.tinj lha Ncighbori f.ft It
'Mr. taut, 1 ry .,,. Mi,. 1, ih.ry II
p. art tin kiii.n t,.r 11 I In .'mil rf-
tit . r. -loiit I., I Mr, 1 w.. I
"Ti- lo in I 11'-,. -it It." im n il Mr.
IM. I '.:.'. " i, ! if .!, fr t.
r.-k. I i'h s.,) ,',,', Im, u n 11
Iri.nt ln-:.w . f tli Ir n 11! irtit In
iiinl 'f n li.illv vtri'.eli."
Following is a schedule showing
the Installment dates for all bonds
not paid In full at the time ot the
BUbHcrlptton, together with the per
centages of the subscription due on
the dates specified:
November 21, 1918....207r
December 19, 1918....20
January 21, 1919 20
January 30, 1919 30
Kindly preserve this schedule for
future reference.
Wo urge ull subscribers buying
bonds on the Installment plan who
have not taken care of their Novem
ber 21t pnyment to do so at once.
Trompt payment is required by the
Government and It greatly facili
tates our work ln handling the sub
scriptions. It Is your patriotic duty to meet
your payments when due.
First National Hank of Heppner.
MOliTOAlili COHl'OK-
and the land $120.00; that said ap
plicant will offer final proof in sup
port of his application and cworn
BtaUmen the 20th day of Jan
uary, 1919, be.'ore C. C. Patterson.
United States Commissioner at
Heppner, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protect
this purchase before entry, or Initi
ate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit In this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry.
C. S. DUNN. Register.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
November 8th, 1918.
Notice Is hereby given that Vern
F. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on
Mny 25th, 1914, made homestead en
try. No. 013371. for 8V SV4.See
22. NW4. NH NEl, and SVVt
NEVi. Section 27, Township 2 South,
Range 29 Fast. Willamette Meridian,
has fild notice of Intention to make
If you want to borrow money on
....... t :...,l.,..k UV...1 nr I.ISnrtv I
ll,.n,l,.,lk wi'.h your local bank j hr-ycr froof. to establish claim
torm an.l service, or o... , ,.,, ,.,r0
v . t . 1 aueraon. 1 mien Mates 1 om
inNsliiner, at his office, at Heppner,
6 Roberts Building
Heppner Oregon
At Lexington every Tuesday and
House wiring a specialty.
Heppner Oregon
Phone 633.
C. V. BOWERS, Prop.
I use modern machinery methods.
about our
'.vrite to in direct.
1-1... ... ,n Id m-iir nmi uo tti.tlt til
t.!n , u ,l vour ..art In Inking care ! V' on th S,h lU ,,f Ji,mi;ir'
i.f tin1 rici'iis.iu
next great duty.
tloti. vliich lit our
"noi h i: 1 on rrm.i-'ATios""
Mentty Pc.
'Tt t. i - I .1 ,n, bo
1 mill tlo ini-il. t.H. 1 r. t. n l tli f don't
k in v In r. tto jr art-."'
"t 1 ! '1 ! ' r. p!".s th.. hr.irtl. -. i jnlc
lli.) d anon In a J:" If f.-ilow
cauie al. i jj ttU a lwr- !,'
Nirtl.vt I'-tiTn Nutiiitiul lnimr.inre
fVtiil'.iny's. of Milwaukee. VV'iscnn
alti. lite Inatiriiiwe pultelea numln'red
107 to 115. IncluM-e. unit main In
surance policies tnimbi'i eed f.oul to
fiit Till, Ini'luaHe, have been repitfteil
liiinie,! tn the c.ititlai-t atlim tire at
llei'tni' r. On :.n. which occurred on
or rli.Mit July I. l'M
Thia l notify imy petnn nr
eriin. ! I'mv be hi. Id nit the
lilmxe ..'M. ie that a.ime .lie Mud Bll.l
i.f 110 if i"1
si r. v.;i: COMPANY
i.f Milv..inkee. VVI . .r in
n v. t. cro. vi.ht n ; n 4
I t t l Tli Y W ANTKI
I Wi t.t Ptuttltr of all kind. ntUa
01 .l!.ie,; alan Veal an.l Pink. Will
pay the tnthet cah tnaiket ptlc-for
urn rd take all y.u have at any
time lir.NRY !Si"1IVV.t;Z.
fUone Hrppner, (ire.
Clalmntit name an witnesses;
Claimant mimes as vitnese:
Noah Ci. Pettyjohn, of Heppner,
Oreiton: (feorce A. Cummlngs, Levi
L. Illatt. and Ch.ts. A. Hinton. all of
Lena, Oregon.
C. 8. DUNN. R.-RlMer.
$500 REWARD $5C0
Notice Is hereby riven that I v lll
fry ti revar-l f j.e Hunilred dol-
rl.ev.le: r-tefne :hne atdno cah
at)t lahl t"vh ; rca t; d o
lars ($5,100 on) fr the arrest of
Department of the Interior, L". S.
Land Office at La Grande.Oregon,
October 21, 1918.
Notice Is hereby Riven that Zetta
Ilroinan, whose post-office address
is Lena, Oregon, did. on the 3d day
of June, 1918. tile In this office
sworn statement and application. No.
019194. to purchase the K , NK'J,
SV'4NK'.. nn.l SE'4 NVV',, Sec
tion 11, Township 4 South, Range
21 East, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the pro
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and act amendatory, known a the
Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be ftved by apptalse-
nent. and that, pursuant to such
application, the land ami timber
vbgkk m'n hv' h'''n I'Pr,lU,,'l l
'he timber estimated at
I. rs (',.Mi.M.) for the I'.tr.st and " ' n-,", ,,''' '', " ('n P'T M.
and the Irnd $14". On; that hM ap
pllrant win t.ffer final r....f In sup
port of hl irp'.lc; tu.n arl sworn
statement on the 21t ,).,r 0f jan.
ary. 1911. before C. C. Patterson.
United .!Me Commissioner, at
ppn. r. Oreeon
Any person la at liberty to protest
th; purchase bef tn mtry. or Initi
ate a contest at any time before
patent ls.. by f,iinit , normhor.
atnd arfiiUvtt in tt,, 0ffiri AHeEin
farts which would defeat th entry
C 8. PUNS. Itetlster.
coi. (i t .i n oil) ;-ny pe-snn or t 't"rs
ste.ilm" any of 1 ,y in;e or entile
ft "111 l.y pastures or fnvn the r.m.e
Stock t run.tcd ii, tfoIIw: llor
. s. JK connected i n ritht stm iMer
eariin-s and 2-. cir-ohls, bar ovnr
JK conmi ted on rlht hmM r.
Ca'tie. JK ronr.ict.il on left Mp
and side. Yearling and 3 )ear-o.,
bar over JK o.ntiec:..,; on left Up
and sole
Heppner. Or,
luted at Heppner, Oregon, May 10,