J Some of the Good Things at Minors We find our Underwear Department heavily stocked with some sizes in Vests and Pants and are making some very attractive prices. Do not miss this. BOYS' AND GIRLS' HEAVY FLEECED UNDERWEAR IN GREY Vests or Pants, sizes 16 and 18, special .,...18 cents Vests or Pants, sizeB 20 and 22, special 28 cents Vests or Pants, sizes 24 and 36, special ....38 cents Vests or Pants, sizes 28 and 30, special ..43 cents Vests or Pants, sizes 32 and 34, special ..48 cents' WOMEN'S FLANNEL UNIONS : Women's Fleeced Unions, Bleached.high neck, long sleeves, 11.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Women's heavy fleeced Vests and Pants, white, each .-. .....$1.50 Women's light-weight Vests or Pants, as low as 35 cents Women's Wool Pants, very special at, only 89 cents Worihmore and Welworth Waists and Let us emphasize the fact that these are new Fa!! Models. cently designed especially for us and for those Blouses at a Big S Tiney have ?ust arrive? avsfig i and were bat re- progressive scores cmy one m every city) w:o are fortunate enough to have the privilege of self log thsse wondgrfui Blouses. s n $2.00 and $1 .00 BEAUTIFUL SILKS Fancy and Plain Taffetas, Plain Satins and Satin Stripes and Plaids, S6 inches wide; yard ; ....$2.00 to $2.50 Crepe du Chene An extra heavy and lustrous fabric, 40 inches wide and in all staple and evening shades; yard $2.00 Silk Crepe A handsome and inexpensive silk for evening wear; 36 in. wide; yard 6 5 cents BARGAINS IN COMFORT COVERINGS 3 6-inch Fancy Silk Silkoline Good patterns and colorings, only 20 cents 36-inch Flannelettes and Challies, light colors and good patterns; also fine for Kimonas; very special; per yars, 25 cents 2 7-inch Flannelette, light and dark colorings suitable for women's and children's dresses or for quilt lining; sqecial.... 20 cents I COMPANY The Man in the Tobacco Store Sayt it docs beat all how men ore taking to Real Grave ly, now that they know it costs nothing extra tochew this class of tobacco. All you have to do is to get n man to take his first plug cf Gravely. Let hirn get the pure, satisfying Grave ly taste, and learn for him self how much longer the small Gravely chew stays with him than a big chew of ordinary plug. . . fort further that's eiv you can ft tht toJ tastr of thin tati of tobacn without tatra colt. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10$ a pouch-ancf worthil mm n rum ivam ta j.gra LOCAL ITEMS OWIMMIIIMtllMMnilllM I Victory Peace Thanksgiving The achievements of our brave allies and gallant sons and brothers bring a new significance to Thanksgiv ing Day. Let us all rejoice and be grateful for the things that have been accomplished, and the new day that is dawning. , This Bank will be closed all day Thursday First National Bank Hcppncr, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayers went to Portland this morning to spend Thanksgiving. County A'gent Drown drove over to I'malilla Saturday evening to catch tlie Spokane train on a visit with his home folks. Mrs. Fred Killer came Hit from Portland last Wednesday to visit for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Adlilns and other relatives and friends. F. I,. Ilallard, assistant county I'irent leader for Eastern Ore., with headiiuai ters at The Dalles. whs here Saturday attending ill" l'anner an nual meeting. Ftank Anderson, r. prominent fanner of the Iiliea Creek district, and vlee-preMiilerit of the Farmers & MncmniwetH .National Hank, was made president of the county iiprl cultural council last Saturday and S. II. Koanliiinti. of lieariiman. was made ire. president. O. K. Jones, who has served the council as serre- tary-treasurer the past year was re elected. Mrs. Maliel Curtis, of Marshdeld. Ore., was here several day last week visiting tier mother, Mrs. W. V Stiiead. tier sister, Mrs. W. O. nay- less mill other relatives and fri-nds. Mts. Curtis was a former well known lleppner Klrl anil has manv fi lends here, rteforo coming here Mrs I'urtis t foiled other Haters tit Nampa Idaho, and al Pendleton. She left for Imine Sunday morning. 