"Gee! but it's nice to see a .id"! , ft I girl like you ! " T was in a hut at one of the training schools in France. He was a non-commissioned officer. He had been in France for eight months, and now was back from the front as an instructor. He hadn't seen a girl of his own kind, a girl like his sisters, for weeks. And there she stood behind the canteen counter in this big, roomy, comfortable hut He bought a bar of chocolate. Then he drifted over to the group around the piano. Presently he went back to the canteen ibr a package of cigarettes. He strolled to the reading table and leafed over a magazine. Again he returned this time for a cake of soap and some tooth-paste. t For a moment the rush at the canteen was over. He loitered at the counter and looked LA L the giri. She ctniled. So did he. Th en he blurted out whet he had been tryr. to s:r 11.41 w?. , Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before I The r.-l Is f. ir n r.rn 70 y printer t'.nri i.r.y r.ift -vt a-.lo1 Or r.-nce itio world tcr;in. Yio Cvt rnn.'.-nt bt. :x-l this t.utn ; . $17",5-').0'.i'.). riiriT to tl !.;'; fvm or."r.r.i.jl.yj3 til nt c::t.-, tin) .: ' u:t-i oilortif r ry sec Thsr in ca:vp?, ri i?-nz the b::i cil'c -- thef.-o.i':itr Ut.l-.T.s Am r;-,n !o r'-v !!. fi rn-.'-h ;n cor w.d r.ilurs r.vy i.vt i:ipy ctr'.;; IS I J tli.-.r Tr0 :.-cr r.i.M. ;;u.;;nr; :oo L 10!) L' ! tv.: " i' i I .''' ii (-'.:.::-T "v 2UJAU lu:i Dit-.'-'on M:'i cf i'u! 'is cf ! . Vh-cbtr: you A, U ' y, ir. i i r'. , f.f : Hfirn c" t j Vvi 'r.-.t.t ! t. ': r.,: -n :!..-.rful !..ni.', n s'.or-. serving ti;e cam .'.;.:.!.", th't til ! I.!!.! t.M.k liJIlJO . V.i'll ! Vou hive 1 r.-.rd yo.:r i;.- - ' ly t'.' Ir i '.-y : l'.-yf g.:-i to r,. l::t-.-::i t'j I.Ton.! : (' at ii v. j ; tl running restaurants, handing out hot chocolate or coffee, pies and doughnuts. V i They are giving the huts a look of home putting bright curtains at the windows, posters on the,,.walls, making flower-gardens at the doors. They are mending for the soldiers. But, most of all, they are just being there! They talk about the things that sound like home. Perhaps they know the very towns and streets and girls that these boys know. They bind together home and France! They are the girls beside the men behind the guns! 1 Without the organizations whose uniforms they wear, these girls could accomplish nothing. However eager to help, they could not even travel as individuals. But with the backing of these established, rec ognized and regulated bodies, they can work wonders. When you think of vp.r as a brutalizing force, think of Ameri can womanhood work ing with the soldiers in this war then ivc, to support the organiza tions which make this possible. ,.t.ii i -1 r r S.l ,'.') I : Y..ur. 'hXjl, a I I UK i i T ri iV.o i f li : V- i i i.'hi-rili, :;-i;i. : i -- i . mil ,;1 r 7 r '1 -3k J' a,. - ':'' V 1 V h ' ' ' , I k HAT L CTI(-U!C V.'AR CC'J'IC.!U-1CUC. L .1 T . ... -S. JS. VTs, "MCA. Y.W.C A. 'f v I- f r "i t i 4 1 1 ? ' if iv u.i I - ji . I . VJ! V. CAMP 7t COMMUNITY ttRVICC fMj AMKVtCAM LlklUtr ' I J J I ASSOCIATION QS' tALVATIOII Aft MY Jj .!