Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class matter One Year TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $2.00 Six Months ...$1.00 Three Months 50 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918 ALIEN ENEMY PROPERTY AFTER THE WAR the misuse of Germany industries in this country. More over, although Germ AT1V Viae HttmntAj r XoctrAir o 11 f the world's shipping except her own,and has succeeded in sinking more tonnage than her own entire merchant ma rine and navy combined, she complains that America, by selling certain vessels which have been legally seized, is attempting to interfere with the future development ' of German shipping interests. Germany, as a result of the deliberate employment in this war of murder, torture, rape, arson poison, fias treachery and lying propaganda of all kinds, has evident ly lost all sense of right, justice and decency, since other wise it would be perfectly apparent to her that even if she surrendered to the outraged world every one of her peo ple and every dollar's worth of property to which Germany and German people throughout the entire world have any claim whatever, the total would be utterly insufficient to pay the monstrous debt involved by the tens of millions whom she has killed, the hundreds of millions whom she has tortured, maimed and wrecked, and the hundreds of A. Mitchell Palmer, alien property custodian, in a re- ment by Congress of a law confiscating the Jerman own- fl ions oi Al afi? , f"d hu"dreds o: H industrial nlanU in thw rnnnrrv t thP rc. nf th, . 1,0n P11 WOrth of property which she has de and also the profits made by such plants during the war. ' Hph7,s ' ffu fr Wd(! concluest- Indeed.that Among other statements made by Mr. Palmer were the can never be paid by any penalties following: or sacrifices which the civilized world can devise or im- "I would divorce utterly and forever all German cap- 1 ?KT Mor,eover the work of planning and inflicting a sui ui t a : t i . i 1 i idoie punisnment seems nlrrrost t uiL uuiii niueucaii muusiry. i nave waicneu exeat en- a. j -i 1 , : - sa a taiv iui even nrt,-;. An- 4. zL ; U1C uevu nimseil, and if there is to Hp nnv annof . , - "t wuuuatv igur hiiH rn it rnnc-f U . j i ... . . A . .t Om-Veng- 0 emv cor uoraiions under mv manap-emen earn mnrmniis . . . " "" " nn.. 13 m uc any adequate retri profits growing out of the very war conditions for which ' Won jt must be prepared and administered by that Om their owners and their owners friends in Germany are d'i-1 mscien an.d Omnipotent One who has declared rectly responsible, and I face the possibility of oiline uo I c " ne' 1 wm rePay- , x . these inordinate profits for distribution after the war to the very persons to whom under the circumstances it would be unmoral and unconscionable for them to go. lhe government finds itself with a large organiza- POT CALLS KETTLE BLACK "We presume that it was done inadvertently, but the posters and advertising put out in Heppner just prior to Dlaced here orimnnllv ;iq n hntilp art InnL-inn- ,.,-itthe CIty election and the adverti quest of America." nfr PaPfr boosting the so-called women's ticket, was in Mr. Palmer was appointed to his present position direc.t vlolation of the statute. We call attention to this, shortly after America declared war, and since that time ! "ot for the Purpose of getting anyone into trouble or for he has seized on behalf of the government, a. large amount fhe sake of controversy, but that there may not be a sim of bonds, merchandise, etc., aggregating more than j llar mistake made in the fu'ture." Gazette-Times $500,000,000.00. Actual cash amounting to more than Readers of Heppner newspapers have been asking the $50,000,000, has been turned over to the United States question, "Which 'Heppner paper' did the G.-T. mean in Treasury Department at Washington D. C, and invested this case? Since if there was any violation of the election almost entirely in Liberty Bonds. A large number of law both were equally guilty. business concerns, valued at about $250,000,000, have been 1 Will our esteemed neighbor give them the answer in or will shortly be sold by Mr. Palmer and the proceeds be his next issue? . m me answer m invested in a similar manner. 1. The entire work of ferreting out, seizing, and either NOTICE TOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 8, 1918. Not Coal Land Notice is hereby glren that Nor man G. Florence, of Heppner, Ore gon, who, on April 8, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013099 for NE14 SW, NH SE and ' SE SE, SecUon 3 5, Township 2 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land abore described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 5th day of December, 1918. Claimant names a witnesses: John McCullough, David McCul lough, B. B. Kelly, George Krebs, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBICATION Department of the Interion, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon October 8, 1918. Not Coal Land. Notice is hereby given that James T. Morgan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 22, 1914, made Homestead En try, No. 013357, for N SE, S NE14, NW NE, SE NW and NE SW4, Section 11, Town ship 2 South, Range 28 East, Will amette Meridian, has filed notice of intenUon to mp.ke three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Gussie E. Ayers, Charles A. Hinton, Floyd M. Duncan, Arthur P. Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register FOUND On road between Hepp ner and Hardman, an auto tire. Owner can recover same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. 24tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. operating or disnosine of a illeo-allv-nl ,i;n.,n,i . , , , e j uiivirvvmcu uepartme 1 ' , , ltUeS ,,LlnB UnatT Ule dlrect ancI Land 0fflee t La Grande.Oregon, exclusive control of Mr. Palmer, it has, of course, been October 21, 1918. necessary tor lum to build up a large department to handle 1 Notice B hereby given that wii liam G. Culick, whose poBt-office ad- nnd the timber thereon, under the pro vlslons of the act of June 3, 187S, nml nets amonclatoty, known iis the "Timber and Stone Law," at purh value an might be fixed by npprais nient, and that, pursuant to sueh ni plication, the li'.nd and timber thereon have l-een np;'ia!sed at $377.50. the timber estlnir.ted nt 305,000 hoard feet at 1.50 per M. and the land $120.00; that said ap plicant will offer On al proof in sup port of his application and vworn tatemen the 20th day of Jan- patvot Uiurs, by flligg a corrobor ated affidavit In thlt office, alleging facts which would dtfaat the entry. r. 3. DUNN, Reenter. tne work, lncludintr a nowt-rfnl .ni... imul in.-, ui:p.u inieni is laKing over new businesses u"kU''' um- at the rate of over $50,000,000 a month, and that the con- IHf U day f June' 1918' flle ln Cerns under li i rimtrnl ,,-,., n f i A- , . thl" offlce 8'vorn statement and ap- of Ims ess nrlnd r , 1 f , "" d,,tcrcnt klnds P"atlon. No. 019235, to purchase 'i m.s ncs.s. inc hid ng .steel plants, chemical works, lumber ho E SE and swy. seu. nulls, i.it Oiie.s making lace, corsets gloves, pianos, etc., all '"n u. Township 4 south.Range ul Which i:ivi' hr. i.ti ui I,.,...... ... ii 1 1 .. . nn t.-.... , ... - .'wi.iu kv.viiu.-m: nicy nave DCell JOUIld to J rMKl vniiameue iHermian, he operating d.rectly or indirectlv in behalf of Germany Mk- pn.p. iiy ,,! lav-al.iling Germans who have been liv ing in tins i country .luring the war has of course not been UiMurlied by the Government. l;t l,u're :,as L:i a deliberate ami carefully planned u 01 an enorr.ums amount of German ou ned property in this country in connection with enemy propaganda there can be no doubt. .-;.d the (act that the owners of this pioi. eily have thus abused the privileges accorded them here in co.r. e.-.i. i. with Mich property may well cause America to coj.M.ler Melons! y the plan of confiscating it. lie lecent ,im losures of Mr. Palmer reirardinir the -. iki .smp aim operations ol tlie r.ndgeport Projectile Co., wy- b."ore c c. rattereon. 'l Un report '''inieeticut, are of interest in this connec- l'BUpl1 Commiiwioner at ... ...ce the revelations of Mr. Palmers bureau ot invest- iilvvnor- Oreon- gallon indicate that the company was incorporated lor the .m" Tn k V 10 , 1 h """""" iH.uiuiacuircrs te a c.ntet at any Ume before ....,n,K ,,,, supplies 01 powder. In ii-;tulic j:r.'sse- anlimonv ...i oth.r s ., .!ar material and' s ipplie.,. It u alo vnd that the money with which thi., ),.ipanv bt.iit ' ' ,i.ip,.i-u iis lactones was .rovi.led bv Gernianv ami won--! seen- 1. : ! s., ... e. at least, the cont v n i,n'o!c! - whuh b .s been m . ,d 1 Mr. Palmer-is as much a part ol the German war machine and as absolutely liable to i- riliM-.uion as are German Kmis. airplanes and' other war c'lmpiMent on the battle fronts in Kuropc. I he Svis Legation has jut transmitted to our State iKpaitnum a most teinaikable coninmuieatioii from the G..iiuan t'.overnmetu. in which an attempt is made to in terpose an objection to the Americanization ot" Gei'man- 1. 1 1 1 n . p. i t in this cotinin the allegation being made that our eminent, in selling such property to American citizens, 'Voiiseiously aims to do lasting inuirv to '.ennan economic existence." The note also charge's that the sale ot German ships to Americans constitutes an attempt to "Shackle, through measure ot force, the oppoitumties of German shipping interests to develop in the nitu.c.