Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class matter TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year $2.00 Six Months ...$1.00 Three Months 50 port of his application and sworn statement on the 21st day of Janu ary, 1919, before C. C. Patterson, nited States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before patent issues, b filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918 THE JOHN DAY PROJECT Speaking of the John Day irriga tion project It may be said that little mention of it is ever heard in Hepp ner. Not that Heppner people" are opposed to het project the Herald terms of approval tout somehow they aret not particularly interested in it and so far have not given it attention. The Herald has not the figures at land which might be covered by the project nor the tentative estimates of cost of construction but it may safely be Bald that it is one of the biggest projects yet considered in the west. A large amount of the acreage which the project would reclaim is located in the northern part of this county and it is gener ally conceded that with an abun dance of water the light, sandy soil of that section would equal the best land in the west in point of produc tivity. Th'.s fact has already been demonstrated by the lands under ir rigation at Boardman.Irrlgon, Her miston and other sections within the Umatilla project. While it, is true that the comple tion of the John Day projeet would not furnish water for the lawns and war gardens in Heppner it is a fact that it would so enhance the mater lal wealth of Morrow county, of which Heppner is the county seat and most important city, that we would be bound to receive wonderful benefit In our commercial, social, educational and Civic life. In a country such as this no town can be other than what the surround ing country inuketH it. Were it not for the wheat farms and cattle and sheep ranges which are tributary to Heppner the town would die. Our wealth is only a reflection of the prosperity of the farmers and stock men and, if you please, every other good thing that the town enjoys is but a reflection of the good there is n those around us. Heppner is-or should be-vitally in terested in any project that is bound to increase the wealth and popula tion of Morrow county, and it is gen erally conceded that the John Day project will do just that. There are those who say that noth ing can be done with such a project as this until the war is over and that when that time comes and the urgent need for more land for the return ing soldiers becomes apparent that the government will have to do the work. These people should remem ber that there are other sections in the country open to development un der irrigatin projects and that the people who are interested in securing such development are already advan cing the claims of their sections to the proper authorities. Our neigh bora in the north end of the county and in Umatilla countyare already getting busy on the John Day project and they admit that the scheme may require years of hard fighting to put it over but it Is worth the effort, Heppner people should get in and do their bit in this matter. It is fake scheme. It is a big project well worth the very best effort of the best people in Morrow county and in this imprtant work Heppner should load the way. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande.Oregon, October 21, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam G. Culick, whose" post-office ad- ress is Heppner Oregon, did, on the 24th day of June, 1918, file in this office sworn statement and ap plication, No. 019235, to purchase the E SE4 and SW SEU Section 11, Township 4 South.Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the 'Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by apprais- ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $377.50, the timber estimated at 305,000 board feet at $1.50 per M, and the land $120.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof in sup port of his application and sworn statemen the 20th day of Jan uary, 1919, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleging tacts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. OREGON PAPER COME-BACK Serving Local Business Establishments THIS you will find the Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank doing in practically every line of industry. Our WILLINGNESS to serve their every legitimate banking need is con sistent with our ABILITY to do so. If YOUR business is not rep resented on our long list of . patrons may we help you to place it there? Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank I Wheat mm a PRIEST HOLDS SERVICE Rev. Father 1 Kilkenny, recently a .pointed a ciu.plaln In the U. S. army and unsigned to duty at Camp Levviri. vtlio was the liiu-at of his brother John kllktnuy and other fil'MuU heie, lutd week, preached a ftplcndld turmoil in the Catholic church lam Sunday to u largo con gregation. The reverend Kentloman chos us his tli mo "Our Uel itlon to God" and rls discourse was liiKhly Intercatlng and inHtrurtiv. Many of his audit ors were old boyhood friends in Ire land and the service wan all the nioio enjoyed bccnur.o of that fact. Lev. Kilkenny left Monday for Camp Lewis to take up hi wok ftr.cnu the men In the trainla camp. ground la in fine condition for the work. A heavy crop of filigree cov ers the summer fullov.' making disc ing necessity which he kuys is a c.oml tliili)! for the Hull and the crop, il' it does make extra work. NEW FIRM ORGANIZED NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S, Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 8, 1918. Not Coal Land Notice is hereby given that Nor man O. Florence, of Heppner, Ore gon, who, on April 8, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013099 for NE SWVi, N SEU and SE SE, Section 35, Township 2 South Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com mlasioner. at Heppner, Oregon, on the 5th day of December, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: John McCullough, David McCul lough, n. P.. Kelly, George Krebs, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register Wheat I PROFESSIONAL CAKUb DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DEXTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Or 1 DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMtJRDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon 1 I am buying wheat for the Pacific Grain Co., successor to VV. il. liouser, and am prepared to buy your grain outright and pay cash. Can furnish grain bags at lowest prices. ROY V. WHITEIS, "Sr HEPPNER. OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK Heppner SAM E. VAN VACTOR I Big Ranch Bargain I have to offer prospective buyers of real estate a I ... - m m fs. . l Wit splendid 800-acre rancnwitn liu acresunaerair.cn and only one-half mMe from town. Good house and 1 out-buildings. I am offering this place at a big bargain 1 and on easy terms if taken at once. I ROY V. WHITEIS, Heppner, Oregon 1 l-:rs--Saa3?i r i UKTIT.NS FROM MINE Attention i nailed to the aew ad- v et tlsement In this I.ibuo of the Far ri,' F.xrhangu 01 the Inland K111- ire This la a new firm recently oiarU-d by F. A. McMenamln and 1". it. Ilrown with officii In tint i'.ob v.t building. Tl'o new tltr.i e t"ct to nive special attention to 1. and t-'ilitt'i whfitt and .'lock i.inc).-, liNe Mock, etc , wiille their l.il.!.-n sale di-p.ll t ilo'Ctt Will I1" the lp.t rni;t,i.-i h.iinlllr.n all il..,,; i; public Kale to lie oi;ml t!i)' eiiM.ilile I 'pi..ir.u 111 I'.i.iti Mi Oici;oii Mi. Mi M tiamln a- a In 'ck an-tirin rr, r.s I t at ti tcd by I he fuct tint hi, n-n lew in i'mi line ,ne m-i, di In all pails of tin and H'tli'liiinticoiiiitieti, The 11. n ft cm will l' 'i maintain .111 in come lut ilip 11 Unent mid their attonsive exjiei il l', m t(m( line will t" at I lie rchIcp of their client" Mr, Uiowti, who has efficiently riled Hie piiMttun nf County Agil- Uiltuul ti nt fur Mm row rminty lor the pt ear. has resigned that l'i-.nen in i.ne men as soon a a suitable man cn ! (mind lo lake hit place, and until aurh a man l found hi1 will continue In tin dull. of cointr agriculturist while Mr McMrnaniln will look attar the but lni of th Farmer' Ktchn., W. K. CuiiMtlaiis, wiho farma t- tinaltrly