Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 01, 1918, Image 2

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Geo. T. I'earce, former publisher
of tho Herald, writes the following
interesting letter from France to 8.
E. Not ran:
I have had it, in mind for s-ome lit
tle time to write you a letter to let
you know th:.t I v. as Mill "am,n:;
thor.e pre-'-nt" cm! ieble to take
often a.- the cop' . r-
hi'Ve not
tu nify
nt a:
a a? f
I!'. I
James Carty was in from the Lex
ington country Monday.
yi-.i. Oscar Borg returned from a
visit in Portland Monday evening.
Kd Rood, brother of Andrew flood
,is veporteu very ill at his home in'
I'd tli.n.l.
Official Statement of Seven
Great Welfare Organizations.
Even End cf Hostilities Would
Not Change This
Farmers' Exchange
. and
W ee-l:
mily visi
s. Willi.-. :
Citizens of Oregon, in the week of
November 11-18, will respond to the'
call of Use United War Work Caipaign
for iLir'is to make ::ipP5' untl ufi-cilve'
iUo 1'.- Suing men c: tb Ni.'.ion. That
tie: c lii'-rs will oohold the common--
or THE
0))le theie.
. ('-tr.-;'i: "lai'ie m :'
i.ie and I ,ot ill" lo'.l
1,1, 'HI
aoiiii Mcliugli
of It, awl:
notable 'record in doing its
re to win the war is taken for
ii ted, once the needs are under-
.!:! !' the
f i it'll I
S!r; i:l-M at m a. copy of Ui
ii-v,'l, tho little one which fulloweil
lire. "I'erk" Thoitf-n was lion
et thai, linw and wo read the article
with a great le;il of interest. l'eck
has since left this post on detached
u i viee auil I do not know where he
is now. His
IHiUih, kopla
is an expert p
1 believe is a
Must 1 ' IK' 01' h
vol y i
iniza t.ion
"H Kquiid
gen ti
lie v.-
i 01
oei o;
io own
: to 1!.
an in
v li l-
t Cre-,-nt.i
little i: tei
I tie.'.nay in
family over
iioi n
'. and
Sunday, Oct. 27, 1 'J 1 ' '-'
,!is. McMurdo, a. line son.
id child are reported get-nicely.
K., Irwin and son Stephen re
1 from Kiigono TiM'Hlcy even
ing, the latter having
red from his recent,
of pneumonia, as to be
Hie trip.
.! i :'. Ihirl holo'iow
la r- :e: idettc'1 Iiroperiy
v. i i: solr I in! ;al ro'ic
: : ' i ; 1 : aad v. e a !':'
o far rerov
vere aitrak
able to take
ipnn m.
to prr,l"i-t
i ii iza I iei
,1 I lire.
missed I'e
ami when
be bad U
Si.ta.m. i
Oregon's quota In the joint drive of
tho seven great organisations doing
war service work U 770,0it). Presi- j
r! :it '::s:)i: autiioi'ixed ibis united
drive and named tho participating
b ii's. The purposes for which the
fundi are needed and to which they
are dedicated are vital to the war's
The Y. M. C. A. has more than 2000
huts in the great battle zone and is
ministering to tne Doys overseas, in
trench and camp, leaving undone noth
ing it can do to help them. In America
the "Y" is in every camp and canton
ment. It is with the boys "crossing
over and, at request oi luo wai
partment, has recently joined
task of instructing
fore they are called.
War work of the Y. W.
outlined by .Mrs. V
state chairman:
"Already we have in
2 ii:;u,Qi0 women doing
work, while ;u
lf hi d men for
in tne
lectives even be-
C. A. is thus
,'illiam MacMaster,
1 Me
Ibe 1
I " 1 1 1 1
ami ,
lug v
V. Il.it,
d Mai.
ii a a one e in o;)e of
bebb; OV.'Mi el I y I in
vernineni in Franee
enjoy the veey interi sl
I would like to write yon
are doing only for a
fellow named Censor who reads all
my "stub"" now and who blue pen
cils worse I ban the most miserable
city ediior I ever worked under In
my life,
I want, you to give .iy bei-'t. re
gards lo as many of my old friends
as you see especially Judge I'attor
Kon. Your friend,
Pvt. Ceo. T. I'earce, filillth Aero
Sqdn. A. K. V. via N. Y. A. A. A.
