K 1 1 ! II Kaum- Let's Mak e this" Greatest Christmas s 1 u it EVER KNOWN The war is over, right has triumphed over might and once more the world will have peace and hap piness. Let us all give of our abundance to spread the message of good cheer through the world as a fitting token of the deep gratitude we all feel for the return of Peace. Uncle Sam says "Go the Limit "all Restrictions Removed from Christmas Giving Throughout our Store you will find departments filled with Appropriate and Seasonable Useful Articles DRY GOODS French Ivory of all kinds Leather Toilet Cases and Purses Silk Waist and Dress Potteras Comfy Slippers and Kimonos Silk and Wash Waists Furs, Sweaters and Scarfs Toys for the Children Suits and Overcoats Shirts and Neckwear Safely Razors asnd Toilet Sets Sweaters, Gloves, kittens Clothes and Hat Brushes Bath Robes, Slippers Everything for the Men GROCERIES Fruits, Nuts, Candies Pumpkins, Mince .Meat Pickles, Preserves and Cider Sugar, Spices, Extracts Teas, Coffees and Cocoa Canned Fruits and Vegetables Everything for the Table COME AND SEE US txaasmmwjmBas i heppner MINOR & COMPANY I Lwr--wMMM . aiiiiiini HEPPNER Ike always f , thought ff t a man was foolish to buy plug of ihe Gravely class when he could get a big plug of ordinary tobacco for the same money. But one day Bill gave him a chew of Gravely just two or three small squares. Then Ike got the pure, sat isfying Gravely tasfe. It lasted so long, you can't tell him nowadays that it costs him anything extra to chew Real Gravely. It toet further thpt't uhy yrn can ft llit garni taste of this clan of lohutQ without e.Ura coif LOCAL ITEMS PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in 3 pouch 'KHMrtllHIUttHKHIItlFltl IIUI iarffMMiniUII 1111 W ll lIDdl M I t)IHItt hi illJKH I 111 li II II I IHtltMUIMHIIlU !ltll tlttjr I llllltltlll N: Ifi IHHIPUUnllll4inMTUIM i;ilTta4 ifl I I Credit Accommodation i t'lcdit ai i iiiiiiiiliit inn at our 1'utik In a iinive In litiiilieHi to be called 11 1 it In ii i iihihtiniis ualiant ad lIHIi n il fund In r; u .1 1 l ynlir I.lllH A pnipi l ly kept ilnK'k illK account help In cn-.ito ciilllldillie culill ili iiir nt 1 1 1 hanker III ymir 1 harac li r and iibilily. We im Hi' rveiy fanner iitiitinil 1 1 -1 ' 1 1 1 1 mill inpeciiilly On' young nu n of Him rniiiiiuinli) , In open their rhefMtiit ,11 iiMllili here, no that our m .) 1 1. 1 11 1 .1 11 ' c may wtlprn lulu 11 i'1'ii n. lit. n 1l1.1l later Kill Ihi'iiiiiii u ntil iilly bem-tii iul. First National Bank of Hcppnfr RF.soilHCrS A MILLION AND A HALF 1 tmrnemm a'm --wm- 1 t. umimmxwi' -n rr mi m imnrn ininm j H. V.Gatea, president of the Hepp ner Linht and Power Co. is here on a business dip. Billy Corson was a Lexington vis itor in Heppner Saturday. Mr. Cor son says the "flu" epidemic has about subsided in the Lexington neighborhood and the authorities expected to take the lid off yesterday and reopen the school. Dr. McMurdo, who suffered from a very serious attack of Inlluenza and pneumonia is able to be at his office acain and is taking- up his practice. The doctor looks us if a hard spell of sickness- had done him good, so rapid lias tie rvcupcrated since the crisis passed. He looks line and savs he hiiH not felt so well in years. Work Is progressing on the exca vation of tlie basement for the new Cilllam and IUkImo bulldinc at Main and May st.ei Is which was halted early in the fall when the steam shovel which had undertaken the Job liroke iIomii ami had to quit. The woik Is beiiiK completed by the pick, shovel and whkoii process which, wlille lem spectacular and noisy than (lie steam shovel, ets there Just the same. NOTIfi: TO CIIK.DITOKS Notice In hereby nvi-n Hint tlw un di'isliiinl has bi-.-n appointed by the County Cnutt of the State nf Oregon fur Morrow- County, liitiiiinMiatur of the date ol M.,;- y Mortari, de ceit! d. lYiMuim havim: -laim HthlllHt f.lid m til to lllll-t plS(.it """II properly velltliii to tli,. under siltinl at the office of Wooiln.n r Sw.ik. allium i at I ,u m 11 Or.