II The highest hour of VICTORY and TRIUMPH the world ever knew in some way should be made one we all may long remember. Our complete stock of Xmas Goods may help you solve the difficult problem. For Ladies and Misses Diamond Rini?s Diamond La Valliers Diamond Brooches Diamond Ear Screws Solid Cold Brooches Cold Filled Cameo Brooches Solid Gold Beauty Pins Solid Gold La Valliers Solid Gold Hat Bins Solid Gold Kmhlem Pins Solid Gold Thimbles Solid Gold Bracelets Solid Gold Set Itinps Solid Gold Signet firings Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Watches Solid Gold Ear Screws $10 00 to $250 00 14 00 to 48 00 10 00 to 40 00 10 00 to 50 00 2 50 to 10 00 5 00 to 20 00 1 50 to 3 00 3 50 to 14 00 2 00 1 00 to 6 00 4 50 to 5 00 10 00 to 23 00 2 50 to 24 00 1 50 to 13 00 3 50 to 11 50 29 00 to 37 00 4 50 to 5 50 For Ladies and Misses Gold Filled Pieceless Ear Drops Gold Filled Bracelets Gold Filled Thimbles Gold Filled Lockets Gold Filled Beauty Pins Gold Filled Rosaries Gold Filled Bar Pins Gold Filled Brooches Gold Filled Fobs Gold Filled Bracelet Watches Gold Filled Umbrellas Gold Filled Silk Fobs ' Gold Filled La Valliers Gold Filled Hair Barettes Gold Filled Lingerie Pins Fpuntain Pens Styiographic Pens 1 25 to 3 00 2 00 to 7 50 25c to 2 75 " 2, 50 to 3 50 50c to 50 1 00 to 2 75 65c to 3 00 1 00 to 3 00 3 75 to 6 50 10 00 to 37 00 3 75 to 11 00 2 00 to 4 50 2 00 to 10 00 1 25 to 1 50 50c 2 50 to 10 00 1 75 For Gentlemen Diamond Tie Pins . 8 00 to 39 Solid Gold Tie Pins 2 50 to 7 Solid Gold Tie Clasps 2 00 to 2 Solid Gold Cuff Links 3 00 to 14 Solid Gold Emblem Pins & Buttons 1 00 to 6 Solid Gold Emblem Rings 5 00 to 18 Solid Gold Signet Rings 10 00 to 13 Solid Gold Vest Chains 12 00 to 2 5 Gold Filled Tie Pins 50c to 2 Gold Filled Cuff Links 80c to 4 Gold Filled Tie Clasps 75c to 2 Gold Filled Fobs 5 00 to 6 Gold Filled Waldenlar Chains 3 00 to 5 Vest Chains 2 00 to 6 Belt Buckles 2 75 to 3 Watches 16 00 to 60 Fountain Pens 2 50 to 10 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 00 25 00 00 75 00 75 75 00 00 For Children Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Set Rings Solid Gold Pendant Neck Chains Gold Filled Bracelets Gold Filled Ring Chains Gold Filled Pin Sets Silver Sets Bib Holders Silver Thimbles 75c to 2 75 1 00 to 2 00 1 00 to 5 00 2 00 to 2 00 to 1 50 to 2 50 to 5 00 4 00 50c 2 50 4 00 1 25 2 5c Silver Novelties Fancy Scissors, Hand Bags, Match Boxes, Elk Card Cases, Napkin Rings, Sugar Tongs, Individual Salts and Peppers, Souvenir Spoony, Etc. Some useful pieces aaid attractive patterns in Cut Glass and Hollow Silverware Ivory Py-ra-!in Toilet Ware De Luxe and a line of the late thing so Oregon Myrtle Wood Ware Yours for a Merry Xmas And a Happy New Year HEPPNER OREGON SANITY IN STATE ROAD BUILDING Tlnn' In r.n rviiirnt disposition to Klv 111" ti 'l j'i'a:' puvim; r..lltl;irt it:; coin;", ;m: 1 1 1 'O'liani'e writi'iH would put (. Tli.' 'V1. lu mil only iiitur at v n ; ;i-i oval or I : 1 1 1 i h it lias ; I m.my :i I nw .'. Th tn- (! r Mint ! r.ml the whole kit and "( ;,!n':il!e" ol' patent paxiiis im.r.ipn lv rlioiilil (. ilimiti.i: eil uitii ns liltlo i . ii. !! y :m i.i.-:,il)l i.i r-i,vh:i!i l. If told that t 'i i . i: 'I- ""i t of lei. is!, 1 1 ; . a a a I.. "ii. ": an to in. I lill.i of llir.if ll.'illU I'lo i .r. mr.i, ilium-, and we are .inland to lii.1 beli 'f till enteita'u the hope th:it tli" oilieni will follow s b mat t' r of riu:n:v. It peril U'h wo ild lir dllTi.'iiit to en-t.M-ih tn.it imiv one phut.,- of tho p u 'ill pa.'