P. No. 1 A. 1 O., No. 702.
v. i ,
I Ills
the htg drive of l!:e C'l'leii
Work m i ivilie-., (lie boys and
will bi '.e a prominent part in
- h,. be ' :; , r,,r , bey
I 'aiiuir
The In
ill ee 1 new ii as
Key Cochran, who is sorting bisj
conntiy as a musician in a mileary
band at Seattle, was here during the
week ae'companied by .Mrs. Cochran,
visi!int: her iiarenls. M-s. Cochran
will remain here during the winter.
Dr. Winnard. who was at Kugmie
for several (lays looking after his
sen Norton, who was a sufferer from
inlluenza. in that city, and als-o as
sisting tho local physicians with oth
er oases, leached home early Tues
day morning.
The funeral of Mrs. A. It. Iteid.
w ho died Sunday night, was held
Tuesday forenoon from the Held
homo in routh Ileppner. I!ev. An
drews of the Christian chinch, con
dueled the service. Interment was
in Masonic cemetery.
Dr. .McMurdo was seriously 111
l ili'S the veeil; with an at.'. i'U of
pneumonia. 1!'S brother, veto is at
tached to the army medical corps,
. a ; : e -e i'' 1 i i ed a i! ' . . -
i ii .' ' : n.l I be pai h nt has since
'. ii rapii'iy mending.
this country
actual war
ifher 2,01)0,000 have re
service by undertaking
their work. To the Y. W. C. A., the
best big sister in the world,' lias been
committed by the government and mili
tary authorities the serious respon
sibility of directing the thought, Croat
i; g the environment and furnishing
the material needs of this army of
a iris. Already 105 hostess houses have
bu n owned, War Service Clubs organ-
Thnnzh -the war should cease im
mediately it is said that every cent oi;
the 5I7u, ,"00,000 sought in the United
War Work campaign in the United
Slates, for the se-wn approved organ
izations iiiinisU-.ii.r; to the American
fighters, will he needed just the same.
This is the word of leaders of the
fund-raising campaign and their ex
planation is easily comprehended. In j Lg
the first place, it has been officially j p
estimated that 13 months to. two years i j?
must elapse before all the. American
boys can he returned from foreign! M
soil. There are the men of many ottier j
countries to he transported home when
the war ends, so the number of boats
for use of the Yankees will he limited.
Then there is also the fact that thou
sands must remain so long as the great
properties and stores of the United
States have not ben disposed of or
Immediate cessation of war activi
ties in Europe would plainly create
grave problems connected with the
care of the men. Remove, the great
motive which actuates every man at
the front today and throw him into
dull inactivity, with nothing much to
do but await his chance to return to
home and loved ones, and the work of
keeping him cheerful increases in mag
nitude. The soldier welfare organiza
tions foresee all phase of this grave
. contingency. They foresee how great
would be the nfa.'.t for reading 'matter,
entertainments, armisenients, recrea
tion and the cheery personal touch.
A Product of Necessity
We take this opportunity to acquaint the people of
Eastern Oregon with our business.
We call your attention to the auction sale advertise
ment above. You will note that our experience is appre
ciated by the other fellow it is worth money to you.
Income tax statements should trouble you no more
use our experience and know your returns are correct.
Have you a ranch to sell or lease? Do you want
wheat or range land?
Main Office Roberts' Buildio
i.'.cd, the Patriotic League creaieu,
nurses sent where needed and now we
are asked to furnish emergency hous
ing for thousands of girl war workers."
John VV. Kelhiy, associate drive di
rector, says of the Knights of
"Knights of Columbus halls are in
operation in all cantonments, training
amps and naval stations in the United
States and the halls are also establish
ed with the American Expeditionary
Forces in France, Italy, Russia and
England. The motto is 'Everybody
Welcome', service being given Irrespec
tive of race, creed, or rank. Millions
af cigarettes, pipes, bouillon cubes, gum
packages and tons of chocolate have
been given free to tne soldiers over
Seas. One of the specialties is the pro
motion of athletics and a considerable
it m in the budget is for baseball equip
ment, boxing gloves, etc. In the war
I no the troops are followed with
ni "tor trucks which are virtually
Sniveling huts, fully slocked with ath
'.elic goods, stationery, cigarettes, and
.l.e like."
