i 1 : ) i . ' ! t II Have the Call Now rnAn RlanIofc"",-arS s'e in cotton and woolnap V.UUUI1 DldllKeiS Blankets; nice, warm and fleecy. Col ors white, gray, tan and khaki. Wnrkf RlnU Full sizes in all wool and also wool filled MUUI Lfiaiiivtia cotton warp blankets; gray Vienna brown, rviiiiK diiu ianty piaias. Cnttnn Cf.mf i4c Wc" madc and of Sood size shoddy UllUIl umiOri5 filled-cotton and shoddy--and fine white cotton filled, covered with good quality silkolines. Wiifkl ffmftrtc ea' Wool f'cece Comforts covered ttuui UIIIIUIIS with cheese cloth-may be used as they are or covered. Wc arc well equipped at the present for Winter. COME Wnnl Rattc 2 an.d 3 Pund sizes-pure wool fleece-Un-ytvvm aiis usual values, 72x84. Cotton Batte"""e havc ll,em !n 12-12 and 3 pound v,viiuu -Kins sizes; nice, clean white cotton. , Comfort CoVtlincrc""36"'ncn dallies, Silkolines and VU.ll.UIi V-UVKnngb Cretons, 25c to 35c yard. Some Printed Hanelettes at very special prices, 20c to 25c time to supply your needs SEE US & COMPANY .JL Lie' Z-XG lk uravely taste i Real Gravely is the common-sense chew lor men. It is economical. A man gets his tobacco sat isfaction out of a smaller chew and fewer of them. The good Gravely taste lasts a long while. Two or three smallsquaresof Real Gravely stays with you longer than a big hunk of ordinary plug. Each piece is packed in a pouch. These ere the plain facts about Gravely Plug Tobacco. foti further lhat't why yen can in iki fond taitt of Mil ciau of tobacco without txtra toil. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing PIup lQv a pouch-arec worth if J ust to Remind You Owners o Liberty Bonds If ou hi c the owner of Liberty Honds of the first imd second issues of I'M 7, )ouj should Like aiU .intake of the privilege of eou ei liinl tliein into bonds bearing -I per cent interest. I his priileJe expires v i u.i. t . Ilt V Illl 'V I '111. W e me at our service. Simply bring the IkmkIs to us an J we will be pleased to look after all the details. Your for sen ice, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER. Resources More than $1,500,000 LOCAL AND PERSONAL S. E. Notson announces that the sugar quota has been raisd to hhree pounds per month. John C. Doherty who has been in Idaho all summer with his eheop, was In twn several days during the week. He left for Echo Thursday morning near where hia b.".nd is now on the winter range . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knnppenberg havej sold their home on Cha'se street to Mrs. Eugene Campbell. LOST Wednesday, Oct. 30th, on tlio road between Jones' Hill and Ilippner, ft roll of bedding. Sulta I le reward ir returned to this office. -6-1 1 M. A. WALKER. CHANGE I.N GROCERY FIRM A deal was closed yesterday whereby Alex Green withdraws from the grocery firm of Phelps Grocery Grocery Co.. A. M. Phelps having taken over his Interest. The business will be continued as usual under the same firm nume Wanted First-class woman cook for country home. Kitchen f.nd liv ing room for cook detached from house. Permanent situation for right party. Address or call John Kilkenny, lleppner, Oregon, phone ::.tf Norm:. Having my properly and about in l,.u.. Il,.mm,.r i , announce thai a!l accounts due me nave hc.