.:!; iiu.iuiuljf Is Iush de- .. iilo than another, but for mm 0''?i:i tlr.it lelles lui Micce.s on an iiti'irlv: rieilulty conunend uh In l!ie le:.-;..vr r -ntiacl. If there wan t a rl'.ii i vi heme fur t,ieMn: ii-inlii'; for notliiii", nrtl beini; .iiiv " I in. r I'le :iii'ttli.-;i of II. that : . Il ..li" I 1 i.i II III eil'l til In Oil! ..It' III HI X5fh v'f 1 t V . ' ,' . fX .1 i . i i . . r 'i i t . n v r .1 Gi l .. I'. 1 1 I ' I . 11 : I i,i l e i. -. , -'...-. I ;. ih .... i 'e .( II i ' . , i . ii t- : i' I ii ,i i,.l imi 'iin : i .H n : nut " ll. II til.' t .1 .u' II I U. -r lei ti e li.l.l.W ,iv .i ' ..I nut, el tt ti.'U II In. ill. I In n to . ! 'I nl V .'.11 - Km t til. I! i ill. mI in.- : il.i.ily iIii.ii t!.. the imlm: eem p.iin i i.e -pun i(..til tor i rn Uilllnlilll.i'k l.llle till ll I. ll III HIIV i.ii- t I ll .. II. a! I .'11 1 m lit ll ..In.. l. t I, lie I.e. II I.. !d Ivl.l... Tin' l.-ii , i . i i -1 1 1 1 1 .ii I u net iii'd n. n Ii.i-i I.i . ti will H the p.i(.. i It v a" Willi "'l II I" II ! v . i !i tin t ' i 1 1 1 1 1 i if ml.i i hi'i '. v . I . ' I. I I il .il I i ' ii - ii in . ... I l.r n. J . i.i, . I'l i , I.I. ''. I let-. ' !' hi III- ! I.l i i . il. i. .1 vi 1 1. r ' t I'-... i " f.i . i i ' .ii ,. ,i i!.' ii .iii. I i .!.' i.it lilll li.-l'il W.'llli e! l.'.l.t f'litl I I I' 1 11. I"-. II 1 . till. . .-. .1 III I h I .i I. -I I .... i -..'II !' 'I l.e t lie I' I ' .'III" . I. I ".I I .il'',itn! Ill .nil mi il I, .n h . .Ill I i.l lid nr the I I el t.-i . h a i I !l , f, !U jr.1 I . n ! i j . ti. I ii i! 1! ' t . i i - el lei i I linr, i. i, i! in t. .. h n 1 1 t ' it Hie I .'',1 ..!..' if It mil! ii .. ! !n IU-' i . li i.e. I he i. ill . I i t;,.' ; '.!., I'l ' tl,.llll Ti l' 1.1 SIIH. I i r'-'H iti. . h. A i ... . ' r SLWinnifred f and the Tree 0'ie story of the origin of the green tree ns the Chrhitmi.s tr.i' hum in Hie ii-.iiile ei' nonlieni Kvvupe is given lu a legend in' .St. Wiiinifiid. It Is one of tae ninny thousands uf those sim ple mid lieinitlCiil hellefs that have at tai'heil themselves to the lnlilwlntep festival nnil whl. h (fenerally puss now uni.'er the inline of "Chi'lstnms myths." It Is related that St. Winnifreil, n great t'lirlsthm nilsMlonnry, lagan outtin? down u "Hiiored" oak whieh had beeu tho objeet of worship by the uoriliern limtarm whom ln wiib geeking to lead arlyht. While bo wnii bowing down the bilge tree It wan blasted by a suddeu 'vh'rlwlml. Clow beside It win a JoitniC fir tree, whleb wiim not hunned i .lb r by the whirlwind or by the fall i ' t..e Khun ouk. Thea St. Wliuilfred Is r 'ortcil to liuve upokea a follows to lu ihikiiur: "Tu.n little trop, a yoiinu child of the forest, Minll be your lmly tree tiv Light. It Is the wihmI i f pence, for ym;r bnniea are built of It. It In the sign of nil endless life, fur Its leave me nlwa.VH green. See hew t pulnti t.. war I h. aveii! I.el this he railed the l!' f 'he Christ Child. Ca'her about I' : ii-.l In Hie wild N. hut lu vein- il !' no deeds .i.nl net of "'C'C't'C Pon't Hllow lighted live. Safety First childien to to-ich t . i 4 1 the j Doii' rer.Kive pri' while it Is limited. ei:l;j from the tree In.n't leave nnyt!i!ii! uiuble near the trei. highly Infiam- In.. there it will I ! I. hut lnv i i - ... tl A" W" nVJ to ilw an! trui hut 'OK Kw I Wnli tKy wouij kitft A wm t"!, rwv lul $t to kvr, "A iUr 1'' nxMr m Cv fl rtv txli, i P I . i A 0' j t 4I t i H' ' U ' i f '. W K' tl tt l it .', i-. I. i rf j v W nh X i !." It v . llMU' ' Arvl hi t'vh ti y,'iif r ( In r Arsl 4 - '-'Jt A ' ' ' In-' hi t;-..., the euii.;.!. ; ..v.'i -.Teen il... iniih ni r. ..I v, . .nun. the v tl. e ui' !!,. -...i. ii, ! I ...) II-. I',..n..r nr 111 I : ,; ,,f till' It ! I f-r tii. i .. ..rated 1' 'h h.iliis nnil ,;ii . i :..