1 V ft n 0 1 i i H U I O 1 1 1 iL I 1 1 I I I 1 i s ft New Store! New Goods! I have just opened up my New Stock of Millinery On Main Street Opposite Hayor's Jewelry Store I will carry a complete stock of illinery, Corsets and Toilet Articles V n ALL OVER MORROW COUNTY Interesting News Letters from Herald's Corps of "Live Ones." IONE ITEMS AGENCY- Victor Ladies' Tailoring Co., Henderson, La Princess and Gossard Corsets. Maurice Toilet Articles MRS. L G. HERREN 1 i Lines That Lead Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and Perninsular Ranges FOR SALE BY PEOPLES' HDW. CO. B. C. Amy, Holt salesman, has been in lone on business for several days during the past week. J. F. Lentzy returned from, Port land on Monday's train. Mrs. Jeanie Burke, a state officer of the Rebecca lodge,' visited the lone lodge Monday eveening. J. C. Devin and son Keltsie re turned from Portland Thursday evening of last week. I. L. Hutchinson of Heppner was an lone visitor Tuesday. Mrs Jessie Smith spent a few days with relatives in Pendleton, return ing to lone Monday evening. She brought her young daughter, who has been staying with her grand mother, with her. F. M. Beck is in lone for a few days. Earl J. Blake, a sailor in the serv ice of Uncle Sam, arrived in lone on Saturday to spend a few days' fur lough with his parents, Mr. and M;rs J. H. Blake. Earl is a radio opera tor on the U. S. S. Westerner and has seen six months active service In the war game, having made two trips to France. Mrs. Earl Ackley returned Friday night front a fwe days' trip to Port land. Archer Rice arrived in lone the last of the week. Mr. Rice has been located In Athena for the past few months. Mrs. Louis Cason went to Hepp ner Sunday afternoon to remain for the week school is closed. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Haines return ed from a short trip to Portland last Wednesday. Frank Engelman returned to work Saturday, after a wee"ks wrestle with influenza. Lester Goodrich returned to lone Tuesday, after a couple of week's visit with his mother at Athena. Miss Martha Denny left on Mon where she will visit until the schools here are reopened. Judge Robinson spent a few days of last week in Portland. R. O. Donovan was an outgoing passenger on Tuesday's train. Mr. Donovan was called to Eugene on account of his daughter Lois who is seriusly ill. Jesse Dobyns came home for a ten day furlough from the S. A. T. C. at Eugene on Tuesday evening. Mr. Dobyns has just recovered from a severe attack of Spanish flu and was granted a short leave till he should be able to resume his work at the university. Miss Ruby Martin of Newberg ar rived in lone on Sunday night. Miss Martin will teach the Fairview school. J ADDITIONAL CECIL Henry Streeter unloaded his new Cleveland tractor Saturday. Miss Easton, accompanied by Miss Georgia Summers, spent Saturday with Mrs. Boyd Logan on the Leon Logan place. The Cecil "magpie" arrived at the Butterby flats from the mountain Monday evening. If old kaiser Bill would call off nis suDmarines long enough to re lease a few boats to bring over some sugar from Cub:, it would be about the the decentest act of his too long and crlm,e be-spattered life Home Products for Home People! VtT MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. M;rk4ALayinYour I WW Year's Coal Now Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure to get it now, but not in the WINTER. TUM-A-LUM Lumber Company Scelcwat Lexington and Bill at lone Send Us Your Orders for ir-PRINTING o Do You Think There is No Competition? If anyone thinks there ia do competition amongst the big packer ha ought to go through a day's work with Swift ft Company. Let him begin at the penawbentba lira stock comes in; let him try to buy a nice bunch of fat ateera quietly and at hia own price without some body's bidding againat him. Let him realize the scrupulous care taken at the plant that not one thing ia loet or wasted in order that costa may be held to a minimum. Let him go up into the office where market reports are coming In, and reports of what other concerns are doing. Let him watch the director of the Swift Refrig erator fleet, maneuvering it over the face of the country like a fleet of battleships at sea. Let him take a trip with a Swift Ac Company talesman and try to sell a few orders of meat. Let him stay at a branch house for an hour or two and see the retail meat dealers drive their bargains to the last penny as they shop around among the packers' branch houses, the wholesale dealers, and the local packing plants. And then, when the day is over, let him have half an hour in the accounting department, where he can see for himself on what email profits the business is done. (Less than 4 cents oo each dollar of sales.) If he still thinks there is no com petit ion In the ' meat business it wtU be because he wants to think so. Swift & Company, U. S. A. WHEN YOU THINK OF GOOD EATS THINK OF THE Phelps Grocery Co, I War Emergency Course and Certificate Oregon Normal ScKool Owing to the scarcity of teachers tho Oregon Normal School will offer a War Emergency CourBO of twenty weeks outlined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The course will begin with each of the terms commencing November 16, 1918; February 8, 1919; and April 12, 1919. The Superintendent of Public Instruction will consider It equtvaent to the Teachers' Training Course and issue a certificate upon Its completion valid to teach In the elementary grades for one year. This Course will be open to those who have had two yeara or more of high school work or Ita equivalent and who are at least eighteen years of age. For detailed Information address REGISTRAR OREGON NORMA SCHOOL aeBW" aaai' smMswa "tUtf The rick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICR CRKAM AND CARL) PARLORS Men's Winter Caps, X Sweaters, Jerseys, 1 ; Ladies' Fancy Caps, I LITTLE DARLING ROMPERS For the Little Folks LOOK. AND YOU WILL BUY f SAM HUGHES CO.