Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 08, 1918, Image 2

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Heppner Herald
S. A. PATT1SON, Editor and Publisher
i I M
7ri Independent Newspaper
Entered at the Hoppner, Oreson, Postoffiee as second-dura matter.
One Year
$2.00 Six Months
i'iirce .Vottl .")
The most stupendous sum of money, $170,500,000,
ever asked for in the history of the world as a soldiers' wel
fare fund, will be contributed by the big-hearted, patrio
tic people of the United States during the eight day peri
od froim November 11 to 18 inclusive.
The Herald makes the assertion that this magnificent
sum will be contributed, and in so doing it speaks advis
edly. Since the United States entered the world conflict,
thereby assuming her share of responsibility in the titanic
struggle which means so much to the plain people of the
earth, her citizens have more than met every demand.
Every issue of Liberty Bonds have been over-subscribed;
every appeal from the Red Cross and kindred organiza
tions has been met in a spirit of liberality and whole-heart-edness
never before witnessed in the history of mankind.
The injunction of the Master, "when a man asks for thy
coat give him thy cloak also," has been obeyed in every
instance. The Eourth Liberty Loan, which was for a sum
double that of the third, was oversubscribed by almost a
million dollars and it is safe to assume that in the coming
campaign 111 winch the seven great welfare organizations
are asked lor funds with which to carry comfort and good
cheer to our boys across the seas the same Christ-like soiril
of helping to bear the burden of another will be manifested
Kai-uig such a huge sum of money might not have
been poss.ide at I lie time the I'lihul Stales entered the
war; it might not have been possible a year ago nor six
iiionlh.-, ago. 'I he country was then suffering from un
prepanlm s in the matter ol giving as much as it was in
the matter of guns and ships and iiiunilions and rgli,iiig
men, liui during the time our boys have been in train
ing gett'iig themselves in physical condition to meet and
conquer the spirit of autocracy which has flooded the
world witli blood and misery, we who remain at home have
also been in training. We have been imbibing the spirit
of helpfulness of giving to a cause that we now know is
our cause and the cause of humanity.
Seven great welfare organizations are represented in
this drive: The V. M. C. A., the V. W. C. A., the National
Catholic War Council, Knights of Columbus, the Jewish
Welfare Hoard, the War Camp Community Service, the
American Library Association and the Salvation Army,
and each one of them have already more than made good
in their ministrations to the boys "over there."
While live of the seven organizations may be said to
be representative of different religious bodies it may also
be said that in the service they are rendering to our sol
diers and sailors in the training camps and on the battle
ileitis there is no such thing as sectarianism. No matter
whether a soldier is Jew or tientile, Catholic or Protestant,
recruited from a fashionable up-town church or from the
.shun district where the Salvation Army has for so many
years readied out a helping hand to the social outcasts of
the earth when he is cold and hungry and weary from the
stress of war, no iiestions are asked when he comes near
to the hut or canteen of any of these organizations, lie is
an American soldier and that is the only passport needed
to secure lor bun tne rest ami care and attention the food
and warmth and comfort, yes, and if you please, the to
bacco of which he stands in need. Another injunction of
the Master is thereby carried out without qualifications:
The hungry are led. the naked are clothed, the sick and
woiiiicicu aie giu-n aiivmion. 1 ne iiumamanan pniioso-
ph of tne man cmi, of which no greater has ecr been
giwn the world, furnishes a common ground upon which
.01 creed.- haw been united 111 an unselfish service.
It is to carry 011 this service that mi and I will again
be asked to gie, and we will give, willingly and gladlv,
ewi man according to his means.
ce in ti." United States and the
lininir 12. too incl.Mt tho.-e no
I.-.'' ;!e or i'. :hie ., : divo rc-'.v-!nf
v.-,o i.:ay ti uf'.'.id frr
'-f n e v. 'rk.
j - t..,i:t !. jO ad 'I . 1 !-.: ?
v 1 1 hp o- .-: by the alone
! 1 .'To'.' r c T.'.t. r,f the ". ar, according
j to the . Should tl'f war con-
' Unite -n present j . . ii i
! timateil thi.t the ton! n-.nl.- of
I mn-.s 'I'''-, in th- mitiiii'v ho
j ;;t:il, iic:-" ; abroad by n; .Inly
I wi" ! e '' -.'). Ta...-, -
i tho 11 -.i"rt f-'cOS. arc ' on an
I army of 3. r0,000 '-' a navy of
350,000, or ppproximntoi;- one
nurse to each 74 of the military and
naval population.
