Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 19, 1918, Image 4

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    Some of the Good Things at Minors
We find our Underwear Department heavily stocked with some sizes in Vests and Pants
making some very attractive prices. Do not miss this.
and are
Vests or Pants, sizes 16 and 18, special ,.. ...ig cent8
Vests or Pants, 8l.es 20 and 22, special 28 cents
VeBts or Pants, sixes 24 and 36, special ,. zs cent8
Vests or Pants, sizes 28 and 30, special . I 43 centg
Vests or Pants, sizes 32 and 34, speeial ,...43 cents
Women's Fleeced Unions, Bleached, high neck, long sleeves, $1.25, $1 50
and fl.75. "
Women's heavy fleeced Vests and Pants, white, each $1.60
Women's light-weight Vests or Pants, as low as .85 cents
Women's Wool Pants, very special at; only. ....89 cents
Worthmore and Welworth Waists and Blouses at a Big Saving
Let us emphasize the fact that these are new fall Models. They have just arrived and were but re
cently designed especially for us and for those other progressive stores (only one in every city) who
are fortunate enough to have the privilege of selling these wonderful Blouses.
r rices jusi $i.uu ana $'.UU
Fancy and Plain Taffetas, Plain Satins and Satin Stripes and Plaids, 38
inches wide; yard ?2.00 to $2.50
Crepe du Cliene An extra heavy and lustrous fabric, 40 inches wide
and in all staple and evening shades; yard ...4. $2.00
Silk Crepe A handsome and inexpensive silk for evening wear- 36 in
wide; yard ... 65 cents
36-inch Fancy Silk Silkoiine Good patterns and colorings, only 20 cents
36-inch Flannelettes and Challies, light colors and good patterns; also
fine for Kimonas; very special; per yars t 25 cents
2 7-inch Flannelette, light and dark colorings suitable for women's and
children's dresses or for quilt lining; sqecial...., 20 cents
The Man in the C3
lobzcco btore
,r-E. in,., 1V1 11,11
it docs bent all how men
are taking to Real Grave
ly, now that thoy know it
costs nothing extra tochew
this class of tobicro. All
you have? to do ia to get a
man to tnk' his f..-:;t plj;
of Gravely, Let It! .1 t
tlio pure, sniisi'yini; Grave
ly taste, and learn for him
self how much longer the
small Gravely chew stays
with him than a tig chew
of ordinary plug.
. t
''I ft 5 .. .' " f- ,,;,!; i,l yr,i
cm (1 i!:e ,:.J ,', f fj.v
PErroN dramd
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
IO$ a pouch-znef worth it
PiWT'iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiirimmiricriiiiiriiiii in irmniisitisMiiiiiiiiiMiiaiiiaiiaiti Miinnaavmiiiii iniin mini TJ
And there arc many in the man
agement of a bank, is the per
sonal, painstaking care by its of
ficers. Recognizing this respon
sibility, the officers of this insti
tution keep themselves in touch
with every important detail of
the business. And the outcome?
A generous and steadily increas
ing patronage.
first National Bank
Ifcppncr, Oregon
Joe M. Hayes, well-known sheep
man was in town Saturday.
FOR SALE good two-room house.
Lot 50x130 with IS fruit trees, gar
den, pleuty water. Enquire of W. J.
Duncan, City. 27d30
Hoy AnhbaiiKh was infrom JUrd
nian Monday and paid this office a
pleasant visil while arranging to
have his Herald account chalked up
to date well uloug in 1920.
The public sale held by the Farm
ers' KxcUsnij-e at Morgan's IVed
Yard l..: t Saturday was a decided
Mice: H. Twenty hed of lll'lIS, 3l
h ad i.f cattle, m'vi li.l t,f lsoi.
a i"t ' t t..t !! tcacl.v rr vai s-.ool
'"'I ll -oil 111 c.d 1 : i. ,.; ..n..!l.
M .je. 11 ,v 11". '.m ,;ieel to liKike
i.i- :. sa: a if i!:,r f.;itu c wiin
i-ver a k . 1 1 i i i iit i'.iiMiunt o;' ;i'', )ci t
Victor Wli tec worth w rites the
Herald frew jievirly. W.iivh., sa'.n
Hint luimclf and Mr. Uieswin Hi
have iimved to tltelr ranch near that
place fur the wiuter and asking that
their copy or tbo Heruld tie forward
ed t'i t lint addrev. He adds that
limy tune hud tine ruin In that mo
tion and Hie feed eu Hie sheep ruu(,-e
1 line. Tiny will return to their
I'utter creek home m Hie uprlng.
Catholic Church
Services Sunday, Nov
First Mass 7:30 a. m.
Second Mass at Sand Hollow at II
a. in.
Evening devotions 7:30 p. m.
Christian Doctrine Saturdays at 9
a. 111.
