I Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher -A.n Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-clas3 matter Note and bills rediscounts other than bank acceptances sold . t 917.697.57 Overdrafts, unsecured . S, 248. 61 U. H. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds, but including U. 3. certificates of Indebtedness:) U. Sbonds deposited to secure circulation (par) U. 3. bonds and certificate of indebtedne ss pledged to secure U. S. deposits, par value U. S. bonds and certificate of indebted ness pledged to secure postal savings de posits, (par value) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year 82.00 Six Months .....$1.00 Three Months BO 89.88( 91 2S.000.00 85,500.00 1,000.0 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918 MR. GATES' PROPOSITION The proposition of H. V. Gates to the people of Hepp- Llberty Loan Bonds: Liberty Loan Bonds, 3, 4, and 4 per cent, pledged to secure U. S. deposits 16,600.00 Payments actually made on Liberty 4 per cent of the fourth liberty loan owned 200.00 Bonds, securities, etc. (other than U. 3. ) : Securities other than U. S. bonds (not In cluding stocks) owned unpledged .... 13,852.15 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S. ......... Stocks Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) Value of banking house, owned and unin cumbered 31,590.00 T "O'' mu moss Furniture and Fixtures ., 111,500.00 16.800.00 13,852.15 4,500.00 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 31,590.00 7.065.10 12,899.30 103.060.94 66,607.38 ner to sell the water works to the city in consideration of , LTfuTreserVe "Ith tPZZZ: which he WOUld agree to build a modern hotel to replace Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks.... the old Palace, recently destroyed by fire, is one of suffici-: Neotahr ent importance to merit the careful consideration of every Totai of items 14, 15, 16, n, and is 204,804.05 man anrl wnmpn in Wpnnnpr i checks 00 banks located outside of city or town of report man ana women in neppner. ing bank and other casn ltems The proposal of Mr. Gates is printed in full on another 'Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. page of this issue of the Herald and to' every person who is 'War sayingeiun'ca j j.1 i :i.i: j- tt 11 v ii iiucicsLcu in uie ieuuuumg oi xieppner as wen as ine Ren- , , , . i r ..i , 1 r -1 , Total 11,433,501. eral improvement of the town as a place of residence and a prosperous business center it should make interesting read ing, 138,195.67 2,226,20 1,250.00 1,009.06 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 8, 1918. Not Coal Land, Notice Is hereby given that Nor man G. Florence, of Heppner, Ore gon, who, on April 8, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013899 for NE4 SW, Ntt SE and SE SE, Section 35, Township 2 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com mlssloner, at Heppner, Oregan, on the 5th day of December, 1)18. Claimant - naea- as witnesses: John McCullough, David McCul lough, B. B. Kelly, George Krebs, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBICATION rworissiONAL - cards OR. R. J. VAUGHA N DENTIST Permanently located In Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN St SURGEON I Heppner Oregon LIABILITIES The Herald has no intentions of offering the people of CapUai stock paid in $ 1 47,830.20 13,180.73 00,000.00 50,000.00 34,649.47 2,400.00 25,000.00 7,556.70 32,203.25 806,907.76 Heppner advice on this mater beine neither a hvdraulir en- Surplus fund gincer nor the son of one but there are so)me of Air. LecurreEt" Gates' statements which must be accepted as sound with- Paid f.nf ,l1to ' Amount reserved for taxes accrued Trt, r ' Circulating notes outstanding The first is that Heppner has no hotel at present and Net amount due to National bauks. tVinf ?f Cof i tii i j . A1 Net amount due to banks, bankers and truBt companies.... uiaL it nccub a iirbi-Lid-sb, moaern notei verv Daaiv. Also t that it WOUld be, to say the least, unfortunate, if the build- I Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve (depos ing of such a hotel should be delayed so long that one or T ,'" pT7le .. Z 7?' v , . ... t. . , . , . fe a ,. Individual deposits su bject to check more Cheap, make-snitt attairs Should Spring Up to relieve Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than the present distressing situation. Mr Gates' sutrtrestion ,or money borrowed 50,000.00 . rn "it. vjlcs ?uj,ei,Liuil cashier's checks outstanding 6,935.54 that the people ot Heppner need something to spur them to other demand deposits 15,529.66 speedy action on the matter of a hotel is unquestionably atXtL 879,372.96 SOUnd. I Time deposits subject to Reserve ( pa yable after 30 days, or subject to 30 On the subject of water Mr. Gates' statcmonts will in ' davs or more notice, and postal savings): tlm mnin mnot i.riiU ..i .,..., ,,i ti , .1 t Certificates of deposit (other than money borrowed the main meet with general appioval. That the present Postai savings deposits : supply is inadequate and expensive is a matter of ueneral other time deposits LtHiiulnilmi' 'IMmf t 4l, ..j. . 