1 P. Morey, who farms In the Kmdley oeetlon north of Lexington .n tin liilerented attendant at tile farmer's meeting Saurday. Mr. Mo rey !! iiIhh an tniei ruling attendant at Hie meeting Inasmuch n Im took immune nl part In the illiti-lon of various problem. Mr M..rrv l palllrulmly lntetete, rampali n looking In the I'lnduallon of the miulnrt (lul ratilill pet, ni Ihrxr tiniiimW Intllrt heavy louses ou the farmer of hi MTlinn every year. Pr. M, Mnf.lt, ii kt k.,, hti -.try HI, ii tht it'trti i,.j an.i ir.'iuf tH. CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Sunday, December 1 First Mass 8 a. m. Christian Doctrine 9 a. m. Second Mass, at Lena, 11:30 a.m. Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m. Subject of sermon at Evening De votions, "The Rocks Which Wreck Faith." Christian Science Christian Science services are held at the residence of Mrs. Kuwne Slo- cum every Sunday morning at 11:00 and every Wednesday even In;; at 8 o'clock. All interested are invited to attend these services. THANKSGIVING SERVICE Public Thanksgiving service and ceielnation will be held at tile school auditorium at 10 a. in. Thanksgiving Day. The program will consist of peaking, singing of patriotic hymns, nperlal musical numberR and other exercises appropriate to the day. vmtoiiy T:i.i:im.Tio. , A solemn thanksgiving to God for the victory over autocracy and Prus1- slanisiii, and for the peace which has descended upon the war-weary world will be held ut St. Patrick' church on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 a. m The sermon on thl occasion will be delivered by Father O'Krmrke and after Hie mass the Te Deuin will be un. All nre cordially Invited to be present at thl victory celebra tion. Wanted First-rlas woman cook for conntry home. Kitchen t.nd llr Ing room for cook detachnd from house-. Permanent Dilation for right party. Add rest or call John Kilkenny, Heppner, Oregon. Phone 27-F4. sr.tr en ni;i:s owNT.nstiip lleiiiy Srhauri Hie People' Cl'll Wat I. in. ( w l! e .ilil . 1. 1. 1 Mr W.i(kin i jn , li-''ei in I! e bin .:ri . t. . a... 1 "I n II In- it I. .'r ,.tW,t,l,J ! I l V II .1! . "Hi. it- . J-. I I llille t.iit 'I I Mi ll !.' HI i fi i. nd )ul 1 1 ii. It i.'p!. i-i, lr .- IV t h.t iiipoe of M.lt k. M C. IV I n f tc over r-il.i i.ierr'ng - In of !i jr new ut If) be ! K.l. .me I ii nd -an be i. 1 ! i . ,itil Nw.m !... not M .! . In the I. . I upon ,1. J'i'ine hi SUBSCRIBE ran HEPPHCR HERALD IS Foil S t F r.e. two-room nou. t "I r.ei to with 1J fruit trw. r d. o. plenty t,.r. t:nqult of W. J. Iuncn. City. 27439 $500 REWARD $500 Notice I hereby riven that I rill par reward of IFve Hundred dol rhrydr! r-trfne -;hoae tdno rah t)t tihl toh yre .lyd o bi-kk hit ( l.'.'.on oo for the arrrct lit r (I. .on tin) Tor Ilie arn-ft onr conviction ofo any petM-n or p rim lealin- cny of ny bo:e or rnttl from my p,,"lii' or fro u thw r.in. Stoi k bi.m b l o tfo'i. : Hnr e. JK reiintvti.l en lUI-.t vhoulit Yerl.n mil J ai-oIil. bar uvrt led ell itiiht shoulder. JK i"HH'te. en I'M hip rstltni; and J-r.ir -old", JK lonllerlrj on r!l hip PEOPLES CASH MARKET HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor I handle all kinds f Fresh and Salt Meats and Poultry, Lard, Compounds, Sausages Highest Cash Prices Paid for Poultry, Hides, Etc. Heppner - - - Oregon f Wars are won with '4 . 1 metai save u. Iron and steel are needed for tankt, puns, ammunition, ships, railroads, etc. Folks at home must save iron and steel to help win the war. Us the old range until after the war. Mke your old ranga do little longer by having it repaired. If it' part repairing, then the next beat atep i lo buy the range thai tavea fuel, food nd repair. Th Majeatic'i hrt. V . t V I v-n :, 4 tight rivetina prevent fuel waiter, it perfect baking prevent food wane, and it unbreakable tnal'.eabl Iron and ruat-reaiating charcoal iron make repair a rare need. GILLIAM & BISBEE Cmwtmnt If fut Mkttic w Hru. HI iHim Iron i. .( upulr wlih nuif Macule malar t thl, Ufarlaf MM tit bv ifr. r JK (untie. t'.ittle. ari l nd b.ir over and aide Dated at llrpl'nrr, 191). JOHN- KII.KFNNY. lleppner, tire. Orrgon, May 14, VA j. 0, st AsSSJ'llb 'jSe j. w 4 li i t''v - i." ' 1 M a. '"if - L. - ' ' S 1 - . ... ... ' rv. II .4 M J . m. wt.'aa a, .i,.n I! ;:3 ft 1 0 4