Needs end activities 4 the Jewish
,,' (:'..,.,. rt r,.mlvo thp
Vi el II lil J I y o e;i i ei n lie ...
United States and her Allies into a , j;
consideration of peace terms and an i
armistice did not. impress james F. j
brother of General Pershing,
i n 'hup u t
: ins
Je? ill-.
Under tSie direction of the
farmers' Exchange of Heppner, Ore.
jf BS Ft"""" m
The undersigned wiil scH SO head of horses and other
L trurrthpr with f.fimcSete farminc eouioment
Pershing, brother of Cencral Pershing, , p " ' " -f o , n
as being sincere ami designed to give j 0f their large ranch, beginning at 10 a. in. sharp on
the world what it is praying for. Mr. j hi
Thursday, Nov. 7,1918
Sale to t$ held on the Wilkinson ranch, 8 miies south
east of La Grande. All property must be sold.
Pershing, who was in Oregon recently
in the interest of the United War Work
drive, which opens November 11, cau
tioned the American people against
the too-common tendency to become
apathetic under the Idea that peace
and the cessation of hostilities are at
"When heaven Is ready to negotiate
with hell," he declared, "then will
America be ready to make peace with
Germany." He told of the great work
being done In Europe by the Y. M. C.
A., Knights of Columbus, Salvation
Army and other agencies, and called
on Americans to respond liberally in
supporting the campaign about to open
for raising money with which to carry
on these activities.
Mires & Clarke, Owners
F. A. McMenamin,
T. J. Scrogg'ins, Clerh.
vY I
A pi
nil v
.re Heard
, are:
I n one year
i'...e;,:ailv, ,
. ,ut v.e
:id tor -ItMl :
s country an
in ' i oing iii .o our fund
,o v eii ns s and salaries,
hied by Cell Sell-
ill cf t!
:'ii i la: i
lo ii
- he
1 1
ei II.
.1 ,1
I In
i no!
I av.'.iitir
i: ll : hoi ille.-.. Yhe
Iroiii Milwiiul'.le.
In1 li'glstered,
and cim give no
to what heernie
e leu
.Ill b
e I.)
S 1. e
'.I I i '
' ef
.1 ,i ., ',
M r
M'.-K r.i'nnie HiV'
i.yd M.-Ker
npe't weic
el ' evening.
I ll I.I'd
J. V. Kit;
I' A.
P 'lb
i. limber of our field
i crown f 10 to
; -.'! d Willi ;be de
le H mil weibers In
I ell oversi i.n. The
pays nec-luriiishes
:l;b;i'!i ii.ui prayei Looks by the thou
e;:;.ls and lctierlu ails and emelopes by
:ii" million, and provld s canm. edu
:i:i.'ual and recreational activities for
he fignti rs, both lu re and abroad."
"War Camp O u.uiunlty Service,"
?; lainii Emery (Hiustead, state chair
anr.i, "d, veleued from the commission
;naicd by the War an Navy Depart
lienis, first known us the Kosdlck I'imi
mlBslon. The community Is Its panic
liar field and thousands of workers
r.. -e .! oiiu tin- tiiwns In caring for
! finding soldiers ui.d sailors, providing
niii.liM.nie amusi i.u'nt sad clean rcc-l-ii'.;l.i!i
and leurroundlng the cuiups
t i.li tio.ipltal'.ty." ,
Kuiii't ii'li" of the
,siei'l,itii n. s;.
"All that. General Pershing wants
now is the success of the American
hoys in France, and to aveid. so far
as possible, any gl"ry tor h:;us''i,"
ib clurcd .lames ''. Pen hire;, brother
of Amrrica's b adcr in the fiel.l, in an
ai'tlr.vH ilclivere l in I'.irtlaa 1 r -c "Uiy
in hen:. 11' of Ibe Uniie"! ';.r Work
drive, which opens November 11. The
speaker paid a tr". i.to to the men in
the rue,', s, and g.'-.e his aud'eiee an,
idea of the high esteem In which th"
boys are lie' I by th'-ir coium.in n r.
He shewed the importance of w:ir '
work in this country ns an Imperative
necessity to the victory of tho Allies
In the biUth-s for Democracy, ami
urged that no dimunition In speed be
allowed to result through recent peace
proposals. VnnuttlllW Indorsement
of the United War Work drive was
voiced by Mr. Pershing who Is one of
the loading authorities on conditions
now exhtlnu along the battlefront.
and he was especially desirous that
there he no relaxation of efforts in
behalf of the several war work funds.
