Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign Opens in Morrow County jfr iZrrf Kill? e V. 6 Every lime you bay a bond you register vRwri W'm a vote of confidence in the United States. VA EST When you don't buy bonds, you vote &Iltu;; against United States, against your j Country's Cause. The issue is clean cut: Democracy or the divine right of an autocrat; self-government or government by a despot; victory or disgrace. Vote today for Victory! Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds ANY BANK WILL HELP YOU lUf ABTBfcTISEIHVT C0IT1I1UTID TKftOVOZ TU H5BI0TX0 CO-OrS&ATXO 0 The Liberty Loving Citizens of Morrow County, Oregon Carry On! PutltOver! BY SEPTEMBER 28 All But the Shoutin: