I 1 I ALL OVER MORROW COUNTY Interesting News Letters from Herald's Corps of "Live Ones." J I New Store I New Goods ! I p H I have just opened up my IONE ITEMS LEXINGTON ITEMS I New Stock of Millinery On Main Street Opposite Haylors Jewelry Store I will carry a complete stock of .. , Millinery, Corsets and Toilet Articles i -AGENCY- Victor Ladies' Tailoring Co., Henderson, La Princess I and Gossard Corsets. Maurice Toilet Articles I 1 MRS. L G. liERREN 1 i i in i mami"' "IMII1"'"1 A f -rT-Trni Vsfc""Tlii - ai i Lines That Lead Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Pan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows . -; i ;v .' fc i i 4.'.-,i : i f .'.j Universal and Perninsular Ranges Mrs. Pete Beymer was down from Lexington Monday. Reo andl.lra. Jones of Lexington were in lone Friday. J. T. Knappenburg was down from Heppner Sunday. Earl Blake left Saturday to return to his ship at Newport News, Va, Bert Mason returned Saturday from a short business trip to Fort land Miss Gwendolyn Jones was a Lex ington bound passenger on Tues day evening's train. T. S. Bender left for Colfax, Wash. Monday morning after a two weeks business visit in lone. Mrs. . Louis Cason returned to lone Saturday morning after a few days' visit in Heppner. A ten pound son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Nealie White of Lexington Tuesday morning at Mrs. Jordan's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray returned to lone Tuesday morning from a ten day visit In Portland and Drain, Oregon. ' Mrs. Frank Hopkins, who is a teacher in the Hardman school, was a visitor at the Perry Hopkins home on Tuesday. Mrs. Kennith Blake left Thursday morning for Eugene Oregon, to be near her husband who is training in the S. A. T. C. at the University. Harold Dobyns arrived from the Naval training camp at Seattle, Washington, Saturday evening to spend a thirty day furlough with his mother, Mrs. H. M. Olden. Ray Drake, of Eightmile, was an lone caller on Tuesday. Mr, DraVe has recently moved from the E. R, Lundell place to the Claus Johnson ranch near the Idea school. FOR SALE. BY PEOPLES' HDW. CO. Home Products for Home People! We see Billy Corson on the street again. W. G. Moore, of Yamhill has been visiting his son, Frank Moore and wife for a few days. Miss Edna Baunian is at home on visit until the "flu" abates In Port land, where she Is attending school. Mrs. A. L. Williams, mother of Mrs. J. F. McMillan, returned home after a couple of weeks spent In the Rose City. Mrs. C. A. Johnson and. family moved to Gresham, Oregon. They Moved their things Thursday and left Friday morning. Roy Johnson, who has been em ployed around Lexington for several years, left Tuesday morning to do his "bit" for Uncle Cam. The funeral of the late Henry Cole was very quiet Tuesday after noon owing to the fact that the de ceased died from the influenza. Wo announce the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Neil White Monday, Oct. 28, 1918. As this is the first child, Mr. and Mrs. White are re ceiving the congratulations of their many friends on this joyful occasion Our little town went Into quaran tine Monday night and the school was closed Tuesday morning on ac count of the influenza. At present there are no cases of the dreaded disease in our community, and the quarantine was insisted upon as a prevention. Gerald White had the misfortune to break his am while seeding the other day. It seems that the team he was driving became frightened, and as he fell off the drill his arm struck a part of It In such a manner as to break it, causing him a very painful wound. WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat; Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. SOW YirVcS NOW Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure to get it now, but not in the WINTER. TUM-A-LUM Lumber Company See Lew at Lexington and Bill at lone Louis Padberg returned from Port land Thursday. He went back again Monday to get his family, who will return to the ranch near Lexington until the Portland schools are re opened. Mrs. Mary E. Young, who has spent the summer with her son Frank near lone, left Saturday for Portland wher she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. HIn die during the coming winter. J. L. Hughes is in lone for a few days' viHit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes. He has been working in the mountains around Baker, Whitney and Hitter during the past spring and summer. E. S. Lllyeblad and crew have been putting a sidewalk in front of John Wilts blacksmith shop. This will be a decided Improvement over the old board walk which had been put in bad condition by the flood last July. