Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class matter. One Year TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , $1.5; Six Months 75 Three Months 50 morning visitors in Cecil, Gene com-1 irig down to oversee the loading of some catt'.ehe bought from A. Hen- riksen. Miss Annie Hynd spent Saturday and Sunday at the Franklin home ut Rhea Siding. Clifford Henriksen and Cecil Phil iprs arrived home from the moun tains Thursday. Ed .Smith, of Pendleton, came in I Thursday to work for Jack Hynd on the Butterby flats. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1918 LEXINGTON ITEMS TAX VULTURES WILL PROFIT TAXPAYERS WILL LOSE There is a scheme on foot to wipe out the present de linquent tax law now in effecc in the state of Oregon. Those behind the plan would substitute in its place a piece of pernicious legislation, cleverly devised by the Portland journal and a certain clique of politicians. The scheme is a clever one at first observation and by reason of the fact that one: of the backers of the proposed change is a !rnan of independent wealth at the head of a Portland paper, the columns of that paper the Portland journal have been thrown open to further the measure and befuddle the voters' minds at the cominrr election. Bv smooth camouflage of the facts, and sometimes by direct misrepresentation the voters are led to believe that the proposed measure is one originated and to be passed en tirely; in their own interests. This is the influence that comes from reading the Portland Journal's propaganda for the abolishment of the present delinquent tax bill now in force in the state of Ore- gon The editor of this paper is not in the habit of instruct ing his readers how to vote in various elections. As a rule we consider the voter will support the measures which he believes to be of worth, and register his protest with a vig orous "NO" on useless or pernicious legislation. This is the rule usually followed by the country newspaper .man, but when direct misrepresentation of fact is resorted to in an effort to lure the favor of the voting public, it is high time that the voters are advised of true conditions. There fore the editor of this paper has the following statement to make to the readers of this paper. The present delinquent tax law was passed by the State legislature of Oregon, the men you and 1 sent to Sa lem to represent us in affairs of state. It is a fair law, devised in the interest of the tax payer, to give him a square deal in the hour of emergency, and to protect him in that hour from the tax title vulture and the scheming land attorney. It provides for the publication of the delinquent tax list, it is true, but it also provides and this is the part of the law the Portland Journal would have you overlook that publication of the delinquents shall only be made after a mail notice has been sent out, regularly advising the delinquent that his taxes have not "ii-ii I'.im. i ne piiMicaiinn, (lierelore Paul Uevine camehome Sunday from the navy for a brief visit with his- folks. Paul seems to have grown several inches in. his U. S. suit, as he looks so much taller. Little Ceola Beyuier was quite, ill with an attack of indigestion. Dr. Winnard was called and the little one is all right nov. T.Ir.s Emma Ashenhust enjoyed a brief visit from her brother from Missouri, whom she hr.d not seen for 16 years. He returned to his home Sunday and Mrs-. Ashenhust accom panied him as far as the junction. Willie Snyder, who has been at tending Columbia university, be came homesick and came home. The sad news reached here that Shelby Lee, wife and family, while driving In their auto through Ari zona for their little girl's health.sus- siainea a terriDie accident when a train struck the auto, killing the lit tle child for whose health they were taking the trip, and seriously injur ing Mr. and Mrs.Lee. The body will be brought to Lexington for burial. Mrs. Lee was- formerly Miss Hattie Reaney. Mrs. E. C. Miller returned from' a two months' trip in Illinois, and re ports having had a lovely trip. Keep the Home Funds Coming CANT you realize the encouragement our boys over there in the trenches will get when they know Heppner has o'er topped the top in the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN drive? If you subscribed every penny you ever expect to own you would still fall short of equaling THEIR "bit." Come in or write us for full details about these War Bonds. Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat'l Bank PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R, J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located In Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office.in Roberts' Building Heppner Oregon DR. X. E. WIXXARD PHYSICIAX & SURGEOX Heppner Wheat WKeat I DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAX & SURGEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon 1- i" In1 reported ti t i : - in onb u ut an cmergen- K'li personal n4iec ey measure, has failed to i lu- taxpayer should quickly realize the practical val ue 01 such a law. Suppose you are auav for the time be ing. Or let us assume on have changed vour address. In eil.ier a mailed statement would in all probability fail to reach