sn ilxi.iLlJ' VOLUME 5 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMER 20, 1918 NUMBER 20 LIBERTY LOAN SPEAKING Owing to the fact that the local Liberty Loan Committee was unable to get speakers from below on the data;; as advertised in last week's papers, it has been necessary to r .c .e a change in the itinerary. Two soldiers that have seen actual service at the front, will be in Morrow county to' speak on be half of the Fourth Liberty Loan. These are Lieutenant Gallagher and Sergeant Wells. They are interest ing speakers and will have much to say that will be of interest to all our citizens. They should be heard by every man, woman and child in the districts where they are billed to speak. The Committee has also arranged to have local speakers and singers at these various meetings. The newly arranged dates for the speakers will bo as follows: SERGEANT WELLS. Irrigon, Thursday, Sept. 19, at 8 P. M. Hoardman, Friday, Sept. 20, at 8 P. M. Dry Fork, Sunday, Sept. 22, at 2:30 P. M. Liberty, Sunday, Sept. 22, at 8 P. M. LIEUTENANT GALLAGHER, lli'ppner, Saturday, Sept. 21, at S T. M., at School Auditorium. llardman, Sunday, Sept. 22 1'. M. Lena, Monday, Sept 23, at at 8 lino City 8 P. M. Lexington Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Wednesday, Sept. 25, at '. P. M. lone, Thursday Sept. 2C, at 8 P. M. Cecil, Friday, Sept. 27, at 8 P, M. LEXINGTON ITEMS Ralph Jackson has pone to Mt. Angel to enter school there. A daugnter was horn to Mr. an t Mrs. Howard Slate Sunday i i;,'ht. All doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Matton, parents of Mrs. J. W. Craig, returned to their home at Drain on Tuesday. Mrs. Hough, wife of Professor Hough, has arrived in town and they expect to live in the parnon- Sge. Mrs.Anna McMillan, Mrs.Min nie Leach, Miss Leona Leach and Mi.-s Cecil Scott are visiting in Portland. The Carty children will leave in a few days for Portland, where tlf.'y will attend school this Fad ami wir,' r. TI" Lexit hi hotel changed ham., a' air. :.. week with Jim S'txo .., mana.i ami Mrs. Pick ti. as h -ad cook. frank Burgoyne is having car penUr Davis doing some concrete work installing a wa'er tank and matting other improvements. Sam Ritchie has rented his ranch to Harry Durall and will move either to Pendleton or Lex - , . . i l, . i:i i. 4 u.gtoi to send hi children to School. Mrs. Cutting, formerly Miss Abb'.e Johnson, aid hahy returned to her home at a.U Walla alter a few nays visit with i her parei.t:, Mr. and Mrs. (J. A. j Johnson. j Fred Kan,-? has moved from1 the Phillips to the Pet, land hou.-e and v.e are told Sadie Mnrey will n.ove into the Pinl,.ps htuej so that tan send her children to SfhMi. Mrs. Addle Derive was taken (.0 m-i h ill Sun ty morning that she was nrr.o. d t.) the Il-ppner !aiittariutrt. ;. e h w.i i:n;!.''iiiuteiy o rated oti f app"ndic;tis. Harry Turn ..Irs. Turner, mure. Up did not notice an on formerly M; s V. .na tVrruc.ael, ; coming electric specter until his I run their hor.'vni'on 'outfit was ("truck by it. The i.itun! iv t. .,'.,( ar--i we'd imm'. driver put en his brake, but as liat-'.v to Sa'.d il')',l'A to com- th rad vu-iv -t they d:d not ineMv i.o : .'-'I'l hold, and mules and men wen? A i. nr, .. r f irci l- r ts t:ty scattered ever the ground. It was ;ft.ed tn.s we- ' 'a our t in. .'irt the bar,, a;, J r.rr. " '; at iul White's l-iaa' to., at.d LOCAL ITEMS C. B. Sperry and E. S. Ackerman were visitors from lone Tuesday. J. W. Beckett, of Portland, for mer Eight Mile farmer, was here on business during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beymor and W. P. Dutton are attending the Round-Up at Pendleton this week. ' C. W. Shurte went f.o Salem Friday to look after the Morrow County Industrial Club exhibit at the Stats Fair. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Freeman went to the Pendleton Round-Up Thursday morning expecting to return Sunday. LOST Saturday, September 7tH between the stock yards and the depot at Heppncr, new blacksnake whip. Return to Herald office and receive reward. 20d21 Woodson & Sweek are installing new furniture, library etc. in their law offices in the Masonic building and will soon be as comfortably situated as before the fire. Spencer Crawford left for Van couver last Saturday to enter the army service. It is understood he will be detailed as assistant to the Morrow county draft board in .a clerical capacity. William Cox, a well known res ident of the Monument country, died at the Heppner hospital Thursday night following an operation for appendicitis. Ho was about 45 years old and leaves a widow and : everal children. W. R. Irwin and family returned .Vednc'day evening from their sum mer cottage at Roekaway beach. They repqrt having had a most en joyable summer. Their son Stephen . ill not return to Berkeley this fall I ut expects to enter the U. of O. Mr. ami Mrs. A. L. Ayers returned from a ploasant outing at the coast end in Portland Wednesday after noon. After spending a few weeks looking after their business interests lu re they may return to Portland to spend the winter. Word was received Thursday of the serious Illness of Frank Noble at his home at Mt. Vernon. Ilia brother, E. G. Noble, who was at Walla Walla was notified and made a forced drive from Walla Walla to .'leppner and on through to Mt. Vernon the same day. John S. Busekk, a former resident if the Monument country, who re 'ently disposed of his ranch and stock business and Bettled at Hood Hiver, died at that place Wednesday at the age of 60 years. The remains were brought here for Interment, funeral services being held at the Christian church Friday afternoon. Council KvIcikIh 1 ho l.linlls. At a meeting of the cify council Monday evening an ordli.anco passed extending the lire limits one Murk south from May street on west : -hie of Mufti and one-half block tmutli on east side of Main to AukukI. The action was too lute, however, to prevent the old livery barn from being located on the Stewart lot an the building was tiufc! landed there Monday evening. Andrew Patterson, who ban been at trade as a machinist 1 ut 1 '"f"" r"f um 'f "t I several day during the week vtnlt- k, ,iU iimJ Mr c !'