Christian Science
Christian Science services are held
at the residence of Mrs. Kugene Slo
cuin every Sunday morning at 11:00
and every Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. All interested are invited
to attend these services.
Till: ITol'l I S ('AMI MAIiKKT
We are In the market to buy all
kind f dressed poultry, pork, veal,
mutton, etc. We pay the tilchent
cash prlre fur koI Huff and she
veil white tl eatlncnt.
We ulmi tiny all kinds of hide and
pelt n 11 il pay yen hut they art
ititHi trail that leads to ouF market
at leant once a day. The fine meat
and other need thine- you will find
there will "m.utid" a Rood to you
one of Hilly Sunday' sermon sound
to a Hlnner.
Your, rrapectfullv,
Henry Ht-hwarg, Proprietor.
I handle all kinds f
Fresh and Salt Meats and Pouftry,
Lard, Compounds, Sausages
Highest Cash Prices Paid fcr Poultry, Hides, Etc. js
Heppner - - - Creon f
Hill l'lMtmin. who left Hi.nnmr
lt May mid hn ,mc been llvlnn
at K. hn. wa tine fer a fpw day dur
um the w.. k tiKitltiK hi frtendii and
liiekllll! eil the tu.r.n.
Mi N.iiiln. f..rm. r tenrher In the
Hrtpnei fi k !i , !i,.,d. now pt in Ipul
t the Ml. .-in..n . ' .x.ln. una a v!
Iter I i n il 11 11 11; tt.i. week.
Resources More than $1,500,000
1 m,mm-mim -mtrnt
; I 4tl
Mtl It i:
X tit I (um!.. , ti. t ,,, the hunk of
H.. li. 1 w 11 , !,,,. ... ; ,,VIiHk rarh
J d.i). Th!n,ti.n taken on
i' "'"lt "f ,!" I'lu" ; Hemic havin
. jffi. t, J nur weik ns force.
l4tt.un ti renf. t f4ur by d.-
ii k rik La.inrM rarlr.
' A t( U I. K.4 Ai) HJVCkUUOWKKJ
.national lank
A 1'aris .li.ijateb ju.st received by
ii'.;:-.l tells of a cjpti;red (!..ii:.in ir.ov
iin; picture hou.-e in the St. Vlhiel
rector which in two hours after the
Americans Kit into the town was
turned into an American Red Cron
outpert. This theater, before the
American drive, was six miles back
of German lines, and at the time the
dispatch was written was three
miles behind the American front
The theater wa taken after two
hours hard fiKhtlnR In which the
hours hard flKhtlnR lu which the
place was riddled with machine gun
bullets. One hundred and fifty
German prlsnera were captured when
the Germans finally hoisted the
white flag. An entire motion plct
ure outfit. Including projector, filim,
piano and screen, were taken. In
the projector the Americana found a
German comedy reel ready to be
The American Ited Crona supply
truck when It reached tho town wna
sent to the theater which was turn
ed over bodily to the canteen work.
Within a few minute five hundred
men were In line belna; served by
thre Hed Cros worker with hot
chocolate, cigarette, tobacco, eatlnx
chocolate, toilet article, blankets
and underwear.
The captured piano w.i kept go
In all day Ion; by musical soldier
The readlnu and w riting room Imme
diately entabllnhed was crowded all
day lorn:, fmir hundred soldier tal
Iiik their firrt chance In write l.ume
mure the start of the drive.
Mat tied Kild.v. Nmcm tier 1
IV, at Ue hnn f Jn n Gaunt in
t! ! i ty, Mr. Jeff M. fer.cn and ;..
Amy l Cr fnt.l fity K-nider 3
I". W llirtlli perfiii m.., tile cerc'iii.ii)
Uii Mi u - Mn lay. N.c-!bir 1
l ttie fit K lurdi-r'n i ff e In He.
tier. Mr. Kobert I.im.dl Itilnpi.n and
ina Thorpe ,.te united n
iuatrUe, Judge lll.:i perform
Inu the cereuieoy. Il.ith (attie are
rreidenu of this uuaty.
metal save it.
Iron and cleel are needed for
tanks, suns, ammunition,
ehipa, railroads, etc. Folks at
home must save iron and steel
to help win the war.
Use the old range
until after the war.
fiUka yourold ranee do little longer
by having it repaired. 11 it's put
repairing, then the next best step ia
to buy the range that saves iuel, food
rid repairs. The Majestic' heat
tight riveting prevents fuel wastei
its perfect baking prevents food
waste.and its unbreakable malleable
iron and rust-resisting charcoal iron
make repairs rat need.
& "kJ
1 ''A
Ceefavar II tmut Mskn at i
pmtf. tl lKm Irani u. Vkav.il! uaplr
r wllh tvnulli rUttl millla
laal. tafilr aari. mm kt anufiert.
1 1 I