1 1 1 Total time depqstts subject to Reserve 199,463.25 knowledge, 1 hat to increase the supply by boring more united states deposits (other than postal savings) : wells and pumping more water will increase the water is War loa-. deposit account 100,160.00 .self-evident and that the only other source of supply with- Cash Letters of Credit and Travelers. checks outstanding in mortal ken would be a gravity system from the upper Liabilities other than those above stated, collected Liber waters of Willow creek is apparent. ! ty Loan Funds ., . No figures are given as to the approximate cost of such a system, but that of course, would be a matter for the city to investigate and inform itself upon before it took hold of the project. In his argument in favor of city ownership of water works, Mr. Gates quotes eminent authorities in sup port of his position and that city ownership is the modern ...... I 1 . I 1 1 1 '.. 1 Ar.i ami jiuoM uii ovcu pian must nc aamiuca. there are Department of the Interion, TJ. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon October 8, 1918. Not Coal Land. Notice is hereby given that James T. Morgan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 22, 1914, made Homestead En try, No. 013357, for N SE, S NEy4, NW14 NE, SE NW!4 and NE SW, Section ll.Town shlp 2 South, Range 28 East, Will amette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to siake three-year proof, to establish elaim. to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Gussle E. Ayers, Charles A. Hlnton, Floyd M. Duncan, Arthur P. Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register DR. A. D. McMCRDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Heppner SAM E. VAN VACTOR 176,035.63 6.45 23,428.17 100,160.00 145.00 2,541.25 FOUND On road between Hepp ner and Hardman, an auto tire Owner can recover same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. 24tf Total ... . $1,433,601.88 Liabilities for rediscount, including those with Federal Re serve Bank 89,886.96 Directors State of Oregon, County of Morrow ss. I, W. P. Mahoney, Cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. P. MAHONEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1918. RUBINA F. CORRIGAL. Notary Public. (SEAL) My commission expires Aug. 9, 1921. many no. doubt, who would go farther and take the posi- correct attest: a. l. Ayers, j. b. Natter, Frank Gilliam Hon that (he same argument swould largely apply to the public ownership of the light and power plant as well. Mr. ('.ales' proposal opens up a wide field for discus sion and investigation in Heppner and the Herald hopes to see the city officials, business men and citizens generally take the matter up in a whole-hearted way and thresh it out in all its different phases. Having sold my property and about to leave Heppner I wish to announce that all accounts due me have been left with S. A. Pattison, at the office of the Heppner Herald where payments may be made and receipts received. The fire caused me heavy Iobs and I need every cent due me to help re-establish myself In business. Please call and give this matter your early attention. GEORGE W. VERDOT. Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 28, 1918. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tUe Interior, I. S. Land Office at La Grando.Oit-gon, October 21, 19 IS. Notice is lieieljy given that Wil liam O. Culick, whose iiost-oifice ad- The columns of (lie Herald are open to all who are dress is Heppner Oregon, did, interested in discussing the merits and demerits of this question. PR03A2LY CNE CF SAM"S JOKES the 24ih day of June. 1918, file In tliln office s'.vorn statement and ap plication, No. 019233, to purchase the EVi SEVi r.ud Svyt SE. Section 11, Township 4 South, Range 29 V.Mii, Willamette Meridian, and tlin tlmtier therecn, under the pro ons of the act of June 3, 1878. acts amendatory, known ns the ber and Stono Law," at such v as might be fixed by apprals m l that, pursuant to such the land and timber thereon have been npjralsed at $377.50, the timber estlmctod at S05.000 board feet at $1.50 per M. and the Und $120.00: that said ap plicant will offer final proof In sup port of hi application and rworn Rlatctm-n the 20th day of Jan- lh line '.villi the suggestion recently put forth that Heppner people begin work toward the completion of the John Day project. S. K. Xotsoii suggests that we also be gin .work at once looking toward the establishment of an airplane route into the interior. According to Mr. Not son implication, it will not be long until the wagon roads into the interior count r will be very poor, and it will be a problem for him to get the sugar quotas to the people living so far from the railroad. He is sure an airplane route would solve the difficulty, and is also sure that it would require no harder work to convince the government of its necessity than to make I lie authorities at Washington see the feasibility of uary. 1919. be.