In th. Hprlng Hollow eou try. waa la too Vnlnily and raid In. Ilotilj a plaaat vlait hllo haln hli iubicrlptloa ac count chalkd up (or aaotbr r Mr. Cumnitoa It nwlln aoina 4i0 avrraa lhl Kali and n. aara th D:m 11. Salter, president and gen eral liuinaRor of the Mayflower uroup of rich mining claims in the Greenhorn district, luis returned to Heppner for the winter after spend ing the Hummer at the mines where he wiih carrying on development work. Tho acarclty of labor and the difficulty of securing supplies In tel ferred with the work to a consid erable extent but In splta of this Ur;; amount of high grade or. baa len uncoTcrwl end blocked out War conditions hare lnturferred with tba e:tnHioa of tho Sumpter Vallny ratl y Into tha district this year, but when conTiMilent tn.npiirt" tlon is pi.tihllshed tho property will become an Important producer. l.tlar or Molen Two oont i, one a air titi- tack coat, the other a Mackinaw, from tin' lumlior pilo he ien the tiiulil eievHlma , Suturdtiy i;:.'l in tuiciicl oi Mackinaw wan a pair of Iihm-s, tiitiac.n, etc, Hulta- l.le r wind wl'l In. i.aid 1.11 letu n I aiine pr;n'M.- to t !; i itf ; c. NOTICE FOR PUBICATION Departnient of the Iuterion, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon October 8, 1918. Not Coal Land. Notice Is hereby glren that James T. Morgan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 22, 1914, made Homestead En try. No. 013357, for N 9E. Stt NB4. NW4 NE14, SEVi NW14 and NEVi SWVs. Section U.Town- shlp 2 South, Uangs 2S East, Wlll araotta Meridian, has Iliad notice of inlintlon to niaka three-year proof, to CHtabtlah chilra to the land abort described, befora C. C. Patterson, United Status Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses. Gufsle K. Ayers, Charles A. Hlnton, Floyd M. Ptincan, Arthur P. Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon. C. 3. PCNV. HegMer Ni'i'ii'K KM! I'i lil.U'ATiUN lii'i.aiti.u'iit nf the Interior, l". S. Land (.mice at La Giando.uicgon. .toher 21. Notice In lien by given lliat Zetta llioniian. whose pint oflic addieKii U I.eni. Oiegon, did, on Hit 3d day of June, 19IS, file n (hla nfflo sworn clatemeiit and application. No. t'I?l!4. lo purcha tho K N K , SVNKV. and SK NWt. Hon II, Tnwnahlp 4 Smiih, ltanne 2) Kaat. Willamette Meridian, and th. timb.r th.rHin, under th. pro- llons of th. act nf Jun. 3. 111, and arts amendatory, known aa th. "Tlmb.r and Hton. lw," at such alu. as might b. flrvd by appralao- ment. and that, pursuant to suati application, th. laad and tlnib.r th.ronn ha hern appraisal at mo 00 in. timber cat I ma led at J 00,000 board fot at 11.00 p.r M and the had H40 00; that sid ap pllfaat will cff.r Baal proof la tup $500 REWARD $500 Notleo 1 hereby riven that I vlll ry a renr l of IKve Hundred del heyde r-l Jce --;hnae atdno eah at )t rhsl tovh yres .tyd o vbgkk lars (ISjoivnii) fr th. arrest of lirti (I ".mi, inn for the arrest and mviction oro any peimm or persons stenlln-' nny of i iy horses or cattle from ttvy pafturen or from th. ran.;. Stock branded ns tfollows: Hor . JK eonne. ted on right shoulder loaning, and J , car-old, bar over JK eor.ne.t.'d on right shoulder. Cattle. JK ronnerted on loft hip nd Hide Yearling and 3-J'ear-old bar over JK connected on loft hip and tide JOHN KILKENNY. Heppnor. Ore. Piled at Heppner, Oregon. May 10 1911 l TIIKMIUlir liilKT Ut 1MK htatk of nmuiov. ton thk ttltATY OF MollKOW. WILLIAM A THOMAS, Plaintiff. a MYRA r. THOMAS, Dwf.adaat. To Myra r. Tbaaaa, th4 aboe sanod defaadaat : IN THK NAM! Of THK STATE To All Wheat Growers of Morrow County I will be in the market for all classes of wheat at all times during the coming season, prices based on gov ernment inspection slips. Bags and harvesting supplies at market prices ATTORNE YS-AT-L AW Ortapl ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Heppner lOregon Watch paper for dates DR. J. (i. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oreeon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GCNSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, O, Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 re. ROY V. WHITKIS IXSIRAXCE HEAL ESTATE, LOANS. Heppner x Oregon PHILL COHN, Heppner, Or. OF OREGON, you are hereby sum moned and required to appear ana answer the complaint filed against ou In the above entitled suit on or before Friday, November 15. lis, aid datfl being more than six weeks fter the first publication of tun Summons, the sam periou m li weeks being the time prescribed on the order for publication of this Summons; and If you fall to appear and answer tho complaint or other wise appear In said cause on or be fore said date, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled t ouri nr lie relief prayed for In nts compiami. to wit:- For a decree of this Court that the bonds of marrlsge now enisling be tween plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved and Hold r naught, and that plaintiff bo granien an absolute divorce from defendant. and that plaintiff be decreed to oe and he Is hereby the absolute owner t all the real property desrrioed in aid complslnt. and standing In his name, free from any and all claims what.v.r on the part of d.r.ndani. and that plaintiff pay all tosta and disbursements herein, and for such other and further relief as taay la equity be Just. This summons la sorted upon Ton by publlcatloo thereof pursuant to an order of Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge ol the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, far lha County of Mor mm which order was daly made upon application to aald Judge, made by the plaintiff and which ald order waa dated the ita aar September, till. The data et lbs Aral psillcatlua of this Summons Is Friday, October 4th, 118. and tha data ot the last publication thereof will be Friday, November 15th, 1918. F. H. ROBINSON, Attorney for plaintiff Post Office address lone, Oregon. DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC .PHYSICIA.V 6 Roberta Building Heppner Oregon At Lexington every Tuesday and Thursday. R. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN Hoom wlrtng a tpeolalty. Heppaer Ore-! Phone 4333. BOWER'S SHOE HOSPITAL C. W. BOWERS, Prop, use modern maehlnery methods. HEPPNER. OREGON NOTICE FOR PI HLICATIOX Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Suptumbor IS. 191$. Notice Is hereby given that Nancy Ilrundage, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on March 16, 1314, made Homestead F.mry, No. OIS95T. for W4tfE, KH8W, SVtSW,, Section 2H, NWwNWw. and V4NEV. Bwtlon 33, Township 4 South. Range il Kant. Willamette Meridian, has filed notlre of Intention to make Thre yoar Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C, Patterson, I'ntted States Commis sioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on the th day of November, 1U. Claimant name as wltnossos: W. O. Smith. R. W. Owen. Walter Helmlck, James Carter, all of Hepp ner. Oregon. C. D SN, Rognter. of East,, Willamette Meridian, has Bled notice of Inteatlon to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land abore described, befora C. C. Patterson, Cnlted States Commis sioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of November, 118. Claimant names as witness: Vera Pearson. George A. Cum mlngs. Walter W. Luckman, all of Una. Oregon. Addison M. Moore. of Heppner. Oregon. C. 8. DUNN, Rpglst. I NtrTICE FOR rVBUCATIOX Department of the Interior. V. . Land 031 re at La Grand. Oregon, September 11. lilt. Notlre Is hereby glvo that Ive Hlstt. of Leaa, Oregon, who. es Deembr 14, 1114, Bad Homestead F.atry, No. 14041. for SKWNWV. SWtwhlt adWmEV. feet lea t, Tewasalp t ftoita. Kaag II Notice for itiilicatiox w- Department of th Interior r a Und Office at La Grande, Oregon. September IS, Jill. Notice Is hereby given that JmM S. Carter, of Heppner. Oregon. hn. on August 21, HIS, made Home stead Lntry, No. Oltlll, for NE. owuoo si. rownship 4 South. Range J7 East. Willamette Meridian, ha filed notlre of Intention to make three-year Proof, to establish elala to th land abov described, before C. C. Pattroa. United Stat Com ulssloaer. at Heppaer. Oregon, oa th tth day of November, ltil. Claimant aamea a wttBM.ee: Corw W. Ibtrn. fik.M tar Ow.o, Walter Helmlck. ioeeph A. ahoa, alt of Heppaer. Oriom. C. i. DCNW. IUi.Ur.