Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 01, 1918, Image 5

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    JjL V iLiLdA IvAIM- j v
s. SayS' the Commaiider4iChief
6i3 SeStet-
rLvfaro ..una
CaBP Commune - --
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HHHE President has expressed what is In every
I American heart. As a nation we are united in
the winning of this war. As a nation we stand
behind our fighters eager and prepared to do for them
whatever will hasten victory and make the fighter's
task a little lighter.
As individuals there Is little we can do. As a na
tion we can work wonders through the seven organi
zations authorized and recognized by the Government
They come to you not as Catholics, nor as Jews
nor as Protestants, net as the representatives of any
creed .or enterprise, but as Americans to ask that you
join in this great united undertaking for God, and
country and our fighters.
The President has voiced his belief that this spirit
cf unity will be " crowned with abundant success."
He believes it because he knows this campaign is
"of vital military value" and he knows that you will
leave nothing undone to win this war.
It rests with you. Think of this, campaign as your
sole responsibility. What you gi e will mean its suc
cess. You cannot leave this undertaking to others. It
is YOUR campaign. In France, Americans are fight
ing this war as if the result depended on the way each
individual fights. At home, this campaign rests with
you. What will you give decide to night and make
your share the biggest thing you ever did!
Why you should give tvico r.3 much a3 you ever gave before I
Th. naad In fnr a iri-n 70'i (;rtrr t'.n iir.y rttt mi kl t"t lnc th. world began. Th. Oovw.
mmt has fird nln tw-i l Ciro.V :i.i.J.
By r.'vlnp to :i."im wvtn oi,- .nativ n:ial one, th. coot and (Tnrt of til additional ram)talKfilaM4.
'.'it's An,rl-a,.3 da i;iv. turn aj iiiucli aa aver t(..to, our ftoldiwa and aalluta uiay nut aJay
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VI L .. ; f, ir H'.'J B:.l t..-hpr "nrntiriia"
2. i i laK Uiii Milli 'na ol d il'.uta nf liom. comf'irtm,
prri t Hi !t,'.v.
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luUt U k i.on.ii ac
1 ! fc ti' fiil r.nra ' evry fn'titef l i t) choar and cuinfotia nf thaa.
. t . wi.y It. n,-i . ii t. It "d I k a rain. Vm pi'ivl.la bin with
!...:na. a ia. a k 'i'h.I, a i'lu and an atutallc baldaud kuuwladtf ttaat IM
i i, t.trt and fi"ul I
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N'w rlva f i . t.la t'.ia M'ual that la w:t.nlr. tin war I
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