-,,:nias. NOTHINlJ HAPPENED. M "T mTi I -i ' .' .l v . . I h .;ihi, M .1 . . . I ..., ....1 I, ,r ' I k i I I . . r in .t, " . l.l . i ., !! ,.. . , ' ' no .. 1 f r i. t i I .i n n u tl l.r 1 .4r. Don't set the tree mi biitihnzardlv. I Pe sure It Is necurely fastened 80 It will not tip over euslly. ' I i Don't blow a candls out. The fliimn ' nilght be curried ugalimt a dry bruuuk 1 aud Btt lire to the whulu Hen. ' i Don't fasten ouy tbaivl ornament Dear any light, uu the tree. If oua vbould Igulle the bluio would apread : all over the tree. Don't forget to fastea tho candles securely to Uie tree if candles are used. Also avoid placing them m der another branch. Always have a wet sponge conven ient to the tree, A candle often burns up too c;uicklv, and tiie sponge could Lo used to extinguish it. Don't leave the tree until you iirn sure the lights are ull extinguished, und never trust, the work of esaiu Ktiishliig tho llghu to children. Don't light tho tree after It has stood In a warm room for three or four days. It becomes so dry it will buiu almost as quickly as powder. Don't trim the tree with cotton to represent snow. Use an asbestos prep aration which looks like cotton. This applies particularly to those who Illu minate their trees with candles. Don't lleht ftm lr"o with-anything but electric hulhs, i possible. Where It Is Impossible to use electricity never leave the lighted tree alone and never ullow children In the room unless ac companied by u grown-up person. I I'm t set the tree up near uphol stered furniture. The danger of tpurUs selling It iitao Is great. A piece of smh furniture might smol der lor hours without being discov ered probably not until the fumily has been In bed sonic time. HIBERNIAN ACTIVITIES Sunday next, December 15th, the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. A large num ber of the members are expected to he present at this meeting. The La dies Auxiliary will aloo hold an elec tion of officers for 1919 on the same day. rTiii""'"'"MWM'MM"'',"M"' -- jrrz. ii ir v - - WJ . r ' i -T. IF CISUADStM ii'.l -All. . I N-t IflHlf SKUNK BLACK SHORT NARROW BROAD Liberal Assortmtnt COYOTE ncAvr rLPatO, CASED OPEN AND HEADLESS 12.00 tolQ.00 8.50 to 1.50 ICO to 6.00 103 to 3.00 N-Il!-Al.,( 8.Q0o 8.03 l.GOto 6.00 5.50to 4.15 M5to l h-U4uf .' .l lf , 'Z- -V " T.50to 1.00 5 75 co Mi 4.50 to 4.00 2.00 to 1.80 8.50 to 6.00 6.00 to 4.50 3.75 to 3.25 1.63 to 1.40 WINTER FALL 28.00to23.C0 20.00to18.00 18.00to14.rj0 12X3 tol0.00 22.00 to18.00'l6.00to14,00ll2.00to10.001 8.00 to 100 1.33 to 1.10 M5to 121 2i0to WO MOto liS UQto UO 1.80t'o 1.8o!l.50to UO 1X3 to iO 5X0 to2.50 4.03 to 2X0 3.00 to 1.50 1I5toU5 Nv 2 12X0:o6.00 9.00 to 5X0 US to JO iSto 3 2.00 to J.25 1.50 to .15 1X0 to .60 JO to .25 3.00 to 2X0 !X0to1X0 iOto .40 .35 to 21 THESE EXTREMELY HIGH PRICES QUOTED FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT fLAT.HAIRV AUD OAACEO AT HIGHEST "ARhET VALUE $n:t C"0CD 40 mTTS ATniOmCST CATCH 'EM - SKIN 'EM - SHIP 'EM W Want All tha Oregon Fur You Can Ship ' SKUNK. COYOTE. MUSKRAT and a'J other Fur-boarers collected in your lection In strong demand. A shipment to "SHUBERT" will bring you "more ranv" "miicVpr " CET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY. - Youm b. mlhr rou did. 4 r