yon. Sne ti.no later, the delin.iuent list' is i.ub- IK ll'l Ml I I., 1 ,- . . . ' I I I lilt 'II' I I 1 V nei $500 REWARD $500 Notice is hereby given that I ivill pay a reward of iFve Hundred dol rheyde r-te$oe -;hoae atdno eah at)t rshsl tovh yres .tyd o vbgkk lars ($5500.00) for the arrest of lars ($500.00) for the arrest and convictidn ofo any person or persons stealing any of my horses or cattle from m,y pastures or from, the range. Stock branded as tfollows: Hor ses, JK connected on right shoulder. Yearlings and 2-year-olds, bar over JK connected on right shoulder. Cattle, JK connected on left hip and side. Yearlings and 3-year-olds, b-.ir over JK connected on left hip and side. JOHN KILKENNY, Heppner, Ore. Tjatod r.i. iIep; iKT, Oregon, May 10, .1 3 1 S . I am buying wheat for the Pacific Grain Co., successor to W. H. Houser, and am prepared to buy your grain outright and pay cash. Can furnish grain bags at lowest prices. D ROY V. WHITEIS, HEPPNER. OREGON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1 Big Ranch Bargain I have to offer prospective buyers of real estate a i splendid 800-acre ranch with 110 acres under ditch I and only one-half mile from town. Good house and out-buildings. I am offering this place at a big bargain ft and on easy terms if taken at once. 1 ROY V. WHITEIS, Heppner, Oregon s I un notice vu:i publication Dcpivtiiu nt of the- Interior, U. S. Lund Oi.icc at La Grande, Oregon, October 8, 1 0 IS. Not Coal Land Notice is hereby given that Nor man G. Florence, of Heppner, Ore gon, who, on April 8, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013099 for NE4 SV V , N,4 SIC4 and SEVi SEVi, Section 3 5, Township 2 South, Uango 27 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to muke threo-year proof, to establish claim To All Wheat Growers of Morrow County h'MM.I- '.,.! - I. ' . 1 I i '' i ,v ' ""'I "Hir menus, relatives, or x'l-s, nntia immediately that vou have over-looker! vol.. taxes, an.! hasten to drop vou a line. Th.-v Lnnu- s you are the tax collector doesn't bother about vou ...;s you notiiy hmi ,,f the change. 1 ne . esuit . l .. title grabber, that peculiar pest who is always loitering about the books in the tax office, loses a iliaiue ti) buv in vour place for a sontr nru vfn nr. cn, ,.-i ... .1 11. j" iv .mmi 1 10 inn lanci aoove aescriDca, oerore tlie fiiiharassnunt and work ot redeeming your place. This C. c. Patterson. United States Com- ! me present law, ami tins is exactly the way it works out. I missionex, at Heppner, Oregon, Jackson, work ng with a certain Portland attorney ,,he Sth dar r December, 191s would cut out the publication requirement of the present law. He would end the matter once and for all with the sending of notice through the mail. If you fail to get it, under his scheme, you are the loser, and the tax title vul ture will then pick up .some easy money and you will foot the hill. Such is the bill proposed by Jackson and II a good Kill it if you would confer a favor on the taxpayers of Ore gon. Vote "N( )" on the Jackson delin.iuent bill. I will be in the market for all classes of wheat at all times during the coming season, prices based on gov ernment inspection slips. Bags and harvesting supplies at market prices Q Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNE lrS-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . 0 Heppner Oregon LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates IR. J. G. TURNER EVE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUXSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. MrMENAMIX LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 PHILL COHN, Heppner, Or. on Claimant names as witnesses: I John McCullough, David McCul lough. n. B. Kelly, George Krebs, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. 8. DUNN, Register NOTICE FOR ITIUCATION LENA NEWS CHCIL ITDMS Dcpaitmcut of the Intcrlon, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon October 8, 19 IS. Not Coal Lund. Notice I hereby given that James T. Moriun. of Lena, orepnn, who, on May 22. 1914. made Homestead En try. No. 013357. for N4 SK4 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walton and MilM Annl' "ml c,lu d,,wn children, of Long Creek, are Uf , "'i'l'ticr Sum! ay t.t boat home of Mr. ,i:ul M::,. Kienrh for a fewj''''' mi(d l. cIiimiI. !) I Walter l'i pe nn I Ce. ll Ahalt were Mr. !i;i'caii lias piin based a ' Ai llni:tmi visitors Sunday. n r.ir. 1 I'liiuHc Ultimo loft In. re S'iml.iy A tim-iitiM ciicllnK of the lied f"r Sun.ira. Cat Ho has hern vlxit t'ii' anvil, aiy will tie b. hl t L.-tm ' ln lth tils uncle, Walter l'upe, of Oi l 14. HoMilid t lri liiiis officers ! Crvll. uii'iitiifeiiieiils Mill lie made for the Mln Kasten United Willi '..'.r. ami I titlititi nf scterul Xinas bokrs for the' Julin N.-h en Sunday. j Albeit Nab, who for the "aM two! A mmilior of K.ini 1 ills. hich j ti'onihs has been working In the! Jul I :i lotupli led. hoe ; h.!i ct In Washington a lived horns been suit In an) n i, ixjieeted Mntuliy. I that olheis lll be beie for Ulstilbu- (' U. Winters, accotuponied by J I It lit Within a t..mr .1 . -. .-v 1 ' " osootn smt waller IVpe, rut I 1 Hughes, all of Lena, 11. sun .nn, jiiiinsnn ere nut iw rennieion Monday to see a I 0. 