To meet the nursing require
ments of the coming year a cam
paign will soon be inaugurated in
whicb each state will receive an al
lotment, a duplication of the plan
by which thousands of nurses were
enrolled during the past summer.
The department of nursing of the
Red Cross Is the reserve for the
Army and Navy Nurse Corps.
The Red Cross has spent about
$850,000 In equipping nurses as
signed to duty abroad. Approxi
mately $1,500,000 of an appropria
tion of $1,719,357 has1 been expend
ed in equipping base hospital units.
The organization has equipped 50 of
these Units and assisted the Army
Nurse Corps in organizing two oth
ers for the army since our entrance
into the war.
For the navy it has organized or
,1s completing the organization of
eight base hospitals and 17 naval
station units. Each base hospital
unit has 500 beds and 60 nures. Or
iginally planned to cost about $3 5,
000 they now cost, about $50,000. In
addition to this war service the Red
Crops department of nursing is -con
tinuing its regular health work in
this country. It is supplying nurses
at point where, contagious diseases
appear .to be making licudway,- its
usmess Establishments
TIII5 you will find the Farmers and
Stockgrowers National Bank doing in
practically every line of industry.
Our WILLINGNESS' to serve their
every legitimate banking need 13 con
sistent with ocr ABILITY to do so.
If YOUR business is not rep
resented on our long list of
patrons may we help you to
place it there?
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
Big' Ranch Bargain
I have to offer prospective buyers of real estate a
i sofendid 800-acre ranch with 110 acres under ditch I
If and only one-half mile from town. Good house and
I out-buildings. I am offering this place at a big bargain
I and on easy terms if taken at once.
I ROY V. WHITEiS, Heppner, Oregon
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
lieppnei-, Oregon
Ofl'ice in Roberts' Buildm
Heppner O
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Heppner Oregon
inert recent.
; of'vrt to cf.
i.-di In.'l'ienza
:'H r, ;t . (',
H;'l l-MC !!
1 i :ni v. iU Ijo : 11 1 ;oi;,ri: r ;
:.) Nov. 18th lit IVn-nnn
u is". In lime, Tin silay
Ci.nsult. him.
tlii'i ,!ine
;lc f.')"fd
r.t of pv:
V';iin. '(:
ri-'srr '
lioil Cross Aiiinml .Mossajii'.
i;i:i cuoss oti:.-
In ii i f t; !. t l. iii r (mm ilitU
inii h i . .1 i i i .t i tii t!n' (kIIkhIiik In
I " m ,i u . ii mi m nut in n-n.inl to
Cliim liii'inlii'l it Hill ln ilitlKhtril til
know tliai ii limti- irn Inloll torn (
Ir.iit Ih'imi iiihiIo for CiiitiiK (or mUI
li'iH ho niM no iii'inlii nr tcl.illn-K
tn.iy rtily urt to llll n few i-iir-
t"io Imt would like it'.l thomi ho
want In lii-lp ncntl t'hrlhtiuim rhi-vr to
olii of thvi' f i tciiil Ichh ) k miMm im
tiv ttlllnii cm ton for thi'in kindly
lil .iur tiiiiuii ith Mr. V. 11. r
wln. Chilli limn Clii lutniHii l'an i'l
TIiiiki' brnni'lii'ii unit muiliui W not
to kIhhii ChiiniiiiK l'.iiif I t.iliilii havlnu ntnl for Cliiltiiinn rarlonii
.in lie miit All iinny onlrr I neurit
in'ii'ii iliuit m Ii Mililu rn to Inull
llirir Clii 1-1 niiin t'mnl I.iiIii Ik In tin'
ini'i li an llnl Ciun l al,liii;ti.n
i C A it i I 1 1 y ,i tlii i' l.ahi U mr
I m d nl N . 1 1 'ii .i I In siiliiiai ti'i ,
t!i. v it lo- m ilt to tin' ilit tlon I'fT
1. 1 and Until Un ci' 1 -1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 a
iMMii: I In- i loipu i , iniif: ,n h hi
li-il ! !' H Hl'j'l.f liM.lll
!tiO' l wiu.ld nf rni;i- In. liill' If
l t. lt i 1 1 it ( 1 1 I i on hi 1 1 t i it i" I ! i- I 'Ii i I
I t t I ait . I I.. ..i I of !',i Iiot . ilh
til ii,ttiti aii.l tii.n,l mho li.iti.