More arsd Cheaper fish
Pleasure Seekers
391 X I
Laboring Class
306 1! m
Keep the price of fish down.
Help production of fish,
Read argument in Stat election pamphlet.
CUckamat County Fiihermen't Union, Andrew Naterlin, Secretary, Ore
gon City, Oregon. Paid Adv.
i bairn.:!'
ai.ou :
. I h. ' o i
,i:i' !:;."
I..le le
American l.lbriry
ilium 1.. fin v.iiter.
"to provide III e',, i
in the s-dd'. :' and
P rj: .
.ileal '
,i fell
The Y
It.it 15I.I
lTo. ".'
W.i- We
o to tl'.'
lb"; '.
U 1 '-
Dot Blu Sisters. ,
W. C. A. Is known as "7h
S ter in the V. rl.l." Of the
e.l lo be r.ll-C'l ill the Vllited
1; (' ..ll I ll $t;.. ' i .' "H wiil
v. .:!; o; !i irSi.s!j:.itu:i.
I I IK I5i:si
n a Ml
Huts for
Huts for iiurto s
th Y. W. C. A. t
In l"r;l'.ee. To ''M
po-'li,:; e, the I'lr.'e
lo r.ib- d In No' i
i -e m.ri.
Ibe bl.ee
e."l ll!
.1 War W
ml) r will P.
r 1 ly
wio-k a
rk Suud.1
p i p!
i . : ll Hi, e, in
hi le' kU'W
p,l".v, al.llo;
.1 io:
lllv e,i,,4l el.in
j the! end. pie !'
Iiiu l t l .Hid It ill be
to (dllers
rouniv I'll. in ni.ill
l i' i '
.1 i
I; I
iii. I
1 in.
i a l!
I a
U. C. 11
0 ;
l iiSI'tIS ItHY tlASSI l
I. lent- mint John
('..ii..iii bn nl'd no
Mi. I bl Dunn lu
I'mtbill.!. V.li in ,
Initin. f.ii i n r
I of Jllil.r Mild
li.tw !enle In
i iblee d ; I'.l'
tie u l eeilli .
Ape! Ii lli ei
l b Hi l II t!
lie, ere I
I'll' eiti:
III! Iieltl lit l'
llllil I bill. I (if
the liimpttjl
,. ll.ld 'l"0.
T ii t lllk
I l! ilc I ll'
' .! ei:
III Wl'li'l
: t'li- toil
.ll In ibell flu- BIHl
,! . . " . r e.l ,-!i '
ei i r.l) In Inter lull
l',i. whiili him to
II .! IWlltH tllg
(runt Ihe cii rHiicts when he mte
ami i'ip.iti'4 lo men be la aellon
rain. l.lcutrn. Dt Di no Is a coliIO
uT Mrs. t i llrnlin of this rlt.
(' .1. ( iH. Oil lltl ill ' -It "il i'P
e.iio u (or a peudii itin never:. I
d.iy into st the Ileppner hoipltal. Is
npoiteil to be liiipiovlni; Mr.
I'lA .t I'olidilloll roll ililel oil ir
r. ni e lnil the nperutmn ax per
il 'urn! uiiil for i. linn' Ins life wim
do p i 'i d ! Dr. I'hii k of leiie and
Dl MiMlliiln pel (iii liii-d tlie op
ii.it'. ui. Dr. MiMuiiln kei:in up
li.'iii 4 fi k i" il tu an .1st aith loe
'!. '.H'.ili-w old,
1 1 11 'ppn. r (Ute.: oil lleta'. l.of
vliup A ratii eii W.iihituti n
ei "lity li.i:ie Is I" th i.li'ei and pi'1'
i I l.i-r b eh , iifiir.! "i .-,
Cif.it 111 en the feii"'i if J -1 ' v
l'l'l".ei i ',) pl llleil tle' (' p- l.lt
h a InteitM'i'. ami en a fine
nrw t'uttri'll jiri The lleishl is
now a fine louder, and ie preilUI
iiccrss fur Its enterprising lltur
and puMlaher. iVnunsburg (t1 )
Ually Notes
err. t.