-ore c. c. Patterson, putting the lobn Dav project through at this time. (iaz- t'n"-'' Commissioner at ctte Times. ' ' lienor. Oregon. Does our esteemed co.iteinporarv believe that he is ny pe,s., ,H at liberty to protest 1 ii- . 1 1 11 "'Is purrhaae before nntrv, or Initl- tctulei mg a public serxue to the people of Morrow and ad- , 1 , '111 r n,p contest at any time before jacent counties by thus attempting to make light of a pro- ,mtn, ,UP, hv ,,, B eorrobor. jec.t that is reckoned among men who know as one of the -.te.i affidavit in this office, alleging most practical of the big irrigation schemes of the west? fart which would defeat the entry. The Herald's guess is that Mr. Notson. who is known c s Drxs. Roister. as one of Heppncr's gifted "joshers." inav have cracked a - - joke with the C..-T. writer which was made the basis of the iwvni'K kor mnuc.vriox K. .v ........ .1 ... 1 1, it :.. .1.... :. m- v.. .. .... ....., .,...-.1.1 ..K .ij.ii. v 111.1111 11 1 e1.11 11 .mi. .ii'iwu Department of the tntrlor, U. 8. was out alter the ohn Dav project with a wet blanket he 1 nd omc at L ond. Oregon, has changed his views very decidedly of late. However if Mr. Not son's connection with paragraph requires any elucidation he is well able to attend to that himself. t. h.rt.r Na. 3774 REPORT OF TUE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT HEPPNER la Ik Ml at Oifem t C1m ml ButiRM Nuvmbr I, 19 IS. RKjHH'KCK Loan and illaniunu, Including rediscounts 1 1 00 T. 6 4 M Total loans 1.007, Hi 51 Novenitrr th. 1!tl!l Notice Is hereby given that Vern F. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May !!th. 1914. tiiaile homestead en try, No 013371, fur SWV; SAVU.See :i. NWU. NU NKi: n,t SWU Kr l).4nc No. 12 NK',. S.vti.-n :7. T..nhlp 5 South, Kanee J!t Kast, Wlllan ette Meridian has filed notice of Intention to make three-year Troof. to establish claim to the land above described, before C C. Patterson. Vnlted States Com nlsslnner. at his office, at Heppner, Orreon. on the sth tiny (.f J.nuary 1"I Claimant names as ltaeae: Clsinvant biiim wltnesne: Nh O ivtt j..hn of Heppner, Oregon; C.eorge A Cummlng. Levi I.. Hlatt, and Chas A. Hlnton, all of Lrna. Oregon. C. 9. rrXN. Register. Serving Local Business Establishments THIS you will find the Farmers and Stockgrower. National Bank doing in practically every line of industry. Our WILLINGNESS to serve their every legitimate banking need is con sistent with our ABILITY to do so. If YOUR business is not rep resented on our long list of patrons may we help you to place it there? Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank Oregon ATTORXEY-AT-LAW , Heppner Oregon 3 Watch paper for datea DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oreeon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUXSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 6SS ROY V. WHITEIS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, LOANS, Heppner Oregon The rick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICE CREAM AND CARD PARLORS DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC .PHYSICIAN 6 Roberts Building Heppner Oregon At Lexington every Tuesday and Thursday. E. J. STARKKY ELECTRICIAN House wiring a speoialty. Heppner Oreoa Phone 633. BOWER'S SHOE HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS, Prop. . I use modern machinery method HEPPNER, OREGON 3 Men's Winter Caps, Sweaters, Jerseys. Ladies' Fancy Caps, Sweaters, Etc., Etc. LITTLE DARLING ROMPERS Por the Little Folks LOOK AND YOU WILL DUY SAM HUGHES CO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Lund Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 21, 1918. Notice is hereby given that ZetU Ilronnun, whose post-office address Is Lena, OrtKon, did, on the 3d day of June, 1918, 111 In this office sworn statement and application, No. 019194, to purchase the EH NEV4, SWViNEU. and SEi NWVi, Sec tion 11, Township 4 South, Range 29 East. Willamette Meridian, and 1 the timber thereon, under the pro- visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and arts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fired by appraise C ment, and that, pursuant to such" application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at . rt A A ... .. . mt nmoer estimated at 300.000 board feet at 11.00 per M. and the Und 1140.00; that said ap plicant wilt ofior final proof In sup port of his i.pp'.lrtlon aal sworn sstement on the 21. t day of Janu ary. 191 . bofore C. C. Tattwson. United States Commissioner, at Heppner. Ores-on. Any person Is at liberty u prott this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a eontest at any time before patent Issues, by flllnc a corrobor ated affidavit lo this cfflc. tlledac faU which would drfeat th. entry C. 8. DCNK. Betrlsbsr.