Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 25, 1918, Image 4

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Have the Call Now
CrHtn Rfrinlotc Large size in cotton and woolnap
V.UUOn DianKeiS Blankets; nice, warm and fleecy. Col
ors white, gray, tan and khaki.
UAA Df Mf -Full sizes in all wool and also wool filled
sJlUlllVtSlO cotton warn blankete: erav Vienna hrnwn.
white and fancy plaids.
Crltrn fnmf A-tc""c'l made and of good size shoddy
V.UUUI1 V-UmTOrtb filled-cotton and shoddy-and fine
white cotton filled, covered with good quality silkolines.
Wfiftl fVmfnt"l"c ca' 00' f'ccce Comforts covered
Y Y UUI V-UI III Ulla with cheese cloth-may be used as they
are or covered.
Wl Rf-and 3 pound sizespure wool fleece--Un-YYOOI
Da LIS usual values, 72x84.
CfHfn RaHc Wc nave tnem !" 1-2, 1,2 and 3 pound
VUiLUlI Ddlld sizes; nice, clean white cotton.
Comfort Coverings" 25?5c& and
Some Printed Flanelettes at very special
prices, 20c to 25c
We are well equipped at the present time to supply your needs
for Winter. COME AND SEE US
That Dark-haired'
QKzp from
says that down South
the best people won't
chew anything but Real
Gravely. They know
how it's made the
Gravely way. It costs
nothing extra to chew
this class of plug. A
small chew of Gravely
holds its good taste.
That's why it lasts so
much longer than a big
chew of ordinary plug.
It ton furlhtrlkat't wkjjeu
tan f tkt t4 taitt of tkit clan
af takacca witkaul txtra nit.
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
10$ a poucn-antf worth it
f3tsiiuuiiiimu)iiiiikMaiiruiiiiinMitnmtuunit4iit uiuctuiiuiniMiriniuiuukwuuuujinii:iiiiujiBtiii4iuiuHtiiiiiiiiitii(ttJtiHiMtwuwninujwi uiuiiiii)
Just to Remind You
i Liberty
1 Bonds
If you arc the owner of Liberty tlouiUofi
tlic first uiul seeoml issues of I'M", you
sliouiJ tiike itih untaic of the prix ileiic of jj
toiix eritnJ (Item into bonds hearing 4 1-4 jj
per cent interest. Tliis prixilerfc expires
Noxemlur lth. 5
W e ure nt your service. Simply brin.i the if
bonds to us mid xx e xxill be pleased to look
lifter nil the details. ?,
l ours for serx iee,
Resources More than $1,500,000
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Penland
visited Monument during tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sheridan, of
Sand Hollow, were reported on the
sick list the first of the week.
The You-Itex line of silverware
will give you long wear. Haylor
Sum K. Van Vactor, accompanied
by hia daughter, Miss Huth VanVac
tor, spent several days in Portland
the first of the week.
P. Devins hiu returned from a
visit to his former homo in ILiusuurl.
lie says the corn crop is below aver
age there this season.
Harley Wright and family have
Hived to Heppncr .or the winter and
are occupying' the Stacy Huberts cot
tage. Mr. Wright Ib en?,i:ged In the"
tt.ii i business near lliirdnuin and is
t: klng a layoff thl winter for the
Lenollt of his- health.
lr. McMurdo reports the advent
of two young suldlerst nt the home
of Mr. ami .Mrs. fay Pettyjohn, on
Hntlor CieeU, last Friday. The
young gentlemen wel;:h six pounds
each anil carry their lists dosed as
tho ready to take a, whack at the
ll t Mail that hc.cs in slclit.
J5. f. Not "n tccrlved a letter
Weilin-'il. y from h'.s sen I.ee, ho
b. In .im . i tin:; that he Is In the
!l"' t'l ' .1 1 . Ill I We ;lll.T juijtj. (
umnnhi i.r- 'In w .1 nut stated. He
M'rti-.! to t.e ot:t nraln in u shoit
t ire. hii.",i r. . caul w:m itlni tc
li i i !-,-:t tii,.,. ,. r : ,,,,,
w h: it N "i ! -tlii'; th..t lie had nr-
llvcil .-' ..V!y 111 fi.Htr".
1. V ltrl'--rs received void Tuesday
t!i:;t l;ls fellow. Captain I,. P..