-n I, ft with h. A. Patib-on. at the olluo of the Hei.tii-r Herald where p menu nmy i,0 nillto and receipt reecHe.l. Tho lire caused tne lieuvy loss nml 1 need everv cent dim me to help re-ewtnblh.li myelt in iiiimiioh. i'i,.se (-i and give llil maticr your early attention. i;i:hi;i;k w. VKitnoT. lleppner, Oregon. Sept. IS, 1818. THE CITY ELECTION The coming city election promises to be interesting with two complete tickets- in the field. Besides the "Women's ticket," the personnel of which Is printed In another column, nother ticket, headed by Mayor Smead, and with Fred Tash, Hanson Hughes and J. O. Hager for Council- men, and J. P. Williams and L. W. I!rlgs for recorder and Treasurer, is annouueed. It is nlt.o understood that C. L. Sweei;, present Incumb ent, will he on the ballot for reelection. GOOSE HUNTERS GET GAME A party of Heppner spoilsmen consisting of Gene Noble, Snider, the ice mm, Storm andKenneth Ma honey, bankers and Mr. and Mrs. Pen Patterson, drove to Arlington Sunday and enjoyed some fine sport shooting geese. When the Herald nwn started out to secure a honker for his own use Monday morning, however, he had ill lurk. Ben and Gene and Storm and Snvder all stewed him In Kenneth's direction as the only man who had a surplus and Kennlth declared the bunch had given the h. in. a bum steer. A fat goose would be acceptable from any of them next time th y go, for a fat goiwe is always better thin a bum steer. SUBSCRIBE nw toe HEPPHER HERALD The Yukon niln.ir la tnrnlne trrm Sold to diver mining. While th value of th former, or Ik purchasing power, ban decreased, that of silver bat been I doubled. There 1 great activity In two diver Nrlug area tributary to Dawson, the Mayo district on the upper Stewart rtver and along the Twelve-Milt Creek. , These field are 1.10 mlle( apart 811 W was riUcuverw! la these area yenr ago, ,, no wofk pTpp dll, The Canadian gnvcrnincnt ba dls-1-atetHil a p.irty of grviosM t ,irea. tlgate the pr...vta of developing the silver uiliiii.t; Induptry In this section. fUin Drowns Sparrows. Main Ml hnr.1 In storm at U..und.vlll,.. w. v.. rect!y that UuUrvUs uf iarrv o drywoej, SOI.MEKS- t'lllilST.MAS PACK AGES The local chapter of the R"d t'nifi has been notified th.a th. time fur eidin'cus l'-f..iu !iiillin li;ne f,r Miiding Chrihtinus pack ages to the siilillers oetseas bai be.-n exlctidi'd to Noveber :oth. Those Interested will please take notice. WE WANT SALES UEPRESENTA' T1VKS IN EVERY TOWN IN OUKC.ON. We prefer men who have sold stock. Insurance, real estate, books or who have had no sale experience but would like to develop into sales men. We trsln every applicant ac cepted and provide a system that will enable anyone who works to make from $T5 00 t 1150 OO pet eek. Can also u women of et- ccptlonal ability. PoiHtlon per-' lament. In applying, state age. i p"t buin.- experience, number of ' r "U have llvitl in romn unity, i and reference. Addree In rnnfi-' lence KXK MTtS CM . h: :t I.. C. Smith bide Seattle. Wuh. ! :5d:r PEOPLES CASH MARKET HENRY SCHWARZ. Proprietor I handle all kinds ef Fresh and Salt Meats and Poultry, Lard, Compounds, Sausages Highest Cash Prices Paid for Poultry, Hides, Etc. - - - Oregon Wars are won with metal save it. Iron and steel are needed for tanks, guns, ammunition, ships, railroads, etc. Folks at home must save iron and steel to help win the war. Use the old range until after the war. Make your old ranga do a little longer by having it repaired. If it's pait repairing, then th next beat tep i to buy the range t hat ave fuel, food and repair. The Majettic' heat, tight riveting prevents fuel w.ttej il perfect baking prevent food vaite.and it unbreakable malleable iron and rut-retiting charcoal iron make repairs a rat need. GILLIAM & BISBEE Caarwnr II ,,, Matll n4 mw . i.l lkm ltm u: V. .III lunslr you Mllh tnuinl Ml,llc maltrlal, a luKl. Inlto.r ri,. aiadt r ocuinrt. i r i t r mm I fa I ..... .j j '"" - tl I -Mi .-.. I S 1 s r-, ' 1 tx v V I iA P I P i t-ajjiai-j.s