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hale andMrs. G. B. Reese of White 'Swan Wash, nvotered over for a short visit with friends and relatives In lone. .John Cochran made the return trip with them leaving on Wednesday morn ing. Earl V. Puyear, who Is in Unrle Ram's rrvlre, aviation division Is home from Charolette, North Caro lina, where he. Is stationed. Mr.l'u ye..r but rerenlly recovered from an attack of Mn. I'e will he here for rr ven.l days. CECIL ITEMS Herb Hynd transacted business In lone Monday. Albert Nash was an Arlington visitor Sunday. Jack Hynd and wife were Sunday visitors at the Hendriksen home. WHEN YOU THINK OF GOOD EATS THINK OF THE Phelps Grocery Co. i Send Us Your Orders for PFJNTING Mrs. Klinrr Orl.rith returned : Intm Tui'Mliiy evening from Men! I'i.rk. Ciil. Where nho I,, is i n ! ir.i led the l.'ff fi w ii nnltri. Ihr hm iii.nd v h'i wui Unltiing In anp Kre no;it, l.i ii'iw on lii wayiiit : ii'l ex perts In l,e In r'rume before ver) I' tit;. Mr. r i d :.rr.. lien, ;,n O'Ni' I Irfl In-t Wediiculnjr iii'dimik' for I .on Ani-elei, c'alll: nia. Mr. O Mel line Si en orkin' in the lone ii.n a no with I, IK hro'l.er for the l.r t flfht months but, a lie expert to ,u railed to Hie Hiivire Mion returned o former home In l.oit Armeies a Mlt aP.il to Ht'.'im'e for Hie tii.,oHl of bin prop, erty there. Mm. M. II. Maine rnein. oid I'rlday of t ?. death of lit r brother Sidney iton from Fpanich mfluen jn. Sidney him been In the natal ; enlr om-t a year, being loair hi 'r'oitren Monne, Va. He had lut !eured a furlough nd expert,! 'homo for a ilt for t firnt lime )trr hit enlistment when til family 'received ri' of hi Midden de.lh Mr. and Mr ll,ne left Haturda corning to so to Mr Maine.' tooth. er horn at Waaliougal. Wh. Zennith Lo'an passed through Cecil i.ionday on his way to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cox of Heppner were callers at the Last Camp Thur sday. Mr. T. H. Lowe and daughter, Miss Minnie returned home from Portland Friday. Jack Hynd went to the Sand Hol iow ranch Friday, returning home aaiuraay. Kj i Ed Miller and R. Akers of lone were callers at the Butterby Flats Tuesday. Walter Pope and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Winters were Arlington business callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Minor or Hepp ner passed through Cecil Thumday enrouto to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwlc'k of lone visi ted at the home of C. H. Winters Vonday and Tresdsy Mm. Albert Na.-.h who has hen In llnrrlsburr for the lal two weeks 'i ; trrived home Monday. A. llendrikMin went in Portland ;, Mimlay wllh a rar load of ra'lle r turning home T huri!ay. i i .i i- , i it": i.tiijiiiiii.'Hii ,ti:ii 111 Il'.iii Killer Spuiiat Saluiilay w In re he pent the MiinJiier inonlli!. It. i;. Imiir; n mm! fainil;, i.noi,i- p. hull by M 1 1'. J. Mi !.i,!,i e veie rll talle'll Slillil:.)' evetnriC Wiilter i'ope n ' ' . i : . J. 1 1 n i 1 hv 'A in. Ilium ft ml Ceiil Ah.. II mn ;i rs at i'al niliir lamh on .-'unci. v. War Emergency Course and Certificate Oregon Normal School Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normal School will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty weeks outlined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The course wlH begin with each of the terms commencing November 16, 1911; February 8, 1919; and April 12, 1919. The Superintendent of Public Instruction will consider it equlvaont to the Teachers Training Course and Issue a certificate, upon its completion valid to teach In the elementary grades for one year. This Course will be open to those who have had two years or more of high school work or its equivalent and who are at leant eighteen years of age. For detailed Information address KF.OISTK Alt OKKOON NO It MA SCHOOL, im a-tn or Mrs. Hunker, on Duller Ct.nk, ia reported b tin Ml i. ( i i.ht 1 1 M i hil li . ii - ho bile In ell Ml it, HP III th" V.'tll'V In' 111" ha t i' t , oiiiii' li'iii'i. Tin'- lay. 0" rire Ari'leifon who h.i he. n amp teii'lim; for II , i,. I ito on I In lloin la nil li. Ml, lii i H' ( m li.il Moliiluy. Ja k llvr.'l and T. II l.ovn ueeon,. panli-d by the M."hk Annie .nd Violet Hynd and Annie and M nnie Lowe, eie lone rallers Saturda). an rick Th. McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICI- CUI-AM AM) CARD PARLOUS Henry role, a farm hand on tl.t W, It, f'liiley ranili lioith of !.i mtill ton dieii-iund ay tiirht follow nu henioi ihat e from the lun! II' as burled Tueitay t I,ni:n-'on A Slight hlal" In the Wlhon hot' I 'aud ,y an overheated (tovepipe as the r.une of a fire alarm Tue 1y evening about 7 o'clock The Men's Winter Caps, ), Sweaters, Jerseys. I Ladies' Fancy Caps, Sweaters, Etc., Etc. LITTLE DARLING ROMPERS For the Little Folks LOOK AND YOU WILL BUY SAM HUGHES CO. n r I lira . ol k'fora th. bo tin got I os lha th ground. Tudiy.