i. 1 1 r. i o u' 1 1 -, , i . i ....in :
"O.i liie s nt i .iini. .nub a: b n out liu'i
ire ..I., n d.;y ami ti. ht. 1 1 a. f.'l'..i
u.s their on tlin.ls. .air nu n and iiuini
o rinht to th'' t leu. hea ami U'.utbut
;bei'ulati'. coftie. Onuttti tint . and pi'
,llty per cent of llu- looO workrrs are
a.,ni.n. We hae now Ti)J but
io auitnilaiii'i in sirvlre. Ia the Pt
few months bl ht been c'.ven
Ii. J Tress in siiiilmit abroad
Iti-ri )eur t.n to th V.
M . Y. W . K. of Sj'.va'biti Army.
J.slsh Wi'it-:.' ler.l. l ibrary Ass
rutlon and the War I'niiiii. unity Serv
ice and you hilp u.e aolilb r. sailor
i,r marine liiip ir tad N-tter.
1M you to k t a KeoJ bee
sobpi r. sjller er marine 11V
the Ain rli-.iii 1. t . ry AstocU'.lon
k tn
K to
OIVK U the sr wslfars agenclee
and k'ep up the moral ef our tight
lug torci.
firs 4 dougbaui. to tb front list
tf (ttB U Ui SeJTatloa Army.
The i-,i. it Inn Issued recently In
r.ir.hind by Jbiii' S V. P rhlt.t.
brutlnr of (e m ral IVrshlng.
against relaxation of war ord
actlvllle. ha been echoed In
messages Issued by di psrtmi ntttl
hi ads In W ashington, D. C,
copb of which wer ent to
Kxectitlve tnrretary John Kol
lock, of the Oregon Stste Council
of D'tuise "tarry on" Is the
llii'tiie of these teli grsn.s. whose
si utters felt the Ci rman p ace
proposal might Interfere with
capipalgn plan J'ist forrnulatid.
CuniM-quently. the fulled War
Word drive, which op-tia Nnvem-tw-r
11. will be conducted with
even mere lgor than had tiT
uiar.y tn't ught to bring about
p. ace on her own term , The
Ui partruen'al bed. a well as
Mr. rerfhlol. empbasue the
ee4 of coatinued actlvllle by
th Msrl affiliated organlta
ttuoi partlrlpatlBg In tb drive,
a after hoatlll'le bav asd.
Orgsnliatlon of "Jo without it"
club In America, a a mean
of aiding the fnlted War Work
campaign, which open November
11, wa recommended by Jame
P. J'ershlDg. brother of General
Pershing, In an addres delivered
recently Id Portland In behalf
of th drive It urged tb
American people to mak soma
sacrtflcea In order to hlp "carry
on" th great undertaking that
Is to furnish money for war work
In th battlei ton during th
coming year. A great percent
age of American people, b said,
do not know, from any sacrifices
made thus far, that a war Is
tn progress. Helaiatlon of activi
ties becaus of peac proposals,
he declared, should not be toler
ated, and asked people cf b
country to throw their whole
energy and co-operation behind
this latest drlv for securing
fund (or tb seven big war
working agsncle eoeollatel la
lb caapaiga.
Juktice F. A. Moor of the Supreme
Court died lust month, loo lat for
the name cf any candidate to succeed
tit'.r. to be placed on the ballot. This
condition maket it necrkiry to write
i thr nrv-ne oi your cnnmLstt.
I Im U l!ie tmt important notition
in the Judicial tyttem of the Stat.
It U erntir.l ti choose a man of
extont've Irgal trpininij. of hth char
acter, and of bread .ion. We com
mmd for your consideration and vote
Of Oregon Chy
Resident of the State 20 years: law.
yerfor 25 years; veteran of Spanish.
American War and rhilipine insur
rection, having served with 2djTw.
gon Regiment: member of aa I i
Legislature in 1907 and l&t
sions; judge ol tne 3th Judicial Ii
Inct 1-2 years.
In all these positions he has made
good. His record as a private cititen
and public official has been above
Write In hi nam at the Con
era! election Nov. 3th.
For Justice of the Supreme Court lo
fill vacancy caused by the death of
Justice Frank A. Moore.
Vote for One
Write Ike eeme of J. U. Campbell la
tb above sp and pies aa X
free! f bis asssa.