8 fiom Hener Saturday and Sunday , "te mule" oik, I l"iling at the Hushes i hotnf and attending to some buslnrsa on their homestead EJ Martin, one of J- Hynd s brnt. is, spenl Tuesday and Wed- OF OREGON, you are hereby ium moned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you tn the above entitled suit on or before Friday, November 15, 1911, said date being more than six weeks after the first publication of this Summons, the said period of sii weeks being the time prescribed on the order for publication ot this Summons; and It you fall to appear and answer the complaint or other wise appear In said cause on or be fore said date, the plaintiff will - - 1 .. . V. ,u ntlt1,t Pntirt for OVA VVJ ""'" ' thn relief craved for In his complaint. In wit:- and NKi SVit. Section ll.Town- 1 .,i,'n .,n, t- . t .11 Tor a decree of this Uourt that the am. no Meridian, h is filed notice of twrBn pttlllUff and defendant be Intention to mnko three-year proof, ; forever dissolved and held for to establish ri ili i to the land above ; naught, and that plaintiff be granted described, before f C r-itterson n absolute divorce from defendant. United State. Comn lloner. ,j ; m! that plaintiff be decreed to be ,, L and he Is hereby the absolute owner Het rner. ..r-.-n. on the 4-h dny of of , ,h, rM, prorprty dlHM.r!bed , IWeuibor. 191 1 1 fotnpi.iut. ,nd standing In his Clalirant names as wltneses. ; name, tree from any and all claims t'.u.(e K. Avers, Charles A lllnton. whatever on the part of defendant, Hevd M. Duncan. Arthur P nd ,hl P1"lt,,I P"' " ,na dlsDursemenis nerein, mna lur imn other and further relief as may In equity be Just. This Summons Is served upon you ot this Summons Is Friday, October 4th, 1918. and the date of the last publication thereof will be Friday, November 15th, 1918. F. H. ROBINSON. Attorney for plaintiff Post Office address lone, Oregon. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE, LOAN'S, INSURANCE Heppner Oregon DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC .PHYSICIAN -6 Roberts Building Heppner Oregon At Lexington every Tuesday and Thursday. E. I. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN ... wiring a specialty.! 'f. Heppner Orejj Phone 633. Oreeon. DUN. Mcclater SOTICK X)ll PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, V. 8 Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, September 18, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Nancy lirundage, of Heppner, Oregon, who on March 16, 1914, made Homestead Entry. No. 012957, for WH8E4 fcWSW , BWKiSWVt, Section 28. NWUNWVi. and WSNE4. Soctlon 33, Township 4 South. Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has fllea notice of Intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. ratterson. United States Commis sioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 6th day ot November, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: W. G. Smith, It. W. Owen. Walter llelmli k, James Carter, all ot Hepp ner. Oregon. C. t. D' NN, Reguter. East,, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson. United States Commis sioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of Novembor. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Vern Pearson, George A. Cum- mlngs, Walter W. Lnckman, all of Lena, Orngon. Addison M. Moore. of Heppner, Oregon. C. 8. DUNN, Register. I Till! f'HUTIT IfH ItT OK TIIK h pupation thereof pursuant to en TTE OK OKMiOV t oil TIIK tH TY OK Mdltllow. order ot Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge ot the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, lor the County ot Mor row, which order was duly made upon application to sai l Judge, made by the plaintiff and which said order was dsd the 1 5th day of HeDtemher. 1918. Oene pentand and wife were early N fHIC NAME or THE STATE The date of the first publication I ne ,,vy In IVmllet.in Mr. and Mte Krenrh eate a Arthur Nish was a Mrran caller danre last Satuiday nls,ht for several , Wednesday WILLIAM A THOMAS, Plaintiff, .-f their fn.-n.ts slid eelfhbors. Re-j Mis. May who tesche. ,,-hm.l at MVIIA - Vitnwt . , . Ife.hmei.ts were served during the Vs-. arrive,! home Tuesday to . ' ,m",. 'fenJaat. eening and all those who attended spend few days I To Mrr Tho,n. tho above rrs.ilt a rv land tin. a I is s... ..... namea aeienuant NOTICE H)lt rt 11LICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. 0. Ind OtTre at La Grande, Oregon, September 19. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Iva lllatt. of Lena, Oregon, who. on December 14. 1814, bade Homestead Entry. No. 014069. for 8ENW, SWVNEw andWHSEW. Section :l, Township 1 South, Range 38 NOTICE H)lt PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Or September 18. 1818. ( 'ft Notice Is hereby given that ' 4J' 9. Carter, of Ueppner, Oregon, who, on August 28. 1815, made Home lead Entry. No. 015183. for NE1, Section 34. Township 4 South. Range 37 East. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patlerton. United States Com missioner, at Heppner. Oregon, .on the th day of November. )i6. Claimant names as witnesses: George W. Sperry. Robert W. Owens. Walter IMmlrk. Joseph A. Mahon, all of Heppner. Oregon. C. S. DUNN, ' BegUter.