Utiles, with the Aimili an fUKinori
in Prance, wan kllh-.l In actum on
September JMh. f.iptnltl 111 tKVK
vent i r hcis r.tn i:t fie months
Pe.'i.ti' el)lltln- I,,, was city
i tlfcllleer of Wclili City Mimuiurl.. Me
won t.ipul promotion ntiil at the time
ef his death was actin; Hrlgrdler
Ocn erul.
Woodson and Sweck. the well
known attorneys, who lot their of
fice I'tnaiy and all equipment In the
Mr tire, huts llttl up ,n aitretle
suite ot rooms In t!ie M.nic build
lti with etiti slice onX lllnw strict
Well arP-'lnted offices f,.r r.ich tnvm
her of tlm fit m iHrtipy the front of
the suite whlls In th ter Is t
comiuftlou llbrsry sti.t Mini
room. Th Interior Uni.ti Is In
nntursl Onlsh Ortoa fir and Is
splendid pole of wotktiumihip. M
I. Ullhens did the work.
Set back your clocka one hoar
Sunday next.
Miss Lera Githens who Is teaching
in Baker county is home for a vaca
tion. President J. E. Cronan of the
Rank of lone was a business visitor
in town Saturday last.
Dr. Wlnnard has gone to Eugene
to assist the physicians of that city
In handling the many cases of influ
enza there.
Ed Miller, "The Regulator, " the
well known merchant und auction
eer of lone, v.as In. town. Monthly
lust. . . Mo xviw uccoiimiuiled by Mrs.
Miller and their daughter.
D. O. Justus hag returned from
Omaha where he recently shipped
10 cars f sheep. The market was
not at its best during Mr. Justs'
John Kilkenny, Hlnton Creek
sheepman, who was In town Mon
day says that the completion of the
Jhn Day Irrigation project will nuike
Morrow county the richest county In
the i.ate .
Food Admlnlstr tor S. E. Notsnn
announces that permits for 2&-pound
lots of sugar foroannlng purpose?
have been discontinued iiceoiuing
to Instructions received by him Mon
day mornlcg.
The German ncwspupcis are limi
ted us saving that the only povsiMc
ate slill a few lloches with a g ii v
le ancsnf rmfw )..' 3l."iii ...h
are ttill a few li In n v. it h 1 !eaiu
of M'll e slid s.:lih)- left.
JiiIiii Kilkenny went to Pendleton
Widne-day to meet bin brother. Key.
father P. Kilkenny, vim ha recen
tly been appointed a c h. p;..ir In the
army. Key. Kilkenny is on Ills way
1 1 the east to fanip Lewis where
he has been nssinned for daty uti.1
"li pped here to visit his relatives,
l handle all kinds ef
Fresh and Salt Meats and Poultry,
Lard, Compounds, Sausages
Highest Cash Pricw Paid for Poultry, Hides, Etc.
) Heppner - - - Oregon
r WaM MM rlfh V V
Wars are won with
metal save it.
Iron and steel are needed for
tanks, guns, ammunition,
ships, railroads, etc. Folks at
home must save iron and steel
to help win the war.
Use the old range
until after the war.
Mile your ol J range do little longer
by having it repaired. If it's past
repairing, then the next best step is
to buy the range that saves fuel, food
nd repairs. I he Maje'tic's heat,
tight riveting prevents fuel waste;
its perfect baling prevents iooj
was. e, and its unbreakable mal!ebla
iron and rutt-rciisting charcoal iron
make repairs a rare need.
tivks in :: it y town in
We prefer men who have wild
stock, Insinance. rent eMate, bonkt
or who have had no miles experience
but would like to develop Into sales
men. We train every applicant se
rcpted and provide a system that
wilt enable anyone who works to
make from $7$ 00 t 1150 OO per
week. Can also use women of ej
reptlorUl ability. Position per
niunent. to applying, state age,
past business experience, number of
year you hav lived la community,
and references. Address In eonfl
dene. KANE MTO. CO.. 1.2.-IT
1. C. fmlth Blilr. Prattle. Wash.
tMnt, t IKm ifm we. V ill aupplv
;.. Mh isnutM Mstreilr mins)lt m
liHl, Inltfier sart made br tvupsj'.
( (
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V ' r.i,
1 Wi.St I
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