-Kun. within fi montlm frmil ji,,, late of niH publication or (!,, nn. tlce, First publication this 3d day of I'l-ci inber, 19 IK. l.V.K Sl.OtTM. 'I1jT Admlnlntriitor. NOTICK OK STOfKlliM.PIItS MtKTIMJ The jrick McAtee & Aiken. Proprietor! ICIi CHIiAM ,M) CIU PARLORS NOTICK H iikhki;y C1VKN thitt tliete will tie A tuevtinK et the mock-hnlili-r of Thr Klr.t aii.,n.i ii.nk j of ll...pm-r. (re;,.n. on tti .H-ond Tui vluy In January. 1Hi, (T inury I tih. t'M'M. h. t n t' .. t,,,ut of M ! 11 ml 4 r in of ..,,,1 , (rt fr I"" I"' ( 1 1. , t.tU- ,i., , , , ,m) r.T Hi- tiat..-,, tii.n r , t,r 1 '- !.' .!!) 1 1 1 1 1. b-forr . .1 en .1 nw W. M tlliWi y tl,,r I'atiil t!,l. r. ,1.1) f p , i r jjn I't't I Tit V W WTI 11 I ant Vmiltiy of a! Vir U. llv or ,ti...,: u v,il ami j',,rk pay Ihr hutii-. c i.h mr t , rtffor "!. nn.l tV. !l y,.u ,ny '. llKNUY fCHWAKZ. I'bnn C: ll-pftirr, Or. CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Sunday, Dec. 8. First mass 8 a.m. U Sssa.m. maec lnonhhose Second mass 10:30 a. m. Christian Doctrine 11:30 a. m. Evening Devotions 7:30 p. ni. Subject for sermon at evening de votions: "Is Reason a Sufficient Guide for Me?" The ladies of the Altar Society will meet after second mass nert Sun-lay. Christian Science Christian Science services are field at the residence of Mrs. Engine Slo tuiii every Sunday morning at 11:00 and every Wednesday eveninK i'-t 8 o'clock. All Interested are Invited to attend these services. te'.'$S;ial'j i's Winter Caps, Sweaters, Jerseys. Ladies' Fancy jCaps, Sweaters, Etc., Etc. LITTLE DARL8NG ROMPERS For lha Little Folks LOOK AND YOU WILL BUY UTiW ifBiiljJ SAM HUGHES CO. Christian i:liUl'ch l!oi;ular Suiula-j' services as fol lows: 10 a. in. Itible school, K. H. Hus ton. Supt. A class for you. Meet with us for study. 11 a. m. Communion and preich InK service. 6:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. meet ing. 7:30 p. m - PrcachliiK nehvice. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Mid week service. Voa ure cordially Invited. V. A. ANDREWS, Minister. NOTICK TO srilSCIMIlERS TOTMK FOlltril I.IltEUTY LOAN Fiillowims is n schedule showtnit the installment dates for all bonds not paid In full at the time of the subscription, tofetlier with the per centaKes of the subset Iptlon due on the date specified: November 21. 1 0 1 S....;orr December 13. 19 1 8....20r'r Junuury 21. 1919 20""'r January 30, 1919 30'i- Kindly preserve this m-hedule for future reference. We urge nil ubcribrr buying bondi on the Installment plan who have not taken care of their Novem Iht Slt payment to do so at once. Prompt payment la required by the Oovernmcnt and It greatly facili tate our work In handlinc the aub-m-rlptlona. It la jour patriotic duty to meet yoir payment when due. lifupcftf ully, Klrnt National Hank of Heppner. hankers1 mui;Ti;m.;k ATlli.N If yi'U want to burro vour l.iv,tock. Wool It.in.N. talk lth your alwut our trtm and rite to ui dire, t The war la over and help you do your part In of the recont ruction. not treat duty. PORTLAND 114(1 1 Wars are won with metal save it. Iron and steel ore needed for tanks, cunt, ammunition, fhips, railroads, e'.c. Fo'lta at Lome must save iron and steel to help win the war. Use the old range until after the war. Make your ol J rang do a little longer by having it repaired. If it's part repairing, then the next beat atep i to buy the rang that aave fuel, food nd repaiia. The Majeitic'a heat tight riveting prevent fuel waatet it. perfect baking preventa food watte, and it unbreakable malleabl. iron and ruat-reaiatint charcoal iron mak. tepaira rare need. GILLIAM & BISBEE Cmmtmmt If your M(eil d rHi uh tnwm Ma)ttc miertett light, lafcflM rit. . kf rttifwt. "V -WW. t i J '' is , i a I, V 1 "' -i ll V m.wmy.M : i. . - , T 1 f Urn ' 1 . , v.. - ' ' ""17 on rFTi b ' w want tn taking rare hicb la our OREGON 5 i I K ft I V'.