Kitt thin Ihi' M'ltltr tttttn ln rtotjt
ti t Jtllottli tioll OHIIlt; In tlir ulioit
llntf ti-aiallltli. ttti U I
Natioliiil III t.ltjUdi tri
llif tlil UlirU liit'llitl lo ip r.
in iMttMiiiiiM
I'tiiliT till t tit nn no tit r tmll ln
for tlii'lr hot nvi'mi'iiit. pi. -an' h t tin
kttott hoy niai!) hi ' tii i tli'tl u noon
ill lionnlttlt',
Sultiulay mill llti ri'itfli-r nihi'il
uli'it Ihi'ti- ttill It.' it Ui'il i'roitK n-.
Iluiiht'' iititl I'lii'lpn' to iliKiril iiti'
I in n'liitn of (Mt ton piopiMlt r. 1 1 1
I litl In-i'-ilil It lil ln tti'UJii tt I.t
thf Kill I'roi".. I'tol.iKi' I'.ti.l lit (.on. I
i'i mill lift ilh lln tint fin., for
oi rltiii:
The annual mesdUKe of the War
Cotincll to the cliupters of the Ameri
can Red Cross has been released for
publication. From itwe glean the
following interesting facts.:
May 1, 1917 the lied Cross had
186,194 lumbers working through
562 chapters. July 31, 1918 it had
0,648,103 members besides 8,000-
000 numbers of the Junior Red
iliad one fourth of the population of
the United States. This tremen
duouH inonibernhip carry on the work
through 3,854 chapters and some
30,000 branches and auxilliaries.
Total actual collections from the
first war fund to date are more than
1 15,000,000. subscriptions to se
cond war fund were $176,000,000.
Approximate 8,000,0000 women
are egaged in Red Cross work.
i'p to July, 1, 1918 the work room
hul produced: 490,120 refugee gar
ments, 7,123,621 hospital supplies:
10,786.489 hospital garments; 10
134, S01 knitted articles; 192,748-
107 surgical drtwsings.
Chupters were entitled to retain
25 per cent of the amount collected
to defray local expenses, for home
wvlre work and to purchase inater
ialti. They were thus entitled to re
tain $2'i, out), out); us a matter of
faf' thoy have retained but $22,000-
J inn 1, lfi17. IS men nnd wotmn
.ailrd for France as the first Ited
Cro.sK worker to go over. Ry jan
'inry 1. 1119 there will ho more than
."i.ntio worker In Franco.
'Hie I! ii1 CroKS Is nlfo o iterating In
Knuliml. Paly Ili'Uinm Swllzot land.
I'.tllitino nntl Croore nnt a ship load
I of :iiippHi' and winker have recent
ly boon dispatched to l:imnla a well
an lo Slbotla.
At ChrlKtinii time overy man
wnnitin and child In the United
Stale will bo given a chance to an-
i r Iho He. Crn roll call and thus
h 'too lilonllrti'd with this army of
w i: want sai.i'.s i;i:ri;i:sK.T.
ti i s i i vi i;y town in
Uciy-rUuciit of the- IiVLC,r!or, X". 'Z.
i.:.rl Office s.t La Granilo, Oregon.
O-Lobor 21, iniS.
" ?o't:eo is U'.'i'eby given that Wil
li am C. CnlicI:, who&e post-o'i'ice ad-
tivvA is H:p;'i;or Oiegcn, (li'I, on
'.'' Ufa day of Juno, 1018, file in
!' u.Vicc 'Tvcm s'at' iijei'.i, and ;ip
:',i' "'t:'.:i. .'o. (fl'?::"', to ru; .: h;. ;o
Mo; ii?;, nnd Sff', SHU.
.".'.?t'.-ii 11, To".ii: l' ip 4 Sotitli.Rurtse
2!) EitRt, Willamette ItcrUUan, and
the thiiber thoioon, tinder the pro
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value na mirjht be fixed by npprais-
ment, and that, pursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised at
$377.50, the timber estimated at
305,000 board feet at $1.50 per M.
and the land $120.00; that said ap
plicant will offer final proof In sup
port of his application and sworn
statemen the 20th day of Jan
uary, 1919, beCore C. C. Patterson,
United States Commissioner ' at
Heppner, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initi
ate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affldarlt In this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry.