. Patterson. Andrew llkeg bU new ; p. ltlon very much and linn gained t ti pounds In weight lm- going to . .Kikntio. He returned to bin work Tueriiy morning, accompanied by I. In brother, liaird 1'utternon who went to Hpokune t upend a couple nf week Mil Mtlull. burned to the ground. As the' women folrsvter" alone it wan only by heroic el!.irl the house va saved. Albert Nelson's lit tle firl was run over by an auto mobile and killed. The chil l was three- years old and was buried the next dav ot Lexington. Tom Nichols wus crossing th railroad track with a water tank rrawn , by four mules and leading two great luck that only on man was injured ,y th colli. ion. whii h might have been m .re serious. IONE NEWS (From the lone Independent.) L. A. Doak has moved his fam ily out to his ranch. Mrs. Parks of Condon is visit ing her mother, Mrs. C.E. Schaf- fer. Wheat is now being delivered to the Farmer's Elevator in con siderable quantities. Miss Beatrice Sperry returned to Portland Sunday lust to again take up her studies at a business college. Miss Mabel Wilcox departed on bunday for Corvallis, where she will enter the Oregon Agri cultural college. ' President J. E. Cronan of the Bank of lone returned to Port land Sunday, after spending sev eral days" here. Miss Ruby Engelman left last Sunday for Monmouth, Oregon, to resume her studies at the State Normal College. R. W. Brown has rented the Doak residence and moved into town, where his children will at tend school this winter. John A. Williams of Portland has purchased the Ambler place adjoining town and will move onto it about October 1st. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Mo3a Gambill Wednesday, Sept. 18th, a daughter. Dr. Chick wa3 in attendance and mother and child are doing well. Prof. E. S. McCormick, prin cipal of the lone echoes, together with his family arrived in town last week and are domeciled in the Cronan residence. Murray Bros, are hauling their wheat to the Sperry warehouse at the rate of about 300 sacks to the load. They are using a train of five wagons, pulled by a cat- terpillar. Chas. Ritchie- has moved into town for the winter for the pur pose of viving his children the benefit of our excellent school while he is employed at the Sperry warehouse. The heavy rain which fell last Friday night was general over Eastern Oregon and did an im mense amount ot good. In some The United States FooJ Administration says SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Lvery ho& is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fal is as sure of service as a bullet. Use fowl, fish, vegetables, vegetable oils, cheese. Purely vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco, Olive Oil, Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian Corn.) SAM. HUGHES COMPANY Peoples Cash Market IIKNKY SCIIWARZ.Prop. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry Phone Main 73 few sections, in the vicinity of Lexington and down Rhea creek, considerable damage was done the hay fields and some stock was lost, but the benefits will more than offset the damages. Messrs. Rivers & Ackley will give one of their popular dances at the Rink Tuesdayevening next, the 24th. Bowker's orchestra from Portland will furnish the music. W. H. Cronk, L. C. O'Niell, F. L. Christenson and Ed. Wether ill left in two autos last Sundav morning for several days' deer hunting in the mountains. At the time of going to press they had not communicated with their friends in civilization, many of whom are daily expecting to re ceive promised shipments of ven ison from them. The liver is our preference, thank yoa. On the invitation of C.B. Sper ry the sporting editor of the In dependent visited Heppner last Tuesday, going by auto. No comment will be made on the condition of the road between lone and the county seat, but the s. e. does know that he was suf fering from indigestion before starting on the trip, and that the tide entirely relieved him of the trouble. Miss Peggy O'Kourke left for Portland Friday morning whore she has been invited to sing at a bazaat being given by one of the Catholic societies of that city. She expects to return Wednesday. HORSES FOR SALE Broken or unbroken. Will he sold for cash or on time, purchas er giving note with approved se curity. Horses can be seen on my ranch at the Tub Springs. Jamks Cauty, 4dtf Lexington, Oregon. The Government Wants Your Black Locust Trees It has commandered every Black Locust Treenail plant in the country.owing to the scarcity of the wood. To complete the ship building program any trees you can spare from your groves are absolutely needed. Will you nut write the Western Ship Sup ply Co. at IU.m 1201 N.W. Bank Building, Portland, Ore., nd I them know how many you can spare. They will pay you a ma t- onable price for them. 18d20 and Lird I leppner, Oregon FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main (543 Residence Phone Main 6C5 DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 6 Roberts Building Heppner, Oregon At Lexington Tuesdays and Fridays. Watch paper for dates DR. J. G, TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner, Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night.) DR. R. J. V AUG HAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfel low's Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner, Oregon DR. N. E. W1NNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon DR. A. 1). McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 .Oi'lice Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN V ACTOR ATTORN KY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregnn LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WniTMIS REAL ESTATE, LOANS. INSURANCE Heppner, Oregon Open an account v ilh THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER AesetH over One anil a Quarter Million Dollars. r r. 0