Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 20, 1918, Image 4

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Food will Win the War
Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without
waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats
and Sugar. The soldiers at the
Front will need them all. Be loyal
to your own state. Use more Po
tatoes and ship more wheat.
We have everything in the
Grocery Line.
eips grocery
Burned Out
lisrdward m
We have it, will get it, or it
is not made
Gilliam & Bisbee
When a man gets a hankering
for real tobacco satisfaction,
he is on the road that leads
straight to the Real Gravely
Chewing Plug.
feyton tsrana
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10c a pouch and worth it
i i- j i it
L. V - . . . . iUI
Cruvttylaatm o math longer ii coat
9 mora to c k iv than ordinary plug
P. C Cruvety Tobacco Canuiy
Danville, VUiai
Mr. Gorton of lorn was a Cecil !
visitor on Monday.
Miss Hazel Winter returned
; fron lone last Sunday.
: J. II. Miller has pone to Pasco
; to work in the harvest there,
i John Ewin.er left on Sunday to
spend a few days in Portland.
Jack Hynd and T. H. Lowe
were lone visitors Wednesday
Mrs. H. J. S'reeterand family
spent Tuesday with Mrs. Har
desty at Morgan.
Miss Ada Nash left Sunday for
The Willows, where she will go
to school this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen autoed
to Arlington to moet their son
Oral, who came ho Tie on a 20-day
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan and
family have taken up thf-ir resi
dence with Leon Logan for the
A. E. Nash left for Washtuck
na, Wash., Thursday. He was
accompanied as far as Arlington
by Mrs. Nash.
A. Henriksen of Willow Creek
ranch was a Heppner visitor on
Sunday taking in the Liberty
Loan meeting.
Miss Isabel Wilson, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Jess Deos
and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, left Mon
day for Heppner.
Vernon Lofgren of Aurora
came on Monday to assist his
uncle, A. Henriksen, with hi3
third crop of hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hvnd, Miss
Violet Hyn-l and Mrs.T. H. Lowe
visited with Mrs. J. H. Franklin
and Mrs. R. S.Wilson on Sunday.
Mrs. Lowe is contemplating
holding the annual Basket Social
and dance in Cecil hall Sept. 28th
in aid of the Red Cross. Every
one Wflcome. Don't forget your
Miss Annie C. Hynd returned
home from S?nd Hollow Tuesday,
where she had been visiting tor
the last few days, leaving Satur
day for Heppner to attend high
school for the winter.
Mrs. T. II. Lowe, chairman of f
,the Cecil auxiliary of the lone
Red Cross Branch, wishes to
thank all those who agisted in
the sale of the beautiful piece of
work mane and donated by Mrs.
A. Henriksen for the benefit of
the Red Cross which realized the
handsome sum of .(jG.oO.
Arthur V. Hodgson, A. Hen
riksen's faithful foremen of the
Willow Creek ranch, almost met
an untimely end Saturday morn
ing. While he was crossing the
creek his mare bucked him off
into the rushing waters, and Ar
thur had to make a desperate
struggle to reach land. When
duly recovered he was heard to
remark that he would have l.cen
drowned if he had not had the
presence of mind to make for the
bank and pull himself out. We
ill offer Arthur our sympathies
and quite believe his great pres
ence ot mind saved his life.
i fill
For catalog,
Summons ill the forces and resources of the Republic to
the defense of Freedom
which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the
fifteen distinguished institutions .of the country for excellence :
military training, has responded to the call. The College is
distinguished ftot only for its military instruction, but
Distinguished also fcr
Its strong industrial courses for men and for women:
In Agriculture, Commerce, F.npineering, Forestry
Hume Economics, Mining, Pharmacy, and
Vocational Education.
Its wholesome,- purposeful student life.
Its democratic college spirit.
Its successful graduates.
Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, 1258,
ovr forty percent representing officers.
College opens September 23, 1918
new Illustrated Booklet, and other information write to the Registrar, Corvallis, Ore;;on
To Al! Wheat Gro
Morrow County
wers cf
I will be in the market for al! classes of
wheat at all times during the coming
season, prices based on government
inspection slips. Bags and harvesting
supplies at market prices.
1 3
McATES & AIKEN, Props.
Ice Cream and. Card Parlors
Home Products for Home People
ui: MANiTArrniK
White Star Flour.CraiiamAVhoIe Wheat,
Cream Middlings
Rolled Barley and Mill Feed
General Storage and Forwarding
Hcppne Farmcs Elevator Co.
I'CHt NU.K Autoiiinbllo In kooiI
running toiuliilim with live Komi
tins, $::,".t, ItiMiHon for Hi'llllii.', "1
in'nl tin' mum')." Aililrosn llox 4." I,
lli'Mnicr, On'M'ii. l'.M21
WANTED To lease fur a term
of ears or huy on crop payment
plan nuoil w hi at ami Mock (arm.
l'refet about 4UU acrej whi-at
iaml, "iw acres Kiiuing laml. 1
have slu.'k ami ttjuipment to
hand, e such a place to k1 u 1
vaiH.'ikTi'. Lncpiire of or a.lJre,
I'liiill t'uhn, Heppner, Ore. 1 5 1
sru i: i m ri ni.h uio.
I'i'I'.i: ' ".it'll t nf tin- lliit'rlnr. I'.
l.iiiul n:!i. Ht T!u Imllv. Kri'ktmi,
Si pt. :.t;,, i9is.
.Nuilii' s Ihti'Iiv glvin tliut l'anlrl
!.liiiK.i, i f Lclut, t'ri'Kiin. hu, ti
IlllH' -, lltl.'l. tllHlll1 lI 'IUi'i ti'il.l
.' :!. .v.., t'lriii.1". fr NK', s.-.-;iuh
;;..! i.ip : i.iih, iuhkc
-'" l'.i . A I'.l.iini'tlt1 i.'rl4mn. I.a .
!t '' I ! i'f Li'' t. ' ; I II tn m .!.
'!i..il r .-. .. )r-ir I'r. I. I -i.iiiM.h
-iliii I t ' ;..ni t' ! 'Vi t! rilw 1.
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I i r ,il ii.-,,; -ii r. tr'iii'll, nli
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i '.u; ; ,t : t i,.i lis . ii i If !ii".r :
Vi. : 'iii k. i f ii '.nii'n. (iff-
n iiiii r P M i. n . l itl M.it-
"ii. .r A KliiSe), nil nf l.iiiu.
ii. yu Mi WiHili. ui K.
Uni Inter.
Are You Going to Build?
If so we are in a posiiion to save you money and an
noyance if you will give us a chance to figure on your
Plumbing Supplies (EX Plumbing
Good material is the basis of. a good job of painting
and only first-class material tan give you a satisfactory
job of plumbing.
Peoples Hardvare Co.
Main and Willow Sts. IIEPPXER, ORE.
Tash & Akt rs oi l stand.
Coming Events Cast
Their Shadows Before
Onion's position has !.. n FI US f in every pr.'rio-ic
eml.'uvor. The -1th Liberty Loan bl.ouid not MUST
NOT l)f the exeptinn. Let's make H.'ppm-r the
first t'.wn and Morrow the first county in the Srst
sate to an over the top. '
Openintr lato of itli Libeity Loan is Saturiay, S. p
temher -S. 'Haki? it closing ilate as ui if.
Farmers & Stockraisers
National Bank
iikppm:!?. . - . OKr.CON
HoyrxlA Office for Gcod
CI dill j0b Printing