C. 8. DUNN. Register.
III a;i -it )tt m.fi ,1 tfi,. At. oil- ,
Clll lii'l Cl" War Citlittril ui,!!..!
I'lal "tl Oilil ui .. tto Ihi 11 ll I
i.'lli't In Iho ! iiMitinitil of Nut.ing j1" '''"
ioililo. of tlio liiil Cto o it tutor 1 M.fo ' "ook
iiniat itii ltin li.i'ttit itf I ln'o tt it t m mo fit-
lit tiddlers snd aaitot. half of fit.
iiiinilH-r almtilt Itrlim i.n ilmt i tor
it.' About H.l'llll of ttiorr m
roitain lht UUoI ii'iriioil fiimi i I'lMro with tur fotro hor n.l
Welorn buys wllhottt fik ti.U or trl-, litot are with Ihe army. (oon
lltr tat 111 be Ukrn ri of by ti tlnd nurso. otnon. ht to n
t II IHllocn, rtrn If thi-y arrl oa ' '.''-d lo the Frdersl rttbllc
I he ry last day of ntatllog " 1 H l.h Ilureau or to the Hni ('run
.'1 .
ro'.t i
In itii nt
r Ii tt v ho
Ii! :' alt' .'. t i al
Im ' !...! no io
lid 111 to ii. t . I -V
i. t on ii ft ,t,
!'" I I till., a
".'' t tto t !..
from n,t t
Can .i!po ttf
rial flMltty J',
In sppltinc.
L'epartr.tcnt or the Interior, 1. S.
Land Oiiice at La C,;ado,G;'eim,
October 21, 101S.
.v'oUce is? lieroiiv given tliut ZAU
tir'jt ii-' ; h'-.e ou-t-oiiite ;:Jd;',;-;'
:.; Lt ii... 0T, .a, ii; , on iho Ud Viy
.r m , !: .!, in thin onifv
,-c. i':j''.o i; olic;:' ion.X .
: ti: i-.: : o iho x:: ,
s?. u :;s:, and Evt xn''i, .;(.-
tinn lj, Tov:n?hip 4 South, RanfW
21) Eac't, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the pro
vipions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts- amendatory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fired by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised at
$440.00 the timber estimated at
300,000 board feet at $1.00 per M,
and tho b.nd $140.00; that said ap
plicant will offer final proof In sup
port of his tpp'.lcatlon and sworn
statement on the 21st day of Janu
ary, 1919, before C. C. Patterson,
United States Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon. '
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase befnre entry, or Initi
ate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit In this office, alleging
facts wblch would defeat the entry.
C. 3. DUNN. Register.
Watch parer for dates
. -. Tuuxi::t
(o Heppner
'titular monthly vis-it
and lone.
i)!l. CIL'XSTiCK
Heppner Oregon
Licensed Graduate
Phone 722 (Day or Night)
Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
Office Phone Main 643
Residence Phone Main 665
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
October 8, 1918.
Not Coal Land
Notice Is hereby given that Nor
man O. Florence, of Heppner. Ore
gon, who, on April 8. 1914, made
Homestead Entry No. 013099 for
MYRA F. THOMAS. Defendant.
To Myra F. Thomas, tho abore
named defendant:
OF OREGON, you ore hereby sum
moned and required to appear and
annwer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before Friday, November 15, 1918
said dati being more than six weeks
after the first publication of thli
Summons, the said period nf
K.ito il
'ate. books
lifi" I'-lli
Into ,il
(illi-atil i'C
tl.'i.i tl.al
i tt ti k I'i
ion of r--11
Ion pr-
lato as.
pt toi.ini-.. rtpo'lrnco. nuiuti.T of
r-r ou bate !v m community,
snd roforenros. Addrw. a roof)
inrv KANE MM. CO. 1CM7
t.. C ?mlth ttld( , ttu. Wash.
fEVi, Soctlon 33. Township 2 South,
l; :r.si 27 East, Willamette Meridian
hn filed notice of Intention to make eeks being the time prescribed
thr.'o-yoar proof, to establish claim!00 th" ordpr for Publication of this
, . . , . . . i Summons; and If you fall to appear
' ' .ami answer the complaint or other
C. C. Patterson. United Htnle. Com- .,,.- ln ..i.t ...... nn . htt
tre said date, the plaintiff will
apply to the above entitled Court for
tl. relief prayed for In his coin pi a hit,
to it:
For a derroe of this Court that the
bonds of marrtace now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant be
forever dlKsnlved and holj for
naught, and that plaintiff be granted
an absolute divorce from defendant,
and that plaintiff be decreed to be
snd he is hereby the abaolute owner
of ail the real property described In
aid complaint, and Manillas In his
name, free from any and all claims
nlmtetor on the part of dofondsnt
and that plaintiff pay all rots anil
dUbiirsemontB heroin, and for surh
i-thof a nd further relief as may
In o.jtilty i juit
T'.i t '.ui! -it on l rvo l upsn you
!-v ot'.ili ati.tti ihnroi f iiir-,utit to an
orii'r of (i'.MiiTt W. rii!p. jit.lae of
!'- Clrmit Court of th H's' of
or. son, f r t'. Co'tniy of Mor
ro. I.I. h ort1r a duly
ma ! upon app'.l-aton to l I Judse.
tiisti ty tie plslr.Mft sad t,rh said
erlor ij!d th :;th dy of
?ptrmbor, 191 .
The dt of t!, flrt publlratloB
of this Punmuio I Friday, rkrtubvr
4th. Illl. and the date of the
l.t publkition thrf will be
Friday. Notmbr Uth. lll
r. II. KOniNSOM.
Attorney for fclaloUff
Post Off ce addreaa loae. Oru.
nltiMlonor, at Heppner, Oregon, on i
the 5lh day of Iwomber. 191 1.
Clnlmtint nnmo ss wllneitno:
John McC'illottuh, Psvld McCul-!
lotich. H. R. Kelly. Course Kreb. all
of Heppner, Oregon.
C. S Pt'NN. Register
Iii pm t su nt of the Intorlon. U. t.
Land Office at La Grande, On son
Oitobor Ii. ISIS.
Not Cl I.unl
Nolico 1 Itoivhy ttton that Janion
T. Mtttmn. nf 1.-tta. r -'tt, who. on
May 2 2. Ill. otiile Ht.!io!oai Fn-
"t. No 1 3 7. fur ' .t. ';
r.',. nw m;i,. s.;, nv,
.r.il Ni;, ',, oti"i U.ToTn
'ip ; ."oiii'i. Kiiniie :. Ita-l. Will
. i.totto Mori lt.tn. li II I i n -tit o i f
mil ,i! on to is iiko t'.'oo ytur priif.
ty rl'iblih rliln to the land a'mtf
tl-rtttw.l, bofot C. C rltoti B.
IVtol Huto Ciiminiionor, a!
Ili j pn"r. t)rson. on the 4th day of
I Wotii br. 11
Claimant names M wltnewes.
GumIo F Ayers. Charles A. Illotoa.
Taji M. Duncss. Arthur P.
Huihea. all of Lena. Orgoa
C. OCNN. Register
Heppner Oregon
( Roberta Building
Hoppner Oregon
At Leiiagtoa every Tuesday and
House wiring a specialty.
Heppner Oregon
Phone 633.
C. W. ROWERS. Trop.
I fse modern machinery methods.
$500 REWARD $500
Notice la hereby riven that I will
pry a reward of IFve Hundred dol
rheyde r-te$oe -;hoae atdno eah
at)t ishsl lovh yros ,tyd o vbgkk
lars (15500.00) for the arrest of
lars ($500.00) for the arrest and
conviction ofo any person or persons
dealing any of my horses or cattle
(mm my pastures or from the ranze.
Stock branded as tfollows: Hor
ses, JK connected on right shoulder.
Yearlings and 2-ear-olds. bar ovr
JK connected on right shoulder ,
Cattle, jk connected on lft '
and side. Yearlings and 3-year-ul??.
bar over JK connected on lft hip
snd stile.
Hoppner, Or.
I'at -1 at Id i t nor, On son. May 10.
listing sold my property and
shout to lov, Hoppner I wish to
announce thst all accounts due me
have bn left with B. A. Paulson, at
the office of the Heppner Herald
here payments tusy b made and
receipt received. Ths fir caused
mt havy loss and I need etery cent
due ne to bets re-establish myself
la bslaa. riHM call and l
this natter your early atleotloa.
Heppoer. Oregon. Sept. 1$. ,