- and alleges that the Tradmg-with tlu-Knemv Act. under which such sales arc being made, is "an at tempt antagonistic to the spirit .f the treaties of IT'H) and l.VN. .ui.l in no wise warranted." The note al so contains a tlueat ot retaliation against American prop ity in Ge.m.uiy unless ,,e sale of Genua., owned pr.. . tily in this cot, Mi 1, discontinued. The Mtiuhou pusented is most cMraoidin.u v. Aft er baung ..p.nlx .le.laud treal.es to be mere "snaps of I'.ipci and dchimatcl) l,roken all ,-f her treaties with her piesent aduis.H.es. Germany demands tu, America ob se.ve t.eat.es made a hund.e.l . r more vear.s age and whicli a.c absolutely dead because G.e.inauv herself kill ol ll.e.n; and. atur li.nmg del.beratelv pre'pared tor for ty ears and lr.c.1 lor ...o.e than four' warn to steal and ..slave the whole wo.ld. Germany whmingly complain Lccau.sc America i taking lawml measures' to prevent j NOTICE KOll niU.ICATION j leiaitiiu-Dt of the Interior, V. S. Land Otllce at l.a C.rauile.OifKon, D.ti.l.er 21, l'JIS. i Notice Is hereby given that Zelta 'llroKliatl, whose punt ofl Ice Btltlrexx I Lena. OrcKon, dul. on the 3d day . June, l!Hs, die in IM office Kwuin nt.itei'H'tit 11 n. I i.,j.,. atlon.N.). I 0 1 . I 4 . In piir.tie the 1:4 NKV4, isWiNK. and SKi4 NW4. .See- II. u 11. Ti n.ilp 4 S.unh. Iluntse 29 K.t. W IlLiinette Meridian, and the limber theteon. uii.ler the prt- llun of the ii.t of June S. 18TB. an.l art amenJjtor)'. knen a Ih Timber an.) Stone Law." at aucb value a niUht be fl".'.l by appralne- ment. and that, purmmnt to tuch appllcallnn. the land and timber thereon have n l'rate.l at Mti.n.l the timber fllmnteil at JOO eott b.,i,l feet nt Ii . 0 r,r m. and the !:n,l IlliUm, t.t ml.l np li..int UI .ffer fliul pr. ,f In up-p-rt ..f hi. 'p'.i'tti.in nal un Ut.in.ot ia the :.t .f Janu- ty. 191 ). t.f,, p,tm, t'liil.-d State O.mui.i.. oner, at Heppner, Orison Anr per.n U at liheitv (0 pr.'t-t thia ptirrhe hrf-t mirr. or Inltl le a r.nle.t at trj t!n, befor latent lii. br Biinj t rormbnr atd aTl.llt m thu effir. alledm farti hlfh wmill dft ib ntrf C. 3. DUNN. R-ji.wr. Serving Local Business Establishments THIS you will find the Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank doing in practically every line of industry. Our WILLINGNESS to serve their every legitimate banking need is con sistent with our ABILITY to do so. If YOUR business is not rep resented on our long list of patrons may we help you to place it there? Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank j Big Ranch Bargain U I have to offer prospective buyers of real etat a I splendid 800-acre ranch with 110 acres under ditch and only one-half mile from town. Good house and H out-buildings. I am offering this place at a big bargain j and On raSV trrm If talon at nnro - w w w x a V VI FROrESSIONCfCAIUDS DR. R. i. VAIGHAN DENTIST Permanently located ln Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSOJf ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberta' Building eppner OregonT DR. N. E. WINIYARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMlTRDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW "ePPner Oreg0 SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW . Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or NigbO FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER f Roberts BIdg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WI1ITEIS, Heppner, Oregon The rick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICIi CRKAM AND CAR I) PARLORS KOY V. WH1TKIS INSUtAXCE HEAL ESTATE, LOANS. Heppner Oregon DR. 1. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC . PHYSICIAN t RoberU Building Heppner 0reg0 At Lexington every Tuesday and Thursday. K. J. 8TARKUY ELECTRICIAN Hou wiring a apeolalty, Heppner Oreo Phon (32. BOWER'S SHOI HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS. Prop. I u modern machinery methods HEPPNER, OREGON D i; Men's Winter Caps, 4 i v Ladies' Fancy Caps, i' sweaters, etc., ttc. I LinLE DARLING ROMPERS i for the Little Folks S LOOM AND YOU WILL BUY ' $500 REWARD $500 Notice g horeby given that I will P.".y a reward of lfv nn,ij j-i. rheydel r-tcoe -;hoae atdno eah at)t mhsl tovh yrea .tyd o vbRkk lur (15500 00) for the arreiit of l;.rs ($500.00) for the arrent and conviction ofo any person or persons ("looiin-; any of my horses or cattle from my pastures or from the ranje. Mock branded as (follows: Hor ses, JK connected on rleht shnuM Vearllnics and 2-'f-olds. bar o JK connected on right shoulder I Cattle. JK connected on left hip Snd side. Yarllns and 3-year-olds, jbar over JK connected on left hip land side. JOHN KILKENNY, I HrDDnvr. Or Psi'd at Hepp0r. Oreson. May 10, 1911. SAM HUGHES CO. Havfnc sold mv about to leav Heppner I uh to snnounc that all accounts due u have bn left mttn B. A. Pattlsoi. at th offic of tht Heppner Hsrald hert payments may b mad and rrslpta rcirtd. Th fir caused n brary lMs and I neod tvery cent du me to help re-seisbllsh myself tn businM. I'lts call and Im this matter yosr early atuetloa. OEORGS W. V EH DOT. Usppaer. Oreon. Sept. 21. Hit. o D o